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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. We know you are, now apologize. Shut up , Mother!
  2. I post here for two main reasons. I enjoy trying to make people laugh and I like having somewhere I can occasionally have reasonably intelligent conversations "at my own pace".
  3. You invested in fake money in SL in order to assure your real life daughter's future. You don't see anything wrong with that statement? You're blaming LL for your violation of the TOS/CS. Bloodlines approved don't mean diddley if it isn't Linden Lab approved first. What you were doing was not/is not/never will be approved by LL since they learned years ago that it's more hassle than it is worth to have to abide by banking regulations in addition to all the other regulations/laws they already have to abide by. What you've been doing was banned by Linden Lab in 2008 so you can stop bellyaching about breaking the LL TOS/CS and suffering the consequences. You made the decision, you pay the price.
  4. I almost lost what few alts I do have to forgetting. This is actually my third "main" account. The very first account I only used to attend a memorial in 2004. The second account I ended up creating became my main and if I can ever get it back it will still be my "main". Thing is I've gotten so used to this account that I'll still use it the most. As for every creating a new main? Not going to happen. I haven't even logged in any of my alts in over a year now. And...I'm not paying $50USD for a last name when all the ones I have now didn't cost me anything (extra) either. LL screwed up the format, they can bloody well fix it.
  5. "generic native-american word" "generic native-american" "generic native-american"
  6. Last time I left, I was gone for 5 years. If I leave again, I won't be coming back to SL. Probably wouldn't be anything left to come back to by then.
  7. I'm fine with that as long as they stay out there and away from me.
  8. I was going to streak the thread but nah... if someone wants to convince themself/selves I'm not female, that's on them, not me.
  9. That is the point of my post. If anything has actually happened, they are the ones that have been had, not us. Enough of us have been in SL long enough to remember things that have already happened. Like banking/investing stuff being banned in 2008. Remember the 5.1 roll out and how badly that went? Remember how long the grid was down because of it? That happened in 2005 and the grid was down for a week. It really sucked not being able to log in for 5 days straight but I did find other things to do. I even went back to AW and dinked around a bit.
  10. Sounds like someone was running some kind of banking/investment thing in SL which is not allowed. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_regarding_inworld_banks Virtual banking was banned in SL by LL in 2008. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/409373/second-life-closes-banks/ LL is not an official banking regulator and has no interest in being such for legal reason. I don't blame them. See also: https://www.wired.com/2007/08/bank-failure-in-second-life-leads-to-calls-for-regulation/
  11. Um... in the US the movie came first. If there is a tv series and it has aired in the US, it likely aired on BBC America when I didn't have access to BBC Am.What I'm saying is, if it weren't for the movie, I would never had heard of Hitchhiker's Guide. Well... until now.
  12. There are times when high frequency hearing loss complicated by tinnitus is a blessing, rather than a curse.
  13. Does anyone know if Apple Fall shut down their store on the Marketplace? The inworld store is still there but when I pull up the MP store there is nothing listed and there had been not long ago.
  14. Also older basic accounts still get the 50L stipend as long as they log in for an X amount of time once a week. Yes, I still get my 50Ls, as long as I log in once a week for about 15 minutes.
  15. Is that rumor still circulating 10 years later? Sheesh! While LL does tend to hire people who have left EA (aka EA/Maxis) EA has no interested in buying SL. Never has and likely never will. This is the sort of thing EA would be interested in purchasing, not SL, which is NOT a game: https://venturebeat.com/2017/12/20/electronic-arts-biggest-acquisitions-the-good-the-so-so-and-the-duds/ NOw if you want to see SL shut down in the next 5 years then by all means get EA to buy it. https://kotaku.com/an-updated-list-of-studios-ea-has-bought-and-then-shut-1689498614 Btw, Maxis still exists and produces the Sims games but it's known as EA/Maxis and has been for probably 10 years.
  16. Someone pays me a compliment (as a conversation starter) and I thank them for the compliment. When did it become my burden to do more than say thank you for a compliment? Why should I have to be the one to carry the conversation you started? It doesn't work that way. You end up making the assumption the other person doesn't want to talk to you when the reality is you've dumped the whole thing on them, expect them to do your part and then you wonder why they don't talk to you. It's not a conversation when it is one sided. I've had people I've never met or spoken to, compliment me inworld. I've thanked them for it and then waited to see what came next because RL experiences have taught me those situations aren't always safe. More often than not all I get is silence. Which tells me (from decades of experience) they were after only one thing. That isn't going to happen and it will get you avoided like the plague.
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