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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Losing whole inventory, which also happened to me.. I got most of my stuff back, but not everything. It helped out a lot then. I'd a spent who knows how long typing up note cards and who knows how long waiting.
  2. I had my fair share of drama working the clubs when I was younger in SL.. Just the silliness of it all when looking back, gives me cringe. Then to realize that we were all adults and no kids involved, Just older people.. So I learned, You are never too old to be so childish. The Cringe just reading back on the notecards I was sent from back then.. It just made me delete every note card in my inventory.. Some people live for those things though, I think.
  3. I can't say I remember ever hearing of this place..Sure sounds like I want to avoid though..
  4. Bad delivery is not the reason I prefer a store using redelivery.. Honestly I can't for the life of me remember when I ever had something not delivered.. The MP we don't have to worry about something not getting delivered, because if it's not delivered by a certain time, the MP sends us our money back.. Anyways, Without redelivery, I have to send a note card, hope they are in world or still active in world, wait for a response which may or may not come.. Rather than click redelivery and be on my way. The only note cards I have had to send in the last 5 years since redelivery has become so popular is, because of something either not in the box or something wrong with the product itself or a mislabeling where they put the wrong product in the wrong vendor.. This is from shopping like a shopaholic, which I really don't shop like that anymore. hehehe But for me, them having a redelivery terminal gives me a bit more secure feeling in doing business with them.. If I'm spending 20k for an item and one guy has a redelivery and the other doesn't.. I'm gonna choose the one with the built in system, rather than the one hoping I trust that they will be around if something goes wrong. Do i want to get it now or maybe have wait around in limbo for two weeks to never for a response? I probably should not have used the words I did saying Shady or Lazy, because so far I've been fortunate with most of the creators and sending note cards.. sometimes I shouldn't post when having a bad day I guess.. But it doesn't change my preference for a better all around customer experience..
  5. After watching the new Elvis movie the other day, I've really gotten into seeing the older videos of his. Before I go on I'm just gonna say , If Austin Butler doesn't get an Oscar for his performance, Then Oscars truly are meaningless.. As far as I'm concerned, best movie of the year as well. Anyways, They did this song in the Movie in one of it's many powerful scenes, but I had to see Elvis do it too.. Elvis singing Trouble from the movie King Creole
  6. Anything that jumps out at me and feels really original and stands out, it could be just about anything really. After finally getting my inventory where i want it, I've gotten really picky on what I put in it now.. But if something stands out, I'm all over it..
  7. I can't think of which one it would be that is still around.. the only one that I can think of, gets mistaken( my way of being vague) for the old three letter one and has a redeliver system.. If it's the one I'm thinking about.. It's just media hud based or inworld group. So if someone has that off it won't work from the hud version. I may be thinking of the wrong one though, but it's the only one that comes to mind. hehehehe
  8. Ya, I didn't mean to take it off the rails.. I actually just wanted to share what happened and that be it.. But it took on life.. hehehe
  9. I really wish they gave us a way to pull stores out of our searches, like an unfavored store..just the store and their links.. Not things like other stores selling things rigged for them.. Imagine how clean the MP searches would be then.. then we can fix our own searches and stop having to use the existing gamed to death system. Then when we run across one of these shady stores, axe them. Each one of our searches would be cleaned up to our liking. A store takes advantage of me, I can add them to the list and never have to think about them again.
  10. But the phone is gonna ring just before i click and I'mma brb you about 10 times.. hehehehe
  11. I'm gonna message the daylights out of you for the hell of it, now that you told me not to!!\o/
  12. A quick way to check before entering a store in world is, when you land and move out of the landing zone, Open area search, then type Redeliver. How to check on the MP: Get a demo, then after it's delivered check your MP account order history to see if the item can be redelivered..
  13. I'm not worried about if the thread were spiritual or not spiritual. I just expressed it being logical as to not have people thinking I see it that way.. I'm not trying to rain on anyone else's parade. Just being clear of my perspective in my situation is all.
  14. If they don't have a redelivery system, that's just playing with risky business. a good way to find out if they use the system but just don't have the terminal out for some reason.. you can check most any redelivery terminals and see your stuff.. Honestly, if they are too lazy to get with the times or feel shady, just don't do business with them.
  15. It could have been one of those.. The thing that throws me off is how fat it was up in the sky and thin at our feet and how it never left a mark. If i had to describe it, the closest thing I could say it looked like was a cartoony looking Shazam or Black Adam lightning bolt. but more jagged on the sides and on an angle that it looks like you could walk right up it.. I think because it looked so fake is what is throwing me off, but lightning comes in all shapes I guess.
  16. I'm sure there is a logical explanation for what happened.. It more than likely one of those one in a zillion things that happens, that someone is in the right spot at the right time, but happens a lot more times that we don't see. It's good to have somethings left unexplained, I think.
  17. About as much as I'll have happen to me is clicking on like an SL video or picture.. That's about as much crossover as I get from SL to RL. It's just not on my mind that much when I step away from my desk.
  18. Ya that's water sims and that's not taking away from it.. I was worried about land sims connecting up and taking away from it's appeal. ETA: Also, somehow I must have ended up in the land section to even see this thread.. I started out in general section and must have thought this thread was resurrected in there.. Sorry if I ended up resurrecting this one..
  19. I hope they never connect the Heterocera Atoll to anything.. I love that huge Island feel that you have to travel over seas to get there.
  20. I'm gonna put Skybeam in there also.. I've been there for 15 of the 16 years of my second life and have always felt comfortable paying a month ahead of time..
  21. I really only ever had one thing happen that I haven't been able to explain.. This doesn't have to do with ghosts or spirits or supernatural things or Lucy brain powers where someone can read my mind or me theirs.. This was something that happened to me and another person in broad daylight right on our front porch on a cloudless day about mid summer.. We were standing on the front porch, I can't remember how old i was, maybe 12 or so.. all was calm and then out of nowhere this thign came out of the sky and struck right at our feet.. It looks like a cartoon version of a lightning bolt.. It was white, flat and jagged on the edges and went from thin to wider.. Thin at our feet wider at the sky.. It was loud as hell and scared the crap out of us to the point that we both ran in the house and freaked out the adults inside.. it was wide like you could have walked up it, and it didn't blind us and we had time enough to see it to have what it looked like burnt into both our brains. Also, it didn't leave a mark in the ground.. That's about the onyl thing I haven't been able to think of what it could be out of just about everything else I've come across in my life time that happened to me. If i can remember it later, I'll get in photoshop and draw it out..
  22. I just pictured trying to explain that to my grandmother.. She is so untouched by today that when I use today's terms, it will sometimes have me in tears laughing trying to explain things of today to her.. The more she say's things like, well I don't see what's so damn funny. The more harder it is to keep trying to explain and not laugh.. Then my grandfather will sum it up in like one line and she will get what I was trying to say.. But only then will she crack a smile and get why I was laughing. tell me I'm so goofy and then big hugs and I love you's.. sometimes I wonder if she does understand and just likes making me laugh to that point of tears..
  23. I can hear my grandmother now.. I don't care what is it, use a coaster and don't spill on my rug.
  24. Yea, it looks like it's still under construction and doesn't have signs up yet.. It's probably why they have someone there directing traffic.
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