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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Ya I'm much more into finding the ones with good skin texturing and tone.. I do like some of their addons, but their skins are just not for me..I would much rather add a shine that moves around with the light.. Heavy shine on a body is like old school skinning. Like those old furnished mesh houses, where you can't move the couch because the shadow is built into the floor.. hehehe Where now, we have shadows and the shadow will move with the couch..
  2. I had the Venus line before the Ipanema came out..Venus is a shiny skin.. Ipanema is their newer line of skins which is just a bit more increased of a shine than Venus. They didn't make Venus for a softer tone to Ipanema.. Both lines are two different lines of skin tones.. You won't find a matching version of Ipanema's ebony skin tone, in the Venus line to get less of a shine for ebony.. My thing is, a good neck fade coming with a head or even 3rd party, isn't locking me into a certain body skin.. I can have the freedom to pick and choose, or just use the ones I already have and like. I would much rather have the freedom to choose my body skins than have to settle for less of an outcome than i want..
  3. Did you delete the old body and if so did you empty the trash?Do you have the box from the old body Anywhere.
  4. The King of Queens is one of my most favorite shows to binge.. I don't think I will ever get tired of it.. They had such great writers and such talent on that show.. This is just one of my favorite scenes..
  5. Kalhene Erika went mod also I think not long after Belleza did.
  6. Either I'm not seeing it, or they got rid of that thing where we can see if someone is in a thread or in the forums.. Are you guys still seeing it?
  7. There is actually Prima that is coming out on the same day.. So there is hope that some of these bodies might stick..I'm hoping they all do.. hehehe
  8. I went to the event and did a walk around and pretty much left.. I've been through their whole flicker, which as soon as something shows up, it's on their flicker.. I check it once a week in hopes that something has changed, but really not much has changed since the beginning..It's in that same niche as it started out as.. If anyone ever shows up with a store that has a variety of things for that body that can actually texture rather than paint.. I'll be all over it like honey to toast.. hehehe
  9. I tink dey work so hard on making dey body and freenis so ginormous, dat dey ran out of stuffs to finish dems top heads.
  10. Ya, there isn't a wide variety of things for that body.. I do like the body itself though.
  11. Mah BUTT!! hehehe Why? I dunnooo, Juss'Bcuzz, That's why.. hehehehe I've been giggling and in a goofy mood all day and can't stop, so you all gonna suffer wiff meh tew!! \o/
  12. When is this body supposed to drop anyways?
  13. I'm just sitting around thinking about what picture I feel like taking next.. hehehe
  14. You should really look more for head skins that use really good neck blends, that don't corner you into a body skin brand.. The thing with velour is, they throw so much shine on their skin that you end up having to buy their addons to tone them down.. In a world where we can add or remove shine to our bodies, it strange having to buy not one but a few shine remover addons for one skin. A good neck blend and i can wear most of the body skins I like rather than the ones that tie me to one brand.. We should be able to be as free with our body skins as our head skins, since they split that up in the market.. it used to be they were one, now it's go here for this one and our partner will sell you that one and whatever else they have for it.. I have all their stuff and Velour with all the addons.. I can't wear most of my tattoo's half the time.. hehehe I'm darker toned so I may notice it more than those with lighter skins, but everything sticks out with the darker tones..
  15. The best one for getting proportions of curvy, chubby or thick is in my opinion, Kalhene Erika.. It just doesn't have support like the others.. Even after all this time, I still keep my fingers crossed hoping it will somehow rise up.. But more than likely won't.
  16. You would think every day was leg day for that guy with all they have to carry up top.. hehehe
  17. I don't think people are going from the last couple of years.. Both have always been slow at putting things out. Some companies are just like that.. Maybe they bit off more than they thought they could chew or wanted to chew.. Maybe they don't have the best staff in the world, who knows.. Never the less, a lot of people look passed things , especially if the product does well and they start seeing what can be done with it or seeing others around them enjoying it.. Plus new customers and new users are in the position of not being around the whole time to have those kinds of sour seeds.. We really aren't even sure what's going to happen at release time with current customers.. I think there is always a little venting and frustration with things like this at first.. Just look at any LL updates or anything like that.. hehehehe I mean they did put the apology letter in the folder of their bodies.. They didn't put it anywhere else that i could see, it's not up in their store or in their other products, so they are thinking about them enough for that.. It sure would be something if one of those bodies ended up as an update to the older ones and it ended up as a redeliver.. hehehe Either way, I'm gonna try the demo on an alt at least and sit it right next to me in my older belleza's and see the differences.. I'm hoping they smoothed out those hip bones to get a smoother transition to the upper body.. That was really one of the main reason I stopped using it.. No matter what I did, I still had those sharp hips or stair master ass trying to smooth that transition out.. hehehe hope for the best plan for the worst.. hehehehe
  18. Head size is what should determine your over all height and width when you are finished setting up and ready to mold. I think with some of them body builder shapes, there is a lot of people that do those anime or whatever they are type characters. Just crazy huge muscles and this regular sized head on top.. I crack up on head size because, All my boys were born top heavy.. I used to look forward to them waking up in the mornings.. Them coming out of their bedroom, leaning against the door frame for support... Then lining up with the couch or the recliner, leaning forward and head first like a charging bull, running to the furniture like it was a landing pad, climbing up and laying or sitting down.. It was too early for them and they just didn't have the energy yet to keep their heads up to pull of a walk across the room.. hehehehe They are growing into those heads though.. it won't be too long before I'm the smallest person in the house.. hehehe Anyways, you should be able to fit just under three heads on your shoulders.. I believe around 2 1/2. I think a lot of people just use the shapes that come with bodies to get the look of whatever made them buy, the shape, the head or the body.. I know a lot of people used to just buy complete avatars for the looks.. I think there is still a lot of that nowadays as well, especially with newer users.. They look for a look rather than pieces to make a look, like many of us do..
  19. I don't pay attention to someones avatar if it's mesh or not when I get IM'd, I never have really.. A lot of the people I talk to don't even have a lot of their profiles filled out.. I am meeting new people every day.. That joke I made about the 10k, That was half me kidding and half true.. it had just happened right before I came to the forums.. hehehehe I still held a conversation with him.. He's the one that never came back to the IM after BRB'ing me, because he finally realized after an hour of trying, he wasn't getting anywhere.. hehehe When I'm in the mood to talk, I feel sorry for the ones on the other end.. When I'm in a mood where i just want to be left alone.. I'll probably still answer, but they best be ready to carry the conversation and take it somewhere besides , how's it going.. I have new members and older members IMing me all the time at the beaches.. Those are the best place to go to meet people.. Sure there are a lot of hard legs, but that's anywhere ya go.. there are a lot of people there for the same reasons as me.. To relax and listen to music and chat or whatever.. I like swimming, it's really relaxing.. hehehehe
  20. That won't be a problem for residents too much longer.. they will be coming in with mesh avatars soon from the very start.. What do they do if your gear score is too low in all them other games? 0o
  21. I have no idea what rules you are talking about.. What rules? 0o
  22. The majority of SL users think they are doing what the majority of SL users are doing.. hehehe
  23. Some guy just IM me and I was at home and not even at a club.. He said Ceka, I want to take you shopping.. I said why would you want to take me shopping, if we never even talked before.. He said, because of your profile.. He said, What would you do if I gave you 10k.. I said, Well.. The first thing is, ask why are you wanting to give me 10k? Then he said, I think you have a good idea why.. I said , yes I do.. Like everyone else that offers me money like this.. You just want me to wash your car like all the others.. You guys are all the SAME!! \o/ Then he said, no ceka I swear, I only wanted to have sex with you.. I said, LIAR!!
  24. Sorry I misunderstood the thread when I first read it... I was only half assed paying attention ..
  25. OMG We can has teams?? \o/ What the Freaking EFF!! I been playing single player this whole time and nobody telled meh?? I has sooooo much disappoint now..............................
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