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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. i watched it and it was right ..i was like ..how the heck did that have anything to do with triggereing what i would say.. i bet there is some simple explination that will make me be all like..omg why didn't i see that? i just hope saying carrot means something good lol ETA: i think it is just that some will say carrot and they get tricked into thinking it's some math trick..where others not picking carrot are like..bleh it didn't work.. i was reading the comments and i think i have been trolled on youtube because of being one of the ones that thought carrot LOL the comments are really funny though lol
  2. very true, but how many people do you associate with by choice that are obviously below your intellectual level? i don't feel i put people on those kinds of levels..and i sure don't put myself above people..not unless they are some sort of danger to me or some kind of hater or molder trying to mold me or others to their ways.. to say the truth a lot of people seem to put themselves on levels.. if anything i don't believe they should be limiting themselves so easily.. i see someone not tapping into their potential..not someone less than me or more than me.. it's one thing if they are content and happy..but if they are unhappy and thinking they are less than others..i just think they need someone to let them know they don't have to follow the general rules that are imposed by those that would make someone feel less than they actually are.. i don't limit myself like that..i just can't..i would have missed a lot of education and a lot of wisedom from people that a lot would consider less intelligent than themselves.. i don't believe in stations/levels.. sure we have to deal with people that live by those kind of rules..but it doesn't mean we all go by those rules.. i've lived in the inner city of chicago..in the suburbs..i've lived on the ranch and in this small town..thats a wide variety of people from different ways of life.. one thing that seems consistant in all of those places is that there are a lot of people that just accept that they have to fall into this certain role and limit themselves to the station that everyone tells them they are at..then they just settle in.. the day i think i someone can't teach me a lesson is the day i become stupid..the day i start thinking i am better than you or anybody else or that people are better than me is the day i should just step infront of a train... because life would be pretty freaking borning after being broken like a horse in the training ring.. i associate with people that a lot would consider are on many different levels..some people don't care for that and decide not to associate with me anymore..that or they think their son shoudl have never dated me beause i am different and fall into some general rule of thumb that they saw on tv or where ever..oh well thats their loss not mine if they follow those rules.. for me variety is the spice of life for a reason.. it adds so much taste to it.. Aaaaanyways my first real post was harsh..i shouldn't be calling anyone stupid but myself for posting the way i did.. i don't think anyone is stupid here at all..it was just a lash out at the internet and past things long before these forums that went through my mind when reading the post i responded to..i was stupid..there i said it.. ready for the tar and feathers..it won't be the first time *raises her hands above her head* begin Oo
  3. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Ganelon Darkfold wrote: As has been mentioned, just being a kook or weirdo does not automatically indicate a high IQ. But to discriminate by IQ is still discrimination. I don't believe that most people would seriously think less of another person to the degree of not being friends with them or not wanting to live next door to them due to a few points of difference in "IQ" (which is a dubious criteria in the first place). it's not discrimination..it's stupidity and lack of common sense. everyone has somethig to teach..some experience that someone hasn't lived through and experienced..a story to tell.. there are a lot of good will huntings out there..they don't hold a candle to experience.. we select friends and partners with similar IQ's and lifestyles and we have a natural right to do that. i dont have time for fools and their tales, life is short, they can find their own friends and partners on their own level. no one gets hurt anyway. everyone has a right to be on whatever level they wish to put themselves on..date who they want or associate with who they want.. i never said anything otherwise..everyone is free to set their own limits to however high or low they want them.. setting them low is certainly not something worth bragging about..
  4. i just found this and it's really strange lol
  5. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: there are a lot of good will huntings out there..they don't hold a candle to experience.. I love that movie, but Good Will Hunting 2 was a bit of a letdown. that was from jay and silent bob wasn't it? lol i loved that part hehehehe ETA: it's so old that they are already planning the remake after cesar takes over the world and apes rule.. here is the trailer on hold till Cesar's rise..
  6. Ganelon Darkfold wrote: As has been mentioned, just being a kook or weirdo does not automatically indicate a high IQ. But to discriminate by IQ is still discrimination. I don't believe that most people would seriously think less of another person to the degree of not being friends with them or not wanting to live next door to them due to a few points of difference in "IQ" (which is a dubious criteria in the first place). it's not discrimination..it's stupidity and lack of common sense. everyone has somethig to teach..some experience that someone hasn't lived through and experienced..a story to tell.. there are a lot of good will huntings out there..they don't hold a candle to experience..
  7. blender has a lot of uses..the reason it can be overwheling is that you can see all the tools for just about everything it can do.. the trick to blender is sorting and getting used to the tools out of all those tools that you will be using for whatever it is that you are doing.. just like second life..it has a pretty big learning curve..but oncew you get an idea of what to use..the doors start to open pretty fast.. pretty soon it becomes second nature as what to use in it..it just takes a little time and some reading or video tutorials to get there..that and having the right scripts also.. it was a pain when i first opened it ..but a few days i was zipping around it pretty easily..once you get to that point it's just fine tuning hehehe
  8. Void Singer wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: as far as his GF..i don't think anything really ever happened to her..but i'm not gonna say for sure ..because i am so out of touch with details that i can't remember unless reminded hehehe her accounts were banned also, but I have good reason to believe she's back as well. Dunno what if anything she's up to, don't much care either. didn't know her more than seeing her on radar in one of my regular regions a few times. i am just gonna count it as a blessing that i can't remember all this stuff from back then so easily..hehehehe not that it is going to get a rise out of me either way remembering it..i think i am at the" i could not care less either way phase" as well lol it's more relaxing this way and burns less daylight ..hehehehe
  9. Dogboat Taurog wrote: i was talking to a guy the other day, told me zfires gf is still in SL. well he assumed it was his gf. its another zfire anyway. i remember seeing a profile in the GZ group that someone made that tried hard to make it look like they were zfire.. this person came up to a GZ member just hoping they would check out the profile so they would go back to the group to get them all excited hehehe a few of us were like..ok that would be the last thing he would do is come back showing he is zfire.. it was just someone trying to get a rise out of the group is all..it was good for some giggles hehehe as far as his GF..i don't think anything really ever happened to her..but i'm not gonna say for sure ..because i am so out of touch with details that i can't remember unless reminded hehehe
  10. Void Singer wrote: yeah, it's the addition of alternate account names that clinched it. @Chelsea: it's pretty well covered territory in California (and most US) law, under the auspices of monitoring private property, and public information sharing. RL repositories of similar information led the way there. Digital Surveilance would only kick in for instance of non-public monitoring of targeted individuals. Regardless, it's now against TOS at any level. @Dogboat: actually it was "all computers he had access to" which probably included websites (there were three IIRC). the coupled charges give it away... which means dummy handed them his personal computer, but didn't tell them about others he had access to (and lied about it), and they found them anyways through his box and his ISP's records. @Ban reason: He was temp banned when he didn't comply in time to a request to remove certain features, when he did, he was unbanned. After it was discovered that certain features were still available through different paths he was banned again, and then when the video got out his account, and all associated accounts were hardware banned pending investigation of password exploits involving the RZ website. To my knowledge none were ever found, (at a minimum that would be additional charges for conspiracy to commit fraud at the very least, and his dumb arse would be locked up tight). most of it can be figured out from various posts he made (jira, RZ forums, etc). do I think he deserves to be locked up? yes. he committed fraud, was on probation, and violated it. do the crime, do the time. I still don't see why people are so cheerful about that because they didn't like the system he ran, but those same people don't hold no animosity towards LL which approved it for years knowing full well what it did. ya i forgot about that video..see how out of touch with all this i am? hehehe i'm not cheering bad or good for zfire..i'm not putting much energy in any of this in either direction..the whole thing was draining and led to an early summer break for me..i haven't even read those blogs that all this is coming from.. i had my fill of all the irony that was going on back then that i could spit out a frying pan for the egg thread hehehehe i was very upset with LL..not only knowing it had been going on..but after they saw the uproar they still took their sweet time.. to me that was the most frustrating part of it all..still the ability for the same exact systems is still there..so really they still haven't done a thing about it but get rid of a couple users and their systems they created..
  11. i don't think anyone actually has facts as to why he was banned.. it could be for a few reasons... like getting gang AR'd for having it in his sim.. it also could have been for relisting and relisting his productin market place.. let alone listing it in other ratings besides adult..the blood and exploding bodies i think put it in an adult catagory.. there could have been lots of other reasons as well..it's a grab bag of guesses since there wasn't an announcement since him being banned would not really be any of our business in LL's eyes.. also if i remember right the quickware guy went first even though he came after RZ and i think gone before the CS change.. don't quote me on that though because remembering a timeline on all this is groggy for me..things have to jar it loose for it to come back to me hehehe..i would have to look at the huge thread on slu to see for sure..and i'm not about to tackle that thread any time soon..or threads i should say since it had to be put into two threads it grew so big LOL
  12. i'm gonna look up how to make them.. i love trying things from all over =)
  13. ok,. i call those home fries hehehe mine still have the skin on the part not cut.. ETA: if you look at mine they are like half moon slices cut in pie shape if you were looking at the top of the potatoe..kind of like apple slices i guess hehehe
  14. Dogboat Taurog wrote: i have an eighty one year old neighbour who i shop for. she sometimes cooks fried eggs and chips (english chips) for me and she uses lard. i have never tasted such delicious and unhealthy food in my life. i've always wondered what you guys call chips..is it fried potatoes in slices?
  15. most of what people feel is lag is usually bad frames..unless you are noticing bad ping from the connection..slow moving is frames..rubberbanding is more a connection thing..
  16. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: Haha~ I hope you didn't read anything too negative in my post. By 'the bar' I mean the barrier between SL being a 'niche' product and a 'mainstream' product. Niche products are most often adopted by hobbyists and enthusiasts with a direct and cultivated interest in the field (which considering SL, would make them techies/geeks/nerds), whereas mainstream products are easily adopted and understood. While '08 wouldn't make you a 'pioneer' (honestly being an '06, I missed the gold rush too) but SL has never been a very accessible place. Anyone who hangs in here for a reasonable length of time must therefore either be pretty smart, or pretty crazy. Perhaps time will tell which? =] Editted to clarify. in my 4 years i have met many people in SL. some have been pretty smart, and some pretty crazy, most have been what i would call average, this echos real life. to suggest that there is some diference between those who use SL and those who don't is quite bizarre in my opinion. i would agree..i think it may attract some people with high IQ's but i doubt it is giving people IQ points hehehe if not careful it can deduct them lol
  17. Dogboat Taurog wrote: there arent any scientific studies to suggest that traits or sexual orientation are co-related to higher or lower IQ's. we all like to think we are a cut above the rest. there are thinkers..then there are those of us that know LOL sorry i couldn't resist hehehe
  18. i can't remember what changed in the TOS..was it a change or something they just had to spell out for people?? it's been awhile since all thsi went on so i'm rusty on the detals since there were so many of them back then hehehehe ETA: i remember now where the CS had changed..all they did was make it a little clearer than what is was.. alts were considered RL information or a users private information unless someone had made it known on their public profile ..so all LL did was add to show it fell under the first part of the disclosure rl information secrtion.. it's something that already fell under that section..it just wasn't written out..a lot of the changes were things that were just not written out..so LL pretty much had to spell it out for some people.. ---------- here is the 2010 version which had been pretty much the same up until they added to it this year.. Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about a fellow Resident --including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, and real-world location beyond what is provided by the Resident in the First Life page of their Resident profile is a violation of that Resident's privacy. Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums.  and here is the updated version with the updates in red.. Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. 
  19. madman626 Fall wrote: Funny i heard he was back in sl under a new alt and had the next toy out LOL . Same has redzone but that just story telling there no real proof there is something new that the GZ hud has been updated for..there will always be something around like this as long as there is a way to use something like it..i doubt it's Zboy..he wasn't the only one with a system like his..he was just the one that got the major attention over the others.. while Zboy got all that attention..so did the exploit..i'm sure there are many different versions..it sure wasn't Zboys original idea..he got it from others before him..he just made alt detection and information collecting and exposure more popular in a big way is all..
  20. when the net gets to invasive i'll probably just ride my horse more and cut the net out of my life as far as using it for communication of any kind.. i'm just really getting tired of all these different ways to tell who we are in the name of protection.. scared people buy anything that says protection on it like it is going out of style.. i don't mind giving information..i just don't care for someone or something assuming information..
  21. i sure will..i am always looking up something on the net for everything around the house and all kinds of foods that are good for different things.. my best discovery was baking soad and distilled vinegar..did you know that you can get rid of almost all cleaning supplies and laundry detergents and fabric softners and just about anything you clean with and just use baking soda and distilled vinegar and your home will be a cleaner healthier home.. a lot think their house will smell like vinegar if they use it but it doesn't.. i used it on everything..i save tons of money also not having to buy all those cleaning supplies.. i switched one time to a detergent that we had around the house from using baking soda and vinegar when i did the laundry one time.. my fiance thought i used startch to iron his work clothes.. he said why do my clothes feel like they are gonna peal my skin off? LOL i said well i ran out of vinegar so i used that detergent we had in there..he said throw that crap out ,i like my clothes soft.. just thought i would throw that in for a nice money saver tip =)
  22. Mayalily wrote: I'm 5' 4", almost 5' 5". I eat protein, but for most meals I have to force myself to eat at all. Some people I've met in RL think this is funny or sounds fun to be an anorexic, but it most certainly is not. Fun to be an anorexic, not hardly, but this comes from people I meet in RL. If you want to help be my nutritionist Ceka, I'm open to suggestions and my IM box here is open to you. oh god no ..i have a hard enough time keeping my fiance eating right lol.. i don't starve him or anything like that..i just don't like when i make him a lunch and he decides to eat taco bell or something that has no benefit for him.. one time he forgot his lunch under the seat and kept forgetting it..then i used the truck and had to jump out fast because he had left it in there for who knows how long ..it started to smell.. so i looked under the seat and saw it was a few lunches i made for him..so i knew he snuk fast foods in there a few days a week.. so i just sat them on his seat and took my jeep to the store..they really started to stink his truck up while sitting in the hot sun lol
  23. i was at my fathers looking through his collections and took some names down and here are a few..i know they are from different time periods..but i hope you enjoy them and they bring back some memories for some of you =)
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