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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. This seems... Hyperbolic. Now, granted anecdotal evidence is anecdotal and not science, but my lady friends never seem to have this problem with men sending them messages. As a matter of fact, one who has a very... we'll call it an "attention getting" avatar, our running joke now is that she gets hit on as rarely as I do these days.
  2. Sure, why not. Stop by the HQ in-world or drop me a line if you want to set anything up. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wetheral/227/178/24
  3. I'm also putting in a system for sharing adventures with a drag and drop, so anyone can drop in a notecard with directions or a landmark that'll get shared with anyone else that wants it. Way to connect across different time zones. Making a screenshot board somewhere also sounds like a good idea.
  4. Right. That's an entirely local address within a network. I also have several virtual networks set up for different things, including a VPN for some friends, and a totally open wifi subnet (with limited bandwidth) for... We'll say plausible deniability purposes. My public Internet IP could be any of a dozen people at any moment, guaranteed. And I live in the woods. Someone in the suburbs or a real city with a setup like mine could increase that number of people by significant magnitudes.
  5. Linden Lab does their account identification via MAC address. Or at least they did as of several years ago. Don't ask how I know.
  6. Exactly the opposite. My IP address is My friend's IP address is At any moment, people in my building range from to .100 on the one subnet, and my friend's subnet is to .100 not including the static assigned ones. My public subnet ranges from to .100. whatismyip.com thinks we all have the same IP address, because of how networks work. The longer I keep that one IP address, the more chances people have to get on one of the subnets and connect via it. Personally, I haven't seen a computer connect directly to the Internet since the days of dialup. It's always been through networks, and more and more through public wifi these days.
  7. Believing that two people having the same IP automatically makes them the same person is insanity. Even if we ignore VPNs, you've heard of networks, right? You know how large they can get?
  8. I only have a dozen or so myself, but I'm not going to bother. As long as LL doesn't change things to make the LI higher than current, I don't care.
  9. I'd actually get one of these.
  10. I can't decide which side of the debate I like more. I do have to say though, I'm a little surprised how many otherwise intelligent residents (or so I thought) have apparently suggested that non-profitable hobby creators should leave SL. If anything were truly going to kill SL, that would do it.
  11. People say they want to find friends to explore with, but I figure I'll take it a step further. I'm putting together an actual group to do it together, including a headquarters location to help facilitate it. https://my.secondlife.com/groups/f9beb06d-36be-9a3a-b02e-0ab968d30685
  12. If I were going to randomly copy people's profiles just for laughs, this thread absolutely would make it worth it.
  13. You couldn't pay me enough to let any corporation implant anything in me. Wearables, though? That's more interesting.
  14. Nope, wasn't that. However, interestingly, totally purging every trace of every viewer from my system and reinstalling seems to have alleviated the issue...
  15. Actually I haven't seriously tried any of my other accounts, so there's a chance it could be that.
  16. If you ever figure it out let me know. Gotta figure out how to get my Arma 3 group off life support.
  17. So, I've been back and forth with LL a lot and they're stumped on this one, as am I. Anyone have any guesses what would cause disconnects after teleporting into a location? Only one account struggles with the location, other people do not. Other locations are fine. And it's not a typical teleport failure, either. The teleport looks like it's completed and I can chat with people via IM (but not local) but can't move around or interact with anything, until eventually disconnected.
  18. Now nobody's gonna believe I'm your alt.
  19. Now that you say it, that's not bad advice. At least in SL.
  20. Should be letting those merchants know they're screwing up your ability to attach their stuff, I think.
  21. As previously noted, minimum/maximum price requirements can be ignored. The rest is probably on the level.
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