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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Do some like those bumper stickers that say "If you can read this, you're too close". "Derendering my clothes? Naughty boy!" "Nothing to see here. Move along." "These are not the boobs you're looking for." "Carpet is overrated"
  2. This would be a great way to try on those clothes that look good in catalogs, but we can't try on before buying them. The only downside is that we'd have to make an avatar that really looks like we do in RL, in all our ample or saggy glory.
  3. Here's a lingerie set from Glitz that has ample coverage panties.
  4. Definitely. Who of us with a larger cup size hasn't used that natural pocket space at some time? Why don't bra makers take advantage of it and put a pocket there for keys or tissue? I'd probably use that at the gym, since my T-shirt and leggings don't have pockets. Why doesn't gym wear have more pockets anyway? Are people afraid that if we have pockets in leggings someone might think that bulge of tissues and a locker key is actually a lump of fat? Come on, pockets can't look any worse than a fanny pack worn on the stomach.
  5. If you remember how the other bridge was done, it started with a rougher version before being shaped with wider spaces between the columns and nicer details.
  6. @InnerCity Elf Immersive RP services are a geat idea. I knew a lady who had a taxi service, complete with an office, on Santori. There are also flights that can be booked from the airports and a Firefly-type Companion (courtesan) group.
  7. A hairbase (tattoo layer) can add realism under mesh hair. I like how they add those few strands of hair on the forehead or at the base of the neck.
  8. I imagine one could also use older, Omega compatible eyes, for instance old Avi Glam group gift eyes.
  9. I've seen others post bigger inventories in groups inworld, but I've also been told by a Linden that over 100,000 items, we're more likely to have items disappear. You have nothing in your Body Parts folder? Start by putting your folders for mesh bodies, heads, skins, shapes, brows, eyes, hair, tattoos, and any makeup in there. Creating a more compact Inventory tree is the first step to getting inventory under control. Put all your demos into a Demos folder too. Then delete scripts you don't need & duplicate LMs. Just those few steps will make a big difference in reducing your Inventory total.
  10. Just a note. If you have packages with other sizes of mesh clothing, try them on LaraX. I find Legacy often fits for jeans or tops that cover the shoulders & back. Other sizes that may sometimes fit are Belleza Isis, GenX Classic, and Lara classic. Strappy mesh clothes such as bathing suits or lingerie usually don't fit if they aren't made for LaraX.
  11. Billie is a cute head, but I don't really need another...unless maybe Lilith, with the horns, for Persephone. Lol. I'm happy with River for Persephone, Gaia for Tasha, Lilly for Alycia, and Logan for Evan.
  12. ☺️ I think it would be in RL, but I'm guilty of this at times, and in SL showing our undies and naughty bits is more of a fashion statement than a faux pas.
  13. I'd like to see a cursed store that actually moves, or maybe just a rotating store if they can't move it's location every week. The entrance door would always be changing. They could also switch around the doors and windows frequently, so we can never be sure what is an actual doorway or just a window. There was a store called Country Clutter once. I forget now if it was in SL or RL.
  14. I'd buy bubble wrap to wrap around my avatar. It could make popping noises when someone bumps into me or I bump into a doorway or someone else. The store could also sell giant bubbles to wear around our avatars. If people don't want their avatar to be seen by others, they could be made opaque to others, but not to the owner. Even better, sell bubbles that can hide other people's ugly avatars, so we don't have to see them
  15. So it's perfect for making a centaur avatar, but what is the best way to use it to make a horse avatar? Should one use the arm attachment points for the front legs and the back leg attachment points for the back legs? Or should the front legs be attached to the regular leg points and have nothing attached to the arm and hand points? In the latter case, objects that would normally attach to a hand would seem to float in space, wouldn't they? This might be better than them attaching to a front hoof.
  16. I think I'm gonna try using modesty patches more often. I hate how some mesh clothing shows a little bit of nipple, and if I try to cover that with an alpha cut, then it shows a gap. I think showing a nipple, crotch, bra strap or undies is not risqué. It's just sloppy dressing.
  17. It would be interesting to see who has the biggest blocked list. We could call it the "No Drama" list.
  18. On sale at Glitz for Woman's Day (Last Day is March 8), all Pink items except the newest releases are $L 50. There are a couple lingerie items that fit LaraX & PetiteX.
  19. Alycia wearing an old school skin, hair & clothes from DV8 on her LaraX body
  20. I left my phone at the Library yesterday. Went back today when they opened & it was still right where I left it. 🙂
  21. Six new regions have been added to connect the Ranch and Mediterranean regions: From Typhoon to the rail line: SSP Lobster Bisque, SSP Cougar Den, & SSP Midnight Waltz From Michael Row to the railway bridge: SSP Windward Drift & SSP Subtle Joy From Admiral Bligh to the railway bridge: SSP Escape Quay
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