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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I knew a guy in SL who made his avatar look a little gothy with the expectation that women wouldn't bother him. He just got attention from all the gothy women.
  2. Yes, it is complicated, but we're used to it, so it doesn't seem that difficult to us. It's kind of like knowing how to drive a car. There are all different kinds of cars. Some are automatic drive. Some are stick-shift. Some have automatic window controls. Some have crank handles for the windows. Some have the fuel inlet on the right. Some have it on the left. Some use diesel fuel, some use petrol, some can use petrol with grain alcohol in it, some can run on used fryer oil, some can run on an electric battery, some can only run with an electric battery. All these differences don't even take into account where all the controls are, what kind of tires the car might use, how to adjust the mirrors, and how it feels when you're driving it. Once you've been driving your own car for awhile, these things become second nature (like one's viewer of choice or their favorite mesh body), but if you get a new car or need to drive someone else's, it takes a little while to get comfortable again.
  3. Lelutka has a big selection of heads. Go pick some demos that look similar to your Catwa head. Post a picture of your current head if you'd like more detailed advice from the forum.
  4. Why would you complain about a post that is a month old and that neither you nor anyone else had responded to?
  5. Reborn does not. Legacy has Legacy Male and Legacy Athletic for male avatars.
  6. Copying and sharing private IMs or RL information inworld, on the forums, or on any platform controled by Linden Lab is a violation of the TOS. Discussing someone, using their SL name and information they've revealed publically in SL (such as in group chat) is not against the rules.
  7. If you want a democracy in SL, you can join the Confederation of Democratic Simulators.
  8. It's the corollary to not wanting to join a club that would have you as a member - wanting to join a club that won't have you as a member.
  9. There's not enough available Land Impact for that. Most people in Belli, if they decorate at all, either furnish and decorate their home on the ground or leave the house empty and just furnish their skybox. My house on the ground is furnished, but my skybox is essentially an empty platform for dressing and sorting inventory.
  10. I prefer applier makeup, so at least I can't accidentally knock that off if I wear another tattoo layer. - Bonus points that Lelutka applier makeup works the same on either the Evolution or EvoX head setting. - I do sometimes wear full skins that are not EvoX.
  11. Skyboxes would just be a different kind of sameness. It's really not that interesting that some people have BDSM furniture or a TV that can play naughty movies
  12. I don't know what you have in the Netherlands, but Target and Barns and Nobel have them in the US. If you can find a small, independent toy store, they might have them too.
  13. There are 2 versions of the BBB passport system, both at their HQ at Swordfish. One is for Bellisseria residents. The other is for anyone. I thought the passport stamp collecting system was interesting at first, but now I think it has too many places in it that aren't that interesting.
  14. You need this lady in your YouTube subscriptions. This video is about Reddit stories (NSFW), but she gives relationship advice for SL users too.
  15. I just watched this one on YouTube. It's not boring to me, but then I'd watched some of Feorie's Mainland Beautification & Forever Tourist videos before. I'm glad to have more backstory for the current drama.
  16. Welcome back. You might enjoy exploring the new Welcome Hub regions. They're intended to show newbies what SL has, but some regular residents hang out there too. There's a sandbox, casino (that doesn't pay out usable money), demo region for the new Linden Homes, shopping area with a free gift in each shop, and a display of some community regions. If you want to try out a free mesh body and head there are new ones in our Inventory called Senra Blake and Jamie that have some free clothes for them at the Welcome Hub too. Feel free to ask on the forum for other suggestions for places to go, things to do, or any other questions you have.
  17. You laugh, but if LL had imagined how easily inventories could get out of control they might have put a cap on the free accounts.
  18. Most of the people in Belli couldn't care less about the Belli groups or BBB. I think it's great that they add to a feeling of community. Getting a passport or driver's license can be fun.
  19. Mini peeve: Neck Fade tattoos. Why do face skin creators make face skins with a sharp edge instead of building the fade right into the face skin? A tattoo layer can include a fade on the upper body (neck to shoulders) tattoo section. Bonus idea: make the head portion of body skins with a yellow happy face. 🙂
  20. On the US west coast, Tillamook makes very good quality ice cream that doesn't have a bunch of weird ingredients. Crystal is pretty good too. If you like a more expensive pint-sized ice cream, Talenti gelletto is good. "Gum" ingredients keep the ice cream from liquifying as easily. They don't improve the taste or texture of ice cream that is kept properly frozen.
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