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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. That's cute. Is it Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland?
  2. Here's a quick snapshot of the new Mediterranean regions. (Not visible here are the black covers that would be hiding them once these show up on the world map.)
  3. Salt & Pepper has a Cinderella gown that changes to Poor Cinderella's dress. It can be set to change at the top of the hour. I don't know to script this, but it seems like you could do something with timing in your script too. I also have an old sculpted chair that wears out the more avatars sit on it. You should probably ask this question in the scripting subforum.
  4. I'm in Bellisseria, so most of my neighbors are not around when I'm home. I have one who I spoke with once & friended, so I like seeing when she's around. As for anyone else, I don't care. Nobody bothers each other, and I'm usually in my skybox anyway.
  5. Sorry. It was a sketch many years ago about Blue Otster Cult in a recording studio recording "Don't Pay the Reaper" with Christopher Walken as the director/promoter. He keeps telling the band they need more cowbell in the song. Maybe Vemo will work, instead of YouTube.
  6. I just realized maybe not everyone on this forum knows the Saturday Night Live sketch to which this thread title refers. Are people outside of the US familiar with SNL?
  7. In this case, my 3 female accounts are all oldbies. Evan is the only one who started with the last name of Resident, as a female furry rabbit named DaniDarko Resident.
  8. Everybody go look at the root prims in your worn mesh. I bet all the clothing and most of the hair has a simple prim root. This means the creator had to set the attachment independently of uploading the mesh portion and they could use copies of the same root prim over and over with different meshes if they thought it was too much work to set the attachment point for a simple sphere or box. The only root prims that are mesh are those cute but superfluous internal organ root prims in some mesh body parts. The ability to figure out how to use old technology is the same as the ability to figure out how to use new technology. As long as it's new to you, it's a novel experience that requires critical thinking and drawing analogies from experiences you do know. I was able to learn how to use computer systems that were new to me, machinery that was new to me, and how to make sausages or mead with modern versions of centuries old techniques. Nobody is born knowing how to do stuff. Everything has to be learned at some point. I think I was in college when the Berlin Wall fell? I remember being scared of the possibility of nuclear war long before anyone thought of global warming. I learned DOS in junior high and high school. I was an adult when I heard about other programing languages, but that wasn't my area of study. Still, I understood the basic idea of programing well enough to be able to learn a little of how to create and modify scripts in SL.
  9. If that's one of the minor flaws, removing that bump would not prevent wearing existing Freya mesh clothing. Even if it makes a few necklaces float a bit, big deal. I don't care about the genital additions on GenX. I'm still gonna wear Freya rather than GenX Classic when I want a fuller figure. Erika is nice too, but it has fewer clothes made for it than as GenX has. Note: If you compare the bodies closely while wearing the same shape, GenX Classic is fairly close to the Freya hourglass shape. GenX curvy is a bit more like the Reborn pear-shaped body. Except for a small shadow on the toes and maybe a bit of difference at the crotch and nipples, skins made for GenX and the old Belleza bodies are interchangeable too. Since nobody in their right mind is buying the older female Belleza bodies now, I wish they'd either sell them as a pack of 3 at a greatly reduced price or update Isis and Freya, while giving out Venus for $L 1.
  10. It's not that hard to change the attachment point after the mesh is uploaded. I bet almost every mesh hair, hat or headpiece you own attaches to your skull when you first wear it. The creator simply needs to wear the mesh attached to their own body at the point where they wish it to attach either before adding textures or after the first textures are added. It's the same as making a package that is going to attach to an avatar or their HUD. After the attachment point is set, then they can make more copies with different textures, scripts, animations or whatever. Btw, they can also make the item phantom at this time too.
  11. Anyone who was here before mesh hit the grid (2014?) Is an oldbie.
  12. I didn't know there was an attachment point alpha priority. This is something mesh body and clothing creators need to know. It also makes even more sense now that root prims for mesh wearables need to be invisible. Stop with the brains, internal organs and prims with the store logo on them! These only contribute to texture loading lag.
  13. This only happens because many creators fail to set a better attachment point. Hair creators know to set the skull as the attachment point. The pelvis seems like an intuitive attachment point for pants and skirts, so I set this myself for new clothes. I usually set tops to the spine, unless they could be part of an outfit with multiple top pieces, such as a bra, a shirt and a jacket - or when they only function properly when set to the chest or stomach (eg. stripable clothes).
  14. Do you want freedom to have choices or freedom from choices? I'd rather have the freedom to have choices.
  15. Functionally, Second Life would be similar to The Sims Online, which only lasted about 5 years.
  16. SL originally had strict slots, and still does for system skin, eyes and brows. We could only wear 1 undershirt, 1 shirt, 1 pair of underpants, 1 pair of pants, 1 skirt, 1 jacket, and 1 tattoo. Users wanted to be able to stack those layers, so we got this ability. Then after mesh objects were introduced, we wanted to stack these too.
  17. Eventually newbies need useful information. GUIDE
  18. Replacing an article of clothing doesn't seem to confuse users in IMVU, The Sims, or other video games. They don't stack clothes when the wear them, do they?, unless they might be adding a jacket above a top?
  19. Any idea what these regions are for?
  20. What elements do you think various Linden Home themes need more of? For instance, I think the Ranch theme needs a least one region with nothing but a cornfield with a crop circle in it. It wouldn't hurt to have some cow and cowbell sounds too.
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