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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Right! And sculpty plants & rocks also create annoying boundaries around them if they are not phantom.
  2. Here's a couple videos from a couple who look like they have alot of fun in SL.
  3. "I had been wondering about sorting into subfolders if people were breaking apart whole ensembles to put tops in one folder and pants in another. " Oh, no! I did that when I was new in SL & it was the worst mistake I ever made. You can't ever find a unified outfit again when you do that. I also lost any pictures that came with the outfits because I didn't have enough sense to save them. Thankfully, most of my early freebie clothes were pretty ugly anyhow, so I could delete the stray pieces without losing nice outfits. When we're new in SL, we doesn't realize how much nice clothing is available free or very cheap. We all start collecting items because we think we might use them someday, Then they sit in our inventories collecting figurative dust & lagging us down. By the time we learn to be more selective, our inventories are over 20,000 & we don't know how we'll ever get them sorted out & fully usable again. Start with good sub-folders in your Clothing, Landmarks & Objects folders. Try to keep your primary folder list as short as possible, so you can see all of it in one glance, but give each folder some sub-folders & some sub-sub-folders. Think about how you really use your inventory when you decide what kind of sub-folders to have. For instance, you might have Dresses -> Gowns, Casual Dresses, Gothic, Short & Sexy. You might subdivide your clothing folders by the style of clothing as well as by whether it's a dress or pants outfit. As has been stated above, keep pictures of the clothing & change the folder name so you have some idea what kind of outfit is in it. I also like to use little * symbols at the front of items that are my favorites, so they'll come up at the top of the list when I search alphabetically. If I'm naming items to keep similar items together, such as putting the word "Victorian" as the first word, then I put the little * symbol as the last character in the title, instead of as the first. I sometimes put the name of the creator at the end of the folder title, sometimes at the beginning, & sometimes remove it from the title altogether. Usually I add qualifiers for the color or style. For instance: "Black Jeans w/ belt - Nephaline", "Eastern Empire - Asian (TWA)", or "+DV8+ Salem Boots (short) - pewter. Having the name of the item in front & the color behind puts all the same style of a particular item together. Having the color first helps you find a particular color quickly.
  4. This is a very cute travelogue. I'm going to read it in installments.
  5. The cloud body is a common problem in SL. The easiest way to fix it is to put on a new bald ( the part of your body that gives your eyebrow shape). Once this is done, you can go back to the bald you had on before & usually everything will be fine. If you ever want to transfer inventory, the easiest way is to box it up & send it to whomever. As long as the items are transferable you can do this.
  6. Right now with so much abandoned land going to sale for $L 1/ m, there are probably many 512 lots available cheap. Before you buy, though, create a group and either have a friend or an alt join it. They you can have 560 meters of land (as well as more prims) without having to pay more tier. All land is sold in units divisible by 16, so the next larger lot you can own with the 10% group bonus is 512 + 48 = 560 m. If you were to up your tier to the next level, you would pay for 512 m, but still get 512 m of free land. Then your land group could own a maximum of 1024 + 96 = 1120 m. Expecting to get your money back when selling land is probably a bit optimistic now, since the market currently favors buyers over sellers. (Edit to correct calculation error.)
  7. I tried a couple different types of 1 prim scupty grass & found Blue Field to be the best. Their pack comes with several different sizes & shapes, but each piece is Copy/ No Transfer. All the pieces below megaprim size (under 10m in all directions) are also modifiable, so you can stretch them to fit your space better. The textures are really nice on these pieces, so they look good from a distance & when walking through them. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/39345 http://slurl.com/secondlife/StormWind/170/112/24 Blue Field meadow grasss Another meadow grass (Edit to add pictures & SLURL for shop)
  8. Here's an idea for dealing with the junk accumulation problem. AR the Adult junk, then fill up the lot with small inconspicuous prims, so nobody else can rez junk on it. You might even try to hide the junk with some nice folliage & rocks.
  9. Here's another product on SL Marketplace that spoofs building basics. OMG, It's a Cube! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NSi-OMG-Its-A-Cube/1470252: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/NSi-OMG-Its-A-Cube/1470252
  10. I love this thread. I think some of the funniest "jokes" in SL are the actual conversations & experiences we have in world, like the newbie who pops into one's bedroom or the boyfriend who goes AFK while trying out a sex bed in a store. Since most of those aren't my own stories, though, I'll just share this video about Inventory hoarding.
  11. I like to window-shop in world, but when I think I know what I want, it's much faster & usually cheaper to shop on SL Marketplace. If I want to see the item in world or don't find enough choices on Marketplace, then I go back in world & slog through the in world Search function.
  12. So if filtering out land set to specific other people works in Viewer 1.23, does it also work on Third Party Viewer based on V-1? I think it probably does.
  13. While I agree with the majority of your post, I don't agree with "it's just the way things are and always have been." Men's fashion styles have changed thoughout history almost as much as women's have . We are in a cultural period of the last 300 years or so, in which it has not been considered "manly" for European & American men to dress in as much color and variation as women do. However, look at Tudor & Elizabethan clothing, or any Renaissance clothing of the upper classes, and you'll see just as much color & ornamentation in men's clothing as you do in women's. Then look at the traditional styles of non-European clothing. Traditional African & Asian fashions are just as colorful for men as they are for women. Look at modern fundamentalist Muslem countries too. Full burkas tend to be in only a few drab colors. Yet when women are restricted to this style of dress, men are not so severley resticted. (Note, I'm only commenting on full burkas. Most Muslem women wear just as much or more color in their clothing as Muslem men do.) (Edit to correct typo)
  14. I'll have to disagree with point B. While removing linden dollars from the SL economy may not help other residents. The person who buys something from a dead account still gets to keep that item. They are in effect buying from Linden Labs rather than from another resident. The process is akin to how paying Tier benefits LL, but doesn't directly benefit other residents, while paying rent to them would. (Edit to add word)
  15. My question to you is why should escorts be expected to give away their services cheaply or to do whatever a potential client wants? Being an escort in SL is a skill that not everyone can do well. It's more than just jumping on pose balls. It requires buying good skin, hair & clothing - all of which costs money. It requires the patience & psychology skills to listen to clients as if you really care about their thoughts & feeligns. It requires a good voice & acting skills to convince them that you're really hot for them. If you want a cheap escort, then look around to see if you find one, but don't complain if you can't. If you want free sex in SL & can't find it, then you're probably short on some social skills yourself.
  16. Yup, the land is probably for people who have filed tickets asking to buy abandoned land. I've been doing a bit of that myself recently. I was told, though, that I needed to buy the lots within a few days to avoid them going back into the abandoned lot pool.
  17. Yeah, this problem has been discussed in another thread on the forums. Some group owners think it's fair to make group members chip in for group liablites, but most don't. Usually when a group is making its members pay for the group liablities, it's because the group owner doesn't realize they haven't unchecked that box for the group. Personally, I think only group owners should pay liabilites & receive dividends.
  18. The White Armory & Fire Horse both have medieval clothes & armor for men. The White Armory has a free suit of armor for men and also sells armor & weapons. Fire Horse sells Role-Play clothing, mostly for men. BlakOpal has some nice Victorian, pirate & streampunk clothing for men & women. Since I'm a woman in SL & RL, I'm not very familiar with male clothing shops in SL. Have you tried searching SL Marketplace, with pen & pad in hand, for men's clothing? When you find nice-looking, reasonably-priced clothes, write down the name of the store or follow its link to go there in world. When you search from Low to High priced, you can see all the free & bargain-priced items first, but that is also where you'll find most of the crappy stuff. If you have the patience to sort through the junk, you can get some good bargains that way, though.
  19. Hi, Libraa. Welcome to the forums & to Second Life. I'm usually more of a loner in SL myself, but my friend likes the club scene & suggested Asylum & Xxxess. For a nice Japanese sim she suggested checking out Nippon. I think introducing yourself on the forums & asking for friendship & advice here is a great way to meet people & find fun places in SL.
  20. I think they all went to the other, unofficial SL Forums. I miss them too. :smileysad:
  21. Buying stuff you like & can afford is never a waste of money. I found some lovely Victorian dresses, reasonably priced, from a merchant who is apparently gone from SL. Her items were on SL Marketplace & in world. I love these dresses & would probably buy more of them. If Linden Labs benefits twice by me buying them, I don't care. They get money when we buy $L. Then the money given to these non-existent accounts is "donated" to Linden Labs instead of given to other residents. I'd rather give it to the content creator, but not buying something I like, would just be hurting myself for no good reason. It's not like boycotting such sales is going to change anything.
  22. So is this akin to taking RL money out of circulation? Is this part of why LL says the value of linden dollars has gone up lately?
  23. Yeah, I think charging to use the "Advanced" viewer would be hideous. I'm using Pheonix myself because I hate Viewer 2. Yet, Linden Labs seems to be heading in a direction similar to what I suggested. They say that Viewer 1 based Third Party Viewers won't work pretty soon, the Search function won't work & maybe other functions won't work either? Maybe they'e getting sick of providing a service for free while other people make viewers that users prefer? Of course the real solution to a laging customer base is provideing a better service, not just enticing more new potential customers to give it a drive around the block. But will Linden Labs really understand that reasoning & follow it? Time will tell.
  24. Yes, it is their fault if they copy-bot. Saying that if they can get away with it, then it's not their fault, is like saying if people can get away with stealing stuff in RL then, they're not responsible for that either. We all need to do what we can to protect ourselves from crime & fraud, but the perpetrator is ultimately responsible for what they do, not the victim. It comes down to having a conscience & integrety. Having these things or not having them is a personal choice, regardless of whether you might get caught & punished or not.
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