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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Congratulations! Just repeat what I would tell myself when I had to work overtime: I like Money. Money is good. Money is my friend.
  2. I'm only getting LaraX sizes now. None of them have much yet, but I was still able to pick up a few cute things. ☺️
  3. They don't have to change their ads if they don't want, but it would probably be in their interest to do so. It's kind of like saying, "Now with fewer calories,!"
  4. I'm referencing individual store events, but I'm sure their are some regular sale events going on too. First Addams had free store credit & Vision had an Easter egg hunt for store credit. Now Tachinni is doing their Easter egg hunt for store credit a week late. Since December, I've been able to collect enough free LaraX sized clothes that my girls don't have to fit into the wrong sizes too often.
  5. I grab my demos & go home with Persephone, but if one of my Basic account girls manages to get into a full sim with free store credit, she's not giving up her spot until she gets her freebie. Note: Tachinni currently has 5 Easter eggs worth a total of $L 350 in store credit. The jacket I got there for Tasha looks really cute with the baggie jeans from Addams.
  6. Save your money. A different body isn't going to help you if you buy poorly made mesh clothing. My male alt wears Jake, and the only problems I have are when he wears standard mesh for the system bodies or some older mesh that was poorly made. Having to use the HUD to hide parts of the body is not a problem anyway. Doing so lowers your avatar's rendering cost. Demo clothes before buying them. If they're freebies with no demo, then discard the ones you don't like.
  7. Granted, but a landslide causes the earth to fall away under it, and now your family room, kitchen, back deck and pool hang out over the cliff. I wish I could play in Second Life every day.
  8. We're each individually really different. NORMS
  9. I'm glad LL waited until the 2nd of April to make this announcement. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/15325-increased-land-impact-allowance-is-here/
  10. Theoretically, what would happen to the SL economy if LL were to devalue the $L so that $L 500 = $ 1 US? Suddenly all the lindens people have in their SL account would be worth half as much real money. That wouldn't mean much to those of us who only have a few thousand lindens or less, but this could be devastating for creators who make and transfer out significant sums of money. I assume the suggestion @Coffee Pancake made would be equally harmful to Linden Lab. Suddenly the lindens people have would be worth more money, so they'd want to transfer them out as real currency to make a profit.
  11. Porch pirate uses an ingenious disguise. 🥸 https://youtube.com/shorts/q41QJbQLLeY?feature=shared
  12. There's a lighthouse and a nice little beach at Easy Tide, the southern tip of the Mediterranean regions.
  13. If we celebrate Festivus on the forums, can we air grievances then?
  14. If the brain-dead are free to vote, while not the dead too?
  15. I'm grateful for a good drama thread, even though it's ultimately as good for me as a meal of fast food.
  16. I agree too. It's just that in SL I think it's mostly small scale creators undercutting other small scale creators. The large scale creators have to show quality if they want to be competitive and stay in business.
  17. Where's @Rowan Amore's giant eyeroll emoji when I need it. 😆
  18. People don't value real items made by real people enough - food, clothing, toys, etc. What makes you think they'll value virtual items more?
  19. Those who charge less in SL are not large corporations buying cheap merchandise from overseas and paying slave wages to their labor force.
  20. You're right. Some people here even think they're entitled to control a thread that they didn't even start.
  21. In SL, charging more doesn't mean you'll be paid more. I think it's usually more important to market your business better...though creating a better quality product helps too.
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