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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I had a friend who was into ancient world fighting and was in the Spartan army too. That's one place where you don't need a mesh body. Just keep your avatar as low weight as possible, so you can move faster.
  2. You don't have to pay rent with Premium if you use a Linden Home, and you don't have to pay for Premium if you only want to rent a place from someone else. If your concern is the automatic renewal with paid accounts, I don't know what to do about that except to write the renew date on a calender and tell one of your friends or family members if you're afraid you might miss it for any reason. You might also use PayPal to pay and be sure you have at least $ 99 in there to cover it or keep $ 99 in your SL dollar account.
  3. @Medusa Torok, No need to apologize for a long post. I'm happy to see how people relate to this issue of self-care in SL. You don't need to look like everyone else, but if you want a mesh body so you can wear mesh clothes, I recommend the LucyBody Atenea (free on their Midnight Madness board), then buy their Bakes On Mesh applier for $L 250. Then you can still wear all your old system clothes, although system skirts don't really fit right. This body fits most Matreya Lara clothes, and there are alot of free Maitreya Lara clothes in SL. You can keep the shape and head you have now, just adjust the body shape a bit. The free Genus head sometimes shows a neckline. Wearing a system head with a mesh body will too. You can wear a choker to cover the line if it bothers you. When there are free or $L 1 mesh heads, grab them, but there is no need to use them if you don't want to bother. I resisted getting mesh heads for years myself. Does your Medusa have a human body or a snake body? Jinx has some mesh snake lower bodies. Some stores have Medusa mesh "hair" too. I think Salt and Pepper has one, but also try hair stores. No.Match has a bunch of group gift hair with only a $ L 50 join fee. For exploring, an attachable bicycle or the train lines in Bellisseria are nice. There's a $L 1 modifiable train on the SL Marketplace that I like. I removed a couple of the cars so it has a lower land impact.
  4. There are currently 390 available Stilt Homes on Land. I bet some of them are close to drivable roads. 😎
  5. This also works for motivational posters.
  6. I think they considered this both an important and a safe topic for them to essentially "discuss" with us. They could reasonably assume we'd freak out about it, if they didn't address some of our concerns.
  7. Maybe they should charge us $L 100 everytime they have to remove a post, $L 50 if they only edit it. 🤔
  8. Zalificent enjoys being recognized as SHARP.
  9. Starbucks baristas in California now make $20/ hour and seem pretty happy. I'm not giving them a $1 tip on top of a $3.65 cup of hot water with a couple herb tea bags in it. I will give them 75 cents though, which is still more than 20%. (We can also get 50 cent refills and free cups of ice.)
  10. The Log Homes are actually my 2nd favorite theme after Victorians. The environment is so peaceful and reminds me of homes around Lake Tahoe in RL. There are only 4 home styles to choose from though. 🙁 Given that the old LH Tahoe A-frames are relatively popular, I think the LDPW should add another A-frame (with another big picture window), a single story cottage, and a couple open interior homes (also with big windows).
  11. I think the point is that there isn't much recycling happening, just more and more plastic waste. I saw this at a Starbucks, a plastic holder for reusable straws: I prefer the reusable cups that don't even need a straw. You get a discount off your drink too by bringing your own cup.
  12. And you'll be older still after reading the whole thread.
  13. ^ This ^ How positive or negative our posts sound on this forum has virtually no impact on how Linden Lab chooses to run its business. They know that most of us (who are only a miniscule fraction of SL's users) are by and large so addicted to SL that we will never stop using this platform until LL actually pulls the plug on it. We may voice concerns that reflect the overall views of SL users, but some of us are also entrenched in our own little conspiracy theories and quixotic campaigns that don't reflect the views of the average SL user. (The moderators know who are the outliers on the forums, as well as who constantly stirrs up conflict or too easily takes the bait.) Aside from helping newbies with questions or the more technical subforums, I view these forums as kind of like a big inworld group that likes to chat, although with long posts and not having to deal with all the other issues of being inworld.
  14. Oh, oh. Maybe LL is going to start charging us for using the forums? They gotta pay the Moderator Moles for babysitting us after all.
  15. His uncontrollable relative resumed yeeting STUFF.
  16. You should not expect to be able to keep land without having enough tier to hold it. Even if your main account goes Basic, your alt or your friend would have to maintain enough tier to pay for the land. You could abandon part of it, but then you'd have a smaller parcel. If you try to keep land without having paid for your tier, your Premium account(s) would be locked out of SL. If you were to then try to come back & reinstate your Premium account, you would still be required to pay all your outstanding debt before your Premium account(s) could get back into SL. The best way to avoid a monthly or quarterly automatic billing, is to pay for a yearly Premium account, which is only $99/ year. Then your recurring payment would be yearly though.
  17. Really? Us old farts can be pretty childish sometimes too.
  18. I was worried that we hadn't seen you on the forums. Please take care of yourself as best you can. *Hugs*
  19. Wouldn't that be a great April Fools gag, pieces of sky falling inworld? They shoukd be temp rez of course, like coconuts.
  20. Strawberry has done some Bolliwood dances on TicToc. I think that would be cool with a bunch of Lindens and Moles for the SL 21th birthday celebration.
  21. @Linden Lab, what is wrong with your viewer creators? Don't you know that players love cheat codes for their games?
  22. I think gth and rezplat work on the SL viewer, don't they?
  23. I love this YouTube series. God makes dogs.
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