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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Stop and take a new STAND. ( I just realized choice is 6 letters.) 😆
  2. I still have breedable Twisted Hunt cubes in my inventory that have spider legs like that. I think glow was one of the traits they could have too.
  3. Ooo, ooo! How about inworld sports betting? Imagine betting on SL horse races, wrestling, and even gladiatorial matches. In fact, why stop there? We could bet on who's going to hook up at clubs, who's going to make it into shopping events that have just opened, or how long SL partnerships are going to last.
  4. I'll go one even better. They must be in SL and using media on a prim (a TV, computer or phone in SL) to access and post on the SL forums. The forums are for SL users, so we must all be using them as our avatars in SL. No alts allowed, unless you're posting as said alt. Otherwise you're being fake.
  5. I've seen a few forum regulars decorating new Linden Homes in Bellisseria. I'm not taking most of these suggestions seriously, but let me remind those who might that not everyone here is blessed with a high-end new computer or an ample income. Also, whenever *someone* starts complaining about oldbies, I just think this shows they haven't been in SL long enough to truly appreciate all the changes us oldbies have seen on this platform. Also, age and experience is always relative. There will always be someone older and more experienced and someone younger and less experienced than you are.
  6. My old company allowed an outside company to run it's cafeteria for some years. They were Korean and made great bi bim bop. The last place I worked allowed different restaurants to serve food a few days each week. I always looked forward to the Filipino food. Aside from just reminiscing, my point is that a variety of backgrounds and expertise is often a good thing, so having the experience of a company that specifically works with digital money transactions and banking is probably a good thing. They'd likely do a lousy job of running a virtual world platform, but that's ok because that's what LL seems to be good at doing.
  7. As in RL, I think there are pockets in the Star Trek universe where people are relatively comfortable, but this is not a universal condition and isn't even always the case within the Federation. If you look at descriptions of life on Earth, in its colonies, and in the Federation at different times, there have also been times of war and famine. I like the idea of a world in which everyone is safe and comfortable, where there is no greed, and everyone is free to do as they wish for their work and in their leisure time, but I don't think this is probably a sustainable condition. There are always outside forces and internal conflicts of some kind to disturb the status quo.
  8. Yet you seem to think you do? Look. We should all realize by now that SL is full of all different kinds of people, from all different backgrounds, and experiencing all different aspects of SL. Those who are involved in self-help or therapy groups might be self-selecting for emotional and mental health problems, which are sometimes co-conquerent with addictions. If you've seen much of the SL club scene, you've probably heard people in voice who sounded like they've been drinking too. This doesn't mean we're all addicts or using SL in unhealthy ways, but let's be honest with ourselves and admit that SL isn't all rainbows and butterflies. People in SL are just as messed up as they are anywhere else online or in RL.
  9. I thought the quote was ironic and funny. Of course SL has been used as an example of video games being addictive and therefore bad. There have been news stories in the past about people leaving their spouces to run off and live with someone they met in SL. There have been news stories in the past about people neglecting their children because they were obsessively playing in SL. Second Life also makes a good example of the ridiculousness of other people's addictions for an anti-video game documentary because there are plenty of old video clips with crappy-looking avatars in weird settings or with poor animations. Here's a secret. Documentaries and news stories often contain an implicit bias, the true purpose of which is to titillate their viewers or readers, get them to watch or read, and make them feel superior to the people portrayed in the documentary or story. Didn't anyone else think it was funny that a documentary about video game addiction actually made someone want to check out SL? Kind of like stories about all the sex and perversion in SL, right? If people are talking about it, even in a negative way, at least it's on the radar for someone who might otherwise never have bothered to give SL a try.
  10. As one should be able to see from the Original Post in this thread, the Original Poster did not claim that SL is mainly about addiction. They merely quoted a newbie saying that they had heard about SL from a documentary about video game addiction. All of the following discussion about addiction has been based on further inference and commentary. We might have inferred that the "real secret" of SL is that people only learn about it from unflattering news reports and documentaries. We might have inferred we were supposed to add humorous "real secrets" about SL. (That's how I initially thought the thread was supposed to go.) I suspect we thought the thread theme was "Second Life is addictive" because it's no secret to us that it can be.
  11. I think you've hit upon what Bellisseria really needs for more community engagement - a "People's Court". Imagine folks complaining about their neighbors, bad drivers crashing into their pool, trespassers, nudists, loud music, etc. It could be televised with a live stream on YouTube.
  12. I think it's possible to get a middle-aged look even with the existing mesh bodies, but it's difficult. Skin makers have tried to make middle aged and older skins, but most of them seem too old to me. I can get a little aging on my Lelutka heads by adding a eye sag, lowering cheek bones, adding jowels and neck sag, but the materials skin wrinkles just look like too much for me. I think we need some really good skin and shape makers to create better middle aged and older looks for us.
  13. I think I can tell when I'm getting a dopamine rush. I get it from 'Likes" and responses on social media, including this forum. A contentous debate in a thread can do it too. It's like verbal sparring, so I get a rush when I feel like I've won a point, logically or socially. Being able to calm down a conflict feels good and like a "win" for me. Getting someone who's been irritating me to STFU by ignoring them feels good too. I don't have these kinds of verbal battles in SL though. In SL I get a dopamine rush from getting a bunch of good free stuff, especially from free store credit. SL is more often calming than exciting for me. It lets me forget about RL worries while I focus on my avatars and their inventories or just explore or ride the rails, listening to music or the sound atmosphere as I disengage mentally from RL. There have been times in my past when I was definitely addicted to SL. I remember feeling agitated before I got online, then relaxing once I connected to SL, much like a drug addict getting their hit. Lately however, I can go days without going into SL, but I want my dopamine "hit" on my phone, mostly switching between the SL forums & YouTube.
  14. I thought it felt like I was missing some posts. 😄 Thank you for your clean-up on aisle 3.
  15. There are roleplay game systems within SL that use their own currency, but linden dollars are the official currency in SL and the only one that can be directly exchanged for real money (currently only for US dollars, though the new exchange company may allow other currencies too). Anyone in SL is free to exchange gifts, and many people do. If I help a creator by telling them about a problem with a vendor, they might give me a gift. If someone gives me a gift, I might give them something I've made in return. It's not unusual to give gifts to newbies, even a few linden dollars, to help them get started, or to offer No Copy transferable items in some groups. Free clothes and skins may be available at the entry points of roleplay sims. There are numerous freebie places and free gifts available at stores. I think gift exchange and generosity in general are very common customs in SL, so much so that one can get by without spending much money if one wishes. Creators of content usually want to make a profit and get compensation for their work, but the fact that we can make an item once and then sell or give away copies indefinitely makes it easy to be generous too.
  16. I'm going to assume you meant QUIFF, because that's a 5 letter word. Quite unexpectedly, I felt flustered. SPORT
  17. Giant orange unexpectedly gets eaten. M U N C H
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