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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. We hate imagined neediness, ever ALONE.
  2. That's right, of course. Just dismiss the concerns of women as being ridiculous and hysterical. Good day, Sir!
  3. I'm just gonna point out that as a boy avatar, this is good for you. Female avatars, on the other hand, especially those playing teens and older, like to buy clothing. And clothing creators make most of their money selling to female avatars, rather than to male ones. Limiting what people can buy, is going to affect the SL economy, even if only by a little.
  4. People often are like that. If it doesn't affect us, it's not our problem. I tend to try to see a situation from different perspectives, so I care about people who want to use a child avatar for perfectly innocent reasons - as long as they aren't annoying me with baby talk or sketchy behavior. How a Linden Lab policy could affect me is the most important to me, but how it affects others could affect me too - if too many child avatars leave the grid. Linden Lab cares about retaining users though. They aren't going to do anything at this point that would seriously hurt their customer base.
  5. The problem with this question is that you seem to think women are unfairly blaming men for expecting them to be dangerous, while in real life, women are more likely to be attacked by a man than by a bear. Yeah, because bears aren't usually wandering around where we are, but still everything we've learned is to be wary of a man we don't know if we're alone with them. It depends on the man. Most are not dangerous. But not every bear encounter is dangerous either. If you get out of their way, they'll usually leave people alone.
  6. On the other hand, if you run into a man in the woods, and then a bear shows up, the man isn't going to try anything sketchy either.
  7. Maybe they can dress "as a girl" when they want to present as a girl, "as a boy" when they want to present as a boy, and dress gender neutral when they want to present as gender neutral? This isn't just a theoretical argument. Who hasn't heard someone ask an adult if their baby is a boy or a girl? I even asked an older kid serving food in my school cafeteria "Are you a boy or a girl?" when I was young. He had long hair, and I hadn't yet developed a mature ability to distinguish gender.
  8. I think that if a child avatar doesn't show any breast development, they should be able to go topless without a bra-like modesty layer. Also, If a toddler wouldn't wear a bra in RL, they shouldn't have to wear one in SL. All this is just my opinion, however. I'm not a Linden or Mole. Maybe they can wear a gender-neutral T-shirt or bib that covers their nipples?
  9. Nobody is saying anything like this except for those who want to create a strawman argument.
  10. We've been though this argument over and over again in this thread. The fact remains that it's impossible to distinguish a 16 year old avatar from an 18 year old avatar. Thus, Governance is going to have to rely on evidence to make a distinction. 1. Is the user wearing a mesh body generally recognized as for an adult or a child avatar? 2. Does their profile identify them as a child avatar? 3. Did they identify themself as a child in text, either publically or in IMs? 4. Were they in an environment generally used by adult or child avatars?
  11. Even if the "child avatar" is a vampire, sexual RP with it is still against the TOS. It's not just about a perceived virtual abuse of power.
  12. Teens being on the phone with each other while "roleplaying" with themselves would likely be a violation of the TOS.
  13. Playing a child, a teen or an anime character is not my thing, but it is for many people. My alt Alycia sometimes dresses as a doll, but I'm not going to put her in an adult situation or setting while wearing a child-like doll avatar. I joked many pages back about hentai sims with anime characters, but this is a real thing in SL. The people who are into that are going to have to take a hard look at whether that kind of RP is worth the risk of losing their accounts.
  14. Luna, the important point is not what is offensive. There is alot of stuff in SL that many of us probably find offensive. The important points are what is against the TOS.
  15. It seems to me that if someone were using a mesh body intended for adult avatars (eg. Maitreya, Reborn, Legacy, Belleza, Slink, Erika, etc.), but they look young, short and "child-like", it would be reasonable for them to state in their profile that their avatar is a short adult. Sim owners & managers can still boot them, but they would be able to "prove" to Governance that they're using an adult body. Since LL probably doesn't really care about how teen-presenting avatars behave, I don't think they'll act on an AR against teen-avatars unless there is other evidence to show that they are presenting as a minor. Same with anime. Post in your profile that your avatar is an adult and then don't do or say other things to make it look like your avatar is actually a child. If someone chooses to engage in sexual behavior while presenting as "child-like" or "teen-like" they risk losing their account, but if they're just at a club or wherever on Moderate land, they should probably be safe.
  16. Nope. Why would I ask in DM when asking on the forum has more comedic value? In fact, I was just looking on MP so I could provide a link myself, but sadly I did not find a blow-up unicorn avatar. 😥
  17. You could also use the spoon to use illegal drugs. Totally not the spoon seller's responsibility.
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