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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Did you mean the Bible Discussion Study Meeting (BDSM) group?
  2. My Mom was a 3rd grade teacher, and I usually spent at least one day each year with her class. She sometimes had groups of girl students sleep over at our house (which I now don't think was appropriate). I also tutored two 3rd graders for a semester of college credit. I guess I have a pretty good idea of what an 8 to 9 year old looks like, at least in the US.
  3. AI is still pretty bad at determining age. I wonder too if a racial bias might be part of the problem, or if it's just a gender bias based on how the media expects women to look so young. You know there are people who a assume a young black girl is more "mature" than they would assume for a white or Asian girl of the same age. I'd guess the girl in that picture is no more than 8 years old, based on both her facial features and her neck and shoulder width.
  4. We all know that furniture stores sell PG and Adult versions right next to each other, right? They're allowed to be on Moderate land. Clothing stores can sell both modest clothing and sexy lingerie on Moderate land. Skin and mesh body stores can sell on Moderate land, even if their ad pictures show nipples. If a customer gets naked while trying on clothing or a skin, this is allowed in Moderate regions too. Very few stores have to be on Adult rated land.
  5. Not having caught up with the last 10 pages yet, here's my take now on the child skin issue. Linden Lab cannot stop people from using system avatars, so they can't stop people from using whichever skins or BOM layers they wish on a child avatar that does not use a mesh body. They also can't stop people from using any current mesh bodies that are BOM compatible. I don't think they will delete existing mesh bodies that can present as children, because they won't want to break that much content and won't want to reverse themselves about using onion layers vs. BOM. They can rule that going forward mesh bodies and skins marketed for child avatars must have no genitalia or must have a covering such as a diaper, underpants or bikini bottom as part of the skin. They could also rule that mesh bodies made for child avatars may not be BOM compatible. I see no reason for bodies and skins made for child avatars to not have a normal chest with child nipples. A young child without a shirt should not be viewed as a sex object by any normal and reasonable person. Teen skins might need to cover nipples, but I personally take exception to requiring "female" nipples to be covered when "male" nipples are not required to be covered. There's also that whole intersex and transgender territory that makes a hard distinction between male and female nipples rather silly, imo.
  6. "Mormon underwear" is only for teens and older, not for kids.
  7. I have a system child avatar that I never use and a system elderly avatar that I also never use. I like the idea of having avatars that look like me as a child and me as an old woman, but I'd rather have nice mesh versions. If I had plenty of money to spend, I would create a child version of my RL self in SL with a mesh head and body. I would have no need to use it in an Adult region or with Adult animations. I might use it to shop for children's clothing or play at a playground.
  8. It's impossible for LL to make that scenario impossible. The bad actors can easily get around restrictions on what kind of skins they can wear. Nothing can stop them from wearing an adult skin or attaching genital attachments or a Mama Allpa HUD. Nothing can stop them from using sex animations in furniture or in a HUD. Nothing can stop them from soliciting someone in an IM or arranging to meet them in a private sim or parcel with Privacy settings turned on. All Governance can control is what happens in public, and even then they are dependent on other users reporting what they see. Sensible people aren't going to be derendering mesh clothing on child avatars or using a "What is She Wearing" HUD to check their skin layer, so why even set a rule about skin layers for child avatars? The only reason I can see is to restrict what kinds of skins are sold as child skins, to create a rule to enforce against creators of content marketed for child avatars, not to go after everyone who might look like a child, a teen, a fairy or a cub.
  9. I'm fond of making my avatar invisible and then attaching a companion pet or object to my center as an avatar. This works for a pet wolf or a spinning Twisted cube. I imagine this would work for an animesh child as well. An animesh Zooby toddler is probably cheaper than a Zooby child avatar, and according to these new rules it wouldn't even have to have modesty patches on its skin.
  10. That does not look like a 20 year old's face. For comparison, here are pictures of some real 10 year old girls.
  11. Linden Lab is only concerned with laws against what is depicted. RL behavior has nothing to do with Second Life.
  12. No need for a new industry. We can all make blank clothing layers and tint them ourselves. Any oldbie knows this.
  13. It's pointless to create a rule that is so easy to break and cannot be enforced. The resources of Governace are severely limited and rely almost exclusively on users to Abuse Report infractions by other residents and creators. In the case of what kinds of skins and BOM layers other avatars are wearing, most of us would not care, so most of the ARs are likely to come from those who just want to stir up trouble. These people will flood Governace with reports on users who really aren't doing anything wrong. Governance is then going to have to either hire more people to deal with frivolous reports or continue to ignore most reports, even those which really should be investigated. What signals a more serious problem to Governace, a report and picture of a child-like avatar engaged in a sex act or a report and picture of a naked child-like avatar just standing somewhere, especially when in the 2nd case their mesh clothing might have just been derendered? And if the avatar is wearing a BOM bathing suit over a naked skin, how is this a problem at all?
  14. Granted. You are now Harvey Weinstein. I wish I had a nice house of my own.
  15. Yay! I reached the end of the thread. It only took me 10 hours. 😆
  16. Or she could just rename them so they're no longer teens.
  17. Given the recent ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court, do fetuses in SL also need modesty layers?
  18. I was wrapping my Barbie in ribbon in what I didn't then realize was a bondage look. 🤣
  19. Yeah, but if someone were playing a child avatar they might want to take a bath - or not take a bath, and then run naked around the house. It seems to me that forcing clothing or modesty layers onto all the child avatars is really infringing on their roleplay options, when the vast majority of them are behaving innocently.
  20. What? You mean going inworld is more stressful than being on the forums?
  21. What if a top is sold as a "bralette". I see these marketed to adult avatars all the time, to be worn as tops.
  22. Maybe some naughty boy pulled the fire alarm when other kids were in the locker room of the junior high?
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