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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. ^ This ^ Thank you. This whole "hive mind" crap is ridiculous. People have a multitude of opinions, on these forums and elsewhere. Just because someone's might not be normal or commonly accepted, this doesn't mean there's some vast conspiracy of "elites" and their brainwashed masses trying to stamp out their freedom to speak truth to power.
  2. Peeve: When an employee helps you get a numbered ticket to wait your turn, knows that number will never be reached by the end of the work day, yet doesn't tell you this.
  3. (part 2) I think there are different reasons for people being argumentative on these forums in particular. A few people enjoy trolling the boards. They often have their own firm opinions, but some just enjoy stirring the pot. Some people seem to want attention, to be viewed either as exceptionally wise, clever, or willing to tell things as they see 'em. Some have a chip on their shoulder, whether justified or not. The forum regulars have been known to pile-on those who they/we view as having a ridiculous or poorly thought out view, so those who feel defensive because of past incidents may be justified in feeling this way.
  4. You might not be able to buy a Big Mac, depending on how many "Tillia dollars" you take out, but you may be able to buy either a basic hamburger or fries. 🍔 🍟
  5. Just as Maitreya Lara is the most commonly used body - and therefore has the most clothing made for it, - Lelutka EvoX heads have the most stuff for them. BOM is just like using old system skin, tattoos and clothing. The alternative is using applier skin, tattoos & clothing. If you set your body to BOM, you shouldn't use the skins in the HUD for the body, because those are applier skins. The current Maitrya Lara update (v5.3) includes both Velour BOM & HUD skins, which means Velour face skins in those tones should work seamlessly with those body skins. If you use a Lelutka EvoX head, applier skins aren't an option. The heads are BOM by default. However, you have a choice of using either an [EvoX] or a standard UV map skin [Evo] and either or both applier and/or BOM makeup. Makeup HUDs made for Lelutka Evolution or EvoX heads both work. HUDs made for Lelutka Origins heads will not work. If you get one of the other non-Lelutka heads that work with the EvoX UV map, you can use EvoX BOM skins and makeup, but only the applier HUDs made for that brand of head. (Good Luck finding those.) As for what's easier to use, demo the heads for yourself. I feel like the Lelutka heads are the easiest for me to use, but I'm sure this is largely because I'm more used to them. Genus still has a free head and skin for group members, if you want to try that one. It is not EvoX compatible, but can use the standard UV map or their new 4K skin map. There are still Catwa skins and makeup out there, but most are currently made for EvoX.
  6. There's a volunteer event in my city called a goblin market. It's put on by small-time artists and creative folks about once a month in good weather. Rather than accepting money, vendors trade their wares and services for various things. You might give them a recipe, an interesting object, sing a song, or recite a poem. The location is revealed first with clues, then finally the actual location. I haven't been yet, but it sounds fun.
  7. That part where it says"US$" means United States dollars. The part where it says "Tillia Account" means they are held in an account controlled by Tillia. I tend to write $ US to distinguish US dollars from other currencies that are also called dollars.
  8. Some people might have jobs in which they are never allowed to complain or disagree. Some people might be old, poor, in pain, and feel like the world has treated them unfairly. Some people might just be disagreeable out of habit.
  9. What? Other people's parents don't say, "I carried you in my belly for 9 months, I put a roof over your head and fed you. Why can't you give me money when I need it to pay my bills? Do you want me to loose my house or starve?" (I'm paraphrasing for effect.) I think also they should make it against the rules to exchange lindens at Burning Life, except as donations. I don't think they sell much there now as it is.
  10. If you only rent from other users in SL, then you could pay for everything in lindens and never use Tillia or Thunes. However, if you have a Premium account and pay for it or additional tier, then you must be exchanging inworld linden dollar tokens for real $ US dollars. There is a fee when you do this and the minimum amount is $ 3.00 worth of lindens. This is the same as selling lindens on the Lindex. When you sell them, the dollar amount you get goes into your $US dollar account, which is currently managed by Tillia. From there LL can use your balance to pay for your Premium account, tier payments, or any other payments to them.
  11. The Evolution line has already been updated to EvoX, as far as I know. Check at the store, then redeliver your head. p.s. If your head (Chloe) is from the Origins line, then it will not be updated. I suggest demoing some EvoX heads that look similar to Chloe to see how they look with your old skins (use the Evolution setting on the EvoX heads) and if you can adjust the face shape to your liking. Note, the shape of the nose, lips and chin will have the least ability to reshape them, so focus on these points when you pick out demos.
  12. If one exchanges lindens for dollars in our $ US account, does this use Tillia? I know there is an exchange fee at this step.
  13. Brad/Oberwolf said the primary advantage for Thunes in this deal is that they will aquire the licenses Tillia holds that allows them to operate in the US (50 states, each with their own license - or is it only 48 licenses?). Thunes thus gains access to the whole US market for their services, which is a huge financial benefit to them. Linden Lab unloads Tillia, which was not as profitable as they'd hoped because they couldn't get enough other gaming companies to pay for using its services. Thunes *might* be able to market it better. Even if they don't, what Thunes really wants are those licenses. After the 5 year deal, we'll see what happens, but until then SL is safe.
  14. Stop and take a new STAND. ( I just realized choice is 6 letters.) 😆
  15. I still have breedable Twisted Hunt cubes in my inventory that have spider legs like that. I think glow was one of the traits they could have too.
  16. Ooo, ooo! How about inworld sports betting? Imagine betting on SL horse races, wrestling, and even gladiatorial matches. In fact, why stop there? We could bet on who's going to hook up at clubs, who's going to make it into shopping events that have just opened, or how long SL partnerships are going to last.
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