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Hunter Stern

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Everything posted by Hunter Stern

  1. Land Impact is also region shared and not parcel dependent. Say you rent on a private estate. The sim owner can set whatever allotment to your parcel for usage but they have to be aware that this will take away from that 'Land Impact Pool' as it were, because you are in effect sharing the resource on a region wide (sim) scale, the same goes for mainland, only there are generally no sim owners aside from Linden Lab (Governor Linden) . Parcels alone will have a hard started resource limit set on them otherwise and this is what is known as Prim Count Allotment. Don't worry too much about exact maths with Primcount/LI because in the end you would just end up calling the Lab with yet more questions than answers and a items on your errand list for Aspirin.
  2. I did, and you know what? I don't care what 'most' think. I'm sure (or I hope) the OP thought for themselves. That is the whole purpose too to form ones opinion and we should be able to 'agree to disagree'.
  3. I was just going to bring this up too, thanks for saving me the searching Yes we need atleast a something along the lines of Wow or Bravo (though I really like the 'Thanks' option too) type reaction and I would love to see a 'I Disagree' reaction
  4. When we had the old OLD world map on the old website, you could call up an area over mainland near the shores or where some of the new sims where located to the north and if you looked close enough, you could literally see the edges of those sims jittering . Now I know it had nothing to do directly with the physics engine and the website portal but it was one of those strange phenomena we had back then.
  5. If it makes you feel any better Littleme, Maddy was banned yet again from partaking in this years festivities to avoid any meltage and scorch and angry snow people.
  6. you guys say multiple rooms like 'Hallways' or 'Corridors' don't exist, and in SL it seems or seemed to have been the norm for a long time for houses to be open boxes leading into more open boxes. Heck the way we are an experiment to the lab, where is our proper hamster and rat tunnels and tubes, eh? While I have enjoyed the above stated creators and their contributions (btw Trompe L'oeil is Cory Edo) I would press people to get out there even if its on 512 parcel or more and build your own, I mean wasn't that the whole deal with the start of SL , and don't give me this "but i can't build anything". If you can rezz boxes out from freebies stores, surely you can click the build button as fast as the "Buy L$ now" and create a cube and right click and read the Editing properties therein and go from there. I made a sky castle that was 14 stories tall with sky bridges and such over linden roads, and it covered about 3/4s of the sim I was in at the time, all the way from the prims down to the textures which only took a matter of hours at most making them and then uploading and applying as needed. And I don't build, lol. I would be careful with entertaining the idea of making any wishes from our humble 'Genies', The Lindens. Much like the storys, we tend to get what we ask or wish for but not in the same sense that we expected, just like the poor souls that made their final wish before they knew it was too late.
  7. I assume you are refering to our 'Odious corporate presence' (aka Linden Lab). If this has a direct impact on them, then why the hell don't they just make their own statement instead of flash bombing us on log in with their personal agendas. If i spammed support with erroneous subject text every time their staff logged into the support portal they would potentially suspend me until I ceased hitting the return key. They have done similar 'ambiguous' campaigns on issues that effected the platform directly in the past and they were somewhat more transparent than this hinky approach to getting attention.
  8. wow that is an awsome play on composition, color and geometry
  9. hmmmm, I'm going to have to try this term' at a local bar on people and see how fast they either run for their lives, or spit their drink in my face laughing behinds off
  10. I can relate to this. I have a friend who goes on trips rl all over the world, comes on to SL and then proceeds to detail all his adventures. I finally had to cut him off and explain to him that while nice, and that I'm glad he can do those things outside of SL, I am in SL to experience SL for the most part and that if I want to know about his excursions he can post it on other apps such as facebook or myspace or a blog , etc. . I even get annoyed when I am at clubs or social places in SL and people will go on in chat or voice about how they are having some awsome alcoholic beverages or doing their laundry so whatever mundane rl thing they can make a focal point brought into SL. I'm not impressed with your ability to hold liquor (or be a slobbering slurring mess on mic), or how you are making those awful noises because you are stuffing your face (on voice) lol.
  11. this link would be related to my rely: When i joined SL in 2004, I was not accustomed to dealing with RL persons behind avatars and inadvertently told a person in a Robot (offhandedly mind you) to shut up, because I thought it was just another automated NPC. Ofcourse I was corrected and I felt quite embarrassed, because I would never speak in such a way to anyone rl, and ofcourse my lack of knowledge before hand asto the capabiloty of SL as a platform with real time communications. For me in real life, SL is vital to my social identity and being able to be in contact with other people. I live in a town where I do not have family or friends to call on, and yes, I've tried to make connections and it has just never happened (sorry but quilting and antique collecting or growing vegetables is not my idea of fun) even when I attempted. Even the simplest explanation of a computer, and people in my town think on the simplest of terms such as search engines or online game or amazon and ebay or petition signups and/or blogs. SL though, and many platforms have a very extended reach though , imo once one get's past the initial learning curve of moving and interacting , and yes communicating with other people through chat on avatars. So in short I try to treat most people (avatars) as anyone would expect to be treated. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt even through their avatar realizing that the avatar is merely a place marker to someones form of saying hello. if this weren't the case we might as well be glowing blobs of light all the same or varying colors.
  12. A good free program for setting 10 second clips is Audicity You can find tutorials on it's help section and Youtube to explain on how to separate specific parts of a track into labeled (or numbers) regions (your 10 second clips). Not every one has Media active for one reason or another, so many use the music player script option generally.
  13. Absolutely, sorry about that, I meant you could easily contribute Combat information or discussion in the Education forums as well as in the future.
  14. This whole thread (whether you admit it or not) was and is about forum mechanics, polices, how the forums work, how posts work, as a whole of all forums/subforms. Your initial posts here were asking why there were no other sub-forum specific to your topic of interest (which is not relevant to the body really other than vague context). That is probably why THIS thread, which was in General Discussions to begin with, was moved over to Forum Feedback , where inquires are generally discussed asto how posting processes work , efficiency of forums, and any other detail or topic in general to all the forums. But now that we have some clear answers and things can move forward (atleast from what I see) it is open enough for General Discussion. At least that is my take on it. What is not discussed (well technically you can do whatever you want, but be aware that there might be consequences too) however, are threads asking why a moderator moved a thread, or why they took up any action really for that matter. If one wants to know or appeal a decision, those channels exist and Tommy made clear the invitation to contact him should you have questions or concerns. In my experience, the forums have evolved and seen many forms of itself including many sub-forums and sub-groups. The one we have now is much better than the one we started off with, that is for sure. I'm glad that you brought this angle and perspective to the community on the other aspects of SL's usage as a platform. The numbers don't matter really even if it's only you who identifies with that belief, that is your right and I can respect that on the matter of the Combat Universe. So the knowledge you have presented is now more relevant and can give me more insight to questions I might have had unanswered otherwise. Personally for me, after looking over the mechanics of your take on combat, I was tempted to suggest the Educations Forum, whereas you do state you are training people in various aspects of your group.
  15. you forgot one, and since you are as you say 'pointing fingers' (which could be considered a combative act) we could in the list of given choices, report you for .... flaming /me ducks
  16. Catwa: Stanley, with L'etre Real Eyes, Tony (Sandy) skin applier, Doux Toni unrigged hair, L'etre Sided Light hair base
  17. Wushin, I can empathize with your unease with which some people may approach your contributions to the forums, but understand, that they don't mean harm generally. It might simply be a way in which they are used to approaching this format of communicating their ideas, even if they can get a bit off-topic. We don't all have the same sense of humor or catch onto humor (myself included at times). I owned a sim a few months ago which I closed recently (for medical reasons). I , like you , was very hesitant on even mentioning my sim in the forums for some of the reasons you are concerned about, but to be honest, i never once ran into any of the people who saw my posts, and if I did , they were never rude or disruptive. You as a land owner do have the right to set the rules of the land within maturity ratings, and yes even if it is mature land, you can ask visitor not to be nude , infact you can set any rules you like, and if they can't comply they can leave or be removed. The best thing though is to simply not react or respond to those you feel might be trolling (it sounds like you handled things fine inworld with other encounters with 'forumites' at your property by ignoring for the most past). If you feel a post is abusive or trolling, don't argue with them but simply use the Report Post option up in the right hand portion of the post, and let the rest take it's course.
  18. I have two RL, FB accounts. One for immediate family (and those that absolutely would not get computers or my approach to such things as art), and ofcouse my Hunter Stern account which I post both some rl and sl content on because I am known as Hunter Stern in RL, sort of a doing business as I suppose you would say. I have not had any bad experiences doing things this way, infact my Hunter Stern FB account has doubled friends (yes ones I talk to from all over , many of them artists in other mediums themselves) over the past week and a half. The RL one is too politics driven and mostly the local mundane affairs I could get information about from a phone call to my family. I always hoped SL would become a great medium for networking earlier on when i joined, but after a few months in, I realized SL would not be (atleast what other networking media platforms are today) but that's not a bad thing either.
  19. I'm patiently waiting for Skell's photo-op follow of combat boots and uniform fashion over in Your Avatar forums. Can't beat that with a stick. Oh wait, is beating with a stick still combat?
  20. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetPermissions If you look through that, you will see many helpful items to help one create ones own AO, essentially saving a person a lot of money. The most it would cost is maybe some upload costs for any textures a custom HUD might need, some tenacity and study and some trial and error testing, and there are resources like classes and people in world who can assist.
  21. about your SLMC and/or Combat. This Forum is for feedback pertaining to the forum as a whole and how it relates to ALL possible topics and areas , not just one that we might favor the most. If Combat gets a special subforum, then why not Modeling Agencies, or Clubs, or DJing?
  22. and this is a Feed Back forum, not a Suggestions or Petition forum. Infact there is a channel for such things. You can use the Help>Support>Open a Ticket route infact. LL may not respond to you on this, or they might, but atleast they will see the proposal clearly that way. Also, I was referring to personal Website, Blog, Board, in context and usage of the Forums and not 'content'.
  23. The SL Forums are not any ones personal Website, Blog, Board, or otherwise. It is a forum simply for discussion and the sharing of ideas and opinions, etc. Does SLMC have a website or blog? If so then those would be very appropriate avenues to pursue as well to get combat related information out there. You could even put a reference link to the site in the Games forum for people to easily find. Otherwise I would have to say, no, a subforum is not appropriate , for example , say I wanted my field in Media Production to have more of a spotlight? Depending on the medium, I would post what relevant information or links to the appropriate forum (i.e I make a mesh model which is available for download or dissemination though my website, I would post the link to that in the Mesh Forum with a brief description open for any questions or discussion )
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