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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. I made a tutorial about grouping land and its pitfalls using this game table and these Vikings figures. See if you can understand it. I have to update it with the latest info. It's here in the post office in Ross. It's true that you always have to pay for the highest level of tier you've had that month, it only becomes lower the next month if you set it down again. You can also look at the land manager page on your account on secondlife.com to see where your tier is, which groups, and how much you have left.
  2. No, because the time that the edit box opened up again over the object, the camera is zoomed in closer to the object as it was in my hand, I was editing it for a wearable/rez on touch thing. And once again, this problem isn't about the locations of where my avatar is standing but where the edit screen is. Let me post another screen shot -- here we go again, after I've pushed the edit box all the way over to the left, it pops up again, NOT all the way over to the left, but OVER THE OBJECT Once again, I am not moving the menu -- that's ridiculous. I am pushing the menu away to the side, and after a few times, oops it comes up OVER the object again. THE EDIT BOX SHOULD NEVER OPEN UP OVER THE OBJECT PERIOD
  3. The Lindens used to have a limit on alts of 5 per name/credit card. Don't they still have that? I seem to recall that the system literally stopped you from making new alts. But that may have been years ago when I did that. Nowadays I see so many alts made quickly that I wonder if they have any bar on the making of more of them. I don't see why you couldn't use the tier additional tier for either a plot or group donation or all one or all the other. I didn't realize you couldn't split it between group donation and Linden Home, that's a shame, I was going to get one again.
  4. No effect? But when I put the extra 512 I had into the group it added 563 as it always does. Is that what you mean by "stack", i.e. "no effect" means "it stays the same"? PS Buy milk! BTW, I always have impeccable timing. I just had three tier donors tell me they were pulling out, so I bought 1536 additional tier on an alt yesterday -- ouch. I never seem to get the early memos like the cool kids! But then, at least the prices are lowered now so I am saving money overall! This was good timing by the Lindens for me because I was just in the processing of figuring out how to shave off a half sim of tier which is something I always do when -- oh, that's a story for another time. PS Tier is so confusing for many people -- I explain it as a blanket that you need to cover a bed (your land) before you can sleep (live there). I have a tutorial updated with the new offer here in my office.
  5. At Ravenglass Rentals, you can donate tier to get a weekly discount on your rent of $250/wk for 512 m donation and now $450/wk for 1024 m donation! So if a rental is $250/wk you would not have a rental box, and if it is $150/wk you would get extra prims pro-rated. This is in addition to the regular 10% discount for 4 weeks advance payment. You need to have tier free from land to be able to donate to a group -- and now as a premium account holder you have MORE tier from the Lindens! Tier can be confusing so you may want to read the tutorial in our office -- look for the sign with raven on a ladder. Teleport to Ravenglass Rentals Office On the flagship sim of Ravenglass, management prims don't count! So you could live in a fully-furnished Grandmother's Cottage by 8f8. Teleport to Grandma's Cottage Or the new Wishbringer Fletcher's Cabin, fully furnished, two stories. Teleport to Fletcher's Cottage This cottage is normally $265/375 prims but mention this add if you donate 512 m tier and pay no cash rent, just the tier.22 Or pick out a room in the Celtic Tower, some of which are furnished - $100 to $500 for the two-room apartment. There are also larger parcels where you can apply the discount, i.e. $700/900 prims would be reduced to $450/900 prims. Teleport to Ravenglass Waterfront When you donate tier, you can remove it from the group yourself any time when you decide to stop renting.
  6. "Works on my machine" is not an answer. Are you using the SL Viewer, for one? Mine does NOT do that and does NOT stay put when I move it to the side. It comes back after awhile and opens up over the object. That's wrong. That is a bug. That is not how it should be. Obviously to edit something you don't move all the way to the left where you pushed the edit screen so as to "end up under it". That's ridiculous. Even if you are in the center or on the right it opens up over the object sometimes and it should NEVER DO THAT. This is just very basic. The constant effort to try to put it back on the user as a problem is just plain wrong. It's an annoyance that should not be there, period.
  7. @Theresa Tennyson No, that's simply not the issue, you are merely being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. You act as if the edit box is some kind of "inworld" point where one can "walk under it". That's ridiculous. It's not about where you avatar is positioned or the world. It's about the screen. If you move it to the side, it should stay to the side, period. And it does...until it stops and once again opens up RIGHT OVER the object. It should not do that. It should always open up to the side of the object. Why would it even EVER open up over the object such that you HAVE to move it??? THAT is the real question that you refuse to see. You shouldn't have to move it and it is clearly buggy because EVEN AFTER you move it, it again appears over the object. Obviously, if you move it to the side, it's to the side. The fact that it once again goes to OVER the object again means it has become unmoored. It's not like the inventory tear-off box, for example, which always stays on the side where you put it.
  8. Perhaps you need to take a long break from being nasty AND open your eyes when someone is pointing out a flaw in your beloved Linden code. I've found almost to a man that the forums regs who are the most toxic and nasty -- and not only to me -- have builds that look like they were made in 2007 with no traffic on them, and no evidence that they ever log in. You can also see this from some of the groups they joined where you can see their log-on date. But then, you wouldn't believe this because you don't think there's a problem on the forums. No, it is not popping up "where I left it". Because "where I left it is pushed over to the side" not over the object. The only reason you have that impression is because I have zoomed in closer on the last one. Believe me, it opens up OVER the object when it need not do that. And please, it's not where you stand on a sim anyway, something like this doesn't work that way it's the space of the viewer, and you push it over to the side -- it stays there -- except when it doesn't, an opens OVER an edited object again.
  9. Nope. No residence government period., I used to be for the Lindens creating some kind of community councils on the Mainland that would have the power to remove eyesores or garbage prims as hard as this might be to establish, and as much as it would be like horrid RL condo boards and such. But now I know having gone through the group tools reform and many other things that the Lindens won't do governance, they don't like it, and who can blame them, it's the customer-service state. Worse, some of them have very bad ideas on governance, like allowing a dom on a sim to render a sub's AR's on him null and void, and LL accepting that. No way should their own TOS be "flexible" on a BDSM sim. There is absolutely nothing to stop you from getting together a group of people, having a democratic election, and buying a sim and making a community. In fact, those with big ideas about this who haven't seen SL's history or imagine that their ideas should be imposed on the entire world just to "have" them should try this and see how difficult it is because of human nature. SL is littered with failed experiments, like the socialist commune Neue Altenberg or whatever its name was, which perished when a founder was thrown off the island for bad behavior but owned the buildings and then terrorized the sim. And so on. There was the authoritarian caliphate experiment. Others I can think of. They all ended in tears. I suppose the long-standing furry one could be the exception but we have them to thank for the bad idea that an owner who makes a co-owner can't get rid of that co-owner then. Snowcrash is a dystopia and there is no need to fuel it as a model for 100 reasons. LL already had "splicing sims" called void sims which I believe they still used. They sold them for a time but they were misused so they made homestead sims instead. If someone wants to make a continent, LL already "splices together" their sims -- there may be some small fee involved in this but it there are multiple examples of this already in Sl like Desmond Shang's community.
  10. That's interesting what you say, not only about the "inworld building" which I value as well but also how Sansar might not catch on even with everything put into it. I'm not so sure SL's replacement will come along so soon though. I'm not going to be buying any VR goggle any time soon, for example.
  11. No, there's something messed up in the *Lindens' code* *gasp*. Here, I'll repro it for you -- it's likely some kind of bug. 1. I try to edit an object, the edit menu opens up RIGHT OVER THE OBJECT obscuring it. Annoying! 2. Duh, I push it out of the way. 3. Hey, on the first re-log imagine, it stays put! Could I be wrong? 4. NO! Because on the *next* relog on *another* object, it's back opening over the object again and obscuring it. Hello! There's nothing you can "set in your viewer" that fixes this that I've ever heard of -- moving it out of the way is "supposed" to keep it out of the way -- as moving the inventory box or any moveable item. But it doesn't "stick". The problem is a) you don't log into the world much (a common problem with forum regs with big ideas) b) you don't edit anywhere near as many times as I do -- I do enormous numbers because not only do I make little things myself, I have to place houses and furniture constantly or modify items to fit in places.
  12. No, that's not true, because if I batted it away and put it to the side, it would have stayed there? Duh. The problem is that it keeps popping up on each new log-in. It's the default. Obviously I don't want it covering the object so I don't put it there. But it comes back.
  13. I will whisper it in your ear inworld!
  14. Here is my wish list: 1. Stop having the edit menu open up right over the object, blocking its view so that you can't edit it until you push it out of the way. I once stumbled on the Linden who actually coded this and when I told him it was a nuisance he just laughed at me. Of course it's a nuisance. I wonder why creators, who have the Lindens' ear, don't complain about this, but maybe it's because they don't go back and edit their own objects -- we do? It's a mystery. 2. Get rid of the "the owner of this object won't allow" message when in fact it's only about mesh not rezzing on mesh. Be truthful about what's happening and say that "Some mesh cannot mesh on other mesh, rez on a prim or ground". 3. Get rid of spam cars. Only the Lindens' own scripted objects should be on the public roads. If they have a need for load-testing -- which I don't see that they do -- they can do it off-hours, occasionally, or whatever. They should create rez points with tour vehicles of their own that are well-scripted, are not "off theme" i.e. boats going on roads, trains going on water. They can do this. 4. Sell abandoned land on demand to anyone in the same sim as the abandoned land on a first-come, first served basis. 5. Stop the bug that keeps putting pairs of system pants on your avatar, that then show up in Lost and Found (?!) and have to be deleted multiple times to get rid of the white system pants on your avatar. 6. Allow resident ads for pay at orientation centers and infohubs through a Linden-scripted and managed device that takes only "G" and "M" rated ads. 7. Enable group founders to remove owners. If a group founder disappears and does not log in for X amount of time -- 365 days? -- enable any remaining group owner to petition the Lindens to become the founder of the group. 8. Have both Community and Governance Lindens hold office hours regularly as they used to, the way the scripting and viewer Lindens do. 9. If a land owner does not log in for X amount of time -- a year? -- even if tier is paid, have Lindens link up his build in the "yellow box" and put it in a box underground, or push the build underground, and put on autoreturn so the rest of us don't have to look at junk. 10. Block proxy sites that are used by griefers. Enable a system for any user who wants to use that proxy to petition the Lindens to open up that site, and white list it for only those who have no history of griefing.
  15. The public should not pay. The sim buffers should remain as is. No one needs this. Other people's objects should not be duplicated for this wild idea. The sim seams are good enough.
  16. @nokia77 No, and the system gives the founder of the group a warning message that he can't undo this if he makes another owner, so that's that, they have full powers. Yes, the Lindens should reform this as the group founder should have the right to reject co-owners if he changes his mind. @animats Actually, no. There used to be a totally abusive function drawn from the original Lindens' idea of a hippie commune where they had a function called "officer recall" in which the group tools enabled you to vote an officer out of the group. But the problem with that is that it enabled hostile officers, including those invited in surreptitiously by group wreckers to vote you off property that you alone paid the tier on. So some of us lobbied the Lindens by pointing out the obvious -- they wouldn't want this to happen to them in RL so they should not impose it on SL. So no, there shouldn't be such "democracy" that it destroys property rights. There is a basic principle of international law that works against extremism, that no one law should cancel out another. Property rights may be weakly defended in international law (the Soviets had a hand in making it) but in Western countries they are strongly defended through the courts. We don't have courts in SL and have "code as law" which is a scourge. But there's no reason to have the coded group tools enable such outrages again. Want to have extreme democracy? Make your own sim with your own group, don't impose it on the whole of society. @callim merriman The idiotic "remove by a vote" function was removed because landowners like me lobbied against it because it was vicious and stupid. The worst thing about it it was that when someone triggered the "officer recall" -- even I as officer and owner was frozen from all functions until the vote was complete which would take several days. That was totally insane BECAUSE I PAID THE TIER. Don't like a rentals or project group? Go form your own group, don't kick somebody off land they paid for, the end. And so they removed it with good reason. Philip Linden realized that if he wanted to encourage group communities and rentals and projects, which he began to do when he grew out of the beta and sandbox phase, he'd have to get rid of the hippie stuff. If someone has a group and disappears for a long time, they wouldn't likely be paying tier so the Lindens would seize their land anyway. If they still paid tier and you didn't like what they did, you could leave the group. They'd likely have their main and their alt to hold the group together but you aren't required to stay in a group that you don't like. There's a zillion other rentals in SL if that's the issue. There is a simple solution to the problem of a group that has a fellow owner that you once chose and who turned against you -- make another group. That's always an option, for $100. And always that should be the option in SL rather than demanding the Lindens make draconian, oppressive tools (I recall during the discussions about reform of the group tools, there was one very outspoken commune owner who wanted to have all the group owners be equal absolutely, even to making them all show as owner (which the Lindens simply refused to do on practical grounds) but they did get their way regarding owners who couldn't be removed by the founder). Democracy is not mob rule. Land ownership is a fundamental right to any liberal democratic society. The group tools should not enable the voting off of an island or parcel of the person who pays the tier for it. In fact what @darkhairy is describing is exactly the problem of group tools. Group land is a great thing and helps solve many problems, but if you pay the tier, you simply cannot make anyone else in the group an owner, they should only be officers with granulated powers, and that should not include selling the land out from under you. It seems to me that if nokia77 still pays tier on the sim, and he has such havoc from those previous partners, he should just make a new group, make sure not to make anyone else owners, put an alt in to hold it, and change his sim over to that group by sending a ticket to the Lindens. If he is the only one paying the tier, they will hopefully honour his request. And it seems the Lindens are honouring such requests with groups gone wrong. BTW they didn't use to do this and I can remember some famous cases where the Lindens themselves became members, kicked out some people who made content and tier, and favoured one of the officers they liked better -- and the funny thing is, that developer is now a competitor to theirs with another world. Goes to show you. There's another last ditch solution to be had. Tier is always more than the original land price. I'm assuming this is a mainland sim because an island would not likely have this structure, regardless of the group, there'd still be only one island payer registered with LL. So if this happened to me, and the Lindens refused to help even though I paid the tier, I'd abandon the sim. The Lindens would then seize it in due course and take it away from the usurpers. Yes, you'd lose your up front cost and that's a harsh lesson, and haven't we all had them in SL, but that's better than having these other people collect rent on a sim you paid for.
  17. @Grumpity LindenHere's an SL lore question -- I once was able to get Oz Linden's bear by asking him this question he didn't know the answer to. Let's say you have group fee debits turned on, and you promise your group that they will only have to pay 2L per week. How can you reimburse them if the amount goes over?
  18. I'm not seeing anything in these notes that relates to roads or sim seams. Nor should there be, on the latter, because they work *good enough*. I'm glad they are putting the number of items in the folder to be trashed, however, because that is key to preventing THEIR BUG THAT DOES THAT.
  19. @Klytyna, no, I don't bully and harass anyone, including my tenants, unlike you, on the forums. The end. I don't approve of any third-party viewers, regardless of their "features" as I don't think the Lindens should have ever open sourced their viewer. The end.
  20. You need to read up on this more: https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=benevolent+dictator+coding&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Here's a useful article: https://techcrunch.com/2015/11/27/software-developers-growing-elitism-problem/ Another one on scrum -- which the Lindens use https://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/why-agile-and-especially-scrum-are-terrible/ https://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/01/08/erik_meijer_agile_is_a_cancer_we_have_to_eliminate_from_the_industry/ Arrogance in tech: https://www.recode.net/2015/10/22/11619868/the-arrogance-of-tech https://www.wired.com/2014/02/silicon-valley-backlash/ On trans-humanism (common to find this cult among techs in SL): https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/rationally-speaking/200907/the-problems-transhumanism https://techcrunch.com/2016/08/26/the-ethics-of-transhumanism/ And so on. Fortunately, there are more and more articles of this nature
  21. I realize you have problems condemning BDSM AND the "Benevolent Dictatorship" of coders. "Polite and respectful" = controlling of others demanding they always be this way toward their cult. And no, some people parading around with other human beings in chains do not politely do anything at all, but continue their disruptive and coercive behavior. I've also hired scripters and generally only found one of them who was "normal" -- the rest all had extremist ideologies. BTW, the topic at hand is whether a BDSM third-party viewer called RLV and its coding should be imposed as a solution to sim crossing. This is a TERRIBLE idea in multiple ways. We've been over this. If you support it, then you are supporting coercion against others so be honest about that and don't pretend "why, some of my best friends are..."
  22. Yes, that's a good example of the impunity these spammers feel. They feel they have the backing and approval of the Lindens, and therefore no one can complain about them. Like BDSM, they try to set "rules" for "how you can talk to them" to try to control your behavior. Not playing. I think it's also unfair that people who have Marketplace stores or any kind of store even inworld put out these driverless vehicles which then become essentially their free ad farm. Even if they technically don't put their vehicle for sale or have anything for sale as such it's still an advertisement. If I did this, people would scream. Interestingly, the pod I saw stuck and scudding around for a long time which I mentioned has now been replaced with a branded version of the pod, i.e. someone else bought the pod then put it out for "tours".
  23. @Theresa Tennyson No, they weren't in the public right-of-way, at all. Do you ever log in and look at the reality of virtuality? My parking lot ramps were only slightly on the Linden road SHOULDER where vehicles don't travel, did not obstruct traffic as the zillions of self-driven cars and avatar-driven cars that have been on that highway prove -- AND my prims were there merely because the road was in such bad repair, it was impossible for a vehicle to come OUT of the property. Prim drift appears to be a factor on the road prims - they still have prims there, not sculpties or mesh. It may have been impossible due to the curve to get the prims any more aligned, but they are now unaligned enough that they may cause problems. As for land sinking, I hadn't noticed that, that may account for the invisible prims that Ben Linden originally set somehow "not working" anymore for their original purpose, if true. That doesn't account for the problems I had with this road as the lumps and prims didn't result from sinking, but were baked in from the get-go. At this point we have three pieces of conflicting information from Lindens: 1) Jagix's claim that Governance (?! Governance fixes roads?) had entirely fixed the road and smoothed out the terrain and prims. At the time he wrote this, it simply wasn't true. But maybe he was told it was GOING to happen and took that for "happened"? 2) In response to a tenant's ticket about this road problem -- which makes it impossible to drive out of my land (hence the ramp on the road SHOULDER only, NOT blocking the road), a Linden said that Linden Lab will not change terrain or roads, period. BTW, This is the standard default possible. They don't do that. It is baked in, you have to live with it. 3) Meanwhile, some days AFTER Jagix's statement and the other Linden's response to a ticket, there was first made some flattening at this site, but only on the southern parking lot. I put some additions to my ticket. Then a few days later, there was made another actual flattening of the badly-terraformed lumpy terrain on both the northern and southern road SHOULDERs, so that it is now level at least with the Linden road, which means then I can make a parking lot level with it and it is now possible to drive off my land PS without "encroaching" which was only done as a workaround to a broken road. This process took over a week. As an additional data point I could say my own ticket about this road and terrain problem is still pending. So in Marxism, this is known as an "internal contradiction." Naturally, one wonders why Lindens can't fix their roads on occasion when they in fact demonstrably cause problems. While obviously LL can't go around answering all kinds of requests to change things on their landscaping and content, obviously there would be certain exceptions if you can demonstrate through common sense and logic that the problem is on their end. That may account for the "actuality" here -- it's now fixed. But look what it took!
  24. No. I have one no. 5 And then a reference to 5 years. D for trolling effort, Love Thang.
  25. The Lindens would blandly say "oh, but roads were meant for vehicles". BTW the Linden who said that was the BDSM Linden responsible for Zindra and used to give out a little bear all in chains in leather pants.
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