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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. How can you repro a bug that randomly puts one of your folders in trash. You can't. Instead you have to show curiosity -- why are there reports of random folders doing this? You can ask people "what were you doing before that happened" but that may be random as well. To gather data *scientifically*, you know, like these science marchers supposedly advocate, you would have to put out an open call for everyone who had this happen report on their experience. But the Lab will never do that because they aren't a Lab, they'are a Business. That's fine, but then invoking things like "repro the bug" as you would for Science isn't applicable as Science is not really going to be used. If there was already a known bug that did this you could start with that, maybe it's not really fixed. Sub-folders have been a religion forever. But I'm now abandoning that religion as they create a weak one-folder point of contact that at any moment can be pulled into trash. I think having folders under "objects" or some other system folder that won't be deleted itself is the only solution and they should promote that.
  2. Well, I do, for all sorts of reasons, but it is not material to this discussion, because this bug is always real and others have experienced it. This idea that you have to repro every bug to solve it and that only if you repro it can you have a solution belongs to the software cult and is not scientific. The rest of science, notably medicine but even engineering solves problems by treating symptoms or finding work-arounds even if they can't immediately find the cause and cure of a disease or a structural defect. In real businesses, *customer requirements* demand that you have things like back-ups for customers, like a back-up of your server data. If there's a bug, you don't wait for programmers to "repro it". You get your data back, full stop. You pay for this. Amazon provides it. And so on. The Lindens are not willing to do that believing it is costly because they don't acknowledge the cost of the departure of customers. I know people who have cancelled premiums and stopped shopping in SL or left SL completely when this inventory loss happens. There are solutions already readily available, such as taking the proof of purchase in the Market Place which goes back in time for years, or even the 32 days of the account transactions, and for non-copy items not found in the inventory, issuing them again. Oh, but someone could exploit this by buying stuff, moving it all to an alt, and claiming loss. Well, the rule of the replacement could be that you get a non-transfer version, just like the merchants do with gatcha exchange. Time-consuming, you say? But it could be automated, a collection of all the items by transaction number and then a search of inventory and then an automatic release of all those items from the asset server. Obviously they aren't lost in general, only lost from my inventory. This isn't a total solution, but it is doable. But a more durable solution involves providing inventory back-up. This doesn't mean violating copy-right and making copies available in real time now. It means supplying them only in event of loss. After all, it's not the items themselves, but again, the pointers to the asset server from your inventory that shows you paid for them (or made them). There is no reason except political will that this can't be done. Pay $25, a snapshot is taken, and in event of loss, the snapshot is retrieved. If you put things out on a sim, and that sim crashes and everything is lost, the Lindens do rollbacks. That might mean recent purchases can't be restored but whole builds and what you put out inworld can be! So that should become an automatic program for the Mainland, without the "no" this leads to every time under the false claim that it will upset everyone else's inventory on the sim. Nonsense, half the time the other people consist of no-show oldbies and abandoned land. And this is fixable, again, by capturing the inventory list at the current stage, which might include some people's land and builds, then restoring it to replace yours, then topping off with yours. Everything in pixels is copyable and storable. Therefore inventory needs to be something the Lindens restore. This is the future of the Metaverse. It is a must-have. It's not optional. They can do it.
  3. @Marianne McGann - Of course it's the exact same thing, the only difference is that you were able to rescue your folder. You likely did NOT put it in trash. I didn't see my folder despite looking carefully, but as Whirly pointed out, maybe I was only looking on "Recent" -- I actually don't think so, because right before noticing the inventory drop and the missing folder, I searched for something I couldn't find, and then the name of the folder and couldn't find that, so I was likely in regular view, not "recent". @Whirly Fizzle I haven't seen the problem of inventory acquired not showing, but because of these multiple annoyances where something asks to push something in your inventory and waits for you to click on it, and meanwhile you've kept the box inworld that tells you "all my contents are in inventory" because you want to push the item into a specific folder @Callum Meriman @Pamela Galli - Of course this is the exact same bug of course and likely you did NOT accidentally put that folder in trash, it just got moved to trash due to a bug. The Lindens really need to research this. It won't unless you FIC types and high-end merchants get them to look at this seriously. Why do I say this was done to me deliberately? Because I complained about it on behalf of another person, and they don't like negative posts. Why would I suspect them, when it is unlikely, sure? Because I've had a whole rash of really nasty things happen to me in the last six months that indicate they could be trying to get me to leave. ALL my gatcha items -- thousands -- were suddenly dumped off the Marketplace -- copiable items I make were left alone. ALL at once. Not due to any violation or notice of anything but a "technical glitch". I filed a ticket and was told they could "do nothing" but at least that confirmed it was technical. I was also subjected to the worst griefing I've had in years by seemingly the same types, but with new capacities like rapid-rezzing objects you can't delete and deployment of objects even when all build and object entry is turned off. Weeks and weeks of that. And other things as well, from annoying to major. Sure, given how many technical problems go on in SL it's likely not a conspiracy but just a string of bad luck. But even so, I suspect there's more to it. Of course any staff person caught doing something like would lose their job. But maybe not, if they were like, oh, Kadyrov contract men for Putin.
  4. Thanks. I did look carefully through my trash before flushing. That's how I know that a big folder with exclamation points and 15,000 items in sub-folders wasn't in there. You really should have a re-delivery terminal. All merchants should have them.
  5. I did file a ticket immediately. I do have exclamation points in front of this most valuable folder obviously. That's why I know it wasn't there in trash when I examined the folders. I think one issue is that you can't make a folder that is a sub-folder of OBJECTS and then sub-folders in THAT sub-folder as it creates a single point of failure. In fact I asked the Lindens about this! And they said it was ok to do this. After I used to have it in another odd system folder that was some temp thing they put in while fixing inventory. So while it's annoying not to see them all lined up in one folder, making them all with stars as subs of OBJECTS may mean the single point of failure is removed. Not that this folder issue is operative in every inventory loss. As for "names of objects," I can't start giving them thousands of names Some I will find on Casper and could give them or I remember them but honestly, they need to fix this problem in the worst way. One thing of yours I can't find are those stone tiles with the flowers inside them.
  6. I wasn't backspacing and renaming anything Sean. I wasn't dragging folders anywhere. I wasn't doing ANYTHING with folders. I was deleting a thing in world and then whoops got this YOUR TRASH IS OVERFLOWING MESSAGE You're not reading my original message and grasping that not only wasn't I doing anything with any folders, when I got that message I LOOKED AT the folders in trash and there was nothing like that, i.e. a familiar folder I knew had 15000 items in it!!!! please. This is an SL glitch.
  7. Look. I definitely, definitely did not pull a folder into trash. Pulling a folder out of my inventory line-up into trash is NEVER anything I did. The only folders I delete are from the bottom, the "received items" after I've removed their contents. But I did not delete a folder out of the regular line-up. So how does an entire folder with sub-folders get into trash? Only through a glitch. Not through my direct action. There was NOT any "more than 5000 items in trash" when I got this message. There were no more than 20! But somehow this entire B&B folder got INTO trash without me putting it. I just don't see how I could do that even accidentally. And that triggered the message. I never set anything on that function as I had never heard of it before. What you are not hearing is that knowing how SL screws up, I CAREFULLY REVIEWED every single thing in trash. There were no more than 20 items. There were a few folders but they had no arrows. They folders from received items I believe. There was nothing to indicate that a folder and further sub-folders with 15,000 items were somehow pulled into those folders! I don't have any filtered view. I simply double clicked on the "trash" icon. I did not put any 5000 or 15000 items in trash. I put two dozen in trash mash, deleting some things inworld. For sub-folders with 15,000 items to be deleted, you'd have to consciously drag the top folder into trash. I did not.
  8. As you know, I started a thread about inventory loss here. So just now, I was flying around and suddenly I got this odd system message: "Your trash is overflowing". Huh? I've never had a message like that in my entire 12 years of SL. So I look carefully at my Trash folder, mindful that something quite weird is going on and I could be screwed over. I carefully look at the dozen or so objects in it -- some deleted grass -- and I carefully look at the folders. There are no more than 20 items in trash, none high prim so it seems odd. So I go ahead and flush it, perhaps there's something I don't understand? This happens as I am trying to find something in inventory I can't find. I then notice there are 83,000 items in inventory, not 97,000 as usual. I next find that my !!B&B folder with dozens -- hundreds? -- of sub-folders IS GONE. That means literally some 14,000 or 15,000 items, literally worth thousands of RL dollars at this point, lots of houses, furnitures, rares, gatchas etc. used to decorate rentals, all carefully organized. I clear cache -- it's still not there. I filed a ticket and I have no doubt that some low level Linden is going to tell me that too bad, I shouldn't have flushed my trash. Except, I know for SURE I did not put an entire folder with its hundred sub-folders in trash, and if I had *I would have seen it* when I carefully looked at all the few dozen things in trash. I would have seen it somewhere, inside a folder, i.e. the folders would show with a little arrow. They didn't. So I filed my ticket as a sim roll-back. That's not the right thing, but perhaps it is related. You can be sure I'm going to be publicizing this is the most maximum way. I also tend to think that this was done deliberately as reprisals for calling attention to this really negative, persistent, widespread problem here on the forums. So I can only warn others that if you see a message demanding you to delete trash because it is "overflowing" (whoever heard of such a thing???) don't touch it. File a ticket. Demand action. It's crazy.
  9. Every year on Easter I have "House-Hunting" where you get a house or empty parcel for one month free -- if you can find it! The hunt expired at midnight Monday. Existing tenants get first crack but now I am opening it up to the public as there are a few that weren't found! Some have now 26 days or 24 days left still -- hurry! Hint: use search/places with the term "Ravenglass Rentals" and you might find some of the "House-Hunting" lots -- you will see a rental cube payed by Prokofy Neva. Or go to the office in Alston to pick up the latest listings, or TP to the communities to have a look around. You'll likely find some!
  10. Here's some nice new spacious multi-room skyboxes $250/300 prims. Skybox prims don't count and you get 300 prims. Beautiful Hector Lake, you can go boating, biking, picnicking and have brunch in the main house. Teleport to Hector Lake Skyboxes This is the Skye Parisian Sky Home -- really wonderful, glamorous, living room, bedroom and tiled enclosed porch.
  11. I have suffered inventory loss, and so have my tenants, sometimes tens of thousands of items. Further discussion on technical fixes
  12. Once again, I've heard of a fellow group member's terrible inventory loss of tens of thousands of items worth hundreds if not thousands of real-life dollars. This has happened far too many times to tenants of mine -- and I've suffered it myself. There was a period of a year when I logged on and I never knew whether I'd find 40,000 or 50,000 or 10,000 inventory items. Finally the Lindens "fixed this" with a patch and stabilized it, saying they removed corrupt items. I was mystified. This stabilized the numbers, but I continued to find things missing. Fortunately with "redelivery terminals" I could get SOME but HARDLY ALL back. But the devastation some people have suffered -- tens of thousands of items, 9,000 or 10,000 or 50,000 items GONE in a stroke -- is just way too common. This should NOT be happening. After all, these items are not really "lost". Every single one of them exists on the Lindens' asset server. Let's say you had collected 100 full sets of gatchas, including the rares, and they were wiped out in an inventory loss. ALL those items exist as created things on the merchants' own account and of course the Lindens' asset server. OTHER PEOPLE with a copy of those "single copy" items did not lose THEIR copy. Because -- asset server. What happens with a loss is the POINTER or link or whatever they call it from your inventory to the asset server is lost. NOW WHY CAN'T THOSE BE SAVED? Why isn't there a "reset" like a sim that goes back to your inventory before the time of loss? Why isn't there a Linden Redelivery Terminal *for your whole inventory*??? I can't see any reason not to. Yes, it means more tables in the data base. But whats a few more million tables? The loss is so terrible and it makes people leave SL and stop buying things in many cases. Please don't tell me about clearing cache, reloading, sorting by alphabetical letters, or putting out laurel leaves at a full moon. These things don't work. Low-level Lindens or hired CS people tell you it's your fault. Why, you shouldn't have deleted folders and cleared trash. Except in virtually every case of huge loss like this I've heard of, the customer never deliberately deleted anything at all. Obviously they wouldn't delete a folder of their most prized breedables or gatcha rares. Other know-it-alls tell you that you should have sub-folders. But they do, and still lose all their inventory. This is fixable. It is fixable perhaps even for money. A feature of Premium -- or just a feature, period -- could be called "inventory back-up". For 10,000 it is $5. For 100,000 it is $25 or whatever the market would bear. I would pay that; so would others in business. That back-up feature would mean the Lindens save a copy of all the inventory pointers and then reconstruct them in the event of loss. The worse thing about all this is how MANY incidents there are of even HUGE inventory loss but it doesn't get on the radar screen. Many people are in despair and just quit and they don't think of anything more to do. If it were me, I would be sending registered letters return receipt requested to the Lab. The TOS prevents lawsuits and requests arbitrage. That's fine, then that remedy should be exhausted. I think in some cases even given their existing tools the Lindens might recover some of this. But obviously they don't have a "set point established" or other similar type of system for inventory -- and they should. Even for money.
  13. Sadly, it's this: Unchecking the "avatars can see me" box didn't work. This is SUCH a nuisance as it spams every 30 seconds or so. Of course, another solution on the SL viewer is to block that object. There'd be no reason why I'd ever want to hear it again. The problem with blocking objects as you may know as it requires then each new tenant and all their friends to be told anew to do this and some leave before they even figure this out the first few times they're annoyed. In my experience such blocks can also become undone, possibly with new versions of the software or who knows. All in all, annoyance.
  14. @Innula Zenovka -- I had "running" checked. I had all the land boxes checked like "scripts" and "object" entry. But how was I to "just know" that I had to say "start" in chat? When you rez it out in world, there is the option FLY on the object edit menu. That does nothing. In fact I type HELP as it suggests in chat, where I might learn of START -- but nothing happens Same with START. I'm sending you this item in world and you'll see what I mean. I also pasted this script into an empty prim -- also didn't work.
  15. So on the "about land" menu under the "sound" tab, you can check this box: Restrict object and gesture sounds to this parcel And that person next door who runs an el-cheapo store with shouting free barrels and lucky chairs and other junk, can also check the box and do this: Restrict object and gesture sounds to this parcel So please explain: if I have that box checked on MY parcel, and the noisy neighbour has that same box checked on THEIR parcel, why do I hear their junk shouted to me in chat???
  16. Actually, it's not obvious at all from this announcement. The Lindens need to clarify it. Don't assume that bot wranglers don't buy premiums for their bots, or may be motivated to now. Also don't assume all renters don't have premium accounts. I have many customers with Premium who either keep a Linden home or have tier somewhere else or they put tier in my group to get a discount on rent. Yes, it's an incentive for sailors to become premium. For most Mainland sims, the 40 limit isn't a problem. There are never more than even 20 on a sim, or even 10. There are some clubs and malls that have higher numbers. But the only time this is really felt by most people is if there is a merchants' event, and most of these are on private islands. I imagine this new feature was designed mainly to ease their problems of not being able to stay on their own sims to manage them during events.
  17. Did you get it to work inworld? Well, I have the original flying carpet made by Cubey with this script in it. You rez it out inworld and it has an option to select "Fly". You select it -- nothing happens. You try moving arrows up and down -- nothing. It just doesn't "go anywhere". And its operation was always a fairly simple thing.
  18. // Cubey Terra Helicopter Style Flight script // Do not delete these script credits! If you modify this script, *add* your name and date and make your work available in Public Domain. // * Portions based on a public-domain flight script from Jack Digeridoo. // * Portions based on hoverboard script by Linden Lab. // * Nov 30, 2003 - Significant modifications and additions by Cubey Terra... (apologies for the crappy indenting). -CT // * Jan 11, 2004 - Fixed listen bug. Thanks to Trimming Hedges for the solution. -TH // * March 27, 2004 - Adapted to work as helicopter-style vehicle -CT // * April 8, 2004 - Adapted to work as U-Fly Taxi -CT // * April 15, 2004 - Adapted to work as DIY helicopter script -CT // * ???, 2004 - Adapted to work as magic carpet. -CT // * April 10, 2006 - Released to public. Tidied some code. Added beacon. Allowed anyone to pilot, no longer keyed to owner. -CT integer sit = FALSE; integer listenTrack; integer brake = TRUE; integer BEACON_INT = 1440; //# of mins between beacon messages integer beaconMins; // current # of minutes elapsed since last beacon message float X_THRUST = 20; float Z_THRUST = 15; float xMotor; float zMotor; key agent; key pilot; vector SIT_POS = <0.25, 0.0, 0.65>; vector CAM_OFFSET = <-10.0, 0.0, 2.0>; vector CAM_ANG = <0.0, 0.0, 2.0>; listenState(integer on) // start/stop listen { if (listenTrack) { llListenRemove(listenTrack); listenTrack = 0; } if (on) listenTrack = llListen(0, "", pilot, ""); } help() { llWhisper(0,"O Master of the Carpet, you may use these commands to fly me..."); llWhisper(0," Say START to begin moving."); llWhisper(0," Say STOP to stop moving."); llWhisper(0," PgUp/PgDn or E/C = hover up/down"); llWhisper(0," Arrow keys or WASD = forward, back, left, right"); llWhisper(0," Say HELP to display help."); } default { state_entry() { llSetSitText("Fly"); llSitTarget(SIT_POS, ZERO_ROTATION); llSetCameraEyeOffset(CAM_OFFSET); llSetCameraAtOffset(CAM_ANG); llCollisionSound("",0.0); //SET VEHICLE PARAMETERS llSetVehicleType(VEHICLE_TYPE_AIRPLANE); llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <200, 20, 20> ); // uniform angular friction llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, 2 ); // linear motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 120 ); // agular motor llSetVehicleVectorParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0, 0, 0> ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, .4); // hover llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, 2 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_TIMESCALE, 10000 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, 0.977 ); // no linear deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 5 ); // no angular deflection llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY, 0); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE, 5); // no vertical attractor llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY, 1 ); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE, 1 ); // banking llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY, 1); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_MIX, .5); llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_BANKING_TIMESCALE, 0.01); // default rotation of local frame llSetVehicleRotationParam( VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME, <0,0,0,1>); // remove these flags llRemoveVehicleFlags( VEHICLE_FLAG_NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VEHICLE_FLAG_HOVER_UP_ONLY | VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_MOTOR_UP ); } on_rez(integer num) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); pilot = llGetOwner(); llSetTimerEvent(60); // beacon timer for 1 min intervals } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { message == llToLower(message); if (message == "help") { help(); } if (message == "stop") { brake = TRUE; llWhisper(0,"We are stopped, O Master of the Carpet. You may say START to resume flight."); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); } else if (message == "start") { brake = FALSE; llWhisper(0,"I hear and obey, O Master of the Carpet. We now begin flight."); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); } } // DETECT AV SITTING/UNSITTING AND GIVE PERMISSIONS changed(integer change) { agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { if((agent == NULL_KEY) && (sit)) { // // Avatar gets off vehicle // llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llStopAnimation("sit_ground"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "unseated", ""); llStopSound(); llReleaseControls(); sit = FALSE; listenState(FALSE); } else if ((agent == llGetOwner()) && (!sit)) { // // Avatar gets on vehicle // pilot = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); sit = TRUE; llRequestPermissions(pilot, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); listenState(TRUE); llWhisper(0,"O Master of the Carpet, "+llKey2Name(pilot)+", command me as you will. Should you need assistance, please speak the word HELP."); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, "seated", ""); } } } //CHECK PERMISSIONS AND TAKE CONTROLS run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm & (PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS)) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_UP | CONTROL_DOWN | CONTROL_FWD | CONTROL_BACK | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT | CONTROL_ROT_LEFT, TRUE, FALSE); } if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { // Admittedly, animations are bugged. I'll let you figure it out. -CT llStartAnimation("sit_ground"); llStopAnimation("sit"); } } //FLIGHT CONTROLS control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { vector angular_motor; integer motor_changed; if ((level & CONTROL_FWD) || (level & CONTROL_BACK)) { if (edge & CONTROL_FWD) xMotor = X_THRUST; if (edge & CONTROL_BACK) xMotor = -X_THRUST; } else { xMotor = 0; } if ((level & CONTROL_UP) || (level & CONTROL_DOWN)) { if (level & CONTROL_UP) { zMotor = Z_THRUST; } if (level & CONTROL_DOWN) { zMotor = -Z_THRUST; } } else { zMotor = 0; } llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <xMotor,0,zMotor>); if (level & CONTROL_RIGHT) { angular_motor.x = TWO_PI; angular_motor.y /= 8; } if (level & CONTROL_LEFT) { angular_motor.x = -TWO_PI; angular_motor.y /= 8; } if (level & CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT) { angular_motor.x = TWO_PI; angular_motor.y /= 8; } if (level & CONTROL_ROT_LEFT) { angular_motor.x = -TWO_PI; angular_motor.y /= 8; } llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, angular_motor); } timer() { //This is a beacon. Vehicles that are not keyed to owner will often get stolen. // To avoid leaving vehicle litter all over the world, this beacon notifies the owner of it's location. if (beaconMins < BEACON_INT) { beaconMins += 1; } else { beaconMins = 0; vector pos = llGetPos(); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "O Master of the Carpet, I have been left unattended in "+llGetRegionName()+" "+(string)((integer)pos.x)+", "+(string)((integer)pos.y)+", at an altitude of "+(string)((integer)pos.z)+" meters."); } } }
  19. Whenever I read the liner notes to the latest software update, I marvel at how many tiny details that I never notice or care about are fixed, or how many very arcane matters are fixed that the average person doesn't need. Yet obvious persistent annoyances never get attention. Examples of annoyances on the Marketplace: - No way to turn off "out of stock" notifications. While there are other notifications you can turn off, you can't turn off that one (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/account/email_settings) Why? Obviously, a gacha item is single copy and will be out of stock when sold. You already knew that. You don't need to be told that in email. You can see it on the Marketplace listings in the browser inworld. Perhaps there are some power users with multiple copies of a single gatcha that they feed in as it sells and they "need" this but I have to wonder if that's true. Another possible use case with only a small number of users would be someone creating special items that sell only in single copies that they might keep replenishing. Can't imagine why this would be done, but perhaps. The overwhelming majority of us do not need this. - When you delete an item on your Marketplace listings because it is out of stock, it gives you another annoyance message telling you "no such item" -- as if you searched for it and now can't find it because it isn't there. Well, duh, you knew that because *you're the one who just deleted it*. Hello! This is truly an unnecessary "too much information" spam message that needs to go. There is no earthly use for it. It's an arcane system thing that needs to be hidden. - I've used the new Marketplace as long as it has existed. Yet nearly every time when I go there, I have to stop and think, or use trial and error to find *the list of sold items*. What would be so hard about labelling and option SOLD? It's not My Account, where you would think you would see sales and revenue. That's the list of what YOU bought. It's not "my store" which shows the things in your store. It's "Merchant Home" and "Transaction History" not "My Account" and "Order History". What's confusing about this is that "Transaction History" on your "My Accounts" general SL page has your purchases and sales both, so thinking it will have purchases, you go to "order history" which is what OTHER people would have ordered from your store. Instead, that's what YOU ordered. I swear this confuses me every time, it's a disconnect. Would it be so hard to say "Sales" and "Purchases" since they aren't together as on the general page. I'm sure other people experience this, and if you aren't then you're not going to understand it, but don't assume you're in the majority. There is no reason why "Sales" and "Purchases" couldn't be the labels -- they are more clear -- instead of "transaction history" and "order history". - When an item is flagged, you are given an alert THAT it was flagged, but you don't know why. The notice you get does not tell you why, and it should. You have to "just figure it out" from seeing what "didn't work," and that's often a mystery. All of these irritants are easy to fix.
  20. @Klytyna I'm not a tycoon by any stretch of the imagination. I have a small rentals business on the Mainland. And even the people with hundreds of private islands aren't tycoons, they are often people who struggle in RL. And even if they *were* tycoons, that's fine, they get to be tycoons in a normal free and democratic society that isn't ruled by socialism, communism or some other authoritarian system. People crying "landless poor" in SL are often geeks with six-figure computer programming jobs, so I really remain sanguine about this complaint. Most people who buy things also want to rent or buy land to display them. The packaging today isn't aimed at the "landless poor" but at the "clueless newbie" or simple ordinary user who doesn't want to be bothered with dragging from inventory on to land and then going into "contents" and selecting what goes into inventory where -- but wants to drag on to their avatar and have it pop into inventory, or even dress them right away (some do that). Of course, the "landless poor" can always go to a public sandbox, they don't have to pay rent at all. The over-packaging also encourages poor inventory hygiene, so that people then don't sort their stuff into folders. @Nova Convair - I don't think merchants harassing you with a group invite, either as spam greeting at a store (which I don't allow at my rentals) or with a spam push at you when you unpack their box make any sales. I've never in my life either gone back to a store because they pushed a landmark or group on site or after unpacking. I go to a store based on an ad on a blog, or serendipity, or searching for something specific in inworld search or the MP then going to the store. I think most people are like that. 60 group slots may seem like a lot but they go fast and you need to keep the VIP ones you paid for, not take every random one. I think most of this frenetic activity only annoys and doesn't help make sales. There's a deep-seated belief that it does, however, and it's also part of an overwhelming need to be like everybody else.
  21. This is something I HAVE to wonder. There is an enormous amount of packing garbage in SL now. It's common now for virtually every merchant to put their item in a box so that they can add notecards and landmarks. And now with gatchas, they can come in yet ANOTHER box, as they are in various promotional gimmicks that enable you to collect points to get a freebie or a special prize. That first box tells you to chose between keep and redeem, the second box has the actual thing. And there is a new generation of total annoyances for oldbies, that were designed to solve the perennial problem of "newbie with box on head". Now many items come not in a box but a purse or bag or board or something with an animation in it that enables you to "hold" it -- you immediately click or drag it from inventory on to your avatar, and then from there, you fight off first an automated invite to the group, then you unpack it -- unless it downloads automatically on you, then tells you "all of my contents are empty." If you bat away the animation, you get this error: Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set The bane of SL existence. You bat away the group of course -- didn't you just come from that store where you could have joined the group THERE, or aren't you ALREADY a member and it "doesn't know that"? Honestly, these packages are just an insane nuisance. I don't know if they really help newbies. I asked a very knowledgeable and seasoned Linden if packing clutter lagged the server. He said no. I pressed, saying wouldn't it cause not just the asset server but the individual log-in with a large inventory problems? Doesn't it "take up space"? Doesn't all that deleting done now -- there is so much more of it, now that so many things are copy but not transfer. Again, he said no. But I should have thought to ask what the effect is of first thousands of group invitations and animations to "hold" firing constantly on the servers have...and then the Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set trigginer, and so on. Maybe THAT has an effect? Another annoyance is the way some vendors send you a landmark to the store a minute after each purchase, as if you need to rush back, although you were just there...and they do that for every single item you purchase. It's a welter of space junk.
  22. I get this all the time, every other new patch, it comes back. Constantly. Nothing fixes it until they do a new patch. When I file tickets about it, I get runarounds about packet loss and clean installs but all of this is irrelevant. The fault is in their software, not in ourselves, dear Brutus... Sure, you can try using "add" and not "wear" but honestly, it's their software.
  23. Thanks. I don't care about Firestorm which I refuse to use. The regular SL viewer should also make classifieds not only viewable to everyone on your profile like on Picks, and not only vieweable to those who click through from the Classified ad itself. I don't see any menu called "Avatar" that leads to picks. But there's "Me" that has "Picks" as an option in the list. Who knew?! I never noticed that. There is such a welter of stuff, that it just doesn't "surface". But then you'd "just have to know" that doing THAT will then yield "Classifieds" under an arrow if you scroll down. What would be wrong with simply having Me/Classifieds? I think this is part of the allergy to commerce generally prevalent in the geek squad and those coding the viewer. You would think that as LL has to sell Classifieds, as a money sink if nothing else, they'd be more motivated to make it easier to get to them and do them.
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