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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Yes, it was checked. So thanks, I unchecked it, and now this problem is gone! But I never even heard of it before or saw it, much less checked it. Obviously if I knew it "freezed the frame" I wouldn't check it. So is this now the default? I don't see how it could be. How could it be checked? The only thing I ever have checked is "disable camera constraints". My point overall still stands, despite the removal of THIS annoyance as there are so many others. Care to work on "Classifieds" issue? PS Dare I ask why "freeze frame" has to free EVERYTHING ON THE VIEWER not just the picture?
  2. There's a new annoyance in the latest edition of the viewer, I don't know why this was inserted. It likely happened accidently as a correlation of something else, but who knows, maybe it was done deliberately without thinking of the consequences, for some arcane reason. Before, when you took a picture and blogged from SL using social media or email (which also feeds to some blog systems), you could come in and out of the Snapshot box without a problem -- for example to get a copy of the SLURL of your location to add, since these no longer automatically generate as they used to some time ago. You could also do things like snag the object description of the product you were blogging about, or get the name of a creator or speaker or highlight whatever else you were blogging about. Now that is impossible. When you try to "come out of the box," you get a "plus sign" that just doesn't allow you to click on the World Map or any other thing. You are thus trapped into that box, and left with either cancelling your photo, which may have been unique, or blogging it incompletely, and having to follow up later. HUGELY annoying. This so destroys workflow for those who do this a hundred times a day I'm surprised there aren't more complaints. Yes, you could plan to first capture the SLURL, and the land description, or the product name or whatever you need, and stack it all up in a Notepad on your desktop, for example, or somewhere outside of SL, and then hope that the paste bug in Word won't defeat you and you can get it all pasted into the Snapshot text box to blog. But it's not always possible to do that when you are blogging a live event, or flying around from sale to sale. And why should you? It didn't used to work this way. This is an example of the kind of thing that happens when people working on the viewer just aren't like many large categories of users themselves, don't care about basic issues (like why you can't instantly find your classified ads *you paid for* on your avatar profile as you can "picks," but instead have to start and stop a new classified to view the old ones -- really, that's a disgrace. Sure, someone may come along and tell me some other way to do this. But you'll be forced to agree that it is not as fast and intuitive as Picks is, which is "right there" unlike "Classifieds," although they are on your same avatar profile. Why do these annoyances happen? I think people working on the viewer are preoccupied about the code itself, and various arcane issues that flow from that, and don't think about uses, even in abstract "use case" list. They don't likely blog, for one obvious thing, concerning this particular new annoyance. They may have classified ads for their weapons or scripting businesses, but maybe they don't have a lot of them and have to change them frequently, which is when the lack of easy access begins to bite. No, I cannot file this on the JIRA as I am banned from there for pointing out another annoyance, the fact that "share" enables return of group set objects and overrides the unchecking of that power in group rights.
  3. LL could ban proxy sites that hide griefers and enormously reduce the amount of griefing and copyright theft in SL. But they don't because they imagine freedom fighters in Iran log on that way. All four of them.
  4. Hector Lake is one of the most beautiful places in SL. You can rent a parcel overlooking the lake or on the hilltop or at the waterfront. Currently available are lots for $50/75 and one with the ionic Minimal Needs house for $550. Management prims don't count, but if you want, you can ask to have our houses removed and you can place your own in theme, i.e. cabin, rustic, tent, Asian, hobbit, trailer, etc. Teleport to $550/600 ionic Minimal Needs This is one of my favourite little wagons in SL - has texture change inside. Teleport to $50/75 Violatility Tumbleweed Teleport to $50/75 what's next Cabin Teleport to $50/75 Ria Bazaar Camper Here I put the latest ionic Anima house by the roadside which has a great yard with overlook of the lake. Teleport to $266/300 Hector Lake Overlook and Roadside When you rent in the Hector Lake community you get use of the dock, the sitting area with refreshments by the lake, the downstairs of the main house (Living room with fireplace and kitchen) and pond. Romantic place to explore by cobblestone roads with Linden forest next door and other sights. Self-join groups, refund any time. Pets, skyboxes welcome. Prokofy Neva
  5. Beautiful flat waterfront, sail the Linden Seas! Teleport to $650/825 prims in Dicycla Teleport to $450/525 prims in Dicycla o Self-join group, no waiting, start building immediately o IM Prokofy Neva to get additional powers in the group, turn off build if you like, terraform, add media, change parcel description, etc. o Refund any time for small cancellation fee which is returned if you rent elsewhere in our system o Pets welcome, skyboxes too
  6. I haven't delt with a legitimate griefer in nearly 2 years. I explore all the time, mostly in public spaces, and I can safely say I cannot even remember the last sour enocunter I have had with a resident That's just your experience. As you just said, 30 Russians on another time zone could be having a party, and by the time you log on, they're gone as if they never existed. Same with griefing. You didn't experience. Others did. That doesn't mean it's not very real, very persistent, and a problem the Lindens have not deal with adequately in their 14 years of existence because the problem has been some of the griefers are them and their friends. If you don't understand this point I'd be happy to explain chapter and verse.
  7. 1. I don't believe it. 2. I still don't believe it. 3. Because there are a zillion reports. If they really read each one, they'd act on them. It takes them days -- weeks -- to respond sometimes, and sometimes they never do and you have to repeat AND get your friends to repeat. I sometimes try filing the tickets ANYWAY because I get so exasperated and sometimes if it's a matter of just removing a grief box the Lindens will do it. And not this is NOT what is "making it take longer" it's what finally works when multiple abuse reports using their system as they ask DOES NOT WORK. Tommy Linden's job is to tell you the policy. My job is to tell you the real experience and say what needs to be done. If the claim is "we read them but just not in real time or even within 24 hours," sorry, that's just unacceptable. The Lindens need to do what I've suggested here, stop pretending THIS MAIN KIND of griefing is somehow "only" to be AR'd, and allow it to be put in as a ticket the way you do abandoned land or a sim down or any kind of routine technical matter. UPDATE: For the last day, I've been griefed on multiple sims and parcels by the same old Woodbury/PN style griefer with the same creepy effigy of myself -- a high-prim horror. This object could have been removed from SL completely instead of allowing it to remain to be copybotted by a succession of griefer alts from their sandbox stashes. But no. If LL really read abuse reports, a day should be sufficient to remove not only this griefer but this object. But five years isn't sufficient, quite frankly. And usually these idiots remain in the people list and remain to harass me and my tenants for days on end. Someone like Saul Goodie may never experience something like this so doesn't understand that it exists. And you can bet that *because* I publicize it and protest it that only brings more griefing, and quite frankly, griefing that the company tolerates and even incites. So I'm totally sanguine about "the reading of ARs" and quite frankly, it is my job as a blogger and civic activist to call out this crime, as any person of conscience would do in RL.
  8. Don't be afraid, there isn't anything you can do wrong, unless you click ABANDON and then it will ask you if you really want to do that! 1. Right-Click on the land to get ABOUT LAND menu. 2. Scroll to EDIT TERRAIN 3. While staying in edit mode, drag your cursor to form a yellow box between the two parcels. 4. Click JOIN on the menu under MODIFY PARCEL
  9. Come live in the old world continent by the riverside. Winnipeg has a combination of flat and sloping parcels by the river. Teleport to Winnipeg skybox $300/400 Teleport to Winnepeg parcel $350/450 Teleport to Winnipeg skybox platform $350/450 - RENTED Teleport to Winnipeg $750/900 Prims Flat Teleport to Winnipeg $1100/1428 prims - RENTED Teleport to Winnipeg $1300/1680 Prims - RENTED Self-join group, no waiting, jump right in to decorate. Refund any time for small cancellation fee which is returned if you rent elsewhere. Pets, skyboxes welcome. Have a yardsale up in the sky if you want. IM Prokofy Neva to add powers to ban, paste media stream, change parcel description etc. Set Home to Here!
  10. It's very hard to tell people in a free market what to do. And this is supposedly a free market. I have serious doubts that it really is, however, based on long experience -- and recent experience. Recently as I've gone on to cash out Lindens to pay tier, in some cases I've put them to sit for awhile -- I don't mind waiting weeks -- and they never sell even a few points down. So I might have to sell right away with a limited sell, and set to, say 258 if I see it. I refresh the page to see how it's doing when I don't see it instantly show up in dollars, and to my surprise, I see a million Lindens suddenly parked at that position. My God, there will be no way I can sell then! Because the next position up immediately starts filling and gets to the half million point quickly. Refresh the page let's say 10 minutes later *and the million is gone*. Just plain gone. Now, sorry, kids, I don't believe that a million Lindens are sold at 3:00 am EST just like that, in ten minutes. I've now seen this happen a dozen times. So I would have to conclude: 1. The Lindens are trying to keep the Linden cheap with this method -- and it is one they acknowledged doing in the past with Supply Linden. But then why the rapid sales? 2. Someone is temporarily parking packets at a certain price on the LindEx and then removing it. But why? What's the sense in this? To enable more sells to then buy those cheaper Lindens? I'm puzzled what the MO is here.
  11. I've had the same, on "spamming", for only having a 2nd copy of a gatcha. This is nasty. I know people who have doubles who aren't touched. I see them, and talk to them. I have had some up for months not realizing it -- only now am I savaged. I find things like these can be revenge for real or imagined criticism. But if that's not the case, I still find these moves always overly aggressive and stupid, frankly. LL gets a chunk of each sale and they should be helping people to make sales not aggressively blocking them on technicalities. In the last month, I've had the following stupid things happen: 1. ALL of my gatchas -- hundreds -- dumped off en masse in a "technical glitch" that had no explanation and no fix. Had to put them all back on one by one, hours spent. 2. Ridiculously specious "violation" notices -- like a windmill that I had under "buildings" is cited for "not being a building". So what do I put it under guys?! 3. Yet another stupid thing -- I put a fence under "structural components" and THAT is cited as "not a structural component". This is just pure idiocy. It's wilful nastiness or cluelessness. 4. Now yesterday I had a dozen items dumped and I was cited for "spamming". I couldn't understand it! What could be spamming?! Then I realized that I had inadvertently put doubles of some gatcha items. They are single, no-copy items, and two of them got posted in some cases. I could understand if the system automatically removed one of them, but to block the remaining one and ANY one for ever more? That's just crazy and unnecessary because this isn't "spamming" like putting out a gadzillion different colours, it's putting up a double of a gatcha. What should be done in such an instance -- if there has to be a policy that you cannot have doubles of a single-copy gatcha -- is that one is removed and the other remains. Surely they can write a script to do that? And once you are told this, you will be more careful. What's so NASTY about this is that you are not warned and given a second chance, but blocked FOREVER MORE from putting up that gatcha, never again to be able to put it on the MP. Honestly, the MP has been a vexatious hell lately. They need to get the Lindens on this to straighten up and stop savaging merchants. Only a petition from the most visible, most high-selling merchants will accomplish this.
  12. Of course it's an odd message when the issue is not PUTTING ON but UNABLE TO TAKE OFF clothig. There isn't any "client-side invisible list corruption". The Lindens have been over and over my inventory on multiple tickets. They've removed corrupt objects. There is nothing like this. I'm not on Firestorm and will never be. I'm on the regulation SL viewer. I am going to stay with the SL Viewer because that makes most sense for me, and I don't need the data-scraping and phoning home of the third-party viewers some of which are still made by griefers.
  13. The Kittycats people have these snacks you can buy that you can put on you that feed the cat on your shoulder.
  14. I think the atoll continent for example is very well maintained by the Moles and Linden Lab and they have added a lot of roads and things. I wish they'd upgrade their content to mesh with more animations but that's a luxury request. But I think what you should do is file a ticket with these very specific requests. They might do them. I have occasionally seen Lindens do things like this, but you have to ask.
  15. I agree that Linden has let griefing get out of hand again. It used to be part of the problem was that Lindens themselves were friends with some of the griefers, but most/all of those Lindens are gone now. So I think it's just not a priority. There has been all this focus on fixing the abuse reporting mechanisms and making the picture stay after a crash and all this that you can read on the release notes. But what is really needed is a change in attitude toward grief reports. Lindens do not let you speak to live chat customer service about griefing nor do they allow you to file tickets to customer service about griefing, you can only file a "go nowher" Abuse Report. There are so many of these LL doesn't process them. What I would like to see is a more business-like and neutral attitude toward grief problems involving self-replicating prims and particle spam. This should be viewed as like "weather," i.e. just as you'd view a poorly-performing sim, a lagging sim, a sim with unknown "problems". The Lindens should allow customer service reports to clean up these messages as if they were routine matters and not bar them from the system. I should be able to file a ticket to have a grief box removed from land next to me as if it were anything, a crashed airplane, a couch that got away from me -- anything accidental. Griefing should be treated the same way. Furthermore, I'd like the Lindens to get more serious about immediately banning the owners of grief objects from SL permanently. Anyone who puts a grief cube on land that spews obscene, racist, and pornographic images not allowed in SL should have their avatar instantly banned. They shouldn't remain in the People list for days and weeks on end.
  16. The biggest market now is the gatcha phenomenon. These are like gumball machines only you get random dresses, hair, furniture etc with a chance to win a rare. Go to the big gatcha events like Gacha Garden, Epiphany, Crossroads, Shiny Shabby, We <3 RP etc etc which you can read about on SeraphimSL and other big SL blogs and see how it works. Make a list of the designers/creators. Check out their web sites -- they are often recruiting bloggers, so you could put your writing talents to work. Mind you, "blogger" is really "PR person" but it sounds like you wouldn't mind that. Some of them pay; some don't. You might get paid in gatcha sets, but they may be put on no-transfer so you can't sell them. What some people do is buy the gatchas and resell them at stalls at big yard sales in world, or on the Marketplace where they sell better. You have to invest a lot of time, watch the market closely, and have some "working capital" to play this market angle. Some big designers have the funds for staff, PR people, customer service people, etc. They may pay starvation/third-world wages befitting a virtual world but some pay better. Google will not help you with this. You'll have to go around the big stores and big merchants' events and see if they have "wanted" signs on their external websites, where they usually put such information. Occasionally they will recruit with a group, but usually not. Unfortunately, it's like RL where sometimes you have to work an unpaid internship for awhile to get into the business. In general, I do not view SL as a place for the ordinary person to make income. At best you exchange time for pennies. At worse you are ripped off by unscrupulous people with scams or illegal activities. The very, very tiny few with big breedables, content, rentals empires have very tight posses of trusted staff/friends and it is hard to break into. But everyone had to start somewhere, so go around the big stores/empires (big rental agencies all have CS people; I don't) and see what you can find.
  17. I love sion chickens. I still raise them after all these years, and occasionally I go to Boardman to buy their very cheap food ($1 for a month's feed) or the healer ($90) if they die (sometimes due to Linden server reset, sometimes due to food problems. But I know that there are few other people in SL who are raising sions. Occasionally I might sell and egg -- once a month. Not a single big breedable mall or yard has sions anymore. Therefore I'm completely bewildered why LL has the little sion stall in Boardman as a Destination pick. Makes NO sense even if they are more popular, because it's just a little stall, not a place where you can hang out, and a place where no new content has been created in years. But they aren't popular. I'm especially bewildered by the "hot" status. Every time I go to sion's stall, no one is there. Maybe lots of people come there but I have to wonder. For what? Few if any would buy start kits. The food is now ridiculously cheap. People tend not to get healers because they just delete them and start a new one. It's odd.
  18. @Chin Rey you *do* realize that "two departments independent of each other" are still an *allocation of resources*. The head of LL can put MORE people on Sansar and LESS on SL. It doesn't matter what "standard procedures" are in companies and any "firewall" imagined or real between these projects. There are executive decisions about WHERE to put more resources. And it is more than reasonable to ask whether the legacy SL is being shorted. @Derek Torvalar Um, I didn't "ragequit". I criticized something *legitimately*. A sim being down for two days is NOT NORMAL and it's *more than fine* to call that out. If you mean someone else, why reply to me? @Tommy Linden A Linden eventually answered my ticket that this was a "script". A "script" that does things like this is called "a griefing script". There is a relatively new kind of griefing script that rezzes cubes even on land where there is autoreturn, even on Linden land, and even on land where the person is banned or they aren't in the group to which it is set. Obviously that's a big problem for SL. I do hope the Lindens can deprecate/delete/remove completely this script but the fact that it KEEPS appearing makes me wonder. If it is another script we don't know that. If it is an accident -- sometimes residents make things that get out of their control by accident -- we don't know that. Therefore it stands to reason that what happened in Brown -- just like what happened in Ravenglass some times ago and also Grace this week was the same thing: this re-rezzing script.
  19. @Pamela Galli Not performing maintenance on a Mainland sim for 2 days -- or it being so broken it couldn't be fixed for 2 days, something I have trouble believing! -- is indeed cause for concern. Nowhere in this thread did I saw "SL is dying". I noted when I asked the Linden about the possibility that resources were shifting to Project Sansar, she vigorously denied it. And yes, the company wants to keep its "legacy product" going. But maybe it's too hard and they don't have the resources and attention. Let me think. When your customers can't see your houses -- a thread you had recently -- that may be grounds for YOU to say "SL is dying" if it persists for days and weeks and then soon all your customers have this problem. You're welcome to come to the forums and complain and get sympathy then.
  20. I'm not surprised. If I, at my micro-level, decide to sell some parcels, think what land barons with 100 sims do. For me, it's not loss of business as I have brand-new customers all the time, some just entering Second Life, and I try to help retain them. I have others who leave but it's for all the usual reasons of break-ups with a partner or lack of RL money. HOWEVER, more and more I experience these hardships and some of my customers do and they leave: o loss of inventory - sometimes it reappears, sometimes not. These are sometimes STAGGERING losses -- and to this day inventory loss just makes NO sense. What is an asset server if not a server of assets??? o log on as Casper -- it gets old trying to do Avatar Test and then reconstruct my regular outfit. o things like cats or other attachments get stuck on me with the same bewildering message about how there are no clothing files to put on -- but I'm trying to take OFF o my entire stock of gatchas on the Marketplace -- hundreds -- suddenly dumped off due to a technical glitch o inability to load content of objects -- just an impossible hobble in business. o inability to load land menu And no, I don't have packet loss. Yes, I am wi-fi. But most of the time SL works on wi-fi as everyone knows. I've tried putting in the direct line -- no better. Maybe it's my phone company. I have a fairly new computer but not top of the line -- it meets the specks. For 12 years I've been fiddling with Internet connections and computers, I should have a degree in computer science by now. I have a high tolerance for SL problems. I once spent a year on 64 draw distance in the mud. I went for probably 2 years or more with an inventory that changed from 40,000 to 50,000 daily, losing all my rentals infonotecards which I was forced to then stash inworld. Etc. Resources are being put into a world that works better because perhaps more thought was put into its foundations than SL, which began as a scrappy afterthought and appendance to a VR rig.
  21. @Chic Aeon yes, I'm not stupid. I re-opened the ticket of course. AND contacted Live Chat several days. And so did another rentals agent on that same sim, multiple tickets.
  22. Kristin, I've been in Second Life for 12 years and run a rentals agency, my tenants were on that sim. As my post states, of course I filed a ticket immediately as soon as a few hours went by. I contacted Live Support several times as well. I closed and then re-opened the ticket when in fact I saw that the sim being on the map didn't mean it was working. Another rentals agent with properties on that same sim also filed multiple tickets. Yes, Brown is up and running after two days, but that's an insane amount of time for Second Life Mainland. The issue for Brown was not griefing as far as I know.
  23. @EdmundPendragon they have regular rolling restarts with the latest patch on Tuesdays. But this is way beyond that. I have land on some 50 sims, this is the only one I knew of that was down. Project Sansar doesn't run on the same grid does it? It has a completely different engine, structure etc, does it not? So it wouldn't be on the SAME servers? Or would it? My understand was that it was on a separate grid, and that you "can't get there from here," it's literally another world, like Mars. But what do I know, I just work here. Maybe this jet that they say has been flying and needing its engine swapped out while flying was finally getting close to bursting apart. I don't know. But then you'd have a lot of sims in trouble, no?
  24. This is just totally bizarre. I have never seen this happen in 12 years. That is, even when all of Second Life used to be down in the early days of 2004-2005, or a sim might stay down for a day or more, I never saw THIS. An old "colour sim," a Linden-zoned sim called Brown, simply malfunctioning and remaining unworkable for two days and counting. First, it was gone from the map after the rolling restart. And still gone. And gone so long I had to call about it. Then after filing a ticket January 31 on this, I closed it because I saw it on the map again. But then I realized no one could walk or teleport into the sim. My tenants were all howling. And puzzled. What could this be? On the map, yet no teleport or accessibility. I imagine the two or three other rental agencies on that sim are also puzzled and getting howls. It's just so unlike Second Life. TWO DAYS? Usually a sim that they can't fix with a restart or two is imply moved to another server. It's taken off the server it was on and MOVED to one they know works. My God, there's 30,000 plus of these sims, and that means whatever, 1/4 of that as quad servers or whatever the math is. Lots of servers. Like spinning tops, they move them around. Sometimes in the old days you could even see the sims you were sharing a server with, people had scripts. And if you discovered terrible lag, and saw you were a "server sharer" with a laggy club with 40 avatars, the Lindens would simply move your sim. Maybe they don't have that ability now? But surely they do. TWO WHOLE DAYS? Are you mad? What's taking so long? Let's say they had to check every physics item that was colliding or whatever it is they had to do as a task list. What's up after TWO DAYS??? I asked the Lindens at the help desk whether they had decided not to do maintenance on this world any more because they are launching Project Sansar." "Certainly not," says an oldbie Linden who knows what a colour sim is. But, this is how it starts... Naturally I am very aware that the Mainland -- 5,000 sims with a lot of them half empty -- is low hanging fruit for the Lindens to ditch. They have 25,000 or whatever the number is of private islands (see Tyche's latest surveys). They're more motivated to fix things for those customers who are often higher-paying with many more sims than Mainlanders. I'm trying to think if I ever saw an island down for more than a day. That I may have seen. But Mainland??? PS Finally back up again after multiple chats and tickets. Two days is unacceptable for a sim to be down.
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