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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. The problem with the "Christmas" theory is that the great 10 point increase in value (or drop) came *after* Christmas in the days before New Year's, in fact. That is, most people would have done their shopping by then. Naturally, I wonder if this is related in some way: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/sansar-video-footage-monetization-system,33300.html That is, the knowledge of the Sansar currency market would have likely preceded the publication Jan. 4 for those 500 lucky few who are in Sansar. If the theory is that the Sansar dollar will make the Linden dollar devalue (even if they are not convertible, a black market will quickly arise, of course), there might be some who would think now is the time to buy and hold Linden dollars perhaps (although I would think the theory might be the opposite, sell to get rid of before they devalue further).
  2. Here's a great concept, a bed & breakfast just like real life. You get your own lovely furnished room in a quaint old farm house with SL antiques and the latest mesh. Then, since this is Second Life, you get an attached, locked skybox of your own. And just $100/150 prims a week! Management prims don't count, but you can ask to have them removed for 25 or swap them for other items in our warehouse. Teleport to Grote B&B Beautiful sitting room with many nice rose things. Then TP to your private skybox - Ria Bazar's two-story modern skyloft with great window views Explore the area where you will find seating, meals and recreation on 3 sims. Look around this area -- other nice B&B rooms available. Prokofy Neva Owner & Manager
  3. No, I'm comparing renting parcels on Mainland to renting parcels on islands because that's what most people do. And renting a homestead is like renting a big parcel. And no, because she's claiming that island "buying" is "buying" when it is not, it is a glorified form of RENTING.
  4. Have your own store for $150 and generous 225 prims, you will be able to change the parcel description with group powers, have your own name, description and texture. The search/places ad will also be included in the price of the rent. Self-join group so no waiting for absentee landlord as with so many malls. IM Prokofy Neva to be added to resident powers to put in a music stream, name etc. Refund any time -- also rarely a feature of malls. Low price so that you can get more of your profits. Teleport to Refugio Plaza
  5. Here's some parcels in the very unique Sutherland Dam basin, one of the Mainland's special places that has a Linden-built dam, a resident-built club inside (an Easter egg), a Linden-built bridge and a resident-built railway across four sims -- and wonderful sunset views and sailing out to the Linden seas. Teleport to Mountain Top at Sutherland Dam Basin $250/300 prims Teleport to Waterfront at Sutherland Dam Basin $650/750 prims
  6. Nonsense. You need to spend more time actually logging in and flying around the Mainland. Linden Lab originally *encouraged* Mainland rentals literally and demonstrativelyl from Philip Linden to Ben Linden on down because they realized this was a way to encourage concurrency -- period. For those unwilling to pay $9.95 a month and incur additional tier perhaps, or pay higher island rates, Mainland rentals were great and still are, and the huge number of them attests to that. Renting Mainland IS DEFINITELY less risky than "owning" an island that has merely been transferred to your group. Mainland rentals do not have "set up fees," i.e. purchase prices to "own" a parcel you will go on paying tier on until the landlord of the island pulls it. While Mainland landlords can pull your land out from under you, it's much less likely as *it is only a parcel -- not an entire sim involved*. And you will not have shelled out that "set-up fee" or "purchase price" but only started paying rent. Mainland rents are a lot cheaper and some of them (like mine) have refunds. Thus the exposure is FAR less and it's only the desire to be contrarian to people whose opinions you generally don't like that is causing this claim on your part (plus undying loyalty to LL no matter what). If you can't understand the difference between losing a parcel you just paid $900 Lindens for, and losing a homestead you paid US $100 for, well, I can't help you. To claim that anything involving buying land of any kind in SL is an "investment" is not to understand either the brutality of rentals math or business in general. Buying land is a business cost, a sink, a loss -- a loss you can't make back generally even in a year. The market is too volatile to bank on making back such SUNK COSTS. The Lindens know that it is in their interests to encourage rentals and sales on Mainland -- period. Hey, why do you think that they themselves are now getting into Mainland sales again BIG LEAGUE!!! Hello! Otherwise they'd just encourage more island sales. Oops, they did that with the buydown but the number of islands still keeps dropping. Oh, well. This article DOES NOT do a good job and even Lindens would concede that. It's just nobody has ever challenged them. They need more than just the rewrite on rentals -- they need to encourage buying Mainland, period, which they have not done for years.
  7. Bid on a Winter Getaway! Live in IDEZA's Mazure house from the gacha set - a quaint little wooden house topped with snow with a cosy wagon bed and chairs and a wood burning stove inside, to which I've added hot soup and mulled wine added. Teleport to Winter Getaway in Shimmer This is a gorgeous sim, real snow and an icy Linden sea all around. You also get a cuddle cabin to gaze out at the view, and a sky loft (vespertine's Center of the Universe), an offbeat attic, which you can have locked. Bidding started at $50 and you get to live here 30 days. It's likely to be a bargain! You get 25 prims for your use. You can ask to have items removed or swapped with other items in our warehouse. Teleport to Winter Getaway in Shimmer Teleport to Ravenglass office to bid Pets welcome. Self-join group. IM Prokofy Neva to get extra powers.
  8. About 6.5 years ago, I wrote a blog post about how the Lindens discourage Mainland rentals - in one way, by not having a sufficiently robust description in their Knowledge Base. I tied this to the problems of growth of SL because renting land is one way that people can "make a living" in SL if they are not content creators or don't want to join the sex industry. I see years later, that Knowledge Base (formerly "wiki" article) is still unchanged with this strange locution, "You may have heard," as if there is something illicit about Mainland rentals by contrast with island rentals. For those of us who remember when rentals were ONLY Mainland and there were only a handful of islands fully owned by people who didn't tend to rent them out, this seems absurd. Here it is: You may have heard that some Residents offer land for rent on the mainland, which works differently in some regards. One big difference is that you don't do the act of buying a parcel (which shows you as the parcel owner in ABOUT LAND - GENERAL as described above). instead, you might be offered to join a group which gives you the permission to place objects on a designated parcel with your group tag. This arrangement is common in many mainland malls, where stalls are rented out (and there may be advertisements for such an arrangement). A similar pattern can be found in cottages, hotels, and other destinations. What's especially obnoxious about this item is that it makes it seem as if your "buying" of an island parcel is some kind of more "sure thing" than a Mainland rental. Given how many people have been screwed over by island dealers who dump their sims and their customers without notice, I think that's unfair. And this leaves out that when you join the group, you are often given more powers that are virtually the same as your ownership -- ban, deed media, change parcel description, terraform, etc. It's just all left out because of the clear distaste that the LL mindset has for Mainland. This really needs additions and rewriting. I don't want to take this on because it means dealing with editing wars, Lindens with set views, etc. etc. But someone might want to do this.
  9. I would say you are trying to cram too many people on to these parcels, it will get laggy and that will cost you customers.
  10. I hope this next one doesn't have such awful houses on it.
  11. Back in which day? In 2004-2005, waterfront would go for $9/m or $10/m or more. I remember I had a stock price of $7.5 I would set land to for existing tenants who wanted to buy. There wasn't land at that golden mean of $5/m that Philip Linden talked about at the time -- unless it was PG (General). The only land that was $1/1 was "First Land" that used to be available only to newbies, but then that program was discontinued due to bots. Land is very cheap now. It has gone up somewhat but it still an incredible bargain compared to yesteryear. Unless, of course, you are looking at land owned by large land owners in Zindra. But I see bargains go by even in Zindra.
  12. $100/100 prims Holiday decorated skybox. Champagne, hot-tub, meals, fireside, DRD Timber bedroom Teleport to Flamingo Court Skybox D
  13. Hi, you can put an open script in it that says "give all when touched". I will try to send you or IM me inworld. That's less complicated than the other suggestions
  14. Unless the owners of the group you want to donate the land to have a premium account, they cannot buy or accept land, or assume ownership, either as individuals or a group. So they would first have to pay for the premium account and get the 512 free tier and any additional tier to cover the land you want to give them. If you are also in that group, and you have the tier, then you will move your tier out of one group and into that group to cover it, then you are paying for the tier and they are merely using your land as non-premium members. They wouldn't have ownership. So yes, if you continue paying the tier, and merely move the land to another group then they aren't owners. When moving the tier, you have to make sure you don't accidentally tier up. The way I do it is sell the land to myself from the group and buy it as an individual, I set my name as "specific person" and the price as $1. Then I make sure I have put tier into the group I want to move to. Then I "buy as group". Pay attention to the menus to make sure the message says your tier will remain the same and not go up.
  15. This is great for mermaids! Very deep sea in the Barton Dam reservoir Teleport to Deep Sea in Barton 1024 sq meters $7000 Teleport to Deep Sea in Barton 512 sq meters $7000 This is how you could decorate it, try it out! (Objects not for sale with land). IM Prokofy Neva
  16. This is a unique island on the Mainland! Surrounded by Linden Sea in the Old World 10672 square meters with 3663 prims. Asking $106,000 You can also rent for $2800 a week with 10% discount for 4 weeks
  17. Here's a rare Mainland island in the open Linden sea you can rent and lanscape and have loads of prims, boating on the Hidden Lakes, and calm sunset views. Teleport to Mainland Island in Maryport $2800/week, 3512 prims Have some tier from your premium account? Donate 512 to the group and get a $250/wk discount off your rent. Self-join group on site, no waiting for landlords to start building your dream. IM Prokofy Neva to add powers to ban, deed media, terraform, change parcel description etc.
  18. I don't want to commission a script at this time. I think getting food items into your hand is such a ubiquitous function that it should be an open script. I'm not even a big fan of open source as many know, mainly for the culture of hatred of proprietary items and copyleftism that goes with it. But I do believe that certain tools of the virtual world that are basic to its functioning, like notecard givers, should be open to use. So just as "give all" is an open script, "attach to hand temporarly" should be. I'm not sure how that would be best set up, with objects that are copy but not transfer that come out of, say, a tea pot and copy temporarily to whomever touches them, or with transfer objects that go in their inventory. But the whole point is to avoid inventory clutter and confusion, so the latter would be preferable.
  19. If the object was my own object, though, why would it disappear my object?
  20. A script that disappears objects when you don't expect -- and they are lost forever! Not in trash, not in lost in found, but gone! I lost a single-copy rare this way! I came across this item -- I think it's some years old from the beginning of the mesh era -- called "history of mesh -- expert Linden". It's made by amelie knelstrom (creator of vespertine) and called RezeeControl. You click, and it goes right into your hand, it's a cute little notebook. It seems to be a freebie with a copyable and transferable script, but it's not modifiable sadly so I can't put it here, but IM me in world I'll send the item. The reason I took it out and tried to put it in other objects is because I have been looking for a long time for a script that will put objects right into people's hands when they click on them, if "avsitter" the experience is enabled on that parcel. For more than a decade we've had "give all" or "give on touch" or whatever, but the drawback there is that the item comes in inventory, and then someone has to drag it out to use it, and this can be annoying or confusing for newbies. So naturally I'd like food to be able to go right in their hand. I think perhaps this could have been related to "disappearing food" but I'm not sure. What I'd like to do is have a script that does not disappear things forever, and just keep that function that goes in your hand (or maybe someone knows another). If you don't believe me, test it with a prim that you don't mind losing.
  21. You don't have to pay a fortune and deal with crowds as in the Blake Sea area when you come to Hidden Lakes. These are the oldest sims the Lindens made, beautiful lakes and rivers that are wonderful for boating. Come to Lake Erie to see the great views you'll have. Teleport to Ravenglass Rentals Lakefront in Erie 1 $325/375 prims - yes, more prims! Teleport to Ravenglass Rentals Lakefront in Erie 3 $425/482 prims Self-join group, no waiting. Refund any time for a small fee which is returned if you rent again in our system. Pets welcome, skyboxes too. IM Prokofy Neva for additional powers.
  22. Have a little getaway for only $50/wk and you get 75 prims! Or ask for $100/150 prims. Riverside wooded area with your own parcel so you can have music and bans and also commons areas with a campfire, lodge, camp store, meditation, and boating. One of the prettiest areas in SL. Teleport to Grote Camping No. 1 $100/150 Teleport to Grote Camping No. 5 $100/150 Teleport to Grote Camping No. 15 $50/75 Management houses and props don't count on your count, but if you like, you may ask to remove and place your own in theme. Self-join group, refund any time for small fee which is returned if you move elsewhere in our system. Pets welcome. You can also rez a skybox above your lot if you like. IM Prokofy Neva
  23. UPDATE: I filed a ticket on this, and all the Lindens could tell me is that no, they have no way of globally restoring all my items. They can globally remove them in one fell swoop, but can't reverse that. So yes, I'm spending hours putting them all back. And it's bizarre, because I am taking them all out of a folder and putting them back in MP folders that say "active" but also deliver error messages if you run the error check. So I am first deactivating, then activating, then re-listing. BTW the folder in inventory they all landed in was one of those MP-like folders with the punched holes or grid on them. That is I once dragged something off the MP into inventory and it kept that sort of folder. So I don't know if that's at issue but I don't see how it could be.
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