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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. 1. Can you make abandoned land available to anyone who files a ticket on a first-come, first-served basis instead of this torturous process of either auctions or filing tickets that often get rejected or only allow small amounts to be purchased? 2. Can you go back to publishing the economic statistics of inworld transactions so that we understand the world better -- i.e. number of transactions of $1 or more divided into groups, i.e. 1-100, 101-500 etc. Also statistics on Marketplace purchases in the same way. 3. Can you go back to publicizing who bids on each land auction and who wins the auction and leave it on the record? 4. Can you put paid ad boards for residents back in the infohubs?
  2. Public opinion polls scare people like you because, well, the public responds to them and that goes against your received wisdom. Good! I have one poll that has thousands of answers over a period of more than five years about what is most important for newbies in SL, and it's not what the Lindens always think, learning the wonky and largely unnecessary skills of the viewer like building.
  3. The problem with your theories is that they don't bear out in the reality of Second Life. There are zillions of resident-built structures over Linden roads, sometimes by necessity, sometimes simply because people have a need to get around some problem. The Lindens have been totally laissez-faire with this for years and years. Unless they actually obstruct traffic, they leave them alone. That body of facts stands against the idea that there is some "theft" here by *solving a Linden-created problem* on a *road shoulder* by putting a ramp over it. Especially when the DEFAULT Linden attitude -- as we found by filing tickets -- is to say "we never change our land, ever." Interestingly, after enough writing of tickets and explanations, they DID fix their land debacle here so that the ramp was no longer necessary. What's annoying is that I even commissioned someone to make a scripted draw-bridge of sorts once to try to deal with this problem but I couldn't get the angles to work and gave up. The Lindens had no problem with this ramp for three years. They only acted because ill-minded opportunists filed ARs and then they felt "they had to take action" or look bad. That's always the way with law-enforcement. But the reality is, the zillions of structures still remain all over SL because the Lindens truly do not care. Squatters on private land taking up thousands of prims FROM OTHER RENTERS ON THAT SIM are a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE than putting a ramp over some small portion of EMPTY Linden land that doesn't affect their huge prim count in that area. Get a grip. As for the other claims, they are also all false, and there is all the evidence required. Given that there is no free press or rule of law in SL, and the Lindens will not provide governance of disputes between residents, the only way to warn people of bad behavior is to make do-not-rent lists. And that is everyone's right. No one is required to do business with anyone else in SL.
  4. I disagree. I think the Lindens would write better scripts and also more to the point, design the vehicles to look better.
  5. You can't fake this poll, it only lets you vote once, going by avatar ID. I have another poll which I'll find the URL for, where one of the questions is about spam cars, and people oppose them. I truly have no need to manipulate this poll i.e. by using alts or something because I really want to see what opinion is. And I'm confident that opinion runs more against spam cars than for them, as most people who care about these issues log on to SL and live on the sims, they don't have theories on the forums. That's the thing I often find about polls, they differ than the "received wisdom" of the forums.
  6. No. They don't say "hello" when they send driverless spam into sims where I own land and have tenants and when their stupid spam vehicles go up in the air, crash into things, or are out of theme. No. The problem is already obvious: their overweening sense that they can have "meta" projects that take over public roads with their own scripted item. The Lindens should always discourage these egos. They are never in the public interest. I'll be as rude as I need to be with this overweening interference with the public interest. It's not true that "the vast majority of people" think this. The overwhelming majority of the cars are EMPTY. THEY ARE NOT USED. It's just something its boosters like you can't admit. When I put out public opinion polls, people respond in the negative about them, imagine that. I'm not outvoted by any ten thousand, that's ridiculous. There are 10 very vocal toxic creatures on the forums that push this sort of thing when they themselves don't even go in world. I marvel that you have the idea that the few people who post to the forums mean anything -- anything at all, let alone "10,000" My opinion polls have always proven that to me. So many claimed they never use search/places to shop -- whoops, that was disproven -- to cite but one of many myths that the forums regs live with. It's standard practice in the world of MMORPGs that only five percent read the forums and only 2 percent post on them. It's the same few dozen posting and the same dozen toxic ones. Anyone can see that. It's hardly ME trying to make anyone bend to my will, as I don't have a scripted meta project taking up the public space, Chin? Do get a grip! It's they who do this and specifically the pods. The pods are the very worst spammers now.
  7. You have trouble denouncing it and that is supporting it. I don't hallucinate anything of the kind. I guess you don't read mainstream news, or you would see that the critique I've made of entities like Google or Facebook for years is now standard and there are even huge uproars about their overreach. I don't know what all your ranting about fascism and mentally ill people is supposed to relate to, but you've come to the wrong address obviously and deserve an abuse report for that sort of thing. Recounting your over-the-top statements isn't an "attack," but, as they say, don't blame the mirror if you have a crooked face. The end. It's not worth continuing with you.
  8. Nonsense. If you were normal and of good will -- which you are not -- you'd realize someone was being bombarded with messages and was giving out a standard reply. If it came from an "away message" you wouldn't care. Going into this supposed "rental request" you were of bad will, and you know that. Most likely what happened is that you saw or heard the spam messages and tried to "test it out". Even if that *isn't* the case, it's not a genuine act as you already have ample, fancy, double-prim land as you yourself admit and since launching a boat takes a few seconds, you could even do it from land rented out. Just not buying this, so do desist.
  9. But what you are describing are LINDEN-scripted vehicles, and they don't spam up the roads. You take them at a spawn point, and then travel. None of the Linden trains were spam trains, to my recollection. If they did self-drive, there weren't so many of them! They really didn't, because I have several rental communities by the railroad tracks, I have spent a lot of time there over the years, and I never recall the Lindens trains coming in such a spam-like fashion. I've started abuse reporting all those I see up in the air or piled up. Also, if anyone would like to take my public opinion poll, you can do so here at the Flamingo Court garage.
  10. I think it might be better to name all your posts on the forums exactly that, it would be more appropriate.
  11. No, you're not telling the truth about this context at all. You're merely part of the griefing. You were sent a link to a blog post sent to the hundreds of people IM'ing me at the time about being spammed by griefers impersonating me. If you were normal, and in good faith, you would get that and would genuinely enquire about the rental. But that's not what you were doing and you know that. I marvel how you can't see how transparent you are especially given your track record on the forums. Since you're a landlord yourself, why the phony search for rentals? Your answer was ridiculous and the record shows that.
  12. The Lindens themselves should provide this, make the scripts better and the vehicles less ugly, and have them rez only at rez zones.
  13. Yes, you deserved that and you're deliberately omitting the context to make yourself look good. It's not rude to tell people to get spam off highways, they're the rude ones for putting there in the first place.
  14. All of this is not true. The group system doesn't "pay some more than others". It pays out exactly the same to everyone. It simply saves the remainder for the next round of payments an adds it. It doesn't matter the size of the group or the fee. You can adjust the payment to the deeded object accordingly.
  15. If you donate 1024 m tier to my group you get a $450/wk off any rent. Most of my 1024s cost around $250 with 350 prims. The cheapest is $225/wk with 375 prims.
  16. If the tier is taken up by your Linden Home, it's occupied and you can't count it as available for anything else. The tier goes up like a ladder in steps: 512, 1024, 2048. So it doesn't have partial increments. It will go up $4, $7, etc. You can see the list here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US The tier level for another $512 is $4, then the next step up is 1024 and indeed $7, and the next jump up after that is $13 for 2048, etc.. It doesn't give you partial amounts in between the steps, it only rounds up to the next level.
  17. The other thing you can do is turn off particles on your own preferences to get rid of the view of partices. Go to Me at the top of the screen (on the regular SL viewer) then Graphics then Advanced then Particles and move down from 4096 to 0. To be sure, now you can't see ANY particles which means your own, i.e. on a candle. But it may be worth it.
  18. No sooner did the blog about the new lower tier fees hit then some of my tenants were eagerly asking me -- "Are you going to pass on these savings to us?" And I said, "Actually, no, first I want to recover a little bit from all the awful things we have suffered in the last year." My reasoning was that the Lindens did this action in order to stop the downward spiral of more and more land being abandoned, and people saying they didn't feel they got much out of the Premium account -- and good! They needed to do this to help business and perk up the population. In the last year, those of us in business have had to put up with loss of customers due to the Lindens' competition -- first Sansar, which believe it or not, did cause some disruption -- in my view, mainly in reducing the value of the Linden. The LindEx falling some points meant lower cashouts and that hurt. Then there was Horizons, a Linden community that took away customers the way Linden Homes does -- what can you do, that's how the Lindens have always been, they compete with their own customer base. It became fantastically expensive. Then there were things that affect everyone -- the return of grey squares, sim crashing, griefing, the refusal to solve the abandoned land problem at root. So like Lucy and the football, here we are again, Charlie Brown. Just when it seems as if finally we will have a bit of a recovery, a bit of a break, a chance to maybe catch up and in fact indeed pass along savings to customers WHOOPS...and in a birthday announcement, yet! New fees coming: Last week, we announced that we have lowered the cost of Mainland by over 10 percent and doubled the Mainland tier allocation for Premium members. In the coming months some other fees may increase, including Marketplace commissions, Linden Dollar exchange fees, and cashout fees. In addition, we will soon announce new tiered Premium membership offerings that allow Residents to choose the membership level that provides the benefits most important to them. Now, this is especially annoying because the Lindens JUST DID THIS -- they already raised the fees for Linden purchases and cashouts. So they better not do this again any time soon! Marketplace commissions -- already painful when there are a number of annoyances on the Marketplace, including arbitrary dump offs -- hundreds of your listings getting dumped (this has happened to me several times as it has to others) and then the deliberate removal of certain items in the "wrong" category which can be a terribly finicky (and often incomprehensible) thing. It would be nice if when people created things they could already pre-set them in a category so you don't have to do that piece of it uploading a gatcha to sale, it's such a drag. As for the tiered premium -- well, that will likely put our expenses up again as if you are in the land business or creation business you will need whatever advanced thing they are offering. How could this be less painful? Perhaps if there was a creator's premium that had a flat fee for X number of texture uploads, or a land dealer's premium that had a greater bulk discount or greater group bonus -- something! It's discouraging. I can only hope they hold it off awhile...
  19. It takes awhile to show up. You may have to wait 6 or 8 times before it will.
  21. You're still distracting, and still not getting the obvious -- I always marvel about this coming from those who claim to be scientists. I edit houses all the time. Sometimes the box opens right over them, sometimes now, if you, know, I've pushed it away -- but the problem with this BUG is that it keeps coming back. Look, I'll show you how ridiculous your claim was last time that because I overlapped the buttons, this "cause" the menu to open over the object. Remember I said I'd now push the edit window not flush with the left, but up to the buttons so as not to overlap. Then I waited -- a few more times, a few TPs to new sims, or a few new objects then walla, it opens over an object again, and not "there" where the window was by the buttons (which you claim is "what I'm doing" ) but in another place. This is all pretty obvious. THE EDIT BOX SHOULD NOT OPEN UP OVER THE OBJECT
  22. Yes, they are under the control buttons -- but those aren't the boxes you are trying to access now so IT DOESN'T MATTER. And noo. That's not true. Maybe YOU are describing your experience with Firestorm. I don't mutter stupidly as if you put the edit box too far over you can't even see it such as to access any options so it's not what I normally do. That's not the issue here, however. The ONLY reason it is pushed flush left -- and not by "resisting" anything -- is to illustrate to you that when the menu opens up again OVER the object is it NOT because the object is "over there on the flush left". You keep IMAGINING that the only reason it opens over the objects is "because I put it there". But of course I didn't. The box overlapping with the control buttons is NOT what causes it to block the EDIT BOX as they control OTHER things. If I move the box in just a bit away from the control buttons the problem of the edit box OPENING OVER THE OBJECT WHICH IT SHOULD NOT DO would still pertain. You are merely distracting with extraneous, non-relevant issues. THE EDIT BOX SHOULD NOT OPEN UP OVER THE OBJECT
  23. No. As you can see, it's merely flush left and is not "under" any control buttons. I haven't pushed past anything. The garden is the object being edited, not the KittyCat I'm not standing in any house but outdoors. THE EDIT BOX SHOULD NOT OPEN UP OVER THE OBJECT
  24. The objects pixels obviously don't take up the entire screen, derp. There isn't any object "edited so close to the left side" that the menu "appears outside the limits". You're just crazily making up stuff now. Let's go over it again, with reproduction of the problem afresh: Screenshot one shows the edit box pushed all the way to the left. Supposedly if you "move it out of the way" then "it stays". It may for a few rounds. Then whoops, it is back covering up an object, and not flush left but more toward the center of the screen. That should put paid to all your contrarian theories that are just based on spite. The Lindens should look at this. No edit window should ever be opening up over an object edited. Surely they can stop that. If they can't, and they have to play "tear-off" with this, then it should "stay put" and it doesn't.
  25. You're still not getting it merely because your mind is closed on the subject and you want to be contrarian. Once again, the larger issue is that it DOES NOT MATTER where I have put the edit box because it should NEVER open over the object -- period. There is never a good reason for it, it should always open to the side. Second, derp, I moved it or pushed it, same thing. Third, in fact the screenshots once again for the third time do not show what you imagine because there is a zoom-in on the object. But more to the point, I have just gone another round where I pushed the edit box all the way to the left margins. That's where it should "stay" according to your belief. Yet after a few rounds of editing objects, where it remained flush with the left margin, oops, there it was again opening up over an object that was not flush left. It's not rocket science to have an edit menu pop up not OVER the object but to the left of it. Obviously the pixels that make up the view of it are in a certain location on that viewer and the edit box can be coded not to open right up over that location but move over to the left. And in fact the Linden I once discussed this with conceded it. He laughed merely because it wasn't an issue for him and he didn't see it as a nuisance.
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