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Prokofy Neva

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Everything posted by Prokofy Neva

  1. Of course, you yourself are on MY block list for good reason, and you know exactly how this feature works because you use it. SL is broken and the Lindens don't care about this particular bug.
  2. So, it's Tuesday, and we have a new patch! So I spend the day as a Casper, unable to remove the newborn kitty that I put on my right shoulder. Unable to remove my coat. Unable to get anything off me despite multiple relogs. I get this odd message: Could not put on outfit. The outfit folder contains no clothing, body parts, or attachments. Well, guys. Let me start with this: I'm not trying to PUT ON an outfit. I'm trying to TAKE OFF an outfit. But let's not get hung up on semantics. This Casper problem, this problem of being unable to detach, this "I see gray squares" problem has gone on for a long time, and comes and goes with each patch. So I uninstall this undercooked concoction, and go and get another undercooked concoction called "Release Candidate". In my experience, "Release Candidate" can bring a whole lot of its own pain, but no matter, it often gets rid of Casper and can't-take-cat-off. Of course it did, instantly. I'm afraid to see if the object content loading problem now is back, which I had licked by putting on the new patch that had the Casper and the cat, but.. Nothing on my machine has change. Nothing has touched. No Windows even installed. Nothing different about Internet portals. No, no packet loss. And on and on. It is your software. The only question is where it will hit next? PS HAHAHAHAHAHHAH Guess what! The bug where I can't load object content is baaaack! I had ditched that bug when I took the latest download, but since that patch makes me a Casper with a cat stuck to me forever, I've tried the RC -- now I'm normal again with no cat, but objects won't load.
  3. This is an interesting observation and I'm trying to figure out why it resonates. I think as an oldbie (12 year), my friendship list from the early days is now 90% decimated -- people literally died in real life, left SL for other worlds or Facebook, or they just drop out for RL or technical reasons. So I literally have less friends because they died out, but I make new ones, it just takes a little effort. I personally not have the need to get deep socializing from SL that others do but I think it is doable if you follow your own interests and find likeminded. I think Chin Rey really nails it -- I have customers who write and simply say "My computer can't play SL anymore, bye" or "I can't get logged on, I can't see things, everything is laggy" and they quit. So that really cuts down on participation. More often it's "I'm out of cash" or "I am busy in RL" or "I broke up with my boyfriend". When new people come in, they say they've seen a news article, their friend told them about it, their wife played for years, finally they are starting, etc. So there are those dynamics but I think a bigger problem is what you say, trying to make friends, find a group, fit in somewhere. I notice from my customers that they form FIERCELY TIGHT GROUPS. They want security up the wazoo to keep everyone out, block, boot, ban. And mind you, this isn't a couple with cybersex. This could be a group of pals who play Greedy or sit and breed their animals or make gardens or just chit chat with a media on a prim playing. They are out in the front yard, but they don't want ANYONE to come over for a barbecue. I don't allow bans anywhere on the ground in my rentals, and that might be why people actually meet and become friends and even marry in my rentals, imagine. But by and large, there is what I call "the archipelago of egos". Very tight groups, very impervious to outsiders, very fearful of being griefed or hated, very worried that whoever might curiously come to look at their rose bushes might also try to steal something. And there are real reasons for this. It's kind of a frontier atmosphere, but without the barn-raising or chuch meetings or pot-lucks that might have helped cement people better because there isn't a virtual equivalent. That is, sure, there are even places of worship in SL but that's not the may activity. And not even clubs are. That is, they are and they aren't. Clubs are laggy and people either find smaller clubs with their posse (where it's hard to land without getting a stare or even an eject) or they do other things. Like they go to the breedable stores, markets, etc. They go shopping. They hit yard sales. They go to the fancy pretty sims for pictures. That sort of thing. The single most frequent activity in my SL Public Land Preserve every day is riding a horse or riding a camel. The single greatest number of freebies taken are boats and a shiny box of treasures. So if you go do breedables and ridables, you may find people, just a thought. I'm telling you my slice of life, it may not apply. If you look on the events list, you might find live music that works for you. Live music crowds are friendly than DJ club crowds in my view -- also, my subjective take. I've written many times over the years about how to try to fix this atomization, this isolation. I'm tired of doing that to be honest.
  4. There might be a down side to even advertising the meeting place because it might be griefed. If you are on the mainland, try to find a place where no Linden road/water can become the griefer's "safe space". There's always a challenge to both remain open so you can even find members and interested parties in the first place. If it's closed you'll never find new people/enough people. But griefers do watch the events calendar to pick out things to grief. You can have the meeting announced on the calendar and the forums, but have a back-up spot. Then when everybody gets there, if it griefed, IM everyone but the griefers the back up SLURL.
  5. So this problem of the inventory not loading on any object on any sim? Gone. Went away completely. The Lindens put in a new patch, it went away. Because the problem is their software. Sure, you can say, "No, the problem is their software's interaction with your machine so it's your machine." Except, 3 weeks ago it worked, 2 weeks ago it stopped working, now it's working again this week. Go now. I will say that now every TP leads to a sea of gray. Remember "I see gray people?" That was years ago. Takes about five minutes to clear up. Maybe the pipes are frozen, weather is cold.
  6. Rent a stall on the Alston boardwalk near a popular fishing game! $40/52 prims - very generous. Ask for more if you need them at the same rate. Teleport to Alston Boardwalk Also, you get 25 free prims to put out gatchas on a table if you join the Virtual Green group for one-time fee of $100. This boardwalk is next to my rentals office so we get a fair number of visitors. It's a great place to start your SL business. No waiting for the group from absentee landlords -- it's self-join, jump right in. Refund any time for just a small $25 fee.
  7. Whirly. I have been in SL for 12 years. I know how to see hidden folders. It's a wonder I don't have a PhD in mathematical physics by now, with everything I have had to learn to run SL. I appreciate your help. Sadly, what you are saying about Winzip being "built in" just isn't true. I *have* Windows 10. I right-click on the file "logs" which I can find perfectly easily. But Windows then gives me options like "zip and share" or "zip and email" and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE ZIP OPTIONS takes me to the menu of YOUR WINZIP IS EXPIRED with a link to buy it. Now maybe YOURS doesn't do that but MINE DOES. I tried -- once again, you never know -- uninstalling completely SL, and also Firestorm which I only had to use "search area" in desperation because Searchbert doesn't go behind 168 m. I'm happy to have THAT off my computer. When I logged on again, it seemed as if things loaded better. But then they didn't. Worse, first I was a Casper, and now not only am I a Casper with no clothing, the terrain looks like mud. Yes, my graphics settings were put back. These sorts of things make me weep with frustration. At this point, I have to do RL work and I have to set this aside. Thanks for all your help, and if I get this file zipped with Hamster or some other product I'll put it on Google. Does Pastebin really take a file of 10.8 MB? Anyway, I'm done for now, back later.
  8. This is sort of exasperating for me now because my WinZip trial is expired, my email addresses used up, and I'm struggling to get the free Hamster Zip to zip this up but it's jammed trying to get it to Google Drive so I have to set it aside now. Why can't I just paste the last bit? Surely you're looking for just a few lines. For example, this looks like trouble: 2017-01-22T08:37:16Z WARNING: #LLFilewarnif: Couldn't remove 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\SecondLife_Events_log.old' (errno 2): No such file or directory 2017-01-22T08:37:16Z WARNING: #LLFilewarnif: Couldn't rename to 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\SecondLife_Events_log.old' from 'C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs\SecondLife_Events_log.llsd' (errno 2): No such file or directory Now why is it doing that? If this is the root of the problem. then it's no setting I've changed and it didn't do this before. It doesn't matter if this problem occurs because of interaction between "their software" and "my machine" because "my machine" didn't cause this problem BEFORE. And how can it be fixed? Just by making a folder, naming it properly, and sticking it in there? In any event, if I can get the thing zipped up I will upload it but right now I'm jammed.
  9. This is a wonderful house by Zaara! I love this house! I have it furnished with the whole gacha set including the other rares, and added in some other nice touches. Teleport to Jodphur House in Wakeley Rent is just $250 a week and you get 150 prims for your use. Management prims do not count on your count. If you want more prims, IM Prokofy Neva to reset. If you want to remove any of the furniture or swap it with our warehouse furniture, the fee is $25 for any amount up to your prim limit per delivery. This is a beautiful community -- Japanese spa and restaurant, Tibet marketplace, Asian architecture and if you like boat on the 7 Linden Seas here.
  10. Awesome Screenshot makes me log-in or make an account and I don't feel like it because I have Nimbus and use Opera. So I don't know what they suggest but.... I used CCleaner to clean up all the files, and some of those appdata temp files got taken. But no change. Exact same problems persist. Nothing loads; loads if you take it in and out of inventory 3 times.
  11. @Gadget Portal No. No. It is not a "problem with my connection" because it's the exact same connection I've had for years now where SL generally works. Yes, I have wireless. Yes, wireless is not optimal for SL. But wireless has worked FOR YEARS. Remember, I don't need SL to look as pretty as the prettiest Linden Pictures of the Day. I just need it to work. Now it doesn't work *because something changed in the Lindens' software, not my machine*. @Qie Niango No. No. I said it is not region-specific. I thought it was the different channels at first but it's EVERYWHERE and EVERYTHING. And yes, they tried those pings etc as I said and claim not to find issues. Yes, I've thought of this stock answer (like "let's reinstall the viewer" or "let's clear cache") that it's "your inventory heavy load". Well, do tell me how that works, Qie. I have other alts, some with a lot of inventory, some with nothing. They all have the same problem because, you know, they all use the same software. And they all didn't have this problem 3 weeks ago, you know? As I keep saying. And explain why, just because there's a lot of inventory, opening the contents of an object *rezzed inworld* would be at issue. How does that work? Rebooting the router isn't something "they had me do," but my God, I rebooted the router at the get-go multiple times. Zero relevance. You know, because *it's their software*. @Whirly Fizzle No. No. It's not the region because if you read my original post, I pointed out that it happens EVERYWHERE with EVERYTHING. No, it's not the connection because it's the same connection as three weeks ago when SL worked, and the weeks before that. No, I can't read that JIRA because I've been banned from the JIRA for the last, oh, five or seven years, because I would tend to point out that the problems I could document were with the software, not my machine. I hesitate to casually clean the Temp folder with threads like this. http://superuser.com/questions/418032/emptying-windows-temp-folder-is-a-good-idea Why wouldn't the viewer have permission to write to the Temp folder, Whirly? I can't imagine why. If it had those permissions 3 weeks ago, and doesn't *now* that would be -- wait for it -- a new thing and a problem in the Linden softare, not my machine. So do try to remain curious! But here's what I find interesting. I don't know what things SL per se writes to this file, but boy, it's full. I go to users/username/appdata/local/temp and I find that the folder has 9000 things in it, some of them with scary names like MEGA BACKUP. But the dates are all after December 25, when the problems began. I copied it, but I'm a little worried still about deleting it. Anyway, here goes....
  12. Art Deco apartments in the European mountain sim of Refugio on the Mainland, looking out to a serene Linden sea with icebergs on it! This is really among the great unique things of SL, they break up and change and float away, fun and soothing to watch. This is a lovely modern building with nice wood floors and locked teleporters to reach them. You get an apartment with another teleporter up to your own secluded skybox on its own parcel so you can have music. So the best of both worlds. Prices remain the same, extra prims under the new system included, and management prims don't count. If you want your own skybox, you can ask to place it and have ours removed for a one-time $25 fee. Teleport to Art Deco No. 7 Teleport to Art Deco Apt No. 9 Teleport to Art Deco Penthouse
  13. Bingo. That is the question we all have. Why are only SOME locations selected by a select group of people?
  14. Asil, please explain to me why I, as the tier-payer of a location, am not the one to have sole control over its description, and instead, have to yield it up to a select group -- or for that matter, the general public, like Yelp. This isn't a Wikimapia idea, which overlays everything, but elsewhere, not in your own parcel description. Essentially, it sounds like you want this system to function like SLUniverse's photo page (a long-time dream of both Lindens and SLuniverse), so people can stack up their photos on one page location. Well why should I have griefers doing that on locations I pay for?!
  15. I don't understand this gingerly approach, Bitsy. As you know, Penny has a long-time obsession with the dimensions of the SL avatar which she thinks are not proportional and which she thinks should be changed to what she wants them to be, namely to fit her small avatar. This camera angle stuff is just more of the same -- a political campaign to change all of SL by her lights -- by publicity and stickifying requests if not so ambitious as to be in the viewer -- and its about trying to make smaller avatars not feel the world is outsized or that they are too small. Thus, indeed then it becomes claustrophobic for others. The camera is just fine. If you use ctr-alt-click to move around with it, it does everything you need, from zooming in to going up close. It would be one thing if these proposals were simply one idea that was indicated for those who found it useful or fun. But it's never like that. It's always hegomonic and always about changing the nature of SL for EVERYONE to accommodate this one fixation. And I'm never for doing that in SL, which is a huge diverse place. I never hear anyone else complaining about avatar proportions or camera angles once they learn ctr-left-click. Nothing in SL feels out of proportion to me, either on my tall avatar or my short avatar. If a doorway is too low, hopefully the house is on mod and can be adjusted. You can make the build on your sim fit your avatar, whether you are a tiny elf or a giant, so there's no need to impose a system on everyone. Same with the camera angles. Years ago, the default camera view was difficult and you had to work out of it to be able to see your builds, but that's gone now. I don't need to have SL look like tilt shift as if I'm stuck in a toy railroad. If you need it to be that way, stay on your own sim with it.
  16. I have had several customers contact me in exasperation saying "Where's my house?" or "Why did you delete my house?!" But I see their prims on the land menu. I go up in the sky, there's their house. They come back the next day, walla, their house is back. Was the sim reset in the mean-time? Doesn't seem so. I've had mesh houses seem to disappear as you stand in them and right clicking on them makes them jump back into place. But this is different. This is like a total disappear.
  17. The contents of objects simply don't load. Doesn't matter which sim or which object. I can relog several times -- sometimes they load. I can take them into and out of inventory, and *sometimes* on the third try, they load. But not always. Needless to say, this is a huge work flow hobble and the worst I've had had in a long time. I've been a dozen rounds with Support to no avail. This is not due to "my machine" so please don't "WOMM" me because it's hardly at issue. Three weeks ago SL worked; now it doesn't work, because they changed their software, adding Bento and other things. I use the SL viewer for lots of reasons and the best that Lindens can tell me now is to "uninstall all viewers including ours" and reinstall. That's like turning off your computer and restarting it to fix problems. No, I don't have any other viewers. No, I don't have packet loss (I keep sending them screenshots of that). It's not the sim. It's not the object. It's something different about the software which impacts something else. They've done ping tests and looked at tracer routes and found nothing. Lindens have logged my account on and for them, the load objects just fine, of course, because they're Lindens with some different set of circumstances than the typical off-the-shelf Best Buy computers. It's like that time Lee Linden told me that his sim was working fine with perfect FPS and TD and all the rest because...there were no avatars on it. I've tried reducing graphics but it's already pretty low -- and again, 3 weeks ago, before the latest update, I never had this problem. In fact, I can't remember when I've had this load problem so persistently ever, even when I accessed SL with a really sub-standard graphics card in 2004.
  18. Great idea to have the photo feed be able to link to this page thing.
  19. I think this is a great idea and look forward to posting on social media with it. But I don't understand why there is a select "administrative panel" only that gets to write welcoming messages or put up videos. If I pay tier on a server that is in a place page, *I* should be the one who gets to edit the "place page," just like I do the existing description line on the parcel that *currently* is what shows up in search. I don't like the idea that a select group of people with their own whims can decide now what gets special treatment and what shows up in search. So I hope I will hear that this is just a beta thing, but that eventually anyone who owns the parcel can edit the place page.
  20. I think the Kremlin trolls at 55 Savushkina have figured out how you get attention to Putin in Second Life.
  21. Chic, One wonders why such a grand thing wouldn't have lots more press though, leaked press if nothing else. Also, I wonder whether there will be a clearance system for creators, that you can only come inworld and sell creations and get money for them if you are approved in some process.
  22. Not true. The Linden software has the extraordinary feature of deleting content on your own hard drive because it OVERWRITES the saved chat messages. Yes it does. Anyone who has paid attention to these files realizes that and knows to save them. It happens on and off. But THAT it does overwrite is a known fact.
  23. This makes no sense. If the Linden is worth more, you get more dollars for the Lindens and have more to pay tier with.
  24. What is this money? It could well be Supply Linden, which is the Lindens' system for keeping the cash low in cost -- they sell their own Lindens or "print cash" which then lowers the value.
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