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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. The requirements to run SL are here: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php? These are minimums and the conservative recommended hardware. Even at recommended you won't be able to run at max graphics. Using HD Graphics in the Intel CPU requires the system to use RAM for memory and video memory. The recommended 4GB of memory is not enough. 8GB might get you by. But, you'll need the HD chip in a 5th or 6th generation Intel CPU and even those are not on the min req list. If you are running a desktop, you could add a video card... good cards are cheap on eBay. Your Q45 is 2008 tech... pretty old, especially for SL.
  2. You could have just said you ARE an undercover cop and the DA will be contacting him regarding filing a false report... Ignore these clowns or have fun with them...
  3. I don't see a way to upload images... that means there will be a load of broken image links as time passes. Flickr share links work for images, just add them as text, not media. The image has a 'click & drag to position... doesn't seem to work. May be I need a smaller image. There is also no way to get to the HTML... I couldn't add Flickr Share link and then enter text after/below it. I had to delete the image, enter the text, then paste the share in the middle... Next is this test of a Flickr image link taken from Flickr's BBC code. Clicking the little magnify glass in the compose window shows the desktop, tablet, and phone view of the page. I suppose this is why there are no size controls on the image insert.
  4. Your problem is almost always a connection issue. While you may have a good general Internet connection, you may have a lousy connection to the SL servers. You can test it using the info at the link Lindal posted. As to the wireless connection... if your gateway/modem is less than a year old and a good brand, it should be fine. You also need a newer laptop or device that can use the new wireless connection protocols. But, a lot of devices connecting to your wireless can slow it WAY down and cause packet loss, new or not. Also make sure it is secure so you don't have others using it. A quick test is to connect via a wired connection to the gateway/modem. If it makes a difference, you have likely found the problem.
  5. I suggest you use the information to make a JIRA feature request. While development is on-going we are more likely to get fixes and changes.
  6. This week the main channel of the grid did not get an update. The RC channels did. The Preview Grid (ADITI) has many various updates. So, where you uploaded is a key part of figuring out whether it is SL or on your end. The viewers have not updated for about two weeks. But, we need to know which viewer you are using. You can get the brand & version number from HELP->ABOUT... Blender and AvaStar do not automatically update, so I think we can omit them. I would try renaming the upload file so that the settings for the previous uploads of it do not affect the current upload. Then very methodically check you upload options... she said as if you hadn't already tried that...
  7. Everyone is guessing. Good guesses, but guesses. They may by luck be right. If the answers do not get your problem resolved, you need to give us more information so we do not have to guess. A picture would help. A more precise description of the 'something' given for an update...
  8. So far the answers given are the most likely fixes. However, this problem is almost always a connection issue. Having a good general Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. Test that specific connection. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Rolig gave you the basic connection troubleshooting steps. If the problem persists, try testing your connection tot he SL servers. For your particular problem clearing your cache makes things worse. Bad move. Clearing cache is done when one suspects files in the cache have corrupted. That is pretty much a thing of the past. Old timers that have not kept up with tech often mistakenly recommend clearing the cache. In their day it was the first troubleshooting step. Now it is the last and even then not recommended unless there is a KNOWN file corruption issue. The Bake Fail process on the Firestorm Wiki suggested is great information. But, it too may fail if there is a connection issue. So, do the easy stuff first. But, test your connection to SL servers before doing anything drastic or time consuming. Good luck PS: I just realized... one of the quick steps for this problem is to wear the Test Male/Female avatar. If it renders, the problem is with something your avatar is wearing. So, put on the Test Male/Female avatar then rebuild your outfit an item at a time to fine the problem item. Top menu: Develop (Ctrl-Alt-Q to open if not showing)->Avatar->Character Tests->Test Male or Test Female
  9. If that is accurate, then it is the region/simulator you are on, the place. It is a matter of who is there. Unfortunately we cannot restrict the crazy people to an institution as we can in RL. If you look in the top menu HELP you'll find an item Bumps, Pushes, & Hits. This may help you get the names you need for Abuse Reports. Renting a place or buying land has advantages and disadvantages. Ask the landlord if you will be able to EJECT unwanted visitors (Eject is way fun.). Landowners get that ability. Some rental locations allow their clients the ability. You can make land private and in several ways restrict who can enter. You can set the land so only those people within it can see or hear you. All good things. However, having land means you have a location that can be griefed. You can lean about a whole new type of griefing. I have not been 'griefed' in my home and I've been there are least a couple of years. I'm adjacent to a landing HUB region. I'm not sure anyone can say how prevalent griefing is for home owners. It hasn't been a problem for me. Definitely rent before you decide to buy. Avoid thinking there is any need even to rent. There are places where you can discretely change clothes. Some stores provide changing rooms. Plus there are Linden owned regions that are essentially deserted and empty. They provide air and sea connections for fliers and boating enthusiasts across large areas. Most of the time they are not in use. Try Pooley and Furball. Look at the World Map when there and collect more region names. It is good to have some names for Tuesday and Wednesday early morning login as servers are being restarted and your planned login location may be in restart mode thus preventing your login. If you are a bit of an exhibitionist, there are even more places that will allow changing clothes... I wouldn't worry too much about appearing nude. The new mesh bodies and clothes can take 5 minutes or so to get loaded and render completely. So, teleporting to a new region often leaves people in various stages of undress. Applier underwear helps but, is not fool proof. So, everyone will flash other from time to time.
  10. Thanks for posting JIRA link. Alexa Linden has been on the bugs I reported. So, they hopefully will do something with the feature request.
  11. I used to be fairly active answering questions posted in ANSWERS. Trying to use Answers I have come to think it is totally broken. See: BUG-41534 - New Answers Search Broken I have yet to figure out how to ask a question, much less track pending questions so I can provide answers. Anyone figured out to find pending questions? Or how to ask questions?
  12. I tried to send some messages today. It seems the system is convinced my Inbox is over flowing. Therefore, I should not be allowed to send more messages... wait... the Inbox is for others incoming messages to me... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41535 If you have run into the problem please add your notes to the JIRA, and NOT just 'me too'.
  13. I suggest you file a JIRA feature request... While dev work is on going you may get what you want.
  14. As to whether it is normal for SL... Yes, and no. The treatment you are receiving is common in some regions, generally the landing hubs where new users can be taken advantage. Once you move away from them it is uncommon. It is not just you that gets griefed. There is a whole brigade of drama queens in SL. They have their counterpart of vigilantes. It can get quite complex if you try to figure out who has a white or black hat. Those people that own private regions have loads of griefer stories. Also, there is an ever-evolving escalation of attack and mitigate that consumes significant amounts of the Lab's programming time. That is not unique to SL. But, SL users are more likely to be aware of the problems. Those that react to the griefing seem to encourage griefers to focus on them. So, make your abuse reports as quietly as you can and move on. While not emotionally satisfying it avoids painting a bulls-eye on your head. I suggest you open the Destination Guide, in-viewer or Web Site, and start exploring. If you use the web site guide, you can login directly to one of the destinations. That should allow you to avoid the griefers. I also suggest you open search and search for groups that match your interests. Fill out your in-viewer Profile. You'll have like minded people contact you from time to time. It also helps one to not look so new. It is my experience that people that draw a constant stream of abuse have done or are doing something that makes them a target. Break that flow by doing something different. You most certainly need to develop the skill of recognizing an idiot when you meet one. Use the MUTE/BLOCK in the avatar's right-click menu to avoid them. This is the most effective means of shedding griefers. No response from you makes it boring to grief you. Good luck.
  15. Alwin is right. Too many products for us to know about. If you do not know the creator of the item, right click it in inventory and select Properties. A creator will be listed. You can click on that name and get to their profile. Most creators include information on how best to contact them, Some have a 'support' site or group listed. You can go one or more of those and search for an answer or ask a question.
  16. We are more than two years down the road from the time the opening post was made. The RLV and mesh body worlds are still an estranged mess. I think the RLV community has pretty much settled on working-around the issues. That looks something like this: Second Life Tutorial: RLV, Mesh, and Folders – How it works, How to Use, not an ideal solution. The biggest problem is RLV scripting is old and out of date. Most RLV scripting in SL is pre-Mesh and I have yet to see any RLV script that knows about the changes made by Bento. Body makers like Slink and Maitreya aren't providing the information needed for scripters to build new RLV devices that work with the newer SL features, Bento and Mesh. Of course, there is the problem of griefing. One can't just allow text on a channel to remove clothes... My understanding that is how all mesh bodies are controlled now. With 4 million channels, seems no one has guessed correctly. Then there is the problem of knowing the command format... If that information gets out... it would be a mess on the order of Griefer Monday in the first days of Advanced Experience Tools. At some point some mesh body maker will make their products RLV compatible. Or someone will hack all the Applier code and start making RLV scripts that can talk to various mesh bodies. Heaven help us if they make it so it works only with one brand of body... That will kill sales of other brand and sky rocket the chosen brand. No one knows how big a market the RLV community makes up. I meet horny guys all the time that have been in SL for a year or two and have no idea what RLV is. I met one that was 5 years old and couldn't RP or work an RLV trap, sadly clueless. So, I can't even guess at the percent of SL users interested in RLV. But, something like 3/4's of SL users use an RLV capable viewer, Firestorm. The most we can probably do to encourage makers to consider RLV is ask them if their product is RLV compatible. Every time w go to buy a mesh body part, ask, whether we know the answer or not. The point is simply to let the maker know er are interested in RLV. If they see enough people asking, they may decide it is worth their time and effort to add RLV compatibility. However I think it will have to be a group project on the part of body and RLV brands to work something out. No simple thing...
  17. I'm with Callum Meriman. AvaStar is THE TOOL for making clothes and animations for SL. It handles the gotchas built into SL and automates some of the tedious stuff. Most importantly it reduces the learning curve in the sense that converstions and considerations for making thngs in SL are pretty much all handled by AvaStar.
  18. That is possible... but, unlikely. Bento will affect heads, hands, tails, and wings. The groin bone (that sounds so kiny) is the only new bone likely to affect the mesh bodies. I doubt human mesh bodies will be made obsolete by Bento. Bento is backward compatible. So, an existing mesh body, hands, feet, or head is still going to work as it always has. You won't have the new features. But, it won't break. Also, most of the body manufacturers have been providing an upgrade path for customers that puchased mesh hands. Those have been a bit costly to my thinking. But, considering the work required to make them... the price isn't bad.
  19. Some of the best templates were made by Chip Midnight and Robin Woods. You can Google for them. Some of the original places for download are gone. Robin still has a place in world.
  20. You haven't given us enough information to know how to help you. I suggest you use the viewer's HELP->ABOUT... to provide viewer and computer information. Give us an explanation of what you do to pop the error message.
  21. I am confused. The pictuer gives you the designer's store and user name... Plus the Gacha seller name. Ask them if they have one left. ERSCH store Female|Male Accessorues Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Concordia/110/65/28 Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/167799 That this was offered as a Gocha item... means it may no longer be available. Some Gocha's are exclusively for specific events. The marketplace has 3,200+ sari's.... It can be difficult to chase these down.
  22. Best depends on what you want to do and your experience level. That you have Windows 7 and it is a new computer... doesn't tell us much. Is it 32 or 64 bit? What CPU, graphics card, how much memory... I suggest you download the default Linden made SL Viewer. You will need it to trouble shoot any problems you run into. Firestorm will ask you if any problem experienced with Firestorm is also experinced with the Linden viewer. SL Support will only support the Linden viewer. So, regardless which viewer you decide to use, you will need the Linden viewer for troubleshooting. Firestorm is the power users' viewer. I has way more featuers than the Linden viewer. The downside of that is there is more to learn. There are other good viewers. You'll find them listed here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  23. Give it a couple of work days before doing anything drastic, like a clean install or re-installing Windows. Do restart your computer and router/gateway. Having a good Internet connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers or your neighborhood Content Delivery Servers. So, login and get your regions IP address (Help->ABOUT...). You can use a Geo-Location service to find what part of the world that server is in. Use this information to check your connection to that area: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ You can get quick current information by asking a question like this in the Firestorm Support group in-world. They are pretty much 24x7 with reasonably, if not outstandingly, knowledgeable people.
  24. What you are pointing to is the 3D cursor. It isn't stopping you from moving or rotating anything. Left clicking with no command active relocates that cursor. In the Properties panel of the 3D window is a section labeled 3D cursor. Setting X,Y,Z values to 0 returns the cursor to its default position. The cursor is used in scaling, rotation, and movement if, and only if, you set it as a pivot center, see icons at the bottom of the 3D window. The cursor is a handy shortcut for various tasks. The menus in Edit Mode under Mesh->Snap-> are choices to move the 3D cursor to things or things to the cursor. It allows you to precisely place things in the scene. I suggest you learn how to use it. If you MUST turn it off, hamstring yourself, I suggest whiteout... AFAIK know it cannot be hidden. It can however be disabled: User Preferences>Input>3D View>3D View(Global)>Set 3D Cursor(clear the check box).
  25. We have had some network slow downs. No one has identified a cause. So, try the basic stuff; restart computer and gateway/modem, check you network performance (SpeedTest.net). You can test your connection to the SL Servers: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Having a good Internet does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers.
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