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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Specifically I'm puzzled by the rather "loose" interpretation of: I can think of a lot of viewers that alter the shared experience, if anything, that's the entire point of a lot of popular TPVs.
  2. This is grossly inefficient and hasn't been necessary since at least 2007. It is now 2020 why are people still doing it?
  3. As per: https://secondlife.com/corporate/tpv.php Prohibited Features and Functionality I've been wondering for a while when this clause will ever kick in, given the extensive alterations some viewers are doing, to the point where some people would rather quite secondlife entirely than use a different viewer.
  4. The big killer with things like houses and other rezzed objects is their bloated texture usage because SL creators don't understand how to create objects without baking unique textures for every single one of them.
  5. @Klubbie As for your second question: Did you make a collision mesh?
  6. Any plans on actually giving us a way to plot a proper trajectory? Number entry? Cause I can't plot something straight that isn't north/south or east/west alligned.
  7. I'm not a big fan of the terrain editing comparison, mainly because of how simplistic terrain editing is in comparison with tweaking a rigged mesh... I mean, terrain editing is just moving vertices along the Z axis. Even sculpted prims ended up requiring dedicated tools. We are back at the rigging issue however, as people who started blender trying to make a simple garment can confirm, there is nothing "automatic" about rigging. Auto functions such as weight copy do save a bit of time but they only get you ~50% there.
  8. I get the idea, however there are several problems with moving vertices around: What happens to the normal of that vertex (the normal of a vertex is used for shading the mesh)? creators typically use custom normal orientations to create specific visual effects. Split vertices are used to create uv islands, sharp edges and other useful things. from the point of view of the sl viewers, these vertices effectively are at the same location, but aren't part of the same "mesh", (they are NOT the same vertex), and while a snapping function could be imagined, it is only one part of the problem. Re-weighting: According to what rule?
  9. So after playing with it some more this morning, trying to setup a custom sun & moon trajectory that is neither N<-> or E<->W is quite difficult. The sun & moon also appear to take weird "curvy" paths from one keyframe to the other rather than linearily interpolating between sky presets. No 'number' entry doesn't help a whole lot
  10. It's debatable, for instance i'm not a big fan of the huge icons in the toolshelf, or the way they remain "active" until i change tool for instance. There is also a bunch of handy sub menus that don't appear to have a hotkey (at least by default?). There is no way to get a more "useful" tool shelf is there?
  11. Conceptually things haven't changed much, I recommend that you take the VRC free script and simply examine how they detect and follow the rail path in front of the train. Anything past that is everyone's secret sauce I'd say.
  12. To me the irony is that if you can't handle ultra graphics, you most likely don't have a whole lot of memory available to store those gigabits of AO-burned textures either.
  13. There is so much wrong in this video I'm not sure where to start.
  14. Depending of the wall thickness, your collision mesh might not even need to have two "sides" per wall.
  15. I just set 2.8x to use 2.79 shotcuts personally, these are configurable for a reason after all.
  16. You'd need nothing less than a full blown mesh toolset in-world and then you get the issue of permissions.
  17. I think it began as a rant.
  18. For baking for sl I typically use principled BSDF for diffuse & normal maps and a special animated node group to quickly switch between baking mode (i bake specular/env with emissive shaders) In addition I made my own "all in one" mixer for assembling the final output both as a normal shader (diff/norm) and to also assemble spec/env at the same time. Then each of my materials is in a "wrapper" that either produces spec/gloss values directly, or exposes a fixed color/value (as a passthrough) for tweaking.
  19. Pretty much @Tonk Tomcat, rigging effectively creates a fixed relationship between the position of each vertex and 1 or more bones of the avatar skeleton. Fitmesh works by scaling/stretching/moving the bones themselves, causing controlled deformation of the model that is rigged to those bones. The sum of operations to contort a mesh from its initial shape, to the final stretched, scaled, moved, posed, bent configuration is called a "transform" operation, it is a fairly expensive operation, especially in SL where avatars are composed of up to 38 separate attachments, which can each be composed of hundred of sub parts (pre BoM mesh bodies typically are made of a good hundred sections to be slice-able)
  20. Explain to us how this would even work because right now I get the feeling that you don't quite understand what rigging is exactly doing to a mesh.
  21. This is not what I said @OptimoMaximo. An educational license is given for the purpose of learning yes. But as soon as you are making money from your usage of the software, you need to acquire a commercial license too, the fact that you are "learning" at the same time doesn't override that, the educational license only covers the "learning" part. One of my reasons for pushing Blender is also to keep SL users away from mixing money and software piracy, because that doesn't end well.
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