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Kyrah Abattoir

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Everything posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. If you are running a business, you most certainly do not qualify for using an educational license.
  2. I'd recommend that you have a look at the at_target llTarget instruction set.
  3. I'd be tempted to go with you on that one. I'm still hoping we will be able to restrict attached lights as a parcel permission someday.
  4. I have yet to ever witness a set-text losing its value, granted i typically don't use them for that.
  5. Recommended to set it to alpha MASK (if it looks allright with those textures), it is easier on the viewer and gets around transparency glitches.
  6. Ideally if the body you work with has custom joint offsets, only the body should have them, garments & wearables should keep it off.
  7. YES PLEASE. Never use more textures/resolution that you have to.
  8. Check the scaling of your object. Check that it's all a single mesh. Check that you use the SL/Opensim export preset.
  9. Seriously are you people still at the stupid bat soup meme?
  10. Call it experience. For a lot of us this isn't our first "adventure" with Linden Lab.
  11. I disagree. If you're making game grade models that's literally what you're supposed to do, regardless of the art package. It's the idea that "Doing the gritty work is beneath me" that leads to most of the *****ty meshwork people push on SL.
  12. Obviously you'll also want to rectify the normal orientation of the vertices bordering the seam so they match the un-sliced mesh, but you need to do that anyway, fill cap or not.
  13. UV wise, you can just stretch the existing uvs, you only need that part so the "sky" doesn't show up, it doesn't have to look fancy, it just has to be the same color as the other pixels that are on the seam. I mean... you're making a mesh body you.. should know that already? >_>
  14. Former 3dsMax user here, moved to Blender and will probably never go back (do keep in mind I moved nearly a decade ago so things might have changed). The big issue with commercial softwares that I've had is that you're either a pirate (or a "student"), or you have money. If you are a pirate (ooor a "student), nobody cares about you, and if you have money, more people want to separate it from you. What this means is that most tools you might want on 3dsMax either cost an arm and a leg, or aren't made because there isn't enough of a market for them. In addition, since there is a bit of a relationship between autodesk and commercial plugin creators, addons, unless they are just scripts, never come with sourcecode. You can't tweak them, you can't fix them. Updates are typically only free for minor version changes. Blender is free, but it's free as in freedom, not as in free beer (kill me). It's a software written by software developpers to satisfy their needs, and in second place, the needs of the average non-technical user. This means that it is an incredibly powerful, but incredibly complex piece of software. Unlike commercial packages all addons, even commercial ones, can be edited to your needs, should you want to. In both cases they have a fairly healthy community, both have paid classes obviously, and both have TONS of free tutorials. (most tutorials thend to be of dubious quality, written by people who barely know more than a complete beginner but are eager to share their bad practices for internet clout. There is still a handful of professionals/experienced users sharing good knowledge for free, but they can take some time to separate from the chaff)
  15. That is not what I mean, You CLOSE the hole where you've sliced your mesh, there is no new visual element.
  16. What do you imply with "when you are done rigging? It looks like you need to use the smooth brush a bit on those areas. Also your mesh looks like it is far too dense.
  17. I sincerely doubt any body creator out here understands or even takes in account floating point math, but sure. Long story short, floating point numbers are stored in a scientific notation form, mantissa+exponent, it allows small values to remain fairly precise, while still allowing large values. The problem obviously is when you need both large AND precise values, which is a situation you find in skyboxes, the precision of the mantissa is finite, and so the larger the number, the less precision remains available for the decimal portion. By the way, this visual artefact can be easily mitigated if the body creator adds a "cap" that closes off each separate body part, it doesn't remove the gap, but it prevents displaying pixels from the sky.
  18. Well it's the same advice as always, tools are just tools. They can be used to maximize your productivity but they shouldn't be seen as a replacement for a skill you don't have.
  19. It's also very relaxing, and good shortcut/finger practice.
  20. You also might want to bake at a higher than normal resolution and then shrink the texture with gimp/photoshop, the bake renderer operates a bit differently from the normal scene renderer.
  21. @Beq JanusMaybe that's because I was there when they implemented the change but not once have I ever thought that it was ambiguous...
  22. I addition, imgur does not keep images for ever: Imgur keep images for ever as long as they are receiving at least 1 view every six months.
  23. Indeed, but I don't think you quite understand the scale of the SL asset servers, after 16+ years of active use. You still have to compare your new texture hash with all the others, for each upload. They have in the past justified various tightening of the transaction system as being part of an effort to comply with US/Euro regulations regarding taxes and money laundering yes. European users are subject to VAT for example, and you have to fill a W-8 BEN form above a certain threshold. There are also various transaction limits in place and suspicious transfers will be investigated. Welcome to the real world
  24. You still have to actually check for hash collision with all the other hashes. You pretty much figured it out, LL has a vested interest in preventing their platform to be used for money laundering.
  25. Which I never claimed. That being said, Utilizator is working on a LLUV compatible version.
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