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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. Posting on behalf of a friend: She is having major issues with getting logged out - she describes her picture as breaking up into coloured shapes. I'm posting her specs below hoping this may give clues on how things may be improved. Thank you for letting me know your thoughts about this. Emma Firestorm 6.6.3 (67470) Aug 27 2022 18:30:00 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4600G with Radeon Graphics (3692.93 MHz) Memory: 7556 MB Concurrency: 12 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22000.1219) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics Graphics Card Memory: 4033 MB Windows Graphics Driver Version: 31.0.12016.4002 OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1l zlib/1.2.11.zlib-ng nghttp2/1.40.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.2 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.07 Dullahan: CEF: 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114 Chromium: 91.0.4472.114 LibVLC Version: 3.0.16 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey) Window size: 1680x979 px Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 128 m Bandwidth: 500 kbit/s LOD factor: 4 Render quality: Medium (3/7) Advanced Lighting Model: No Texture memory: Dynamic (512 MB min / 10% Cache / 10% VRAM) Disk cache: Max size 2048.0 MB (100.0% used) Built with MSVC version 1916 Packets Lost: 8/62,175 (0.0%) November 25 2022 15:07:35 SLT
  2. You can buy mainland parcels, but you have to be at least a PLUS member to do so. The new PLUS membership (around US$65 per year) with 512 sqm of tier free... - 16 x 16 sqm. Otherwise your only option is renting. Other than auctions, you can find an abandoned piece of land you like, and send a ticket into SL asking to purchase that. Quite often (in my experience) they will set that land or the piece of it you want for sale to you - for L$1 per sqm, so a 16 x 16m would cost you L$512. You would need to pay a monthly tier on the land extra to the 512 sqm tier free that comes with PLUS membership. ETA: You can also buy land from other residents. (Think of it more as a transfer of land). I think you can see it what's for sale on world map by checking the box for that. Prices will vary widely! You will still have to pay tier to Linden Lab monthly on land purchased in this manner. ETA: to remove implying PREMIUM membership is required.
  3. Not sure this is still the case, but in the past there was an extra step where you had to make a purchase of Linden$ BEFORE you could start to sell them. I think I bought L$300... just about one dollar's worth.
  4. Thank you, Ceka. That should eliminate a good deal of them. And your idea re brand names is a great one. My peeve is much diminished...
  5. I do - I wonder if it makes a difference. I come across listings that tell me I've already flagged them. Today was pretty bad...maybe 75 percent of the first page (96 listings) were demos not linked to a full version. Some are pretty blatant about their misuse of demos - making it clear they expect you to buy inworld. I presume this is avoid Marketplace fees, yet they use the Marketplace to advertise their merchandise. Still peeved!! They are ruining my freebie hunting...
  6. Peeve: demos on Marketplace NOT linked to a FULL version Searching for most recent 0L$ items with DEMOS excluded just doesn't work when merchants do this...
  7. Anything that enhances immersion is lovely to me. As an aside, you can add the sound and script to landscape objects - do make a note in the objects name that it contains a sound - much easier to find again when you want to change it. Be aware: Adding a script to some objects may increase the land impact. Worth a try though if you're short of prims.
  8. i think a reference to Blade Runner Pris?
  9. I found in the past that changing land permissions etc. requires a relog before "taking". Might be worth a go if you haven't tried that already
  10. Another way to find out the exact LI of an item is to set it to Edit linked prims in the BUILD window. You can also see the LI of each link by cycling through the prims holding the CTRL key (OPT for Mac users... I think) and clicking the > key to go to the next prim.
  11. It doesn't just apply to mesh. Two simple cubes or other non-tortured prims, linked together, and set to Physics Shape CONVEX HULL or NONE will have 1 LI land impact. If they contain scripts, this may NOT apply. In general, I have found it an art to link objects together. Quite a few times I've been amazed at what happens when linking objects in a different order. Usually, a simple prim as root is best - but I have also found a difference in using a cube as as root prim compared to a (non-tortured) sphere. Just to complicate things, linking a high land impact mesh to other meshes can sometimes result in NO inscrease to the land impact. In consequence, I experiment all the time with linking to get the best result.
  12. You can - you have to exchange your L$ for US$ first though.
  13. White clouds and grey textures? Sounds like what I experience if I get dropped at an SL hub when my region is not available for some reason. If the issue is too many high complexity avatars around, try logging into Pooley or Northsky Channel and see if your avatar and surroundings rez. Reducing draw distance and the number of non-impostors on the graphics setting can also help. Good luck!
  14. Hello Make sure you are using the script named: builders buddy base (anyone rez) Additionally, you may need to check the following: First, to open the script, go to the contents tab of the rezzer's edit menu, rightclick the script named above and choose OPEN from the drop down If necessary, change these settings as follows - all pretty near to the top of the script - in mine start on line 36 //The UUID of the creator of the object //Leave this as "" unless SL displays wrong name in object properties key creatorUUID = ""; // Set to TRUE to allow group members to use the dialog menu // Set to FALSE to disallow group members from using the dialog menu integer ingroup = TRUE; // Allow non-creator to use CLEAN command? // (WARNING) If set to TRUE, it is recommended to set // deleteOnRez to FALSE, or user could lose entire building integer allowClean = TRUE; Good luck! Emma
  15. I like it when they - label the object with the name of the item, colour or pattern, and mesh body size - e.g. Emma's Flared Skirt - Green - MAITREYA similarly label the HUD - Emma's Flared Skirt - HUD allow me to IM them or their CSR, and do NOT require a notecard being sent "cos LM's get capped"
  16. I like threads like this! But I am not familiar with Equal 10 and would like to know what the price of the outfit is too. It may be L$10 of course!
  17. Things inworld aren't well. Slow rezzing Slow going back into inventory Not able to receive delivery (failed to create inventory...) oops
  18. Just contacted Live Support as I can't log in with this error message. Kit Linden let me know that they have been receiving reports about this and that there will soon be a grid status report about it. Hopefully will resolve .... "SOON"
  19. I usually find I have to relog for things in my Lost and Found to start showing up.
  20. Lil, you don't need to go looking in your body! Rightclick the item in your inventory and choose EDIT and you got it... I only found this out a short time ago myself. ALl the time I wasted trying to find those pesky belly piercings inside my tummy...
  21. ooh i just remembered some ears need a special ear texture! You don't use the body skin texture but a separate ear texture! but maybe you tried to do that already - maybe another package to unpack for that with your head?
  22. i dont have an AK head so this may not be the case for your ear a couple of ideas: maybe the ear texture is separate to the body skin texture - e.g. if the ears are an add on so, is it possible to drag the skin texture directly onto the ear? or, is there a HUD for the ears that you can add the skin texture to? Sorry if these are no help at all... Good luck!
  23. Hallo, ich glaube, du musst dich an Linden Lab wenden. Wir sind alle SL Buerger hier, und es scheint mir, das nur Linden Lab (SecondLife Eigentuemer) dir mit diesem Problem helfen kann. Support : Linden Lab (freshdesk.com)
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