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Emma Krokus

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Everything posted by Emma Krokus

  1. yes they kicked me out too i got a reply from the fagahair avatar when i asked about it they supposedly sent 3 group notices (mine are so sporadic, i certainly never saw those and once i got kicked, it was too late to see them) fagahair said the group wasn't working for them and they thought the (free) subscriber would be better for being in touch with their customers i did subscribe, not sure if i'll continue...
  2. If there is a DEMO on MP which is not linked to a full version, then you can flag under Disallowed Listing Practices > DEMO not linked to a full version If there is a DEMO only available in world, there is no associated flag that I am aware of...
  3. Wonder if restarts today borked something?
  4. This always seems worse at Christmas time for me. And for some years... And what am I doing differently? Teleporting around lots of regions in quick succession, changing groups to get the advent gifts. It seems to be mesh and sculpties that don't render for me. Sometimes they will after some considerable time, maybe 5 minutes. Only "quicker" solution has been to relog - about once every 5 - 6 teleports. It's worse in certain places. Objects are not found in Area Search until relogging, zooming far out and back in doesn't help. I call it the Advent Bug...
  5. So agree on better descriptions. AND I also know how tedious listing in Marketplace is... Slight derail: I do like classic bodies and clothes... err... maybe not the feet!!! I do wear mesh and I need quick outfit changes for the show dancing I do. I have those outfits in MY OUTFITS saved with all elements my avatar needs to make them work (including automatic shoe style FLAT, MID, HIGH - thank you Maitreya!) So typically shape, skin, eyes and hairbase, make-ups, body, clothes, shoes, jewellery. All it takes is to rightclick the folder and choose WEAR (which replaces everything) OR drag the folder onto my avie. It's as quick as doing the same with a system outfit for a classic avatar.
  6. I'd be so grateful, if in RL, I could just rez a fresh one! Related peeve: WHERE are the RIGHT replacement bulbs for the blown bulbs? And another one: WHY are there so many different kinds of bulbs?
  7. Firstly, I already have a deeply nested folder structure. Thank goodness I sorted things from the start of my 14 year SL journey. I have never had the recursive replication loop happen to me yet!!! Now I am terrified - so thanks for posting the solution too! Emma
  8. Just to be clear my CUSTOM folders are nested, as are my SYSTEM folders. For ease of finding things, as well as hopefully helping smooth running... I am very interested to know about best practice. Emma
  9. As well as using the items suggested in the style card, good SL lighting is essential for getting similar results. I tend to use CalWL or Nam's Optimum Skin and Prim (that may not be the exact name as quoting form memor) - both are examples of windlights that put few shadows on the face. I do use a viewer that still has windlights... I am not really familar enough with other viewers to make suggestions about lighting in there. Emma
  10. Thanks for your reply, Love If there is an issue with large custom folders, what do you suggest I do? (As I said, I am already using subfolders inside those.) Emma
  11. I'm hitting nearly 100k inventory. I use the folders provided by the system, but also a number of CUSTOM folders I've created myself. If I keep SYSTEM folders on top, these appear under the Trash. My SYSTEM and CUSTOM folders have subfolders, and sub sub folders etc. I do have issues with inventory I know I have not showing on SEARCH. Is there an issue with having large CUSTOM folders? Would it be better to move those CUSTOM folders into a SYTEM folders instead? I'd love to know. Emma
  12. Sent you something inworld. Emma
  13. My 14th rezday yesterday! And re number of friends... i have perhaps 70...
  14. Reported. I read your comments and noted you are 14+... I turned 14 yesterday - and yesterday was the first time I ever noticed this issue... Maybe just a correlation though.
  15. I think DeAnn Dufaux teaches at Builders Brewery. There are frequent workshops there and an online calendar for classes.
  16. Well, afraid I have caught the bug too. One of my friends was definitely not showing on online, and had not unchecked her online status from me, yet I could not see her as being online in my viewer. Does it affect the official viewer too? Is it spreading? O.o.
  17. REPORT System now running without a problem on Firestorm and official SL viewer: drivers updated cache cleared LOD set to 2.5 couldn't find screen resolution (I couldn't help as I have never used Firestorm) Thank you to everyone in this thread for your help! My friend's sanity has been restored. Emma
  18. @Wulfie Reanimator- thank you! I will verify that. @ Everyone! She has since logged in via a newer laptop using SL official viewer with no issues, so unfortunately for this thread, no update on the other machine yet. I will come back to let you all know as soon as there is more news on trying your suggestions for the other system. Emma
  19. Thanks, Qie, re the window size - l'll check that out with her. I agree it's all about balancing SL with your system and what you're doing at the time. Typically, although my system is more powerful my draw distance is below 64 - because more is not needed in the places I most often go to. Emma
  20. Thanks, Odaks Let's see what happens if we avoid further strain on the poor machine by trying a different resolution setting. And well, if it's a red herring, it's a low effort to try.
  21. Thanks, Aishagain - that's helpful to know. I totally missed that this is onboard graphics... I know for myself that when I use the laptop (only in emergencies) I can only manage low graphics settings or will hardly be able to do anything much. So yeah... I've not had LOD issues myself (99 percent desktop user) so wasn't aware what a burden it would place on hardware. Thank you for taking the time to write
  22. I really have no idea. That would be good to know. What is a more common setting?
  23. Thank you, Qie The weblink tells me page not found at AMD, but I will scour the rest of the website to find the relevant information. and hopefully update drivers. I'll suggest she reduce LOD and try the official viewer. Also for her to check the OpenGL setting just in case. I appreciate your thoughts on this! Emma
  24. Hello Fritigern Thank you for your reply... I think she clears cache regularly... She is in a place with a lot of objects. Would it help if those objects were spread out more - i.e. on different height levels on the region? I presume upgrading memory (putting in extra RAM) would help? How easy is it to download a driver from the AMD website? I have always used NVIDIA and GeForce Eperience to update my graphics driver, so I have no idea! and I am not sure she will either. I will let you know of any progress. Emma
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