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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. I own a webhosting/vpn/vps business and have since 1998, our visa CREDIT card fee's just went through the roof, so we have stopped taking them as a form of payment, we still accept paypal which just went up and we still take mastercards which just went up, now I'm not talking bank cards, debit cards are fine, it's the credit cards, the processors like paypal and our other merchant accounts is where the fee's are going a bit bonkers. Speaking of other fee's. depending on how LL has things setup, payroll, power, datacenter fee's, up and down stream providers, all kinds of fee's. people are way goign LL IS FORCING THIS OR THAT, when reality is, this is a business decision to help them along and keep our SL running and going. sorry people are so upset they are just all over the place. Yes I know LL I know, I'm trying to be the voice of reason , Even if I'm not correct on what fee's and such are what is happening, I am giving a gist, because of the rates the fee's have gone too from my end.
  2. They have stated the Groups are very hard on the backend, this is a issue that would require a full rebuild of the group functionality and they are not even sure that it can be fixed. Groups were added I think in 2004ish, so looking at it with that much legacy coding, I'm not seeing an easy fix so if they can figure out how to help their own systems then I'm all for it.
  3. Linden employee's have stated there are other fee's legal stuff they must pay to stay in compliance so there are fee's there too for them they have to pay. I know, I know, I'm trying to always be the voice of reason and trying to help others understand that sometimes, Companies such as LL have to bite these hard bullets and push some of the fee's onto us the consumers, it's an evil I wish did not exist, but no company that deals in the volumes LL does, would be able to survive because of the fee's. Now there are more fee's than what I've been listing too.
  4. Forgetting visa and mastercard upped their processing/merchant fee's and so did paypal. those fee's come to us the consumer, LL can not absorb all the fee's. it's high and gets nuts when you do the volumes LL does.
  5. Processing fee's still apply, NOT on your end, but LL'S end. sorry for the confusion.
  6. I see people going on about fee's. VISA/Mastercard, MOST processors raised their fee's, I do own my own webhosting/vps/vpn business, my fee's went up, I am passing these along to my customers with emails going our reflecting my new pricings, some people are not happy, but THIS is not a one time fee per day, this is PER transaction and get's expensive quickly if I try to eat it myself, first year I was in business I ate the fee's, I was in the black so bad, I had to make a change, I had to offload my fee's to my customers or I was going out of business, While this might not be the case for LL directly, these fee's can affect bottom lines and make companies rethink about how they need to manage their profits and the expenditures. I know people will not be happy with my reply, but basically it has to be this way.
  7. Visa just went up to 6.5% on our terminal, mastercard went to 3.3% and discover we stopped taking lol.
  8. SL has not been hacked, you was phished or reversed engineered into giving your information up, IF you do not give LL the required information then they will not give the account back.
  9. You will have to provide them with the information they have requested to recover the account, we are uses here just like you, we can not do anything much but make suggestions.
  10. either they cloned the page to use for skrill and forgot to change it, or they are using paypal as a processor for payments. but pretty sure it's just a name not changed.
  11. Cept they did a prank that was actually real, most of us used it, it just no one picked it up and did anything with it.
  12. minus the furry, I am whom I have said I am all along, personality, ect does not change once I logout. I bring me into SL I dislike lying to people.
  13. as I was once told by an old time SL user. if they can see it, they can steal it. scripts are server side, thankfully.
  14. I was told many many years back, it's going to be very hard to enforce the TOS unless a linden staff member is present to hear it to take the action upon it. otherwise it's hearsay and the other person just wants drama.
  15. a $1 demo means I can send it to my alt to see if it works well on her. since I do not keep funds on her, everything she gets is a gift. so yes let them charge 1$L I'm fine with it.
  16. you only have 4gb system ram, this is not going to work very well for you at all. since windows 10 it's self is using quite a bit of that and if you have other things running too. erf. the flashing you are seeing is because the apu/gpu is having issues allocating resources, since I'm going to be that texture memory is shared too with the 4gb of system ram. I have no real solution because I'm not sure what to do with the specs because of how low they are. hopefully one of the others can come in and give some kind of real idea to help.
  17. You do not have the room to download all of second life's inventory, the last figure that was publish was 300+ PETABYTES. you do not have enough room on your pc/laptop
  18. How will this work with the mesh bodies out now that I'm working on? That's my confusing part to me.
  19. Sounds like ya'll are either upgrading line cards or hauling more fiber into your gear or are you replacing switches? what I wouldnt give for a 24/48 port gbit switch right now.
  20. I make appliers uses current uuid's from our assets right now for the skins, how will this affect those of us heavily invested in the body and applier markets? anything I need to change or do here or can I continue on as normal?
  21. changing the uuid is bad and hopefully will never happen. the system must know whom you was before. even if we can not.
  22. Here guys and gals. https://modemworld.me/2019/05/02/lumiya-client-availability/ explains why it's off the google play store. this is not just a lumiya problem.
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