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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. you want no lag? it's not going to happen, but to help eliminate some of the lag you get, disable shadows, you will gain a jump in fps, also the draw distance. I find 128m to be the maximum I'm willing to do, otherwise I'm drawling anything and everything.
  2. Fixed the colour for you, lots of us are using the dark theme now and dark text upon a dark theme is hard to read.
  3. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=legacy+mesh+body Might be tmp they are listed as legacy mesh body.
  4. far as I'm aware and I've been in SL for 12 years now, there has never been anyway of doing this. but logging chat on fs is pretty easy. ctrl-p Privacy tab>logs and transscripts turn all that on. if you want to save the location of them network and files tab>directories.
  5. making the avatar invisible is simply by wearing a transparent alpha, you wont be able to hide your name tag though. but if you mean the full effect of light shifting and such. I'm not sure how or even if that's supported under the current rendering engine.
  6. all of mine run from ground level 23m, up to the build level of 4096m. I'm not sure about others.
  7. pay attention to the forums, people have COWS over price changes with fee's. THIS, would make most of us leave, because there is no way, it would just tank the economy flooding the market like that or there would be very little for content creators to cash out on, not going to waste time, making and selling items if all I am getting is .50 cents for 10,000 items sold. yeah no, pass. this idea is bad.
  8. LL pulled the 3rd party exchanges because of this, if they accept them. I'll walk away.
  9. Quota & Limits Heroku has certain soft and hard limits in using its service. Hard limits are automatically enforced by the Service. Soft limits are consumable resources that you agree not to exceed. Network Bandwidth: 2TB/month - Soft Shared DB processing: Max 200msec per second CPU time - Soft Dyno RAM usage: Determined by Dyno type - Hard Slug Size: 500MB - Hard Request Length: 30 seconds - Hard
  10. Fee's are always going to apply, you have LL, then a processor of some kind, because it has to convert from usd to euro, most likely your own bank will do that and since it's considered a wire transfer, there is a fee, now not sure what or how much that is anymore, but when I did wire transfers it was close to 15.5% for the fee, and then you run into international banking laws and all kinds of funny regulations, I do not see a direct bank transfer happening.
  11. Yep, I tried to inform a certain person about one of the changes they complain about is no longer needed to be on there, but nobody listens.
  12. 100% passing on a streaming version of SL. I'll stick with what I am using now. k, Thanks.
  13. SANSAR is not a replacement for SL and never will be, THEY are different products AIMED at 2 different sets of people. when will you ever learn this.
  14. I'm not going anywhere and my budget for SL is not changing, people come they go, it's what happens. SL is in no danger to going offline.
  15. One reason, plain and simple. Chui, ditch it, let me have the ui like I have in firestorm and I switch back instantly. until than, not going to use it.
  16. Currently Linden Lab does not have a official second life discord, but there are many unofficial ones about, I'm sure somebody will be able to point you in a direction of one of those.
  17. Guys posting in none white text, most of us moved to the new forum theme below, the writing is hard to see. black on grey.
  18. Freedom of speech does not exist on a privately owned forum, Since LL is a private business they can let you post or not let you post or remove the posts or what ever they want to do.
  19. Sansar dollar gifts no longer incur a transaction fee. Sounds to me their own Currency does not get charged the fee.
  20. I'm in the same boat, credit score 503, because of medical bills, they reject each one I turn in even the secure ones that you pay depoists on lol, yeah. I've burned that bridge. there is not much we can do until something in the industry changes on the credit card peoples sides.
  21. I've been here 12 years as a free user, I have put my fair share of money into the system over the years, cashed out a few times too, I'm sitting at I think 36 groups, I can easily loose 5 of them right now and not fill those back up again for a long time, so this group issue is not an issue for me, I know it is for lots of others though, maybe LL can do something? up to them in the end.
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