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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. well crud, I had planned on in and getting video of everything putting together a neat slb16 video. oh well.
  2. I will glady take premium if it included me being able to purchase at some point a life time account, where I can grab a 4096 of mainland and be happy wehre I can play house and pester my friends and just build without restrictions.
  3. Banking/stock markets are no longer allowed in SL, if there are any, they are running behind LL's back. and LL will remove them once they are reported.
  4. I can easily promote SL outside of SL, but I do live in a certain state that contains a certain religion that ride bikes, just being a furry goes over badly here lol.
  5. I'm just one of those admins that has been adminning to dang long lol, I do really try to not back seat moderate.
  6. I guess you did not read the thread, they are no longer being sold, those locations would have had the vendors picked up.
  7. Those of us that have been around 12+ years are staying put mostly, people seem to be misunderstanding and thinking LL can keep also doing business with the same pracities they have since the early 2000's. but with new laws and new regulations people must adapt because the lab has to adapt or they wont exist and SL then will not. but I would never worry about these changes much. LL know's what they are doing and I have quite a bit of faith in them.
  8. https://spacial.com/stream-licensing-internet-radio-stations/ Found what I was after too. I guess we can ignore the fcc/mpaa remark, it's been years since I broadcasted and been years since I paid my fines.
  9. Send an email to the mpaa or the fcc and ask them
  10. Remember this one rule. Keep yourself legal and get a broadcasters license. https://live365.com/broadcaster/pricing/ There are others too. somebody will groan at me, but just be safe and legal and make sure you have your ducks in a row, if not and you get popped the fines/fee's are not going to be little.
  11. How ever as answered by LL already. They are not taking out any fee's if you have a zero BALANCE in tilla. If they live in the us and want to cash out they will have to provide what the US Goverment wants from LL, if not. that's their choice, but they will not be able to do cash outs. it's quite simple. got to play by the laws of the land to keep getting paid.
  12. At the topic at hand, No, pass, do not want. plain and simple.
  13. I've been here 12 years, your data is safe.
  14. Yep that's how it was in 2007, they used some portal service that went web1.secondlife.com/signup or some such, changing the web1 to 2 or such would get you new lists of names, I ended up with whitfield, somebody snagged moe on me, so I took meh bigmoe. wishing I could of gotten the moe account
  15. rofl, SL is unoptimized and there is no way to make it optimized, "retired" or not. system bottle necks cause client side lag which is what you are seeing, server side lag is almost a non existent thing in today's SL. "well it's not my system" it is, it always is, some helpful tips, turn the draw distance to 128m or lower, turn off shadows, make sure your connection rate is 1500, also if you are visiting areas that have HUGE amounts of people, you will always always have a form of lag, there is no way around that beast.
  16. Pass not signing it, because it has information that is not true anymore, which they are refusing to change and that makes it a scare tactic to get users to sign, also you do not speak for myself.
  17. okay I can wait, but thanks for the answer. I have a simplistic ui setup on firestorm that works very well for what I do and was hoping I could replicate it on this viewer you make. but I'll wait until maybe you get around to chopping it or splicing it up.
  18. Question maybe the creator will poke them noses in here. does black dragon use that chui setup the Official viewer does? I've been seen some quality images and video of people using it, but never the interface.
  19. Then there is me, 12 years supporting SL with my own money and I plan on continuing this. not everybody needs the eye candy, my people are here, my family, my friends.
  20. as a forum administrator since 2002, I can say it's dead. if you bump a thread or reply to it after 10 years of it sitting idle. it's dead jim. no valid reason at all to bring it back. from my point of view I'm right. LL dono aint even trying to back seat admin their own forum. but I'll stop replying and be a good forum user.
  21. Make a new topic and quote the old one without dragging the new one back up after 10 years.. a dead topic needs to stay dead.
  22. Back in the day when forums were huge and the best source for everything, bumping an old dead topic was looked upon as rude and inconsiderate. it's why making a new topic in my mind is the best choice and always will be.
  23. always best to make a new topic, than to bump an old dead topic. even if you have a question or can answer it, you can direct/link to the old topic or quote the post in it.
  24. Yeah let's not get into this one, The phone/sms is fine, email, no that's purely a gimmick I wish would die. I'd rather none of the information be in any email sent to me, If the service get's compermised and my backup code or active code in email is in there during it and the system will let it be used, because email 2fa typically does not time out, unless the company is smart and VERY few are smart enough to make them time out. Yeah pass on this idea. Sticking with my phone/backup phone for auth is fine.
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