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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. From postings of other people in the past (old accounts wondering why they only got L$300), I don't think that is the case. I believe it means "if you created a premium account or upgraded to premium" before said dates.
  2. I'm confused also. If it doesn't default to using keyboard and mouse, what does it default to? Touchpad? Magic wand? Other?
  3. Mostly for other people's benefit -- this approach will only work by adding the prepaid card to a Verified PayPal account. LL requires a real credit card (not prepaid or debit) or a Verified PayPal account. Once the PayPal account is verified (which requires tying it to a bank account or a credit card), you can fund the PayPal account in any way that they'll accept.
  4. Tell your friend to submit a support ticket. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
  5. My henchmen were sexy so I skipped bail and went to bed.
  6. From everything said so far in this thread, combined with the wiki page, my bet is that the larger stipends only apply if you ever got it to begin with. So if you were never Premium before, then I'm better you'll only get L$300. The wiki specifically says that the account must have become Premium before certain dates to get the larger stipend. We just didn't know that the higher stipends apparently held if you downgraded and then went back to Premium. Wiki page: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/premium-membership-r346 Applicable part: Side note -- we actually see a few Lindens here in the forums fairly frequently these days.
  7. I'm pretty sure that once upon a time someone reported differently - though it might have been a glitch or they just misunderstood what they were supposed to get. The wiki page is not totally clear on how the older accounts are handled in this area. In any case it is good to hear that the original stipends apply as the older accounts go in and out of Premium. Now we know how to advise others in the future.
  8. When you first click 'Forgot your login information', you get a screen that has 2 sections, though that might have not been noticed. The top part asks for your Username &captcha verification and then you click a button labeled "Send Instructions". That part will send password reset instructions to the last known email address for the Username that you entered. The bottom part of that screen is for when you don't even remember the username. In that part, you enter an email address and click 'Forgot Account Name' and it will then send the Username that was last associated with that email address. So if you entered an email address, using the bottom portion of the screen, and they sent you this username (the one that created this post) then that is the last Username that LL assocaited with the email address. If you know your original account name and have access to the email that was last used with the account, you should be able to use the top portion of that screen to simply get a password reset.
  9. I got the impression that the problem was wearing the Maitreya hands with the newest updated Belleza body. Her last post says that the hands work fine on Maitreya body and "used to with Belleza".
  10. From my understanding, as soon as you go Premium, your stipend switches to the current of L$300 per week. If you then later drop Premium, you'll get nothing. But... I would simply contact LL to confirm that. If you are just wanting the land benefit of Premium, create an alt and take the alt Premium. Then you keep you L$50 stipend and the alt gets the current L$300, which can be later dropped without penalizing your current account.
  11. For all (or most) of those bodies you will have to also buy the applicable Omega relay system. For Maitreya (and maybe some others), you have to always have the Omega-Maitreya relay HUD attached when you attach the applicable Omega applier for it all to communicate. For some other bodies, you buy an Omega relay, you attach the HUD once and it installs itself into the body so that Omega appliers can then talk directly to the body. Once the relay is set up, then you attach the applicable applier and click it. It then basically paints the texture onto the mesh body, similar to how system layers are painted onto the classic avatar -- similar, but not exactly the same. And yeah, some bodies are not Omega compatible at all.
  12. Rough guess it -- approx. 30 days per month and 365 days in a year.
  13. That sprecific response was in response to someone else that said they thought you could filter by two dates in Firestorm. It was not specifically directed at you.
  14. Fifty hippopotamuses were theatrical so they occupied the stage and sang a song
  15. Ahh, I thought you were trying to refer OP back to one of their posts -- there are a few right after yours on that page.
  16. Though I did eventually find the posts that you were referring to, posts 2 & 3 on page 3 are apparently not the same for everyone. Here is what my page 3 shows:
  17. No one was hungry so they visited a park and took a puppy.
  18. Go to The Free Dove -- lots of good free stuff and much of it will work with classic avatar bodies. Also, peruse the https://fabfree.wordpress.com/ website. Lots of the freebies and cheapies they blog about will work for a classic avatar. Give yourself a few weeks to settle in and get SL figured out a bit before diving into the complexity of mesh bodies and heads. Personally, I picked up a pair of Slink compatible feet from MP for much cheaper that took care of me for a bit until I was ready for the mesh body. I never cared about nails and rings, so I simply wore lots of bangles to cover the horrid looking classic wrists. When you are ready for the mesh body plunge, demo lots and lots.
  19. I'm having issues off & on just getting to the Auction page. There may be issues going on with it. Try Live Chat and see what they say: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  20. You cannot bid on auctions from inworld - only from a browser. Have you tried a different browser? i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer
  21. Maybe something is caching funky. Have you tried a different browser?
  22. Not necessarily I deserve to be loved and appreciated. Bloodlines does behave in a manner deserving of punishment - i.e. banning from sims.
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