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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I have a few alts that are all Premium. I went through 4 houseboat locations with one alt before finalizing. I then went through 13 houses with 3 other alts before finalizing the house.
  2. I TP'd to a total of 17 Linden homes, across 4 different alt accounts, in about an hour or so last night and never encountered a single TP failure during that time.
  3. I'll never live on a private region, for a variety of reasons, but primarily because I don't want to be paying my rent/tier to another person rather than LL. I highly doubt LL would ever get rid of the old mainland anyway. One of their biggest reasons for creating Linden Homes was to get more people into a home quicker so that some of them would get the "land bug" and go buy mainland plots that not only result in LL getting the Premium fee, but possibly tier fees from the person also.
  4. Ahh - I didn't dig into it yet and didn't realize that they also didn't out any outside 'house' textures. If I had fully processed your emphasis on HOUSE textures before, I might have caught that. My Mainland that I kept has some beach to it and against a void sim where I can toss some off-sim stuff, so that takes care of my 'beachy wants'. Since I got a houseboat also, which gives me water, I wanted an interior location for the house. I got one that has trees and rocky foothills behind me and not on the road - all of which is perfect for me.
  5. Now I am meandering back through all of these threads, peeking at the various ideas, to decide what I want to actually do. Of course I won't actually get to do much over the next week and a half because my evenings this week are super busy and I'm traveling on vacation all next week (and the laptop definitely is not capable of much SL time).
  6. I went through the process within the past 1.0-1.5 hours and the only plots I was sent to were all inland. I actually went through 13 plots across 3 alts before finding one that I liked enough to settle in and call it home.
  7. Hmmm - that will make it more difficult to add interior walls. Maybe we need to petition LL. Hey @Patch Linden -- Could we pretty please get a texture pack for the interior of the house? ETA - FULL inside and outside HOUSE textures
  8. I downgraded my Mainland holdings, but did keep some of it. I then had one alt get a houseboat - took 4 tries, but I ended up with one that backs to open water and isn't too far from the opening out to it. I had another alt get a house -- that one took a total of 3 alts and 13 tries before I got a plot that I really like. Just trees and rocky foothills behind me. The current Linden Homes regions are busier than I've seen any Linden Home area since the launch of the original ones - and maybe even busier than that.
  9. I'm betting that is talking about something in general being wrong with the existing terraforming. When you request a home, you get this page:
  10. You can request a Calling Card from anyone and/or give one, without doing the Friend thing. While you will also have Calling Cards for each Friend, you can have them for people that are not Friends. Take a look at your "Calling Cards" folder.
  11. I've only crashed on TP 3 times since I made that change a few days ago - and performance was pretty yuck overall just before each of those times. Before anyone increases their bandwidth, they probably should make sure they have a good enough internet connection to handle it -- use a network speed test website, check your speed to Phoenix, AZ, which is where the servers are.
  12. No, Chris is female, though looks like she could fairly easily become a he. My first couple of times I went to secondlife.com, I got the signup page without any pictures - just the box in the middle of the page. Then on the next couple of visits, I got a full image on the screen with the signup box off to the right like you show. The most recent visit to the signup page gave me the previous version of the page:
  13. All the ones that I saw rezzed at the entry point of London City were the same ones already in the Library and available via "Me/Avatars". I created a couple of new accounts and both of them got Classic ones - Chris and Carla. Note that the second time I went to the new signup page, I did not get the Gender question. I even closed the IE browser and cleared all cache items, but still no Gender question when I went back to the page. The first time, I specified female and rezzed in as the Chris classic avatar. The second time, with no gender specified, I rezzed in as female with the Carla classic avatar.
  14. How do you know an Avatar's key? If some random person IMs me and I get it via email because I'm not logged inworld and I want to check their profile - how do you know what key to put in the URL?
  15. This might be a cache thing. I pulled up my regular browser and got that page. Then I pulled up IE, which I never use, and got what was shown further up - just selecting Gender. I went on through and created a new account. I got dropped into the same London City Gateway place as Alyona did. My avatar was one of the Classic ones. I hung around the landing area for a bit and noticed people dropping in with different avatars from the 'New Avatar' selection and the 'Classic' batch. I never saw anyone come in with a Fantasy or Vampire avatar -- maybe I'll create another new account and select the non-gender option to see what it gives me. As I started walking, an Experience box popped up asking for permissions, but there was never anything really explaining what this was for. Being the cautious type, if I was new, I would have said NO simply because the box basically says it can control me. There was one freebie stop part way through the tutorial that had 3 male items (business outfit, vest w/ rolled up sleeves, shoes) and one female top. You could click and buy for L$0, but no actual instructions for that. At one point there was an odd looking tree and a sign that said "Win Money. Click the notes as they fall from the Money Tree", but I saw no money anywhere -- hung out there for a bit, but still nothing (there were actually a few of these trees in London City, but I never saw any money around any of them). Nowhere else did it give me any tutorial or practice at buying things, though I did eventually see a sign that told me to click the "Buy L$" at the top of my viewer to buy L$. I then wandered on to the Freebie Megastore. Altamura has their Jenny and Robert avatars there. I didn't hang out there long, but it really looked like a lot of the "freebies" were really super old stuff, many prim outfits, some of the old sculpt & mesh feet/shoe combos where you had to match skin. There were some items labeld as 'Mesh", but absolutely nothing to tell you what that was compared to "not mesh". On the wall of the freebie store, there were some instructions on how to customize your avatar, but it was really just telling you how to pick a Classic avatar or remove your Mesh avatar to become Classic. All in all, I actually preferred both the last LL orientation and the Firestorm orientation to this.
  16. Ping them on the ticket again, but I'm not sure how the priority is for that kind of stuff on the weekends.
  17. If you see a notification in the viewer when you login that says "You cannot remove protected categories" you need to contact Linden Lab support to get your inventory fixed. Best I know, there is no way to fix that otherwise.
  18. This right here is why I'm sometimes reluctant to post pictures. I am not the creative imaginative type at all. My brain just doesn't seem to work that way.
  19. My understanding is that the servers are in the Phoenix area, so about a single day's drive for me - i.e. not physically far at all. When the problem first started, it was hitting me about 20-25% of the time. Then it jumped up to 40-50% of the time. Then I went ahead and bumped my Network Bandwidth setting up higher than the recommended max value (based on a post in another thread and the fact that I do have a really fast internet connection since I pay for faster speeds due to working from home a lot). Anyway, I do still get the occasional TP disconnect, but the rate is now down to less than 5% of the time.
  20. Yep, hence why LL is having such a hard time nailing it down to fix it.
  21. I was thankful for my Premium the other day when I was headed there - I got in on my second try. The current grid TP issue probably isn't helping much either.
  22. We've seen posts here about it messing up people's outfits/bodies/etc... when they log back in. We've also had people say that when they log to 'Previous', they end up somewhere multiple locations ago or even someplace they were at on another day. I've had none of those issues, even the few times that I actually let the TP do the disconnect and give me the message box for quitting. I logged right back in - always to Home - and all was good. I never log back in to "previous location" simply because of all those times many years ago when you never knew what you'd look like on a relog.
  23. Do you have permission to sell Linda - or asked her if she wants to be sold? In any case, regardless of how old your actual account is, your trading limits are completely based on your first billable transaction - either buying L$ or paying for a Premium membership. The 30-day countdown then begins and there is nothing you can do to speed that up. However, if you are asking for the 'Pretty559' account that you posted this question with, the first thing you need to do is add a valid payment method to your account (per your profile, you do not yet have that).
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