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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Yeah, right now the 5 times is frustrating. I have multiple alts that I can try with, but last night I went to 13 homes before I was mostly satisfied. Still, I did try a few more times tonight and there are still some really good plots available. I just visited one that is on a street corner (road on 2 sides) and across from there, as well as diagonal, there are plots not yet taken that are on the street and back to foothills/mountains. Personally, I'd love one of those rather than the one on the street corner, but it is all random. Yes, for the Linden Homes, that setting should be default. I know that many folks, new and old alike, don't even know about the setting - and then there are the ones that don't care.
  2. If they did allow the orb to apply up to 500m and then 1500m and above, that would handle most hovering peeping toms because they'd be roughly 500m away from you and thus would have to set the draw distance to that or more to see you and a lot of people's computer just flat can't handle a draw distance that high.
  3. I think we'll be allow to use them in our skyboxes above 2000 m. I assume that we'll be limited in how high above mainland we can use them - maybe not even the full 500 m. Heck, ban lines only go to 50m, if my memory is correct. You don't really need to go all the way to 500m in order to keep people out of your home and "immediate" land area.
  4. Standing on my sky platform, reading group notices, when wham No freakin clue who that person is. I didn't even bother to ask.
  5. Well, the security orb still won't allow a zero second eject and so someone could still potentially come in and be "shocked".
  6. No, you do not get the beach. The beaches are all part of the public land. The land is rated Moderate so no sex out in the open.
  7. I'm super glad they made the rules for the Linden Homes, but I'm not so sure I think that the rules should be changed across all of the mainland.
  8. I'm glad for the updated rules for the Linden Homes. I realize that the Mainland has all sorts of people with all sorts of opinions and I'm not sure I think a change of rules there is a good idea. However, the Linden Homes already have a tight covenant to preserve the 'look and feel' and thus the new Security/Privacy rules are very applicable there.
  9. Even when LL rolled out the initial Linden Homes, I'm not sure it was this busy:
  10. Hopefully, the supplied security orb will allow setting to ranges and I can rez more than one. One for my house and one for a skybox, leaving most of the airspace between them available for others to use.
  11. They'll be rolling out more homes soon, so that might help in the search. Maybe just have to tolerate a so-so place until then.
  12. I'm confused - are you talking about all the land for sale in the upper continent? The vast majority of that was already for sale, before the Linden Homes opened up yesterday.
  13. Odd. Many people do gt the TP stalling out issue that then gives a disconnect message, but I don't think too many are actually having the app close on them without them clicking the X or Quit. And yeah, the TP cancel button worked when the TP issue first cropped up a few weeks ago, but it hasn't helped in quite a while now.
  14. Talk about exaggerating. I'll bet you are one of those major DRAMA folks in SL. You definitely would not have survived the early years of SL.
  15. You put your response inside the quote box, which totally confused me at first because I was trying to figure out where I said that first line. Readability is easier if you type your stuff outside the quoted box.
  16. Maybe release the next batch in a different time frame to give other time zones preference. This time opened up around noon US, give or take a bit, which was probably perfect for much of Europe or anyone in the US that doesn't work during the day. With this go-round it was all so popular that by the time I got home from work (in the US), all of the beach houses were taken and most of the best houseboat locations were also gone. For me, I got lucky and got an awesome houseboat location backing to the open water and I preferred an inland house closer to the foothills/mountain ranges (though even that took 13 tries across 3 accounts before I got my perfect house location).
  17. They have a new Wiki page, so it looks like they just need to change to Knowledgebase to point to it: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019
  18. My guess is that they did not realize just how popular this was going to be or they would have had more ready right off the bat. I'm also guessing they are now working very, very hard to get more out there as quick as they can.
  19. Someone must have done an Abandon just before I hit the page earlier to check (after your post) because the Houseboat option was there for me, but not now.
  20. One question for clarification: Are you truly "crashing" - i.e. the viewer closes on its own -- or are you getting the typical disconnected message (something like 'you have been disconnected, you can quit or do IM" or something like that? True 'crashing' is a totally different thing.
  21. I opened a support ticket once about an issue here in the forums and just picked the 'Web login' category or something like that. I figured if they weren't going to give me a proper category, I'd just use something sort of close.
  22. Start the viewer, but don't try to log in. Instead click Help and About. Copy everything displayed and paste it here.
  23. When you get to the page shown below, can you click on the Houseboat image? The screen defaults to the traditional homes, but I can still click on Houseboat.
  24. Other than the one person inside the house messing with the control panel, there are no people actually in the video. Thus the black couple on video seems like some lame attempt to be inclusive, when the approach should have been to not have any people on the cover at all or to actually show many people in the video, in the neighborhoods and such.
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