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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. There were never ever any guarantees with the older Linden Homes that you would get the exact style that you wanted - whether it be an Oriental one or a Hobbit one or something more traditional. That has not changed. Your Premium membership offers you a Linden Home and there are some of those available - they are just the older ones for now. If you manage to get a Traditional home now/soon, when the release the next batch of Homes and Houseboats, you will be able to immediately Abandon your current home and get something different. You only have to wait 24 hours if you Abandon 5 places trying to get different locations.
  2. Given the amount of space between the bottom of our new continent and the top of the continent below it, combined with the fact that the new water sims down to that below continent are simply a straight boring line on the western side, I'm thinking they might even later add on to the bottom of the new continent. In this thread or one of the others, Blush had noted that Patch mentioned to her something about 4000 total regions for Linden Homes. If they are all going to be part of this continent, then there will definitely be expansion below the existing southern border of the continent.
  3. I added your MP to favorites a while ago and have been monitoring it, since I knew you were going to start creating add-ons for the homes. I'm looking forward to seeing what this new market opportunity brings us.
  4. Way too old to change my computer navigation habits now.
  5. The only place you actually specify any sort of name when signing up is when you choose your account / avatar name -- and that should NOT be your real name anyway. The only "real" information you give when signing up is your birthday, an email address, and possibly a security question answer. Therefore, LL truly does not already have ANY Real Life name on you yet, so just go ahead and give them a copy of the ID that they are asking for.
  6. I always use my keyboard Ctrl & Alt keys with my mouse to cam around and zoom in/out, thus I'm constantly forgetting about the camera control thingy.
  7. Oh my, I'd better stop using to indicate OMG or Wow or ........... well, anything actually. /me saves the above image for future reference
  8. Contact Billing - they can help you understand exactly what is needed and why: Our Billing team is available from 9am to 6pm EST(6am to 3pm PST), Monday through Friday. Toll-Free (US/Canada): 800.294.1067 Long-Distance: 703.286.6277
  9. If someone can do it in SL they will. If emojis are supported, someone will figure out a way to create items that will let others spam chat with them, just like all the other methods of chat spam that are already out there. LL definitely has far better things to spend their development time on.
  10. True, but you still have to be able to focus your camera on something and if there is nothing within your draw distance to focus on it is more difficult to zoom in on anything. I honestly don't see them ever rolling out the same ban line / security orb rules for all of Mainland.
  11. Well, per another post, the ban lines are starting to disappear. However, I don't think the houseboats are being abandoned in massive droves -- they still aren't showing as available on my 'Select Linden Home' page. I'm guessing there may be a few that abandon, but they'll get snapped up pretty much immediately. There likely won't be lots available again until LL releases the next batch.
  12. There are actually people in SL for things other than social stuff. Many come here simply for the building / creative aspect. Granted, the majority of those likely won't want a Linden Home in a "community" setup. Though if those folks want a Linden home simply because it gives them a home without having to buy land and pay tier, they will also probably be the ones that will just put up a skybox and live there. The stuff about ban lines and security orbs will in no way prevent you from rezzing and building on your own land. Not all viewers have the ability to turn off the viewing of ban lines. If you haven't found this yet, it is option 6 via the house changer buoy thingy. That still doesn't solve the issue of them being ugly and causing issues for ground level stuff.
  13. That is their building / work area for the new continent that just opened up with the Linden Homes / Houseboats. The north, western, and part of the middle has been copied over to the new continent already. The eastern half is likely coming very, very soon - due to the extreme demand for more houseboats.
  14. The original SSP regions show lots more houseboats coming on the eastern side. My guess is they are working as fast as they can to get these ready to move over to the new continent due to the extreme demand.
  15. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere yet or not (still catching up on threads from overnight). Anyway, looking back at the actual SSP regions, they have added tons more houseboats along the eastern side. I'm guessing they'll be moving those sections over to the actual continent soon, giving the high demand right now.
  16. One of the houseboats near me has put a helicopter pad on their upper deck. Not sure how I feel about that. Actually, any member of a group that has the proper role can buy mainland for the group as long as the group has enough tier. You only have to personally be Premium if you want to buy for group and donate tier at the same time (owner makes contribution). The land group could actually be totally tier funded by those groups that rent tier out and the actual "owner" of the group wouldn't have to be Premium at all.
  17. From everything we have heard, there are supposed to be different styles/themes coming, but we don't really know anything more about that.
  18. I'm pretty sure they were all gone in far less than 24 hours, possible under 12 hours. I logged in about 8 hours after the opening and managed to get one, but I could tell they were already mostly taken. I don't think LL ever gave a count of houseboats or houses in the first release. One could open the map and count the houseboats as they are really easy to see.
  19. LittleMe Jewell


    The current batch of Houseboats are all taken. You can get another house or wait for the next batch of Houseboats, though we do not know when they will be ready.
  20. If you would like clarification on anything in the TOS, I'd suggest you open a Support ticket. LL doesn't pay attention to every thread here in the forums and often won't answer many questions here anyway.
  21. The Linden Home Preview event started Mid-March with the Home and Garden Expo. The Houseboats and Homes were on preview through April 7th. Now they are actually Live -- as in "you can get one". However, for the first batch, the houseboats are all taken. There are still Houses left and Ll has said more Houseboats are coming. If you'd like to check the area out, pull up your map and TP to one of these sims and have a look around. You can request a Linden Home from your Dashboard if you are Premium. (if the names are readable, just click the picture for a larger version)
  22. They have to keep it random as the only way to come close to giving folks a somewhat equal chance at getting the most desirable lots.
  23. Currently yes, but they have already said they have more coming.
  24. There are still beach locations left - well, at least one. While trying to get a better inland spot with a different alts, I got sent to the same beach plot twice. I also ended up on a few corner road plots, so there are still some of those out there also. Not what I'm wanting though.
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