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Marigold Devin

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Everything posted by Marigold Devin

  1. Yeah, I realised that. But, you know, things happen to blur the route before the next visit. Real life stress, the memory of struggle to find the right way in the first place, change of software, time of the month, the moon and uranus not being lined up, whatever ? ? ? All we can hope to do is lead people back to the right route - well, that's what I hope to do anyway.
  2. @Tink Davonius Please try this link - it should take you to your open tickets, then you can add your request to the proper Linden Lab employees that can help you. We here on the forums/Answers are mere residents like yourself. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/
  3. It is a long time since I submitted a support ticket to Linden Lab, and they don't make it any easier that's for sure! No wonder the OP seems a little bit confused. The web page tries to get you to come here to the residents' help/snark portal, or Boxy5000 bot wants a chat!
  4. Our old next door neighbour said her mum called her Iris so it wouldn't get shortened. Most people called her "Eye". My old mate Ste was called Steve by his dad so it wouldn't get shortened. Where there's a will there's a way.
  5. Am loving catching up with these posts and appreciating the difference in our language even though we all speak English. Biscuits though! I had biscuits for breakfast with an all-milk coffee. Not at all a healthy or usual option. Biscuits to me are sweet treats to be dunked in hot beverages. These were the exact ones we had this morning. Peeve: I only opened the box of biscuits because I thought we were going to get some more in today's supermarket delivery, but they were out of stock.
  6. Seasons greetings, eat, drink, be merry, dance like nobody's watching, and sing, even if it makes it rain and the angels cry. Do unto others And don't let the bells end.
  7. I think this is what holiday camps were modelled on - complete with barbed wire and moats around the perimeter.
  8. Underground homes all nicely hidden by the undulating grasslands above. In Second Life they could have all the modern conveniences of course.
  9. Almost sub-tropical here in Yorkshire today. We won't need our big coats! (And a white Christmas is not forecast - for that we must head up to Scotland.)
  10. Isle of View is a play on words. (I love you!) The Isle of View regions were (are) used around St Valentine's Day. You used to be able to kiss a Linden there (or your partner). More recently you could hug someone there or dunk a Linden/Mole. Or you could just go and explore alone. It will, I am sure, reopen again in February 2024.
  11. ... and the original version that was always playing in Mobit Sandbox ...
  12. In spite of an Advertising Standards Agency person initially emailing me to say a vegan organisation's offensive "parody" of a yogurt advert had not broken any rules, the same advert has been taken down because several social media platforms banned it and reported to ASA that it was misleading, not an advert at all, but a campaign against dairy farming. I am delighted. Another pet delight is watching school children visiting a residential home for elderly and infirm persons to sing their lovely songs, just like I did when I was their age. It warms my heart. Freshly-made, warm from the oven, apple crumble. A peaceful neighbourhood. The Sunday newspapers.
  13. Well done, Rat! I am so very pleased for you. Take extra care those first few weeks you're out driving alone or with friends, as there are always unexpected situations that arise. First time out for me alone and I got a child with a football came out between two parked cars! Watch out for black ice, daft sods that reverse out of their driveways without due care and attention, people who set off without signalling, especially pavement parkers. Congratulations again!
  14. The person(s) who decided to break into my brother's garage overnight not only left in disgust at there being nothing worth stealing in there but they also left behind a drill they'd obviously stolen from elsewhere. Hot chocolate and Baileys go well together. Bubble bath awaits. Cheers me dears!
  15. I would like the opposite. When someone posts such a long original post, only posters willing to respond with a book-length response complete with emboldened sub-titles and paragraphs should be allowed to comment. It takes all sorts to make a world. I liked Stella's orange hued font. Sorry to the dark mode people. It takes all sorts to make a world.
  16. Clean freak Monica must really have loved Chandler to have stuffed her head inside a turkey like that.
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