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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Can't get there from here, it's not possible to really sit on an avatar or their attachments. You can make an invisible vehicle where you are the driver and the other person is a passenger, then make the vechicle simulate walking with animations. If you don't need to move, then any old invisible seat, moved into place, will do. But yes, both of those have to be in a place where you can rez stuff, so it's pretty limited.
  2. Nope, no Cocoa in Firestorm yet. It should offer a nice performance boost when viewers adopt it, though. The Cocoa patches have been coming in by way of Exodus, that's why they got them integrated first. They were also involved with materials, and different changes can only move through the LL integration machine so fast.
  3. They can wear the crasher objects, so rez permission is not needed. You can experiment with RenderAutoMuteByteLimit and RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit to switch off rendering for extra complex avatars, start with fairly low values and ramp up until everybody you want to see is visible. The best values will depend totally on what your system can handle. If their objects rely on wacky geometry, that ought to cut them off.
  4. Again, SSA has nothing at all to do with scripts, or attachments. Nothing has changed, at all, in that area.
  5. MasterJedi Nayar wrote: Now with the new Server Side Awareness (SSA), that should not be an issue--yes? Nice necropost. For the record, server side appearance changes nothing at all about how attachments or scripts work. It changes the behavior for system shapes/hair/eyes/skin/clothes, period.
  6. For the time being, Exodus would be pretty high on the list. It has migrated from Carbon over to Cocoa, and it has some tweaks for the Retina displays and full screen on newer OS X releases. Other viewers should eventually get these patches too.
  7. chrismignon McDonnell wrote: This is boring me, i don't find information about this bug, i got many times this boring bug 1)frame load interrupted by policy change 2)ThreadError: deadlock; recursive locking 3)We're sorry, but something went wrong Please try again in a few minutes. If you continue to receive this message please use the options under the viewer's "Help" menu or visit Second Life Support. Go to my.secondlife.com Yes, those error messages are all on the server side, and they have been there for ages. I hope that some day, LL can hire somebody with the time and ability to fix that site, it needs a lot of TLC. ("policy" error is technically a browser message, but the cause is server side.)
  8. Here can be found the CHUI work in development. These are nightly builds so at any time unfinished patches could be in there, and crashes possible. Still, you can give it a try and see if any progress has been made on the IME problem. http://automated-builds-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/hg/repo/viewer-chui/latest.html
  9. Yes, it has been getting blamed for random problems for several months, ever since viewers began to carry dormant code for it. @_@
  10. Hi, see http://magika.se/?s=skin#where and http://magika.se/contact/ for how to get information on what she wears. She likes to keep her shapes personal, but the rest she'll tell you about when time allows.
  11. Use an ad blocker on SL pages. LL is allowing unsafe third party ads through, and you can see that error when the ads insert scripts that shouldn't be on the page. Some browsers will prevent those scripts from loading, but if you're seeing the red slash then they're loading.
  12. Pointers to drivers are in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Graphics-cards/ta-p/700073
  13. I'll never get why, but Microsoft likes to include lame versions of graphics drivers. Grab the one from Nvidia/AMD/Intel that matches your graphics and you will very likely have some success. The only popular viewer that really wasn't compatible with Windows 8 was the old Phoenix, but that's essentially dead now anyway.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: But your observations got me thinking. Was the goal of SSA speed or to reduce failure? Mostly it is about the failure reduction, and on that it is doing very, very well. If there are 10 avatars around, the viewer still had to fetch 50 textures for them, but the rest of SL is still there. There are still zillions of attachments to load, and all the regular objects. It is very noticeably faster if I'm already in a place and things have loaded; new arrivals pop in pretty quickly, instead of after several minutes or not at all. I've only seen a very few avatars stuck as clouds, those have been stuck/failed logins and primitive bots that don't do outfit folders. Unclouded avatars have been loading 100%, first time, every time. I haven't needed to mess with active group switches or other acrobatics to make avatars load at all.
  15. Gestures to control the swimming scripts. (Scripts can't intercept chat on their own like that, except for the case of RLV that you already ruled out.)
  16. That behavior looks like what happens when gestures are active, and set to trigger on those words. One way to fix it is to find those gestures and deactivate them. Another fix would be to edit the gestures, and put the orignal words in as replacement text, so you can leave them active.
  17. Yes, you can set it to allow group members only in the land options. People who do not belong to the group will be ejected if they are already there, and won't be allowed to enter the parcel near the ground. Be aware that the access fence only reaches up to 50 meters past the ground. People can still fly over, or enter skyboxes, higher than that. For blocking in the sky, you would need to ban people by name, or use a security script.
  18. Ceka Cianci wrote: any idea when this will be grid wide completed? They have three different RCs in the mix this week, so they are hedging their bets for when SSA will be ready for the entire grid. It could happen as soon as next week, if no ugly surprises appear.
  19. That is my favorite thing about obscure bugs, that "ah good, at least I didn't break it!" at the end Glad to see the problem's gone.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: I tried to do "text to columns" in Excel. I had no luck in formatting that mess into reading friendly one. Any ideas how organize that file? In Excel and clones, the fixed width option works well on those files. There are only 6 columns, so marking them in the little preview window isn't bad.
  21. For people who like Exodus, there are nightly builds that should be OK for server side appearance. These are not supported at all, but I've found the Windows build, at least, to be very usable. It looks like they may be trying to get a normal release out too, but it's not out yet. Adding -- EXodus now has a supported SSA version out, Beta 9.
  22. Hi, the only way to take the permissions off that animation would be the one that could get you into trouble. If you want to do the right thing that keeps your account around and in good standing and all that, find an animator, maybe in the wanted forum here, who can make a similar replacement.
  23. June Oh wrote: Thank you both. Was just wondering if a change/update of Linden Viewer would be needed today if SSB is switched on as Firestorm people are trying to gain users for it to their viewer today. For the LL viewer, 3.5.1 is the absolute oldest that will be compatible.
  24. Ohhhh, that bug seems to be familiar. Check if this applies to you -- http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-06-27 [2013/06/27 15:11] Maestro Linden: certain regions have continuous navmesh rebaking, which causes some annoying UI effects and hurts performance a bit[2013/06/27 15:11] Margithe: is it only pathfinding enabled regions then?[2013/06/27 15:12] VoidPointer Linden: no[2013/06/27 15:12] Maestro Linden: this issue only affects regions which have >1 parcel, but have 100% submerged parcel boundaries[2013/06/27 15:12] Whirly Fizzle: Bet that one was fun to track down heh[2013/06/27 15:13] Maestro Linden: Yeah, Void can talk to that [2013/06/27 15:13] Whirly Fizzle: Bizarre repro![2013/06/27 15:13] Margithe: ack, so it's like every island type estate..[2013/06/27 15:13] VoidPointer Linden: wellllll, no, it was pretty easy once I saw what was happening[2013/06/27 15:13] arton Rotaru: glad our region is only one parcel^^[2013/06/27 15:14] VoidPointer Linden: So, as part of the STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL changes, I needed to change the way the navmesh is constructed. This involved making sure that every region did a rebake once.[2013/06/27 15:14] VoidPointer Linden: Unfortunately, the criteria that I used to test whether a region needed rebaking had a flaw - it can't see parcel edges underwater for some reason[2013/06/27 15:15] Maestro Linden: I believe that's because the navmesh doesn't include areas below sea level[2013/06/27 15:15] VoidPointer Linden: so if a region has more than 1 parcel and has no parcel edges above water, then it thinks it needs to rebake. So it does[2013/06/27 15:15] Nalates Urriah: The server gerbils probably can't swim...[2013/06/27 15:16] Maestro Linden: there's a workaround, if your region is affected: simply subdivide a chunk of your parcel which is below sea level[2013/06/27 15:16] VoidPointer Linden: The fix was pretty easy once I realized what was going on, but by then it was too late. So, the fix is in, but needs to go through testing, etc.[2013/06/27 15:16] VoidPointer Linden: yes, as long as at least some part of a parcel boundary (that is not also a region border!) is found, it will not require a rebake.
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