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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Object inventories don't do folders. You can sort of fake it by putting stuff in a box, then putting that into your main box.
  2. You have a couple of choices. You can go into system prefs, for keyboard, find what's hooked to F3 and disable it, so SL can have it. But, you might prefer to edit your gesture, and change it to use some other key combo.
  3. You might leave the image open for a while, in hope that maybe the texture didn't fully load yet. Maybe aks someone else to take a look, it could be stuck half loaded in your cache and maybe would look fine for others. You won't really be able to recapture the detail if it is really gone, but there are filters for Photoshop etc. that will make valiant efforts.
  4. If you want to save all the deatil in your snapshots, save to disk or to your profile feed. You can always upload the ones you want to use inworld later, and you can use a photo editor to shrink them to SL friendly dimensions beforehand. This will let you pick resampling that could be better than what the SL snapshot facility uses automatically.
  5. This come with the territory when you decide to resell prefabs. You get to set your own prices, but so do the others who bought into it. You can compete on price and hope to make it up in volume. Or, you might come up with appealing and unusual texturing and charge a little more. Or, you can make your stuff like everyone else's, instead put your effort into making expensive-looking branding and shop space, and charge a fortune for the ordinary.
  6. Yeah, it would probably work. DMCA is often effective even for bogus claims because the cost of following up can quickly get expensive. Even the initial counternotice requires one to divulge a lot of personal information.
  7. That is really the opposite of what works best. Photoshop's "Save for web" has a checkbox to choose whether or not PNG will have an alpha channel included. The "Save as" decides for you if you will get an alpha channel, and often adds one when it is not wanted. So, "Save as" should be avoided for this format.
  8. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/w/index.php?title=User:Ama_Omega/archive/lsl_hacks&oldid=1142520#Forms for a short intro to using forms that way.
  9. What is the land and object ownership situation like? Some operations that rely on group roles only work when that group member is present on the land.
  10. Why do you need so many textures? It's a web page, you could do the layout on there.
  11. Yes, that is a viewer limit. Each prim face with media on it is like having a separate browser tab open, so it is limited to keep the viewer from drooping too much. Typical limit is 8 running at a time, set with PluginInstancesTotal
  12. Specular has a separate color field, under the environment and glossy spinners. Make sure you're using that one.
  13. It is too hot here to do anything today, but I can tell you how to do it yourself. It won't be too hard. To start, you can make the standard viewer's greenish-white cloud using the example script at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ruth#Cloud_texture_and_particle_parameters Next, to add the Firestorm tweaks, look in your viewer's program directory, under the app_settings/ folder. You will find two files in there, cloud.xml for unloaded avatars, and cloud_muted.xml for blocked. Open these with notepad or your favorite editor, and you will see that all the parameters are named just like in that particle script, so just change the numbers in your script to match.
  14. I saw the same crash trouble with AvPainter 1.5. If you go ahead and download again, there is a version 1.6 now. This one does not crash for me, hopefully your experiemce will be the same.
  15. Vick Forcella wrote: Thank you Cerise. It won't solve my problem but makes the article a lot better. My intenion was to gather all Material related articles and combine into an easy manual. Can't do that if the viewer doesn't allow shadows for my system From your screen shot it looks like deferred rendering should be good to go, but it looks like you have plain plywood on there? That would explain the grayed out menu, at least. The box in your screen shot really looks like it has some shine going on, so perhaps specular really is OK? Not sure if that's a map or old school shiny. What happens if you use the textures from the wiki?
  16. A few of steps in the crate example were a little bit muddled, I think the recipe should work now.
  17. Vick Forcella wrote: Dowloaded the Beta viewer. Rezzed a prim and tried to make "the box" with the textures available on the wiki. Can't get it to work. The Alpha blending pull down menu remains greyed out. Other standard available bump maps are visible, not the one I uploaded. Is there a server requirement I'm not aware of? It is a client hardware and settings requirement. You must have Advanced Lighting Model enabled in the viewer's graphics preferences, or those parts of the build floater will be disabled (or rather will have no apparent effect). Also, if the texture does not have an alpha channel, you can't pick a blanding mode.
  18. Hi, they took away the flip buttons because the build floater got too crowded. The new way to flip is with negative numbers, so if your horizontal or vertical scale is 4.5, change it to -4.5. Switch back to 4.5 to undo, and so on.
  19. Sure, they can make orange juice and maple syrup the hard way.
  20. There is an odd little bug, where inventory sometimes does not know it is finished loading, when it is finished loading. It doesn't happen all the time, but it sure is annoying when it happens. Look in your inventory's recent items tab, and see if on the item count, there is the ... showing that it is still loading. If it's stuck that way and you are pretty sure it is fully loaded, try this -- Enable the Develop menu with Ctrl+Alt+Q. Temporarilyy turn HTTP inventory off. Next, pick some item you don't want to rez, right-click it in inventory, and view the properties. You don't care what those properties are, this is just to unstick things. Now, go back to the item you wanted to rez, and it will probably rez OK. Remember at the end of this, to switch HTTP inventory back ON. Even with that bug, HTTP is a much more reliable way to get your inventory loaded without missing items.
  21. That sounds famliar, I think there is a build like that near the bay of space pigs. If there are not object entry or autoreturn mistakes on the Linden parcel, then it is very likely that the cabana's root is on that other resident's land. It would be a large link set that stetches out into the ocean. If this stuff is not phantom, or otherwise interfering with sailing, you could send in an AR ticket about it. If it's not really getting in the way, you could let it be of course.
  22. Viewer 3.6 adds gamma correction, it's definitely expected that some colors will look a little different. This will become the normal way things look as the rest of the viewers catch up with materials. [ Adding, totally forgot to say what you can do about it! ] There is a debug setting, RenderGamma, that you can use to control the overall brightness. 1.0 will be the defalt. (It ships with 0.0 as the default, disregard that if you want a custom value.) Lower numbers will make the display look lighter, higher will make it look darker. The trouble you see on my.secondlife.com is plain old breakage. Bug fixes on it seem to be a low priority, feeds and friends have been corrupted for months.
  23. That error usually means the region you're on is having issues. Try creating the gesture in another sim. If you need to hang around that place, it's time for the region to be restarted, you can put in a ticket if it's mainland, or the land owners can deal with it if it's a prvate estate.
  24. Those are errors on the web site's back end, nothing is wrong on your end.
  25. The Paypal button on the shopping cart is an old setup they inherited from SL Exchange. It is probably making headaches with the new currency regulations. So now, they will make L$ purchases go though Lindex the regular way.
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