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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: OK, here's the new car that I meant to take a pic of last night...now that I have seen how badly Dresden drives, I don't think I wil let him anywhere near it! :smileyvery-happy: *pouts* Maybe if I wasn't forced to scrunch myself up into the tiny little thing... oh who am I fooling? I never did get to apologize to Maddy for running her over. ...Dres Don't apologize, I'd rather get even. ;-) *shivers in anticipation* ...Dres
  2. Lynda Klossovsky wrote: Anything by the vengaboys was pretty terrible, in my opinion anyway.. oh dear cotton eye joe is barn dancing (giggles) Its been a while since i was in one let me tell you... How dare you criticize the Venga boys?... lol. Terrible, maybe, but terribly catchy... what do you think this thread is about anyway... lol. Which, I actually like... but then there's this travesty... And of course, the absolute worst... Am I gonna have to mute you, in the forums, just because you keep putting these horrible songs in my head? Evil... just evil... lol. =P ...Dres
  3. Okay, so I'm gonna change my skybox back into autumn attire, but what I really need is a place where I can take a decent pic with an autumn atmosphere... does anyone know of one? To give you a reference, here's the pic I took for spring... So, what I'm looking for is something comparable in autumn colors (this was a place inworld, that I played around with in PS... that is what I intend to do once again). Thanks in advance ...Dres
  4. Dillon Levenque wrote: I saw someone in that polka-dot outfit and said, "Oh, I really like your dress." Promise me you'll never, ever tell that to a big, black drag queen in RL. That's exactly what I said and she kicked me in the face then beat me to the ground... all the while, my friends watched in amazement. Oh, if only they'd have had a video camera... I could have been on "Worlds Dumbest"... lol. ...Dres
  5. Great addition, Nacy... I have to admit I love it, but my favorite rendition is by... Now there are a few by the Jackson Five that I am truly ashamed to admit to... Tell me that's not effin' embarrassing?... lol. *bows his head in shame* And then there's this solo Michael did that I am reticent to admit to adoring... I mean, come on... a love song to a rat?... lol... Makes me wanna cry... poor little varmint. ...Dres
  6. Lanas Criss wrote: This catchy tune was on at the gym the other day while I was doing my thing... whhhaachhaaa. I hate to admit that I really like it because its actually a very mean song if you take in the lyrics, but it just makes me move, shake and wiggle... so what can I do... I have to admit I like it cause it moves me Enjoy the wiggle! Lanas It's understandable to hate to admit you like a song because it's "hateful"... personally, that's not the reason why I hate to admit I like it as well. ...Dres
  7. OMG... dreadful... it reminds me of this one that I've always hated getting stuck in my head... ...Dres
  8. I have to admit... the Macarena is one of those songs I hate to admit I like. The second one you posted is just horrible... damn you for trying to put it in my head... lol. ...Dres
  9. Deej Kasshiki wrote: Careful now guys, if you keep this up and make any comments that are even mildly critical or suggesting that all is not all sunshine and lollipops in SL you'll be attacked by people calling you names like "self-important twit" or "whiner". Obviously, you've never been attacked by a sunshine lollipop in SL before... how dare you, purposely, bring back such horrifying memories? ...Dres
  10. Lanas Criss wrote: Sadly, proper names like they used to be would avoid all this monkeybusiness... alas, no hope on the horizon that I'm aware of... Did I miss somewhere to vote for first and last names to comeback? (I'll beg in humiliating fashion if it will help) Lanas Here... (link). I'm right there with you.... though, I've been know to wear humiliating fashion for no reason what-so-ever. ...Dres
  11. Another damned video thread, you say? Whatever... I love 'em... so, suck it up. I'm only posting this because I've had this song stuck in my head for hours now and I hate, hate, hate it... Of course, the song does not have to be stuck in your head at the moment... here's one I've had stick before that is just as bad, if not worse... Have at it ...Dres
  12. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: OK, here's the new car that I meant to take a pic of last night...now that I have seen how badly Dresden drives, I don't think I wil let him anywhere near it! :smileyvery-happy: *pouts* Maybe if I wasn't forced to scrunch myself up into the tiny little thing... oh who am I fooling? I never did get to apologize to Maddy for running her over. ...Dres
  13. They improved it... didn't you hear? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/UTIL-hosts-updated-with-Group-Chat-fixes/m-p/921383 ...Dres
  14. Peewee Musytari wrote: Miss you really though. See, Lexie, I told you so. ...Dres
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: At least you are not likely to hear "Lee has negatively impacted the lives of millions." Oh wait. Maybe you will. :matte-motes-bored: ...Dres
  16. LeeHere Absent wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: ... ETA: This post has nothing to do with Storm Clarence, it was meant as a personal plea to Tropical Storm Lee... I'm shocked and surprised anyone would think for a second I would purposely come here to slam a follow forumite that I, personally, hold in high regard. I'm sorry my post caused such distress to those that did not understand my true intentions... I honestly thought people would get it right away. I am truly sorry. Oh, I'll be so glad when that bloody storm is gone. Storm Lee coverage has been on CNN and NPR constantly, which is understandable, but I haven't become enured to it, so I still have kind of a head-whipping "What?!" reaction or at least a small flinch every time they begin a Lee storm story. Imagine my chagrin when I hear things like "Lee wasn't much more than a nuisance, producing bad wind" and "Lee stirs frustration..." and "Lee was downgraded to a depression" and "Lee hung over Anniston like a wet blanket." Harrumph. p.s. On a serious note, I know some people were killed and others injured during the storm. My condolences and best wishes go to the survivors. I hope Lee truly does prove little more than a nuisance from here on out. On another thread, when someone mentioned it to me, as it was just getting here, I said something to the effect of, "having been through Katrina, this will be like a little drizzle shower," and honestly it was. Of course, that and what I was ranting about here, was based wholly on my personal experience, and selfishly not taking into account any one else's plight. ...Dres
  17. Venus Petrov wrote: Do not fret, Dres. Your little rain event is headed my way. Rain for the next three days or so. Yay. Yay. eekkkk Hopefully, it'll GTFO a bit more quickly for you. It's over where I am and I must say, the weather is simply gorgeous now. Dry, cool, windy... oh if only it would last... lol. That and my sinuses are sooooooo much better now... yay! ...Dres
  18. Peewee Musytari wrote: The top & bottom ones relate to posts #40 & #39 The bottom one = #39 was written/authored by LeeHere & quoted Dres (25 mins ago) - See on the left. Then if you look on the right it says there was a recent reply to it (the 1 in the reply column) by Pamela, 4 mins ago. The top one = #40 is that reply, it was written/authored by Pamela & Quoted LeeHere's post (#39) 4 minutes ago (see on the left) & is also the most recent post on the board 4 mins ago (see on the right). I don`t think that the info is wrong or confusing, there is just way too much of it, but that is because the category is "All Posts". What we really need is a category of "Most recent posts" that ONLY shows the most recent post for each topic & not full updated statistics for every post. Not confusing? I can't even follow what you said... lol. I'm sure it makes sense, could be because I'm not really awake yet. I just ignore all of that for the most part anyway. It does perturb me to know that I've had replies to my thread of which I never received notification by email... my guess is that when you have a thread pulled and reinstated you have to subscribe to it again. Learn something new every day, I suppose. ...Dres
  19. Um... are you kidding?... nothing went right. But what great time we had... ...Dres
  20. Welcome back, Jaylah. Let's see, V2/V3, implementation of mesh, Emerald gone... Phoenix raising (not to mention Firestorm... reference V2)... TPV list... Lindens laid off... new CEO... RedZone... Lithium. Look 'em up if you must. If you need help with rezzing and stuff there's always Answers. Cool places to hang out? There's the newish Destination Guide or the Favorite Destinations forum. Friends? Well, that's up to you... I'd be happy to chat with you anytime I'm actually in world anymore. Good luck and have fun ...Dres
  21. Peewee Musytari wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: ...Dres (It might be cool to start a thread of RL pics taken by SL members... you think?) They are welcome on here, didn`t want to limit people to just ones they took themselves, is equal opportunities coolness hehe Oh cool... let me find the very few, what I'd consider, cool (or at least not horrible) RL pics I've taken and I will post them. ...Dres
  22. Maryanne Solo wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Lord knows, I'm known for being able to get big objects down my throat, but that is pushing the envelope ...Dres Oh so that's what you were doing to that sausage at the last bbq ... ^~ riiiiiiight... *giggles 1 less knife & fork to wash up I suppose... Can't help it... I'm a sucker for a good hot sausage. ...Dres (OMG... this thread has gone downhill fast.)
  23. Ceka Cianci wrote: Here this should help Lord knows, I'm known for being able to get big objects down my throat, but that is pushing the envelope. ...Dres
  24. Eloise Baily wrote: My favourite image ever. The tiny blue dot in the outer rings at about 10 o'clock is the earth. It was taken from Cassini, in orbit around Saturn. Just gorgeous. Wow... that is effin' cool. I have a soft, warm spot in my heart for pictures of cold, hard planets... thank you. ...Dres (It might be cool to start a thread of RL pics taken by SL members... you think?)
  25. Storm Clarence wrote: Don't ya think this OP should be moved to the make friends sub-forum? We wouldn't want the kiddies to get the wrong message. Trolls are good for you. ...and tasty too. :matte-motes-delicious: ...Dres
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