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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. That's the thing about living on mainland, you have no control over what is going on around you. Sometimes, it can be ultra-irritating; sometimes, it can be incredibly bizarre and amusing. A lot depends on individual perspectives... at least you have one that allows for both. Bravo!!! ...Dres
  2. Void Singer wrote: I'm torn between the beauty and the horror of them... they are amazing creations, and yet to make them the books had to be destroyed !!! (although I suppose the deeper original theme was inspired by the trees destroyed to make the literary works) Interesting, at least in one instance, trees were destroyed to create literary works that were destroyed to create trees. I guess sometimes, things need to be destroyed to create art. But if their destruction leads us to greater heights of inspiration, has it not worth it? Something to ponder. ...Dres *thinks beauty and horror, sometimes, walk hand in hand*
  3. We all go through that Jeanne. SL definitely has a learning curve. The great part is that once you master editing things to fit your avatar, you are just a step away from being able to start creating your own things. There used to be a video about building that was incredibly helpful even to just learn a few more ways to edit things and move your camera around, but I'm afraid I lost the link for it... besides that, it's pretty outdated anyway. Why I even mentioned it is beyond me... but anyway... @Kamala: Do they have men's feet? I've been thinking about getting some myself. But, what I'd really like is some men's feet that would enable me to have polished toenails... I do have my girlie side, after all. ...Dres
  4. valerie Inshan wrote: I don't work on kudos. I work on crackers. With foie gras if possible. And, I agree, we are all contributors here. (May I have some more crackers please?) ...Dres (Sorry, no foil grass.)
  5. Who cares about the pins... pass the needle. ...Dres (We are sharing it, right?)
  6. Welcome to the forum, Topix. Are you talking about timestamps when you're reading IMs in your viewer, or when you're looking at then in your saved chat logs? I don't think you can get rid of them in your logs but in your viewer, I have no idea. Do you have "Remove chat headers (revert to V1 style)" checked in your chat preferences? If so, you may want to uncheck it... it takes a little getting used to but, I find it looks a lot cleaner and easier to read once you do. Other than that, you might want to ask in the Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support group (link)... they may be able to suggest something of which I'm unaware. ...Dres
  7. Well that's good to know, though I don't see the point in putting all my smileys into a folder if I can't choose just that folder to look through when I go to embed one into a post. Maybe that's something I should suggest... I mean, otherwise, the benefit of having folders still eludes me. Also, it seems like you should be able to just create a new folder without having to upload a pic in order to do it. ...Dres (Thanks for the coffee!)
  8. I wish I understood how to use this feature. Maybe you can answer some of my questions... Okay, so I have a public folder, I'm assuming that if I set some pics to private, I'd have a private folder... right? Not important, really. So, are the only folders we can have the public one and the private one? No. If not, how do you create other folders? See below. If you can create other folders, can you move already existing pics into it? You can. If you can move them, will it break the links to the pics in the posts where you've already embedded them? No. Can you embed a pic that's set to private and still have it show up in the post, even though it's set to private when someone looks for it in your Photo Album? This I'm not sure of, I know I can see them, but I'm not sure if anyone else can... if anyone can see the smileys I've embedded in this post, the answer is yes. Will it break links to previously embedded pics to set them to private after you've posted them? No. Do folders effect the way the pop-up page works when you go to embed a pic? In other words, say I wanted to create a folder that just contains all the smileys I've uploaded... would I be able to go to that folder and pic from just the pics in that folder, when I want to embed a smiley? Unfortunately, no... you still have to go through every single pic you've uploaded to find the one you want... not good. Actually, this last thing is what I'd like to do the most... it would make my life much easier. Other than that, I don't see a huge benefit to having folders at all. Hey, that's another question... what else are they good for? This question still stands. I hope I've at least made some sort of sense whilst bombarding you with these questions. Honestly, I'm not really awake yet. ...Dres *runs for some coffee* ETA: Okay, after playing with it for a few seconds, I realize now how you create other folders. Maybe if I play with it a little more, I'll be able to answer some more of my own questions. You think I could have done that before posting this mess... lol. Btw, you have to create a folder when you're uploading a pic from Images itself, as opposed to doing it in the pop-up when you go to embed a pic. Having never uploaded a pic that way before, I had no idea. Testing:
  9. How dare you post on this thread without (re)reading every single previous post! You should be ashamed of yourself. :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres (Gorgeous pic btw.)
  10. Ima Rang wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Dres: I understand and agree with your sentiments. Body scent is separate from pheromones. I do not wish to confuse thread readers. You're right. Sometimes I forget some people need a little extra help. @Perrie: Mix that with some coconut and rum and I'm right there with you... lol. ...Dres A new twist eh? Alcoholic protein shake :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ...Dres *has been known to get his protein from an alcoholic from time to time*
  11. Lillie Woodells wrote: I was also informed that I had "mighty fine biscuits" that were "only in need of some butter". What? No jelly? I'd be complaining too. ...Dres
  12. Venus Petrov wrote: Dres: I understand and agree with your sentiments. Body scent is separate from pheromones. I do not wish to confuse thread readers. You're right. Sometimes I forget some people need a little extra help. @Perrie: Mix that with some coconut and rum and I'm right there with you... lol. ...Dres
  13. ellerc wrote: Yes, i wish there would have been better clarification at the time of registration (i.e. - this will be your name for all eternity!) lol But so it is... lol You're not the only one... there's even Jira about this (link). Though it would be nice if more people would take the time to vote and watch it... something really needs to be done and this idea is so simple, it's should be a no brainer. ...Dres
  14. Scientific studies, pheromones and stuff aside, I can only speak from personal experience. For me, the way a person smells (I almost wrote "spells"... that would be a hoot) is inseparable from how attracted I am to them. I once dated this gorgeous guy, but his scent was so off-putting to me, that the thought of having sex with him was actually repulsive. On the other hand, I dated this guy who, while not ugly, wasn't all that much in the way of looks, but his scent was so amazing I wanted to jump him every time he got near. So for me, it's very closely related. In the context of SL, I've often wished that I knew what someone I was seeing in SL smelled like, I guess that's where my imagination comes in. I know that if I were to ever decide to meet an SL partner in RL, I'd know rather quickly if it was a mistake and not necessarily by the way they look alone. Either way it could only be a bad thing... if I didn't care for their scent, it would wipe out what I imagined their scent to be. But if I did like their scent, then had to go back to only seeing them in SL where I couldn't smell them, it would probably really bother me. No, I think my imagination will have to do if I ever decide to have another relationship in SL, which is quite honestly, very doubtful at this point. ...Dres
  15. Mirella Dallagio wrote: I think SLitter is perfect. We didn't need it, and personally I see this as just another thing in the "if it isn't broken ain't fix it" shoved down ous throaths. Too late... SLum is it, but it really works to the same effect, right? ...Dres
  16. Marianne McCann wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Phoenix & Firestorm both use the Eric Linden rock in the Library to create the bridge from. The reason being that they need a prim that everyone has already, because they cannot put an object into your inventory. So it just uses a script to change the rock into a tiny invisible prim & attach it to your avatar. If you see the rock (or sometimes a hoop around your butt) it is because the scripts failed for some reason while creating the bridge, either because the region is extrememly laggy or scripts are switched off. Thanks, Peewee, for the additional information as to *why* it was the Eric Linden rock versus, well, anything else. Makes sense. Yes, this is an attempt to get it back on topic, go fig. Well, I heard that Eric Linden got fired because someone suggested he was on SL while he was at work, so he tried suing them. But when that didn't work, he beat them to death with his rock, then fled the country... never to be heard from again. Google is your friend. ...Dres
  17. Tl,dr... that fact of the matter is, no matter what you think, ageplay is not against ToS. Sexual ageplay, yes... ageplay, no. Get over it, I'm sick of hearing about it. ...Dres (I can rant as well as you can, and much more succinctly.)
  18. Ahhhhh.... you must be talking about the Ladies Who Left. ...Dres
  19. Mylar wrote: Are you using firestorm. The firestorm bridge sometimes shows up as a giant rock (I've never had it happen, but have heard about it quite a few times). I checked, and yes, the firestorm bridge is made by Eric LInden. If this is the case, detach it, delete it, then go to Avatar > Avatar health > Recreate LSL Bridge, and that should fix it. See... I knew I was right... lol. Thanks for the further info. ...Dres
  20. WilhiamTestGrid wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: ... and, of course, the world is coming to an end. ...Dres
  21. Damn you Sylvia... I posted a video in that thread, so now I have to post one in this thread (it's all your fault)... ...Dres
  22. I seriously doubt that your home is non-scripted... it could have just been a SL malfunction. Just try again, but, if you need a non-scripted place to go, let me know. I'll tp you to my house. *kisses* ...Dres
  23. OMG... you're being haunted by the ghost of a dead Linden Lab employee. JK sweety... it's quite possible that your (I'm guessing Phoenix) viewer was trying to create a bridge and you were in a no-script area. Go to a script enabled area and, well restart would be the easiest. Good luck ...Dres ETA: I only say that because that's the only instance I've ever heard of where a "rock" has arbitrarily gotten attached to someone. I don't know for sure that the bridge rock would show up as being created by Eric, so I could be wrong.
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