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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. WilhiamTestGrid wrote: I can't seem to find it anymore. It's a conspiracy... and, of course, the world is coming to an end. ...Dres
  2. WilhiamTestGrid wrote: Only if you consider the Second Life logo more original than the use of the Hopi Hand as a symbol for creativity. ( Actually , the SL logo is based on it .. ) Honestly, I've never really considered it at all very much, but thank you for pointing that out. But, just imagine the surprise of someone not in the know. ...Dres
  3. Okay, the middle one I never heard of before (but like), the other two I simply love... in fact, basically anything from the Cocteau twins or Delerium... well especially the Twins. Strangely, what you posted reminded me of this remake, for some reason (doesn't really matter, it makes me happy anyway)... ...Dres
  4. Dilbert Dilweg wrote: She had Second Life Hand on her face at the beginning .. hmmm lol Um... there's no such thing as Second Life egg right? ...Dres
  5. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Well done, you can have your boy-scouts 'spotters' badge :-) Um... and does that translate to the forum? *waves to Keli* ...Dres ETA: That was Keli that was making everyone's badges, right?... I could be very wrong.
  6. Now, I've loved this song for years, but I've never seen the video until I just looked it up. So, I'm sitting here watching it and I noticed something strangely familiar about 2:52 minutes in... I must be imagining things, right? ...Dres
  7. Willow Danube wrote: Your urine Storm? Are you saying men in general are attracted to another male's pheromones? Um... ...never mind. ...Dres
  8. Mylar wrote: Have a landmark... Have a notecard... Join our group... Can I display your profile pic... Can I change your windlight settings?.... By the time I'm done working my way through the door spam, I'm no longer interested in visiting where ever it is I've just landed. I don't know why so many people think it's a good idea to throw all of these obstacles between them and my money. This, absolutely. If I want a landmark, I'm smart enough to know how to get one. What could I possibly need to know as soon as I walk into a shop that merits stuffing yet another notecard into my inventory that I won't ever read? The exception to that is possibly a RP sim where there are rules of conduct, but even that can be done in a less intrusive way. Join your group? Don't you think I have enough useless groups in my list as it is, and why would I even join a group for a place I know absolutely nothing about? Do I look like an idiot? (Don't answer that... lol.) The problem with these three things is that they actually do work, otherwise it wouldn't be so widespread. The last one I took care of by setting my viewer to automatically accept the windlight setting upon arrival, because I realized that I usually always accept it anyway, so why not? I only wish I could do the same with the profile pic thing. But with that, I don't blame the person that has one of those profile pic display things, I blame the people that complained about their profile pics being displayed in the first place (you never use to have to ask permission). I mean, come on, your profile pic is public anyway... why would you get all bent out of shape because someone wants to slap it up on a board for everyone to see? Thanks for forcing me to click one more thing within the barrage of drop down menus I get inundated with on a daily basis, simply because you have to find yet another ridiculous thing to complain about. Good work. Alright... end of rant... but you started this... lol. ...Dres
  9. The way I heard it, he thought she was gorgeous and wanted to meet her in the worst way. Only, the next day, while driving to work, he got side swiped by a pick-up who's driver had been carrying on a little too much the night before, sending him into a two month long coma before he lost the battle and faded away. Of course, this was all relayed by a "friend" who signed onto his account only to tell the love of his life the bad news. ...Dres
  10. "You can't beat Wagner's Meat." They not only had billboards, but bumper stickers as well, which you'd see all over the place. I just found a site where you can buy one, plus t-shirts and aprons and thongs... oh my (link)... lol. When I was young and foolish (as opposed to being old and foolish, like I am now) I use to answer the phone, every now and then, by saying "Renfield's Funeral Parlor..." (not a real place) followed by one of these three: "You kill 'um, we chill 'um." "You stab 'um, we slab 'um." "You slice 'um, we ice 'um." It could turn out quite interesting at times, considering there was no such thing as caller I.D. back then. ...Dres (Damn, I'm old)
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: He grimaces a lot because of Dr. Chaney; the brilliant half of the relationship. Oh that's just not right... this sentence immediately made me think of song....Dres
  12. Awww thanks.... that's sweet. :matte-motes-grin: @Rudi: I completely agree. ...Dres
  13. Venus Petrov wrote: A wonderful place is Tempura Island. http://slurl.com/secondlife/tempura%20island/146/46/34 Oh of course, love that place... I probably already have a few pics from there I could use if I'm feeling exceptionally lazy. Too bad I can't just steal yours... it's absolutely gorgeous. ...Dres
  14. Void Singer wrote: ::whew:: I thought for a second I might have killed the thread (I do have a talent for that =X ) Um.. can't I get distracted for a while without someone being accused of murderous intentions? ...Dres
  15. jennylongview Innovia wrote: Defintely don't need no stinking badges.. Had to look for the orginal quote.. It had nothing to do with the original quote... Yay, Mel... ...Dres
  16. Peewee Musytari wrote: What I find curious about that main JIRA is that despite the fact that it has over 1300 votes, not a single Linden has ever even commented on it. Its almost like they are under some sort of gag order as far as the naming system is concerned, because its unlikely that all of them just happen to have no opinion on the subject. Does that really, honestly surprise you? ...Dres
  17. Lynda Klossovsky wrote: Yar har har and a bottle of baileys ( i dont like rum ) YAY!!! I have my new theme song... nothing like precious booty... lol. ...Dres (yo, ho, ho and a bottle of Southern Comfort. =)~)
  18. Lynda Klossovsky wrote: oh noes i cliked on the link and got pwned by a rick roll.. aaaargg ! OMG... how dreadful... who could have ever thought to do such a thing?... the **bleep**!! ...Dres ETA: OMG... b.a.s.t.a.r.d is **bleep**ed? LOL!!!
  19. This?... There are some videos that, for some reason, refuse to be embedded. Speaking of videos that the mods wouldn't like (of course, I wouldn't ever dream of actually embedding something this controversial)... ( )...Dres
  20. OMG... you are deviously delightful... I hate you... lol. ...Dres ETA:
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