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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. If I knew that, I wouldn't have made such a nonsensical statement. As I've said before, there is no accountability in the moderation process, therefore no way for anyone to know what's going on. I wonder how long it will take Lexie to post the updated guidelines so we can start fighting her about it... lol. ...Dres (And, of course, I'll take any opportunity to come up with a new portmanteau word.)
  2. Eloise Baily wrote: I remember being RL panicky on my first day because I'd actually TPed out of the welcome area without even knowing I was, and I was hopelessly confused and almost RL tearful. Idiot! I did the same exact thing. I accidentally TPed to Korea and there was absolutely nothing there and I didn't know how to leave. Luckily, my sister stayed on help island for weeks and learned a few things, so she was able to help me figure some things out. Eventually I found a help Island that I could actually TP to and was able to utilize it as was intended. When we joined, my sister and I had only one really outdated computer, so I usually let her get on and I pretty much stayed away from SL for months. Then I came into some unexpected money and was able to build us each new computers... boy did that change things. I wonder what my SL experience would have been like if we didn't have the chance to explore and learn together. I may not even be around anymore if it wasn't for being able to do that. ...Dres
  3. My sister visited this place the other day (I was in her room watching atm)... House of Alisha. They have all kinds of cool autobots, but I'm not sure if they have what you're looking for. If you remember the sim, you could try going back and inspecting their greeter to find out who made it. ...Dres
  4. Maybe that thread just got too plubic (plushy + cubic). ...Dres
  5. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Besides, there are a lot more questionable and disagreeable names in chemistry. Such as Fucitol, a sugar alcohol made from a fermented seaweed of the Fucus family (although that's kind of aptly named for an alcohol, imho). Or Cummingtonite, a mineral named after the town of Cummington, Massachusetts. No kidding! Lmao... gotta love a scientist with a good sense of humor. ...Dres
  6. loongdaeng wrote: We have a pretty open relationship Since you have an open relationship, you should try it out with one of your other playmates... perhaps they wouldn't get so upset by it's mere suggestion. ...Dres
  7. Peewee Musytari wrote: You could add your vote & comments to this JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4066 asking for a better explaination on registration to stop this from happening to people. I've added my support for this (voted and watched, since I don't know which one carries any weight anymore). I'll probably craft a comment at a later point (once I'm actually awake... lol), because I think it needs to be pointed out that some people may even use their RL name not knowing it will be seen by all. I wouldn't do it but some don't know any better. I also added my support for the Jira to bring back last names that was mentioned in one of the comments. I will refrain from ranting about that idiocy here because I don't want to derail this thread. But you'd think they'd consider it since so many people have voted and watched it... seems to do little good. Maybe now, to get anything accomplished anymore everyone would have to start tweeting Rodvik directly. But again, that's another issue. ...Dres
  8. A few months after I joined, a friend of my sister was trying to show me something he thought I'd find interesting, only it was transparent... so he told me to click Ctrl+Alt+T. The problem was, he didn't explain what it did, so all of a sudden everything around me was red. I freaked the f out. I kept saying... something's wrong, everything is red... and I can see my penis. He must have been laughing too hard to tell me how to fix it right away, because it seemed like forever until he did. I really thought I broke something. I also did that once by accident, only this time it was with the keys that turned on wire frame. Again I thought I broke something and I was on my own... luckily, by then, I learned that restarting can fix a lot of things. A while later, I realized there are some things a restart doesn't fix... That happen the first time I noticed the wonkiness of the crotch area of the SL avatar mesh. Maybe I was wearing an AO with an animation that exaggerated it or pants that did an exceptionally poor job of covering it up or both, but it scared the hell out of me. I restarted and it was the same way... I really thought I broke my avatar. I was almost too embarrassed to leave my house, but I'm glad I got over it. Once I saw that everyone else's crotch did the same thing, I felt a whole hell of a lot better. Now that I think of it... that was the second time I thought I broke my avatar. The first time, I tried on a crazy avatar then switched back to my regular one, only I forgot to put on my regular eyebrow shape. So I had these horrible, extremely pointed eyebrows that made me look like a monster... took me forever to figure out what I did wrong... lol. I'm sure there are many, many more... I was so naive for so long, it wasn't funny. Oh, who am I kidding... of course it was. ...Dres
  9. Irene Muni wrote: [off topic] Amazing thread :smileysurprised:Thanks (ehem) for a fun start Sunday [end off topic] But the thread doesn't say you get amazing with it... who's gonna pay for it if I get screwed? ...Dres
  10. Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: I would rather see words get **bleep**ed, than posts removed for containing a word that the software was supposed to have **bleep**ed. And I'd rather see words get **bleep**ed than having to go back and edit the words out yourself... it's kinda fun guessing what those **bleep**ed words are supposed to be. Where's Rudi with their .............s when you need them... lol. ...Dres ETA: Maybe if we start cursing out Lexie with some of those newly liberated words, it might get fixed quicker... ya think? Go ahead, Dres. I will cheer you on from the sidelines. Now, get that bloody doll away from me! Noway... don't ya go tryin' ta use that perverse psychoticgy with me. Ya just wanna get me banded so u can steals ma dolly... it ain't gonna work, sista. ...Dres *runs away crying*
  11. Oh, so that's why the software treats \/ersus and \/s differently than your regular unwanted words. It never even occurred to me... of course, it never occurred to me that spammers regularly used those words either. Learn something new every day, I suppose. ...Dres
  12. Sounds like a connection problem to me. You may what to power cycle your modem and router (if you are using one). ...Dres
  13. I would rather see words get **bleep**ed, than posts removed for containing a word that the software was supposed to have **bleep**ed. And I'd rather see words get **bleep**ed than having to go back and edit the words out yourself... it's kinda fun guessing what those **bleep**ed words are supposed to be. Where's Rudi with their .............s when you need them... lol. ...Dres ETA: Maybe if we start cursing out Lexie with some of those newly liberated words, it might get fixed quicker... ya think?
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: Did Halloween come early? I wish. Lol ...Dres
  15. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Some of the recent spammers constantly used thread titles like "Watch Manchester United v.e.r.s.u.s the Boston Celtics" (sorry, I really have no clue about sports), so I guess that's how this innocent word became one of the seven words you can never spell out in this forum It's very curious that the old word filter seems to be gone. I guess whoever was put to the task of stopping the spammers accidentally replaced the old list with the new one. I've seen you say that before about v*e*r*s*u*s, but to me it makes little sense to make it so difficult on legitimate posters by excluding it. I've added removing it to the CTUG agenda, so we'll see what Lexie has to say, if she ever shows up to one again. The filter is still there, it just isn't blocking all the words it used to and "v*e*r*s*u*s" and "v*s." is blocked but not in the same fashion (the **bleep**). But the p-word that rhymes with wussy is blocked with the **bleep**. Someone had to have messed something up big time. S.N.A.F.U., right? ...Dres
  16. What concerns me is, when we accept the ToS aren't we accepting it as it's written at that point in time? Meaning, if the ToS gets changed, we should have to be required to accept it again. But as it is, if the ToS requires us to follow guidelines on other pages that can be changed at whim, that makes it so that they can change ToS at any time without us having to agree to it... am I right? But wait... at the bottom of the list it states... "Any other communications or Content made available by Linden Lab on the Service is not part of this Agreement and should not be relied upon as such, or consulted for contractual purposes, but rather is provided to assist and enhance the user experience in Second Life." I'm confused. ...Dres
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: And yes I know there is someone claiming it is based on a proposal they made to Rodvik. Which essentially means that LL has come up with NOTHING! Just wondering... are you actually complaining that LL is listening to what their customers have to say? ...Dres
  18. So once again I ran across a post where the author wanted to use v*e*r*s*u*s and was not able to. I had also heard that the abbreviation for it is also blocked and went to check it out for myself. What I found is that now when you type something that is not allowed, instead of having **bleep** where the word was, you get redirected to the rich text tab once again... only now, there's a message above it saying "The message body contains (the offending word), which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post." So I decided to type some other random "naughty" words to see what would happen. The f-word, the s-word, the c-word, the p-word, the other p-word... the only thing that wasn't accepted was the other p-word and it got **bleep**ed. Then it dawned on me... the other day I saw a post where someone used the f-word in all it's un**bleeped** glory. At the time I thought it must have been a glitch but now I'm like wtf? It's all very strange. ...Dres
  19. Oh duh... that's what I get for posting before I'm actually awake. As Emily Litella would say... never mind. ...Dres
  20. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Hi Dres, didn't realize y'all had a change of seasons down there. Looks like you're in for a bit of nasty weather soon...stay safe Oh we don't, but at least we get a cold front in every now and then that will cool us off a little for a few days. Nasty weather?... pfft. After having gone through Katrina, this will be like a little drizzle shower. I doubt we'll even lose power for this one *knocks on wood*, but I do appreciate your concern. ...Dres
  21. Void Singer wrote: before you go patting him on the back too much, you might want to think about why he would have to clarify that it was "tobacco" smoke.... I resent that... I clarified nothing. ...Dres
  22. Melita Magic wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Void Singer wrote: @Missing Daria: eh, I'm 50/50 there... she was bright enough to grasp difficult things quickly when presented with them, but while I respected her honesty, I found her utterly narrow and self centered world view to be insulting for someone that obviously had brains to see past superficial labels. Understood, but I believe part of her "fun" was purposely grouping things, and people, into labels and then mocking them as such... not saying it was preferable, but it was certainly entertaining. ...Dres Or hurtful if you fell into one of those groups. Not really what some come to a game forum to feel. I've personally been a part of one or more of those groups many, many times and still found it hilarious. I can't help it if some people are too sensitive to be able to laugh at themselves from time to time. ...Dres
  23. Randall Ahren wrote: Here's an idea to increase the value of premium membership: If you sign up for premium, you get to have a first and last name as it used to be before the disastrous switch to display names. That should encourage a few more to sign-up for premium membership. But then, they'd have to be required to become premium before they even sign up, in which case, truly new sign-ups wouldn't even know the value of having a surname. ...Dres
  24. Funny how most of the songs that we wish not to admit to are so happy/peppy. Here's one from me... ...Dres
  25. YAY!!! That's the spirit. I like that Bieber song too, but I'd never admit to it (you can't make me =P). The Disney one I'd never heard before, but it's great... thank you for enlightening me. ...Dres
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