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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Was she actually moderated or was it a software glitch? Either way, it's unfortunate that she got turned away. Btw, Lexie told me she won't be back for the meetings until the end of September... I hope she won't mind that I shared this with you guys. ...Dres
  2. Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: ...then you want to cuddle. Sheesh, I never get these kinds of offers when I'm feeling well. ...Dres Sure you do but you demand the small talk that follows. Pffft! Hmmm... you don't know me very well. ...Dres
  3. Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: . It'll all be over in a few days! It will take you that long just to read Ishtara's posts let alone Carole and Nacy's WOT, and then you have to get throught Venus. My friend I think you may have failed with this OP. I'm confused... I post a thread to complain about TS Lee and now I've failed? Here I thought I might just get a little sympathy for my sinus headache if nothing else. ...Dres *pouts*
  4. amarock Amat wrote: want me to cuddly you dresiepoo? What don't you understand about "I have a headache". First Storm wants to pee with me and whatever **bleep** is, then you want to cuddle. Sheesh, I never get these kinds of offers when I'm feeling well. ...Dres
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Thank you Dres...it's what I do. It's who I am. Let's **bleep**! What are you talking about? ...Dres You seem to be posting like Ima as she wants to stand and pee with me. Do you stand and pee? Yes brother I am a troll. A troll? You? Pfft... you might think you are but I know better. ...Dres
  6. Awww thanks. It'll all be over in a few days, but I just felt I needed to voice my displeasure with this situation. ...Dres (We're supposed to be getting some dry air in Tuesday... I'm so looking forward to it.)
  7. Storm Clarence wrote: Thank you Dres...it's what I do. It's who I am. Let's **bleep**! What are you talking about? ...Dres
  8. amarock Amat wrote: Irene is your best friend I haven't had the "pleasure" of interacting with her, but I don't think I'd want to either... she's no better. ...Dres
  9. Willow Danube wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: My head is killing me atm. ...Dres I heard the traditional turkish Rakhi is the best cure for phantom headaches. Oh this headache is all too real... and it's all that damn storm's fault. GTFO I say!!! ...Dres
  10. Jacki Silverfall wrote: Gladly! Stick him on a bus and send him to Texas please. I'll buy the ticket. Unfortunately... seems to be wanting to move in the other direction... just not fast enough for me. ...Dres
  11. Willow Danube wrote: I think Heat is a troll. Heat leaves me high and dry at the wrong places. Heat also burns me to the ground. I also think Heat should just go play some golf somewhere and leave me alone! Willow (... I sweat so much, I have to take another shower. I hope you are happy!) Yeah, that was my thought exactly, now I'm seeing things a bit differently. My head is killing me atm. ...Dres
  12. Jacki Silverfall wrote: He is wecome here anytime! I'll take him in with open arms. LOL! Fine... you deal with it for days on end and see how you feel afterwards. ...Dres
  13. amarock Amat wrote: who's storm? Maybe you can just put them on ignore and not be so angry lol? Believe me... I wish I could. ...Dres
  14. Peewee Musytari wrote: Yay thanks Lexie!! ...Was it the thought of seeing \/agina's all over the forum that did it? lol That would do it for me... lol. ...Dres ETA: Looks like we won't have to worry about that word popping up all over the place... it's been blocked now.
  15. I may have welcomed you with open arms because I thought you would add something that was sorely needed, but it has quickly become apparent that all you really want to do is stir up drama and rain on everyone's parade. I think I speak for the majority when I say you have overstayed your welcome and it's time to just GTFO! ...Dres (Plus, all this humidity is wreaking havoc on my sinuses... I hope you're happy.) ETA: This post has nothing to do with Storm Clarence, it was meant as a personal plea to Tropical Storm Lee... I'm shocked and surprised anyone would think for a second I would purposely come here to slam a follow forumite that I, personally, hold in high regard. I'm sorry my post caused such distress to those that did not understand my true intentions... I honestly thought people would get it right away. I am truly sorry.
  16. Ahh, they have you working on a Sunday I see... that can't be fun. Glad it's fixed though. ...Dres
  17. There'd be a fight for sure... cheese wrestling anyone? ...Dres
  18. No, you were right... I just didn't notice it before. Following the link in the OP makes it look as if you're not signed in even if you are... that's why you can't reply. If you get to the thread in any other conventional way, it works. Why it wasn't working for Storm in the first place I have no idea. ...Dres
  19. Makes sense... that's what I did. ...Dres
  20. Eloise Baily wrote: @ Void, so what is someone turns up with a face made of cheese. It'd be time to call Suella. ...Dres
  21. How strange... when I pull it up with the link Storm provided it won't work, but when I looked for your post and followed that link it did. Oh well... who can say? ...Dres
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: I am waiting for someone to make a play on words with the name 'loongdaeng'. As in, has it been a loong daeng since you cleaned out your inventory? Or how this thread (not to mention some other things) could eventually become loong and daengly? Not to worry... I'm sure someone will. ...Dres
  23. Peewee Musytari wrote: I started the other one in the hope that they could at least do something that simple to make the current situaltion better for new residents, afterall it wouldn`t kill them to type a few words, its not asking for much. Yes, but can you even imagine the amount of brain power it'll take to make that decision? I don't envy them. ...Dres
  24. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: I was made aware of this issue from a friend and I, too, attempted to post to this OP and can not. Is the lithium software censoring/moderating our replies, too? It looks different too, I think it's something in the software - the thread does not look closed, but you can't reply. Oddness. Gives the webmaster something to do tomorrowmorning . Oh... you mean it won't let anyone post? *tries it out* Very strange, it sends me to the forum start page. Must just be borked. ...Dres ETA: I was wrong... it sent me to the Blog start page.
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