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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. a genuine message from paypal would never never never start off as 'dear valued Paypal customer' Paypal always address their mail outs e.g. Dear Claireschen Hesten and they always put your first and last name in the subject if it's not a receipt you'll also notice the sender of the message is never from @paypal.com or @paypal.co.uk unless it's a genuine paypal message i've been a paypal user for nearing 10 years and received hundreds if not thousands of these phishing scams
  2. i've never been a fan of Mac's & i wouldn't be owning an iPod if i hadn't been sent a free one (i also have a much better mp3) but you have to hand it to Mr. Jobs for making Apple a cool desirable brand when the iMac came out i did think i wanted one until i had to use them i could never get my head round the OS and the different way of doing things. now-a-days you can't walk down the street with out seeing someone use an iPod or an iPod phone and people are willing to pay over the top prices to have them
  3. i've always been a bax fan but my new fave boots are these two from Mentine, Tycoon boots in silver with optional wedge and fur top and also the tight knee boots (currently 50% off inworld) i also have them in colours other than pink
  4. if you wanted to you could make it like those breedable horses and meeroos such as sell grass seed and water or the grass will vanish and turn to dirt it could be quite a money maker if you wanted to go down that route
  5. unless you have something like This set up and rezzed inworld you can't transfer money when offline
  6. not exactly a script but the Bright Sign by Bright Corporation does exactly what you are looking for and you can put any texture you like in it
  7. if it's a private sim the owner may have gotten rid of it for some reason or another hence why you can't tp there
  8. you might want to edit your answer and add what graphics card you're using some can handle ultra graphics to enable shadows others cannot
  9. the Lindens have nothing to do with phoenix viewer and they certainly won't be doing anything to get mesh in to phoenix the reason Phoenix is even getting mesh because Henri Beauchamp the dev of Cool Viewer spent months upon months coding mesh in to his viewer and a mesh version of his viewer has been around a few weeks and that mesh code is what will be incorperated in to phoenix eventually if it wasn't for Henri i doubt any 1.23 based viewer dev would even consider the mamoth task of getting it in their viewer
  10. the way ralph comes on here always spouting 'freebies are dross and ruining the economy' he sounds like a scratched CD thats got stuck on repeat :smileyvery-happy: there's always going to be a market and a need for low cost items a lot of the items that are low price are pitched at the right price IMO, high quality and unique items will always sell at a premium and there is a lot of this stuff around. i don't think good creators will stop creating they'll just create something better and more exciting than whats already out there
  11. by deeding your land to group you are giving your tennants the ability to change things in the about land window such as parcel media land name parcel ban list return items etc you can create one or more roles in your group and assign any parcel management controls you like to that role though this does mean that if a tennant can change these things on their parcel they can do it on any other land deeded to the same group
  12. De-render only effects your viewer if you derender an object other people will see it as normal till they derender it
  13. there's no way to do it on these forums what you can do is create a banner or text and some links and make that your forum signature and you can use that to promote your business or specific items every time you post on the form you can find the forum sig option in 'my settings'
  14. when i think of male attachments Xcite Woody Lotus Royal jaquline beaumont and Realasm spring to mind Xcite is possibily the most popular brand but other attachment brands will be equally good
  15. this is a resident to resident support forum the lindens aren't likely to see this you would be better off sending a support ticket or if your premium a live chat first off you could try looking in your lost and found folder and even clearing your cache these may show up your missing items
  16. you don't have to go to the trouble of creating another account over a messed up shape you can buy shapes and even make your own from scratch the library section of your inventory has many different shapes you can use from the different starter av's
  17. if you make the shapes yourself selling them is fine it's impossible to sell a shape with out wearing someone elses skin unless you make your own showing on the product poster you can always put the name and brand of the skin on the poster in case anyone wants to get hold of the skin
  18. as a basic account you can 'own' land on private sims i use the term loosely because you are relying on the owner of the sim to pay tier to LL so you can pay tier (rent) to the sim owner who might up sticks and get rid of their land holdings and poof the sim is gone along with however many days/weeks you had paid for in rent if you are very lucky you might get a refund on any un-used whole weeks and all your stuff gets returned or it should do. you can also rent mainland with this you are relying on the land owner to pay tier on the land and not sell it atleast with out warning but you do have the security of knowing that with LL as the landlord the sim isn't going to go anywhere fast
  19. this is a resident to resident support forum the chances of an LL employee seeing this are slim you'd be better off sending a support ticket or if you are premium a live chat
  20. the only shop group i've joined was bax and thats only to get new releases at super discounted prices i have joined a few subscriber groups that don't count towards the group limit like Skinthesis where i got my skin and some add on's there always used to be regular group gifts. and primpossible because i've purchased and love the 1 prim stuff on sale i almost exclusively join subscriber groups because i've shopped somewhere really liked what i got and what to stay informed about the shop i bought from. i do have a subscriber group and i think my subscribers have joined for the same reason i join groups not just for the free joining gift i have found myself added to subscriber groups for stores and sims i've never been to and or never bought from and would never join the group of it's rather an inconvenience to have to visit the location to find a subscriber terminal so i can unsubscribe from a group i never agreed to be in
  21. that is very strange indeed and i have experienced it myself or something similar though in opposite order there was a period of time no longer than a week when i used to tp in to the LL road of a sim i think it was on route 8a i'd tp in move a few paces then find myself shoved in to a next door sim between a piece of land a friend owns/owned and the road i could look out to the sim i was in but couldn't move yet if i tried to move other people in the sim i was in even my alt saw me moving around as normal in to ban lines and what not. i don't know what viewer your using for me i was using the then emerald viewer which no longer exists i remember no one in the emerald viewer group had ever heard of the problem before
  22. Demo shapes are sold no modify ofteen with oversized hands and or feet for a reason. if the creator makes the demo modify they aren't going to sell the non demo shape as someone who modified their shape from the one they landed with i have to say that is probably the best way to get the shape you want it's easy enough to find create shape in your inventory wear the shape it produces if the one you are wearing is no mod then enter appearance mode and move the sliders round till you get something you like the look of
  23. you can't turn off local chat but the next best thing is to mute the individuals you don't want to see chat from
  24. there is always the option of making your own shape from scratch it's a fair bit of effort to do it but i think you'll be much happier with the result than from a store bought shape you might want to be a little wary of lipstick tatoo layers some of them can be very plump and or pouty
  25. i just took a peek at the thread funniest thing i've seen all day it instantly reminded me of an Alt i created back in the days when it was still possible to ghost and i was suffering from a fair few ghosting attacks i had seen the last name ghost around in SL so i went over to SLnamewatch to see if the name was still active it was so i went on a third party portal grabbed the name and my alt became Claireschens Ghost
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