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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. in addition to venus's answer if the typing continues and your wearing an AO thats turned on turn the typing animation off on your AO
  2. i don't think mesh is on the whole grid yet i saw in one of my inworld groups that bluesteel sims won't get it till tomorrow
  3. the Intel i7 is your computer's processor combine with a decent graphics card you should find SL quite nippy if your computer only has an onboard intel graphics chip and you can install a decent graphics card do so while the onboard graphics are adequate to run SL with graphics settings rammed to the minimum you'll see a big difference from a dedicated graphics card an improved fps being one of them
  4. i wouldn't call myself a compulsive shopper most of the time i favourite things even if it's L$5 or L$10 to buy later if it's very expensive and there's a demo inworld i'll visit it many times before i part with my precious L$ i recently bought an expensive lounge suite made entirely out of 1 sculpted prim to go in my new skybox i had to visit the store several times before i could decide which out of 3 styles to get
  5. i was under the impression you needed a folder in inventory you put everything in your magic box(s) in there and thats it everything would get delivered from there i don't have a huge amount of stuff forsale but if it's going to need a folder per item it's going to take me a long old time to either put the boxed product in a folder or unbox everything to make folders that way
  6. if you only have 1 magic box rezzed and you ever rezzed another magic box previously with the same contents but removed it from inworld you may want to check your magic box status and remove any excess boxes that shouldn't be there just log in to the marketplace go to merchant home click magic box status you'll see all your boxes listed having a magic box listed in your box status that isn't rezzed inworld can cause delivery failures when the marketplace is trying to send something from a box that isn't there
  7. you often get that after crashing the SL or third party viewers used to bring up a crash logger which would send crash reports to LL but they don't seem to anymore as far as i can remember when the viewer crashed it never bought up the windows error report not unless you had to force close it via task manager all the message means is the sim you were in when you crashed is logging out your av give it a minute or two it will log you back in
  8. you may wish to contact the owners of DX Exchange/the atms they will know far more than residents on the forum if you are using these inworld atms to make transactions you may find you can do exactly the same on their website you can find them on http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace along with other exchanges
  9. make sure the texture your using in the media box is the same as the one on the tv you could try deeding the tv to group if needed set up a group with you and an alt in set your linden home parcel to that group if it allows. also make sure you have the latest version of quicktime and flash player installed if you get the latest flash player make sure you get the version for other browsers not internet explorer
  10. Anaiya Arnold wrote: Customers should not have to trawl amongst the over abundance of demo items just to find a full priced eye shadow tattoo layer on the basis that this would be a give away price for entirely unrelated product types. now there's something, maybe it would help if demo items didn't show up in search results at all the merchant could add a demo item if they wanted, to a listing, on the listing and beneath the buying options could be 'Try Demo Version'
  11. if you can't do anything with the furniture it means who ever rezzed the home rezzed those too right click them and find out who the owner is contact them see if they will delete the stuff if your rental was sold to you as a furnished house rental the owner of the stuff in the home may be unwilling to remove the furniture
  12. if you can find a live tv stream and have a tv that will let you paste in a video url i don't see why you shouldn't be able to watch live tv
  13. i don't know what female **bleep** has to do with boats but you can report the listings for keyword spam change the maturity level of your search and browse the marketplace in an Incognito or Private Browse function if your web browser has one if you don't want sensitive eyes vieweing such material later this will not leave any record of your browsing history
  14. rating system yes buyers should be warned if they if they are leaving 1 or 2 star reviews maybe they could bring back the contact merchant feature from xstreet all messages would be sent and received via the marketplace and merchants would be notified of them at the top of the screen auto resend purchases yes seller should be able to choose if buyer can re-send once (preferrably for no copy items) or unlimited for full perms copy/trans copy/mod on delivery failures ability to ban people from your MP store i'm in two minds about this it's not something i would use and it could be abused freebies/dollarbies should have their own section like the old xstreet as someone who sells the vast majority of their stuff at L$25 or less i would not segregate this price range i believe the price filters are sufficient when searching for something under relevance the item title should come first i.e. if you search for a sun lounger all instances of sun lounger in the title should come before unrelated items like pools or patio sets that have either sun or lounger in the title/keywords on the private forum for marketplace merchants such thing exists and is known as the merchants roundtable you have to put in a support ticket and be a marketplace merchant to be granted access to this private forum
  15. at the moment you can't ban anyone from your marketplace store though the discussion of being able to ban people has cropped up in the merchants category of the forum for now the best you can do is to report the reviews this person has left
  16. if you don't want to or can't use the lindex or a third party exchange or all the jobs require you to be online when you can't there are a number of devices inworld that will pay you money or points that can latterly be exchanged for money at a relevant terminal such devices include Meetro, Bletaverse Cones, sl travel money hud not only do they pay you to visit places it's a great way to explore some new places at the same time
  17. i don't think there's much you can do you set the land forsale and someone bought it. if the person that bought it won't respond i don't think a support ticket will help LL will see this as a resident to resident dispute when it comes to selling land you can set it to sale to a specific avatar if you set it to general sale at such a low price anyone particularly landbots will grab it in seconds an insanely high price will put of anyone from buying it
  18. check the TPV list http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory a viewer exists for iPad it's only text based from what i can gather i don't think the iPad is powerful enough to run full graphics
  19. not going to post a youtube clip but i'm listening to http://grooveshark.com/s/Achy+Breaky+Song/3VzL1G?src=5 after seeing the annoying original song in one of the other music threads
  20. unless the vampire RP systems have changed in the last couple of years you can't be bitten unless you accept a bite request it's quite easy to stop it from happening one of the most popular vampire RP systems is bloodlines and they sell a free garlic necklace you simply wear it click it and you won't get bite requests anymore from users of that system with in bloodlines/vampire RP your soul can be in limbo but that really means nothing outside of bloodlines/vampire RP it doesn't effect the rest of your SL
  21. if you have a Linden home your house should have a control panel near the door that will allow you to change how the interior looks
  22. i heard somewhere this was the most played song on the radio of the 00's
  23. We can't post blogs here only LL employees can under the 'Blogs' tab of the forums
  24. it's got to be phoenix/firestorm both stable viewers for me lots of features you'd never get in an LL viewer whats perfect about firestorm is if you abhor V2's interface you can customize it to look like as V1 as the dev's have made possible i used to use imprudence for other grids as it was a reccommended viewer but the problem with that was it always crashed to desktop for me 30seconds after logging in
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