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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. if you bought the dress on the marketplace send a support ticket https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ if you bought it inworld you'll have to keep badgering the seller as LL treat inworld sales as resident to resident disputes
  2. you might like to change your water windlight setting to default if it is not already i got afflicted with transparent water on firestorm after playing around with all the the new fancy graphics settings i looked at the quick prefs and noticed i'd somehow got some water windlight activated and changing back to default fixed it for me
  3. i take it your not a fan of meeroo's then? i don't blame you i've not been a fan of those breedable bottomless money pits either
  4. i'm guessing you mean premium membership right? it should automatically renew at the next billing date or you can go in to your dashboard and downgrade your account to basic
  5. ah yes i forgot about that with no trans you have to drop the hud on the ground first and add the animations
  6. the only reasons i know of for gov linden to come along and return stuff is when the land owner vanishes from SL doesn't continue to pay tier on the land and some time later the gov comes along claims back the land and returns all the objects. the other when the land owner abandons the land it automatically reverts to gov linden when it get's sent to auction it's cleared
  7. i got the akeyo kimchan AO as a gift i love that you can go to the store buy an animation or dance and it's auto installed or you can buy animations from other stores drop them in to the contents tab in edit mode while wearing the hud it will auto configure them, if only all AO huds did that then there wouldn't be the pain of creating a custom AO with NC's
  8. if you have an xploder they are perfectly ok to use they are primarily a traffic aid and rewards entrants in one of three ways high rollers where some people win big and everyone else wins nothing, everyone wins where all entrants win a similar amount if there is enough in the pot and mixed mode which is a combination of high rollers and everybody wins. if you don't own an xploder they are free to enter and there is a pot tracker hud which you can use to find the high paying xploders there are people mostly those running bots from my experience that spend their days doing nothing but track and enter xploders
  9. one of my favourite songs by my favourite band plus most of the tracks in this Grooveshark playlist and my other playlists
  10. i'm not really convinced by listing enhancements i have tried them in the past when i've released a new product but only did a single week per product i used the L$0 check out enhancements as they were the cheapest i found in the week i could get 2000 plus impressions and only 1 click through 2 if i included my own after re-freshing the L$0 checkout page enough times after buying a freebie to find my enhancement. i can't really say i noticed increased sales because of the enhancement but it did provide my brand extra exposure and on using a listing enhancement for just a single week i think paying out L$300 on the cheapest enhancement is worth a punt for a new product
  11. there is a phoenix mesh viewer all thanks to the hard work henri beauchamp did to get mesh in to his own V1 viewer 'Cool vl viewer' i did notice a few brave souls in the inworld group were using phoe mesh, it might be worth while switching to the latest firestorm viewer instead the phoenix team are fazing out development and support for phoenix and the new mesh viewer may not be very stable at all check http://www.phoenixviewer.com/downloads.php for the latest release
  12. beggars are just plain annoying i never give them money because really do they need it, i think not. they've probably sent the same message to every one else in the store and one fool parted with their money. if i get a begging message these days i'm quite inclined to pass the beggar a copy of a hud i use on occasion that lets you earn money from travelling
  13. i don't know where you are in the world but http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/ http://www.prsformusic.com/Pages/default.aspx and http://www.ppluk.com/ may be of some interest to you
  14. also if you own a group and you trade in your home for mainland as long as any mainland you buy is bought for and deeded to your group you are allowed 10% more land at no extra cost
  15. Poses are static no movement animations have movement the more expensive AO's may be made of motion capture animations if you are on a budget Tuty's does some tastefully animated AO's if you don't mind lots of movement Oracul is also worth a try. if money is no object Vista do a range of Mo-Cap AO's and Akeyo does an AO with an easy to use hud if you buy any animations there while wearing the hud they are automatically installed or you can dump in some animations the hud will automatically configure them. if you want to compile your own AO you will need a ZHAO hud which i'm sure you can get free on the marketplace and a bunch of animations i've never compiled my own from scratch but found just editing one was a little tricky time consuming if you do want to buy an AO demo the animations in store first theres nothing worse that buying an AO that looks good in the picture that you end up hating when you use it
  16. really nice of LL to put up a new gift finally i just happened to be visiting one of the premium gift locations before downgrading back to basic and saw it had been updated the boat is very little use if you don't use V3/Firestorm/another mesh viewer yet if you can see mesh it's a lovely looking yacht
  17. with out the good will of another resident allowing you to use their land as you wish for zero rent fees it's not possible to 'own' land in SL with out paying some sort of recurring rental fee either to another resident or LL
  18. Claireschen Hesten

    not a new

    some of the gift locations were offline earlier but they are up and running again so you can get your mesh boat
  19. you might want to try Elikatira & HOC if you join the Maitreya inworld subscriber group you can get a pair of heels in a rainbow of colours free as the subscriber gift. at collabor88 yesterday i did see a number of av's wearing some really nice platfom chunky heel shoes from Lelutka (if i've spelled that right)
  20. i can usally stay online for hours 5-7 hours on a good day if i choose to spend that long online primarily using phoenix viewer sometimes firestorm if i've been afk a very long time which i often do i can randomly get logged out even if viewer settings are set not to allow afk log out
  21. susie try http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace there are many exchanges you can try you may well find you can get a better L$ rate buying in pounds than dollars where you have to include exchange rates and any other fees. i don't know what the LL L$ rates are like but being uk based i always buy my L$ in pounds from one of the exchanges the current rate on the one i use is L$391/£1 buying with paypal
  22. those kinds of junk mail notecards pop-up all the time and you can ignore it just click decline, if you are constantly being spammed by these junk notecards from the same person assuming your not on some mailing list AR them then mute them if it's a mailing list request to be removed
  23. how about this offering from Mentine - the Tycoon boots they come in loads of fab colours not just Silver the fur and wedge are optional and you can turn them on/off via menu i think there's still an inworld 50% off sale on so you can get them under L$400 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/JuicyBomb/51/192/24
  24. i think i have a new fave outfit hair from Elikatira the shirt is a layering option from a sweater from *Arai* blazer from {mon tissue} clutch bag trousers and sandals from *coco* the sandals in particular i love i don't think i've seen any other sculpty full foot shoe that doesn't require ankle prims
  25. if your paypal doesn't have the account status Verified LL aren't going to accept it i live outside the US and had zero problems adding my verified paypal account as payment info
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