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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Do you ever have British versions of American created shows? i guess we do we're getting some new tv singing contest called The Voice which i think is originally American we got our own version of jérsey shore (apparently a banned word on this here forum) called Gordie Shore about people from Newcastle i've noticed many American shows about housewives of florida and what not we get some god awful show called The Only Way is Essex
  2. have a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace some of the third party L$ exchanges allow you to buy L$ via a phone call or text message
  3. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: How many people in Europe or Asia know about Dancing with the Stars? Very popular in the US..........but other countries? Probably not. in the UK we have our own version called Strictly Come Dancing and one of the sattellite channels carries Dancing with the Stars when that's on as well as American versions of other British tv shows
  4. if you want something thats super easy to use try the Easy SitTarget Tool by Studio Dora i switched to this after using the antiposeball5 script which is a pain in the bum to use and trying some other supposedly easy use no poseballs scripts
  5. having the set up fee on a full sim waived is the best idea LL have since they did the one off 50% off 3 months premium they are heading in the right direction if they want people to be buying land and putting money in to LL's back pocket for once i have to agree with what Ralph said in another thread make homesteads available to everyone at a reduced tier they could do well for the people who want a really good sized private space they can call home and don't need the full 15k prims. if this offer was permanent it could be a real boon for SL
  6. i know this is more lingerie but the Starlight white Glitter set from Hollow Angle Designs is absolutely gorgeous if it's not wedding day appropriate it would be perfect for the night
  7. if the texture to the buyer is no trans they'll be able to use it but not sell anything they make with it because the item then becomes no trans i learnt this when using a texture i thought was full perm but found out after making something it was no trans
  8. i think the reason for no mod is a fear of copybotting and from a fashion point of view i've seen it mentioned before that fashion designers put no mod so the end user can't 'make their creation look bad'. i myself find mod perms desirable particularly with clothes prims everything i make is modify if i make a prim attactment as long as it has 2prims i'll also put a re-sizer in as well ask make it mod
  9. Anaiya Arnold wrote: I used to earn money with Earn2life before I went premium. It will take a little while to get your first lindens (I forget what the time wait was) but back when I used it, it was ok pocket money for someone not ready to put real money into SL for themselves, and doable for a new avatar (unlike most jobs in Secondlife which have high requirements as described by Peggy). It might be worth checking out. i have used E2L in the past i would not recommend it, it takes days to get your money and you have to cash out on their website then days later get your money from an atm which might be broke and eat up your money the hud is complex to use you have to walk around then faff about trying to click some red flashing thingy on it or you don't get any money you can later cash out and god forbid you have an alt or someone who uses the same computer/lives in the same home or builing that aso uses SL and E2L if your IP's match or their staff think you're an alt you're banned from E2L and not allowed any money you might have to cash out there is a hud i sometimes use if i'm feeling a little bored in SL called SL travel money hud the concept is similar to E2L but has instant cash out via the hud the downside is some offers won't work every day if you've visited the location for one of them this depends on what the location has set up and it might not work if the service is being updated but on the whole it's a decent way to get a bit of pocket change
  10. from my own personal experience it's possible to move around freely and lag free with 1fps :matte-motes-agape: now days i am achieveing a lot more than 1fps just trying to get inworld for the first time can put newbies off if they keep comming across errors trying to log in or they can't manage to stay logged in more than a minute some people will come here and look for help the rest will give up and not persue SL again
  11. SL runs perfectly well with ATI cards as long as you disable VBO my current graphics are ATI as was my previous it's not that LL favours nvidia in any way it's that SL runs on OpenGL and nvidia has better OpenGL support if SL were to run on DirectX ATI has better support for that and nvidia users would be complaining
  12. just a thought are you tp-ing in to no fly sims and you have view admin options on so you get an extra Admin menu or you have enable always fly on if you use a TPV specifically phoenix as i know it has it this will cause you to always hover when you tp in to a no fly sim
  13. this picture is probably 2 - 2 and a half years old i'm too lazy to take a new pic. back then i used to ride quite a bit exploring new sims
  14. just to add the actual stipend is L$300/wk unless LL has been under paying if you don't think you'll miss or have need for any of the listed benefits there's no real benefit to you paying LL every month/quarter/annually for being premium if you want to cancel being premium it's probably best to cancel a day or two before your next billing date to make the most of what you paid for as i understand it the moment you go basic after getting rid of your linden home/land holdings you loose all prem benefits
  15. if this is on your own land recent LL viewers and TPV's have a new parcel privacy setting which if turned on means people outside your parcel can't see you or anything happening on your land turn off public access combine with a private access list muting the griefers and not responding to anyone who randomly IM's you should put off the griefers if you ignore them they'll soon get fed up and move on
  16. you just need to turn off VBO and you can find that in prefs > graphics > advanced hardware options in my 3 and a half years in SL and 3 systems running ATI cards having VBO on in SL has never played nice with ATI graphics at all
  17. if you are looking to buy a full sim it would be easiest if you asked the person you are renting your current sim from to sell it (transfer) to you if they accept you won't have to spend time faffing around trying to re-create your sim somewhere else plus it should be cheaper than buying a brand new sim from LL
  18. you don't happen to use a display name or possibly have a group tag active that uses a fancy Unicode character do you? i have heard of log in issues arising from the use of Unicode if you log in to http://my.secondlife.com you can use that to change your display name remove any Unicode it may cure your log in issue but i can't guarantee it
  19. i only managed to find two pages of search results for my avi this was on Yahoo i never ever use google search apart from the SL site Xstreet forums/Xstreet the old SL forum and a couple of sites i expected to find myself on the thing that surprised me most was a now dollarbie item of mine (which has been a dollarbie quite some time) coming up as what i can only guess as a show in search result on the SL site for an animations sim a little look down the items found here list showed the item at a price of L$10 which is what it would have originally been i did bring myself to check google there were a few more pages of results most of which i expected i did notice my about me appeared on more than just inworld/online profile but that was the worst of it
  20. i don't see any reason why you couldn't advertise it in the http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Upcoming-Events-and-Activities/bd-p/UpcomingEventsandActivities part of the forum
  21. as other SL type worlds none of which created or maintained by LL go Inworldz is one of the better grids i've used naturally it's going to be laggy but when you first land you can walk around chat with people pick up some freebies and de-noobify yourself. i haven't had much success with OS Grid which you might like to investigate i can only stay in one sim with out the viewer just vanishing luckily everything is free and there are free uploads so you can import your own SL builds and fashion creations in there and, Avination (if you don't want to put RL money to spend inworld you won't be a fan of this grid) i was not very impressed that freebies are banned on there when you naturally assume the stuff you see for sale when you first land are free if you can't put money in you'll have to stay looking nooby.
  22. i go to one of the sandboxes almost every day in the hope LL have updated the premium gift it's a different experience to the ordinary sandboxes that let any old riff-raff in lol i do like the sandboxes but i won't miss them when the time comes to downgrade being premium and be part of the riff-raff again
  23. i don't actively use any social networks for my av though i did sign up to linked prim at one point and had brief interest in it and now SL has my.secondlife.com i do find myself logging in to it once i've logged in to my dashboard the marketplace and forum just to see what my friends are posting. i remember that myplace site tried to bribe people with L$200 to sign up what the site didn't put very clearly anywhere was the L$200 could only be spent at Cr*ptastic furniture which no doubt dissappointed a few people i don't actively use social networks in RL i have facebook and myspace that i occasionally log in to i have no interest in twitter i used it once 4 or 5 years ago that was enough for me
  24. if the land hasn't been deeded to the group of which you have been given the powers they won't work
  25. things in RL inspire me i could be in a shop restarunt or reading a magazine and see something i very much like the look of. if i try to re-create it in SL it never turns out looking the same
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