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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. the third party viewer developers the people not paid by LL are average residents that use SL and know what other SL users want out of a viewer and they do their upmost to take LL's open source code and code in all the extra features like built in AO's Area searches and ability to de-render stuff that us users of SL want in a viewer and LL doesn't provide
  2. i think 10 items at once is enough once you put 2 or more items in the cart there's a strong chance you're going to get delivery failures if you can fill up the cart and get all 10 items delivered your lucky
  3. contact the merchants you bought from via IM and note card and include transaction details you can find these details from your order history in the marketplace by clicking my marketplace - favourites - then order history most merchants should be more than happy to send a replacement
  4. you can change your display name via https://my.secondlife.com/settings/profile you can do this with out changing viewers or logging inworld
  5. In SL if you buy something the seller has no obligation to give you your money back it doesn't matter if it's a mistaken purchase or not at their own discretion they may offer a refund on a no-copy/trans item if they are sent the item back. if you are buying on the marketplace you get the opportunity to remove items from your cart before you confim the purchase which takes out an element mistake purchases if IM's aren't working try a notecard many sellers find their IM's get capped it may be because of capping your IM's weren't seen and hence not responded to
  6. GothGirl Demonia wrote: So my question is this. 1. Does this mean that we will have to pay $9.95 every month or have a premium to access adult rated content in SL or adult areas? as long as you hve payment info on file you can access adult rated land or if you age verify you gain the extra ability to access age restricted land as well as adult rated going premium is just another way to get adult verified
  7. i'm not one for deleting people but i have deleted people who chose to hide their online status permanently other than that i wouldn't delete someone
  8. the easiest way to sort inventory is to trash and purge all duplicate NC's scripts, LM's, pose stands everyone's bound to have a few hundred hover text scripts they don't need
  9. you might be wearing something that allows this person to stalk you try detatching everything from your av see if there is a suspicious attachment then re-attach everything but that
  10. that is a shame maybe someone will take on the source code for the viewer and continue to develope on whats there for any fans of the viewer
  11. i have to agree with Kaluura i also use Eldex and have done for a very long time i've had zero problems with the service. the benefits to using the L$ marketplace are you can buy L$ in your native currency and a wide selection of payment methods are accepted from paypal to an SMS text be sure to check out all the exchanges because they have varying exchange rates plus some only sell fixed amounts of L$ some have a minimum amount of L$ you must buy one has no limits you can buy from 0,01 of your currency
  12. if you've put a new box down and deleted the old one from inworld you need to log in to the marketplace go to merchant home click magicbox status scroll down to where it shows your magic boxes and remove the ones on there that aren't rezzed inworld if the status is showing boxes you don't have rezzed this will cause delivery failures as the system tries to deliver something from a box that doesn't exist
  13. Claireschen Hesten


    it means there are no hardware bans linked to your account and the support have asked you to find the MAC address of your hardware which LL can use to ban your computer from accessing SL which is the ultimate ban no account will be able to log in on it if you supply your MAC address they can double check your MAC is not on their ban list throuh some error. in this case i think the MAC might be linked to the HDD as wi-fi/modems also deal with MAC's
  14. coming from my own experience of being partnered i had no idea my now ex-partner had 'proposed' until he prompted me to check my e-mails (i'm pretty lazy at going through my e-mails) you get no notification inworld unless your partner to be is nice enough to tell you before hand
  15. if i had to pigeon hole SL i'd probably say it's a large target for people who have very little to no social life or friends maybe shy and lack a lot of confidence to meet people in RL in SL they can let them selves go be more confident and sociable be the person they want to be
  16. granting debit permissions is standard for scripted vendors in order to pay you money every time that vendor makes a sale you need to make up your own mind if you think the vendors you are using are safe or not, i've been using bright vendors and Abvendors as my scripted vendors for a long time and occasionally hippovend if i've rezzed an affiliate vendor i've never found them to steal my money just do as advertised but some malicious scripters could create a script that could be scripted to steal
  17. you can do it with 1 texture and a flashing light script/script that turns full bright on/off or two textures and a texture switcher script which is what i have done i used a photo editor two create two textures with a neon sign style border one texture has a small neon border the other has a slightly brighter larger more filled neon border i used a texture switcher timer script set to 0.5secs between switching and set the prim to full bright
  18. if you already have a hairstyle in mind and just want a hat i love This Fedora from (O&N) it comes with many colour options and it can be modded to fit with your hair
  19. Ceera is right none of the thirdparty registration sites work anymore they haven't done in months Anshe Chungs portal will just tell you to check e-mail/user name is correct every time in other words it doesn't accept registrations and second health another thirdparty site pulled their sign up page. i tried recently on one that still exists i have a unique first name which i tried and no combination of available last name and e-mail got past the first step of registration
  20. you might want to try a different viewer for accepting the tos phoenix can be a bit buggy with the tos acceptance you may like to upgrade to their firestorm viewer or you can use any viewer you can think of
  21. you get the L$1000 45days after going premium and i believe there is an extra bonus if you pay with a credit card
  22. Void Singer wrote: the original forums were open to paid accounts only, and several long time residents served as moderators on them until it was replaced by the Jive forums. i remember that well the first time i needed help with something the forum was my first port of call then i discovered not being a paid account meant i couldn't use it and i ended up going to one of the help islands on the camping thing the typical rates i remember were always L$1/10min L$2/15min occasionally you get something more exotic like L$1/3min or L$15/hr
  23. if you want another fact i remember reading on an NC at Isabel info hub that non-premium members get a weekly stipend of L$50/wk that certainly isn't the case now and definitely wasn't when i joined back in '08
  24. don't know how true this is but i read somewhere in an early version of SL you could set fire to the trees and i think Av's too lol
  25. with so much free stuff around i don't see why LL should be bribing people with free gifts from SL stores to get them to go premium the idea of exclusive sandboxes is good as part of premium so you don't have to mix with us riff-raff who can't or won't upgrade
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