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Couldbe Yue

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Everything posted by Couldbe Yue

  1. is there a quick and dirty way to mirror an animation bvh? I don't really want to try to do it by hand. I know, I'm lazy :(
  2. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Well yes, that's more or less what I meant sorry, I'm a bit literal at the moment.
  3. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: This. If sales are what keep you in SL then you'll have to use a different web-based ecommerce system rather than rely on LL for anything. If good reliability, customer service and communications are what keep you in SL then ... what? then what?? my advice would be to stop the drugs they're taking,, there's never been those three since i arrived in 2006. anyone who stays because of those probably deserves everything they get - just for having such low standards
  4. The problems are never going to get fixed. The only thing to do is accept that what we have is it and live with it. The main reason is money. It costs for developers and I don't believe LL has any dedicated website devs any more. The financial screws are on by the look of some of the things they're doing and the marketplace cannot really justify the cost of its maintenance and development as it's just a sink rather than a cash generator (I doubt the usd sales make up more than a percent or two of overall sales) I certainly don't think inworld is a better deal and I wouldn't expend too much energy on any of this. Just keep listing and hope that occasionally you'll make some money amongst the chaos. I never really believed the day would come that I would say this but unless something surprising happens, I think it's time to start looking for a parachute..
  5. considering the copyright issues around pininterest (with their ToS, when you pin you claim to have the ip for what you are pinning and iirc you agree to be liable if any claims come from ip owners that you've pinned) and that LL managed to protect its images by almost completely refusing them to be used anywhere, I'd say they probably know.
  6. I have to agree with the others, if that's the new Ruth then she's looking hugely better than the old one.
  7. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Never again though, will I advocate for a company that doesn't put their customers needs before their own profit, or socially engineers them in any way. I think it's worse than that. I think they see us as a resource to be exploited (free labour) when they need it and for the rest of the time they studiously ignore us, except to blame us when things go wrong (although recently they seem to have stopped that so I suppose we should be grateful). There's an intellectual disconnect between understanding that their customers generate their paypackets that has always eluded me. Even the most rapacious of companies will occasionally throw their customers a bone to stop them whining (except for microsoft, whose business practices LL has tried to emulate down the years). They still don't appear to have any business people working for them and until they do (and introduce proper project management), things aren't going to change, they'll keep putting in sub standard features and ignore us until we give up complaining about them. hey ho.
  8. Considering the sheer frustration of inworld compared to the easy money of the marketplace, anyone who thinks of setting up inworld as anything but a ego boost these days is borderline mad. It just isn't cost effective for most. Even at 30% commission, the marketplace will offer better returns for most people than tier. Sad but true.
  9. Reply to Scout Schwager - view message 01-05-2012 08:08 PM I think I may start using Paypal/MC/Visa to make purchases. Then I will have proper dispute procedures. for some reason the quote button errors when i try to quote this.. sigh I haven't heard of anything recently but back in the day when people were being double billed for a months tier etc people had said that they tried to put a dispute in with their card provider and LL used to suspend the account until you withdrew it. Now this may have been a scurrillous rumour put around by various people down the years but on the past performance we've seen I wouldn't put it past them. They are so capricious that even I got scared when trying to link a couple of accounts to my main name as I had over the allotted number and you can never tell when they'll go do something ott like cancelling them. The lesson I've taken from their behaviour down the years is that when money (be it usd or lindens) are concerned, once they've got it they'll never give it back - no matter if they didn't actually give you anything in return for the transaction except heartache.
  10. I think that was a little harsh on yourself then. Unless this is a full time business you're not going to keep reassessing your business operations all the time. There's too much to investigate and review. Tastes change in here all the time and unless you have a defined niche market you can keep your eye on you'll never have more than an inkling of what people are doing or prefer. Two years ago if you'd asked the same question probably the only person who would have put their hand up for transfer was me as people overwhelmingly wanted copy but with the ability to create outfits and ll managing to tame the platform eating rezzed items it seems some are moving away. Who knows what will be next? Whatever you choose to do is good and if you change your mind later, that's fine too. Your customers will either like it or not - and as LL knows, there is absolutely no way to please everyone..
  11. Deja Letov wrote: When I first started my store, pretty much everything I made was transfer only. Then I got smart and went to mod/transfer. But as I started using the Marketplace more and as I was shopping more myself, I've started switching a lot of my stuff to copy/mod. Pretty much anything I make these days is copy/mod now. What I like about it is that for the shopper it's copyable for them in case they mess up but through the Marketplace or through purchasing via a vendor, they can gift those items to anyone they want, so transferable just really isn't necessary except for those who might want to have a yard sale later, and honestly not sure I'm really concerned about that. There are other reasons that I can think of rather than yardsales and gifts. I'm sure there are others that I haven't thought of too. and as a final point: I, like a lot of people, don't buy copy items unless we have to (and not for the reasons above) - just as there are those who buy only copy items. There are people who chose to make their items copy and some who choose to make them transfer. Each is a valid choice made to accomodate whatever the buyer or seller feels is important to themselves and their market. Czari Zenovka wrote: I really appreciate the feedback here that has allowed me to really give thought as to "why" an option is preferable in sales vs. "Here's what I liked back in 2007, thus I think my customers would like that as well" and then never changed it...lol. interesting comment - I must have missed that post, who said that?
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: Couldbe Yue wrote: For the first year or so of selling stuff I used to offer a choice of transfer or copy (but not both of course!). What I found was that they sold pretty well equally, so when i found I had to make a choice about which sets of perms to offer because of the time it used to take to change the perms (back in those days there was no bulk perm changer in the edit object window) I went for transfer. Personally I prefer to buy transfer and that goes for clothes and prefabs too. I know that I'm almost alone in this but it does mean I try to keep those transfer clothes sellers in business modify of course is taken as a must. Thanks so much, Couldbe. Did you offer the option of copy or trans both inworld and on the MP or just in one place? I'm tempted to offer both on the MP since I don't have that many products atm but the merchants I have seen who offer either inworld set the copy price higher than the trans and if I only offered that option on the MP then it would go against the setting MP prices higher than in world. Trans perms noted. Still thinking. Oh and yes...modify wasn't even something I ever considered not offering. From what I remember (and this was 2007/8) everything was on sale in world and I think that for those items I listed on SLX and SLB (that became onrez and got bought and closed by LL) both were offered but I didn't put everything up in those days. I kept my prices the same for both but these days if I was going to offer both options I'd probably plump for making copy rezzable items more expensive and wearables the same price (which is what I've done for a couple of clothing items I have where there are both choices). However, whilst I think it's only fair that people pay extra for the ability to rez it multiple times for the price of one item, I doubt I'm anything more than a minority. like most pricing and perms decisions, you have to decide what you're comfortable with after weighing up the pros and cons of both - transfer items come with an overhead for sellers but they are convenient to those customers who want that.
  13. For the first year or so of selling stuff I used to offer a choice of transfer or copy (but not both of course!). What I found was that they sold pretty well equally, so when i found I had to make a choice about which sets of perms to offer because of the time it used to take to change the perms (back in those days there was no bulk perm changer in the edit object window) I went for transfer. Personally I prefer to buy transfer and that goes for clothes and prefabs too. I know that I'm almost alone in this but it does mean I try to keep those transfer clothes sellers in business modify of course is taken as a must.
  14. what do you mean "again"? Don't you mean "still"?
  15. Jahman Ochs wrote: I'm done here. I wish everyone well, honestly, but nothing can be said to make me think this is a positive change. Were it done as a supplement to the traditional process, I would hail it as a major improvement - part of the problem with last year was a rather dychotomous reversal of promotion of concurrent events elsewhere on the grid while SL8B was going on - and now this tearing of gears and the trashing of years of tradition. So it goes. As I've said elsewhere, I no longer pay that much attention to what Linden Labs does, and only voice my opinion in these forums when I feel something egregious needs comment. I realize that makes me seem bitter, to some, and I apologize for interfering with anyone's rose-colored glasses. My life in SL really is in spite of Linden Labs, not because of it, for the past few years, which I know, too, is not an uncommon state for veterans of this platform. I maintain and tweak my content in-world, and will continue to pay my thousands of U$ annually until the traffic dries up, for whatever reason. Continued shame on you, LL. Happy trails to the rest of you. one user agrees
  16. I've just checked them again and they're back to the way they were a few days back. At least the corrupted listing from someone else is gone. I suppose that's a small win - although I still can't amend the actual corrupted listing itself as I keep getting the xsl (yes, an error message referring to the botched migration back in 2010) error message but I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies.
  17. it was 667 by the time you posted that (the neighbour of the beast!) but 666 sounds right for the initial post though - sometimes it does feel like satan is playing tricks on us with the marketplace
  18. nope. the last time I added or changed a listing was two weeks ago - relevance has been static since then and today I noticed that those new listings have moved up the rankings around 50 places. so someone over on the LL side has either been tinkering with some of my listings or they're tinkering with relevance.
  19. I'm well aware of that - except in the last couple of days the bottom ones of mine have changed position - hence this thread
  20. I don't know what is going on but the corrupt listing I had from someone else has been removed from my storefront and the last c100 of my items listed by relevance have changed.. I know this because the last things I listed have jumped up the rankings. It's very strange what has dropped to the bottom. So if you've got some time to waste (as everything to do with the marketplace is these days) then go have a nosey at your listings
  21. I feel so completely unfashionable!! Let me tell you why I still use the MLP and poseballs for my big multi user, multi anim items. It's really simple, poseballs are an easy indicator to anyone with a passing competency in sl that they need to sit to make it work and what is better, is that the balls can be stereotyped by colour to give a quick signpost to which gender and I have mine set to sit on touch. With poseball-less systems you need a way to tell the user how to get the anims happening (since it's not always touch anywhere to sit) and usually they have to be in a specific gender or other order. so, unless it's a one av item with the sit icon when you hover over it, the ease of use factor drops when there's no poseballs. Not everyone is completely technically adept with sl nor does everyone speak english if you put the instructions in the description field for a mouseover and for those with disabilities, it's a lot easier than fumbling around trying to find the right prim to right click or touch that may or may not work. that's my tuppence and my customers seem to be pretty cool with it. (and my poseballs don't pretend to hide by becoming transparent but still have the scripts running, mine actually get poofed until someone not only touches the item but selects an animation, therefore they don't get rezzed unnecessarily)
  22. a couple of threads I've dug up so we can relive old memories, this one is crying out for a post implementation review: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce-Forums-General/Why-Build-a-New-Marketplace/td-p/272728 I'd say it failed the business case - not only did it fail to provide the features but it failed to bring in new users or move people to searching via google for stuff on the marketplace. and this one.. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Commerce-Forums-General/XStreet-ONE-WEEK-LEFT-Have-your-items-migrated/m-p/372788#M40152 which relates to the problems encountered during the migration. enjoy, or not. edit.. oops! I removed the comma - sorry about that
  23. a very quick and dirty way is to use firefox, do a drag select of the listings and then right click and view source. it will bring up the html with the listing number for each - rather than fight through the sludge you can then do a find on 140,141 etc ranges. if that makes sense
  24. I always think that if a newbie can survive the freakshow that is the welcome areas they'll survive anything else SL can throw at them. The problem appears to be that few do survive it to log back in. I wonder if the introduction of voice hastened the decline in the newbie retention rate. Certainly if I'd heard half of what I've heard reported about voice when I was a newb I probably would have run and not looked back. (I don't use voice unless forced to at LL meetings, so I've missed the *ahem* charm of the pondlife)
  25. I know. I just hate to think you're right with this one as the only people who can identify the true extent of this problem is LL and we know that the chances of them acknowledging something like this, let alone remediating it, is miniscule. It's this kind of defect that shows LLs true colours and it's not pretty. but it's ok. For a long time LL has behaved like a pimp - they take your money and guarantee nothing in return. It's the chance we take when we deal with people like these, so there's nothing surprising there. As always, the people I feel desperately sorry for are those who actually make their main living from SL. I'd hate to be beholden to these people to put food on my table.
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