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Couldbe Yue

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Everything posted by Couldbe Yue

  1. Czari Zenovka wrote: There is a merchant who used to send out regular notices and it is known via her profile she was going through treatment for cancer but was still running her business, releasing new designs, etc. She came to mind the other day because I haven't seen a notice from her in ages so I checked her profile that is the same...went to her store...that is still there...but I'm wondering why the sudden stop in notices and hope all is ok. This is what always gets me. We're actually quite a small community and whilst we may not know everyone to sit down and natter with, we do "know" a lot of people through the forums, groups, merchandise etc. When people go silent and I know that there's health issues I will hope they're ok but somehow it always seems inappropriate to ask - yet it comes from concern and goodwill more than ghoulish prying. It a tough one - if the worst has happened, it's only rare cases that the next of kin ever think to get in here and update the profile, not surprising really since I doubt anyone outside of sl understands our sometimes dysfunctional little community and how there are bonds where we least expect it.
  2. I never considered that one before but it does make sense in a bizarre way. I might give that a go if I get a chance on the weekend and see what it does to mine.
  3. Darrius Gothly wrote: Even if they are diabled, challenged or just plain swamped .. good customer service is something that cannot be given short shrift. I do agree with you that anyone who is running a business in here should do that. However, there are a lot of merchants that don't take it that seriously and deliberately ignore customer service and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous. Some have what I consider valid reasons and others don't. That's humans for you. As for the IM to email issue. I have had them capped by DD deliveries where the email isn't generated and I have had it where I only get a couple of responses to an email-im conversation before the email isn't generated. As this is sl, it's to be expected that some people will claim there's nothing wrong with a particular feature whilst others know there is. The only absolute is that LL will continue to take money from us for this substandard bit of kit of theirs and there'll be those of us that keep paying them, despite knowing that some of their behaviours would land them in serious trouble if usd rather than "game tokens" were used. hey ho
  4. I can understand your frustration but I'd just like to remind people of a few points.. A lot of merchants in here are here because they're sick or incapacitated or otherwise mainly confined to the home (including those caring for others or for children). I remember reading a long time ago that sl had a higher proportion of people with disabilities (I don't know how to lump them all together since the reasons are so disparate, even if the result isn't) than most online games. Therefore the chances that something in rl has overtaken them is a very real thing. For example, I've met more creators in here with cancer down the years (and I believe them, certainly some of them are no longer with us) and other disabilities than I ever have in rl. I also know a fair few creators who have effectively walked out of sl but left their items up and they make no effort to do even basic customer service, they just take the money. although I do know a couple who don't even cashout, they've left sl that much. There's nothing anyone can do about them and that's the chance you take, particularly if you buy any stuff that's from a creator that hasn't released in the last 6 months. I suppose the rule of thumb to reduce the chances are to check to see how recent it has been since their last release (anything with an item number over 2.5mil has been released in the last year I think), to see if they've moved over to DD (which means they were at least around in march) and to check product reviews for complaints. It might help or it might not.
  5. assuming you bought it on the marketplace, I'd put a support ticket in and include the transaction details from your marketplace transaction history and request a resend (there's actually a specific ticket type iirc). They used to resend within a few hours but I think it could be days now, so don't get too excited about a prompt redelivery but at least they will redeliver it, no matter if the seller ignores you (edit:it may not be ignoring in a bad way, they may not be getting your missives)
  6. Back in 2009, I had a chat to Blue Linden and he said (and I paraphrase here) that LLs aim was to have people sell their wares free or cheaply to encourage newbies to stay. At that stage I think the their idea of the perfect relevance score was either 300 or 350L on XSL. I'm wondering now if they've dropped it to around 150 as I had a quick look at my last months sales and the overwhelming majority of them were around that price - a few higher (500-1000) , an even tinier amount of my expensive stuff and almost none of my sub 100L. So (this month excepted so far) I'm maintaining the same turnover but doing it through increased sales of my lower priced stuff. I can see where people think it veers between low and high. After days of selling c150L priced items, today I've sold a few big ticket items and nothing under 500L. The thing is though it could be people's shopping behaviour more than anything LL is doing. I can't even hazard a guess as to what is going on. Only LL have the data and I doubt they ever look at it, let alone have a willingness to share.
  7. You're right about checking the shop homepage for this. from what I can see there's a default relevance that is effectively your baseline. Then any sales within the last 3 days are given a higher weighting for the sale depending on the date of the dale (yesterday, day before, day before that - in descending order) - price also appears to have a different weighting if the sale falls within that 3 day window. for my lower ranking items, views do seem to have an impact on the ranking as even if they haven't sold for a while they'll still shuffle around the ranking but these days views don't seem to do much if an item hasn't already sold at least once.
  8. the incorrect day stuff could be because the order list works to your current time zone (iirc) but I suspect that relevance is calculated on the pst daily window. consistency isn't a strong point. the easiest way to check is to compare the slm list with your transaction history and if it's not that then I'm out of ideas. Tbh I just glance at the first half of the first page of listings and usually sigh heavily, Certainly I've noticed that some sales do seem to affect relevance a couple of days after the sale rather than the next day but haven't paid enough attention to come up with even a speculative analysis. I did notice that a sale I made on another account a few days ago did affect relevance the next day but couldbes account didn't seem to move with her sales. I wonder if the weightings are such now that some sales just don't affect relevance anymore. I'm in one of those becalmed periods atm with sales so when they start again I'll pay a bit more attention.
  9. my best guess with relevance is that it's a combination of things, including sales, views (although I'm beginning to think that views are no longer used), pictures with the keywords themselves ranking low on the weighting - which is why you can have a dozen pages of listings returned for a search term and by the time you're at the bottom of page 2 the returns are completely irrelevant then a couple of pages later there are keyword relevant items. What I'm finding interesting, but I've not really had a close enough look at it to be really confident, is that any activity during the days when the relevance calc isn't run isn't actually included in any future calcs. ie I've noticed that if I have a run on something and it doesn't update relevance it doesn't seem to end up where I'd expect it to be in the ranking on my shop page after the 3 day window has passed. If that makes sense. this has just been one of those things that has been puzzling me for a while but not enough to actually start to make notes to look for the pattern but the seriously scary bit was those missing listings from the search I did on the weekend and seeing the full (I assume) returns yesterday. if a couple of hundred listings can not be returned then that explains why sales go dead.
  10. I think it might be a bit scarier than that. Last weekend I did a search on an item that only returned a couple of 96item/page listings. I went back to have a look at it yesterday and it was 5 pages - with a whole lot of listings from around #15 onwards that certainly weren't there on the weekend - and a lot of the ones that were shown on the weekend were right at the end. I know I sell a lot more low priced stuff than before and when I do have a big day of sales usually relevance is updated the next day (only once where it didn't update) and my sales are becalmed and I go back to selling trinkets. Interestingly my marketplace sales haven't really deviated in month total since just after it finally went live and they abandoned all pretence of putting in any of the other promised phases.. I find it really weird to have no sales days (I do keep track of those because my sales are literally so consistent that a couple of no sale days are never usually made up by month end) as on the marketplace that's my new norm - yet there's no pattern to it (i've been monitoring that for a few years now). Something is certainly going on and as usual it's not to our advantage in any shape or form. I can't even begin to guess the pathetic reasoning behind this jerk circle of theirs but then, this is the group of people who couldn't admit they made a mistake when they trashed all those migrated listings and refused to do the only action possible which was backing out the changes and restoring to an earlier time (probably because they're not professional enough to have taken a backup before putting the probably non tested code in) and have lied about a fix being on the way long enough that people have given up in despair. hey ho.
  11. Down the last month or so I swear that whenever relevance gets updated (I'd say a couple of times a week max), my sales seem to dip for a few days after. I haven't the will to check each day and make notes but does anyone else think they've noticed this?
  12. rather than digging up my figures and having to do the analysis (sue me, I'm lazy).. I'll point to this.. https://theriseofthesurreal.wordpress.com/2010/03/09/the-economic-truth-of-earning-income-in-second-life/ It's a bit eyewatering in places but these stand out: "In February 2010, 68948 people had a Positive Monthly Linden Flow (PMLF). As the chart below shows, only 1.64% earned approximately the minimum wage or above." "Looking at the figures again, a consistent 83% of those with a PMLF earn less than $50 per month. This figure rises to 89% when increasing the threshold to $100 per month." that should give you brain overload for a saturday morning..
  13. semi off topic... relatively speaking they're not huge amounts but going on the last figures that LL published back in 2010 it puts them in the top 5% of income earners in here. (things may have changed since the last figures but I would think that the % would be smaller (ie 3%) rather than lower as I suspect money is more distributed these days). There used to be around 2000 iirc earning above 500usd per month (before expenses). Moving from that figure (remember that's not even a minimum wage if you're putting in 40 hours a week in here) into the next band of over 1000usd per month is a lot harder (1000usd per month is still not minimum wage). If RL dictates that sl is the best way to generate income then anyone who is pulling in over 500usd per month is actually extremely sucessful considering the conditions we operate in. It's just a matter of changing perspective. I can remember when I got excited because I was getting close to earning minimum wage in here (by income not time spent) - despite the fact I earn more than that in a couple of days of rl working. It's all relative but the main thing to remember is that this is a lot tougher operating environment than rl. Sucess in here is nothing to sniff at.
  14. I don't think it's got anything to do with the MB - my sales died for a week w/c 7th. The last week it's been inworld sales that have taken the hammering. I suspect they're just tinkering with search again, you know they don't care about the impact.
  15. go on, I dare you! let's see how many positives we can find. (I know this is probably going to be a short thread but let's give it a go) I'll start, I can always log into it from my phone (unlike the sl account dashboard which doesn't let me - grrr!) and since I'm feeling rules based today, if you have to say you can't do something that someone else claims they can then you can write that but you still have to list something you can do. now, any takers for the first reply?
  16. Irene Muni wrote: Theatrequestions wrote: Is your Secondlife identity ... ? Which one SL identity? Why most of these research assume that all SL residents have a single SL identity? umm probably because they've never actually logged in and done anything?
  17. I don't turn the other cheek as such, I just snipe from the sidelines. It's not really a fair exchange but I at least feel I get some value for the time, effort and money I throw away in here In the end there's nothing much you can do, they are either not technically capable of fixing these things or don't see us as a valuable enough member of their "ecosystem" to treat us with the basic respect of giving up the services we pay for (or both, which seems more likely). hunts, bloggers and all the usual non LL stuff is the only way to get noticed. sigh or you could try another parcel, that may actually get indexed. one thing you could try is to put exactly the same info in the one that isn't showing and see if it turns up. if it does then it could be something in your description that's blackballing you.
  18. search has been broken for what feels like forever (although this latest incarnation of broken started around march last year when they put in the new and improved version). First of all check to make sure that the right parcel is ticked to show in search. Then do a straight search on the parcel name, if it's returned then then most likely thing is that your parcel is not being indexed properly or if it is, it fails to make the grade on any number of the weightings that are applied to the search results. One of my shops vanished from search last year. it wouldn't appear in any one word search but using two words it would. I did speak to the person from ll who was responsible for it and she gave me a few tips - none of which worked. Even if you do make it into search, it's possible it only sporadically makes an appearance I've suspected for a long time that I only get sales to new customers at my mainstore when it briefly appears in search. I'd leave both of them in search for a while and in the end if you can't find the new one give up and continue with the old one - even if you have to put a lm giver at the landing point. At least then you're not completely throwing your money away. eta: I have no idea if this will help but it felt good to vent
  19. You don't know how sad this makes me both because you're getting rid of it and because I'd like it.. even a few months ago I'd probably have taken your arm off to get my hands on this but now I just can't justify it I was looking at snowlands again last night and am amazed at the amount of abandoned land and large parcels for sale. If I could, I would..
  20. This has been a problem for probably the last 6 weeks or more. I don't know if it's related to the camera problem (if you are near a parcel edge and your camera is pointing towards it stuff won't rez) but I'd suggest you try to make sure your camera is pointing to your ground when you try to rez, just to make sure. I haven't seen any reports of the items coming back but that doesn't mean they haven't. eta: and here's the background jira.. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7902?
  21. It sounds like it's your browser. have you recently changed browsers or installed some kind of script blocker? (noscript, ghostery or taco type things?) if you have, then you need to find it and allow the secondlife.com script to run, the others can stay blocked - or try another browser.
  22. I love the idea of slat and think it has nifty features but have never been able to get the thing to work well enough to consider switching. I probably need to spend some more quality time paying attention to it.
  23. ctrl-c still works in 2010 just not the icon, so if you use keyboard shortcuts you won't even notice the icon doesn't work. I'm still sniffy about not being able to add a keyframe by touching the model though and the 2008 verson actually has a (very,very limited) userguide. I was impressed! Check the install folder to have a look. Apart from what looks like a slight cosmetic change to the ui and the addition of mirroring, I didn't see anything new in there. Certainly nothing that will make me stop using 2007. The one thing I've always wanted in Qav was the ability to insert frames, when you cut it removes a frame but there's no way to add any in, so it becomes a real pita if you want to pad out an anim. whilst cut will remove the frame altogether, paste will just paste over the frame, it doesn't add a new one.
  24. thank you! :heart: I installed all of them to add to mine and have to say that my 07 one seems to still be my fave (apart from the mirroring in 2010) in 2007 I could set a keyframe just by touching the body part but in 2010 I actually have to use the key button. Still, it's nice to have them and I'll have a bit of a play with them on the weekend.. it's such a shame it still doesn't have the add frame as well as the paste, that would have made me very happy
  25. Thanks Madelaine, it worked like a charm xxxxx Amaranthim, my version of QAv is so old that it doesn't have a tools menu. It's from 30 nov 07 and I have never managed to find anything newer (or even where I got it from)..
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