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Couldbe Yue

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Everything posted by Couldbe Yue

  1. nope. I stuck to a basic like for like as my professional rl is currently filled with IT deliverables inadequacy (I've come to the conclusion that the technology supplier to the rl project actually makes LL look good. I *never* thought that would happen!), so after struggling to work out how to do the basics, I couldn't face delving into it any further. My task is done - I came, I saw, I did, I wrote about it and now I'm going to studiously ignore it until we have a deployment date then I'll do another run through to see what's new/different/a crock and take it from there.
  2. I had another go at it and worked it out - a simple DD set up and a basic migration look pretty simple. Although I'm still not too sure if I did what was expected but I made it work and I didn't get into anything too soul destroying. It's worth going into the beta grid and having a go. I wrote up a quick how to for doing a clean DD listing and one for doing a basic migration which start here DD Tutorial Part 1. I reckon it should take me less than an hour to do (not allowing for any glitches) and that's only because I have so many magic boxes over my many accounts that I'll do them individually to keep an eye on what happens. All up I think that the happy path migration (like for like without trying to do anything more than a replacement) looks like it's a winner - the rest of it (ANS, replacing the boxed items with folders etc) I'm not too sure about yet. yes, I am cautiously optimistic. scary isn't it?
  3. I checked all my accounts that have stores and each of them had only a partially created storefront on the web. For one of them I got a box and did a set up which worked but before placing the box and after setting it up I couldn't get the dd folder to import. I got a 401 errror each time I tried and there was nothing in the failure log. It was late but the directions didn't make sense.. why did I need to set up a box? and I had no idea about what the relevance to sept was and since nothing was on the storefront including items loaded and listed after sept, the reference really is a mystery. Also, when I got to one of the two sites identified, I was coralled in a piece of land that didn't allow rezzing but managed to rez the box on the parcel next to it that did. I also bought a couple of things and each time they landed in the objects folder.. it was interesting but not really productive. my only feedback is that I do like the auto create of folders if you dump just a box in but why didn't you make the magic box a dd, since the instructions seem to imply that you need to buy a dd item first? The storefronts seem to have been created a fair while ago as couldbe's email address is an old one which was changed a long time ago on the prod site. I'll give you marks for effort.
  4. LL has always had an instinct for the race to the bottom. They really do want us to give away our labour both to them and as goods to attract the punters. That was their intention back in 2009 and they don't seem to have deviated from it since. They've also been very open about not wanting to deal with too many people in any category in sl and have been working towards the reduction/consolidation of businesses for years. I think we're finally seeing the result. A few people make a lot of money and the rest of us are supposed to pay ll to provide the cheap/free baubles to entice people in. SL was at its strongest when we were diverse, as diversity has diminished, so have the crowds and the income.. Well for those of us outside the "must have " wearables and the breedables set. I've never understood why LL believes that reducing the merchant presence inworld is beneficial but their behaviour over search and the marketplace underlines just how much they don't value our presence. If their intention is to reduce the income they receive from tier because incomes are down so much that it's no longer economical to have a substantial inworld presence, I'd like to see the business case to review the benefits they are aiming for. The evidence points to closure but even I don't totally think they're that stupid but I'm damned if I can see any other objective in their behaviour. In the end, LL will do whatever they can to make sure we don't have a chance of success. I really don't know why they hate their merchant class so much as it defies logic but that's where we've been for years now and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon.
  5. I am assuming you replied to my post because that was the one you were reading when you were ready to reply rather than replying to me specifically. My general comment is that anything that aids the retention of users is welcomed but I think you've been sold a pup by LL. I have grave doubts you'll make it financially viable for a raft of reasons but I'm hoping you do manage to do it. I have had a stall there since a day or so after you opened them up for lease. My KPIs for it are more business benefits rather than sales. That said, like a lot of those who are there I suspect they'll give you some time to get established but we won't keep supporting you continually. Thankfully you should have a steady stream of vendors prepared to take a chance on the visibility offered but I don't envy you one bit for the task you've taken on and the income stream you are using to support it. Good luck with the launch today. We're hoping you'll be a grand sucess.
  6. well for those people who have too much time on their hands and not enough to occupy themselves I say good luck to them. For me it's almost academic as I've got better things to do with my time but I'll report back if I notice any change.
  7. I don't know anymore. The only thing I do know is that everything LL deploys is such poor quality that sadly this is within the realms of probability. So, I went through and not only deleted all my sku's but also any data in my version field. It may work or it may not. That's as much effort as I'm willing to put in to try to work around this ailing hulk.
  8. I know I'm going to regret asking this but it's going to be the icing on a cake of LL incompetence if my fears are correct.. is it just numbers or is it all non alpha characters?
  9. Rod made a comment during SLCC (iirc) that retention was increasing but the hours they spent logged in was declining. If that's the case then we're losing a lot of older accounts and the new accounts are replacing them but obviously the logged in hours will decline. From LL's perspective I'm sure they consider this a win as they're getting people to pay (assuming premium account numbers are growing) but use less of their service. As always I'm sure they don't actually care about the vibrancy and diversity of the inworld experience, otherwise they wouldn't have done what they have with search, the marketplace, mesh and everything else they've deployed down the years. hey ho
  10. I'd say that the most effective thing to do (as has been demonstrated by many others in the past) is to diversify to other games platforms plus Renderosity, Turbosquid etc. Common sense would dictate that past performance from the owners of this platform is a good indication of how seriously they don't treat those who are trying to make an income from here and can be considered a good guide to future performance. Bit by bit, from both LL behaviour and the real life economy, retailers in here are finding their incomes reducing. If this is your sole income you do need to start diversifying now. As for everyone else, I'd suggest it's time to review whether the outcome you get from this constant dancing around trying to work out what LL has done to damage your income this time is worth it. Are you really happy with experiencing the Stockholm Syndrome? The reality is that working a couple hours a month flipping burgers would probably get you more money than you turn over in here and for a lot less effort. That's just me though and if you get your kicks from trying to outwit their latest roadblock to sucess then have fun.
  11. depending on what viewer you are on, you may find that if you add the layers in a V2 viewer and flip to a v1 (like phoenix) the added ones detach. I use v2 occasionally and look lovely with all the added bits then the moment I flip to phoenix I look like plain jane again.. sigh
  12. Ginette, I don't know where you got your information from but it's completely incorrect. People interested in seeking clarification around the March 2009 Adult content changes statement started going to the mainland communities meeting in april/may 2009. We continued to go to it until soon after Zindra was opened up in june 2009 and blondin split the meeting in two and adult content got the monday slot, to leave the wednesday meeting for other mainland issues. There's a rather long thread in the old forum archive where you can see the discussions around this. There's never been two adult content meetings. as far as I remember, the adult content as a specific office hour started with the establishment of Zindra. Prior to that we were attending either Jack's or Blondin's general meetings as necessary. For a while some of us were going to both simply because our questions weren't being answered. Some of the details are a bit hazy after over 2 years but I have most of the transcripts from those meetings since I attended the majority of them. As for the rest, you were well aware of the requirements if you wanted to put in a proposal. The main one being that you need to be responsible for paying the tier. If you did submit a proposal then obviously your proposal did not meet the current LL objectives for the use of that space. There's absolutely nothing to stop you seeking a sponsor for your group's activities who will provide you with the space you need to undertake it. If you think you can deliver good value for the tier spent on your endeavors I'm sure you will find one or more organisations willing to support you.
  13. It's a start but it's not a real release note (even by LL standards) as it fails to identify other items that were deployed. Whether it be direct delivery fixes or even the fact that the relevance calculation was changed in the previous release.
  14. has anyone else noticed that recent sales of things don't actually get reflected on the first page? Usually with stuff I sell it ends up on the first page for a day or so and is then replaced with fresher sales but during the last week I've noticed that the listings on the page seems to be static. I assume they've tweaked something in the last release so recent sales no longer have the weight they did.
  15. Did anyone get this repaid? Or did LL just ignore it and hope no one notices? I noticed I got hit for full liabilities last tuesday and I definately didn't get refunded for the groups I own nor afaik for the SL Birthday group.
  16. Sadly, there are a lot of people in here who aren't very well socialised. This is what LL suggests you do https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers. The thing to remember is that LL doesn't do much with ARs, they usually will tell you to keep ARing though because it builds a case against the avatar/s in question. Sadly if muting doesn't give them the hint and they are continuing to harass you then your choices are to keep ignoring everything and hope they'll get tired of it and move onto another victim or create a new account - with all the aggravation that goes with that. If you find it moves to real life then there are options for you depending on where you live in the world. Usually it just stays as bullying inworld but if it does move, don't be afraid to go to the authorities.
  17. I was just off checking the user groups and saw there's supposedly a commerce oh on wed at 10am pacific https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:User_Groups#Calendar Is this a legacy from the meetings earlier this year or is it new?
  18. Josh Susanto wrote: I think I've already explained it well enough. The people who need to explain it better are the Lindens. But I might ask what happened to your competitors' listings. Was there any pattern there? I don't have competitors. Well, if I do they don't register on the radar and I don't see them as such. I know there's people who appear to have been *ahem* heavily influenced by some of my items but that's just the sl endemic lack of imagination/laziness at work on their behalf, so I ignore them. I know, I'm a failure at this caring about what other people do lark. Unless you're prepared to spend a large proportion of your time to reverse engineer the latest system behaviour and modify everything accordingly, you have to take whatever they dish out and to me, having to do that is not worth the effort. There's only so many hours in my sl day. I've been screwed over by LL so many times down the years that I now work on the theory that if I don't pay attention to them then I won't get upset. I am prepared to help fuel your conspiracy theory where I can though (although not enough to spend time finding out if I have competitors). I know, it is bad of me but a girl's got to get her fun where she can as an aside, an interesting tale about the anim listing inworld. When it first happened last year I lodged lots of tickets and spoke to live help and they couldn't give me a reason why it was failing to show. Earlier this year I spoke to the search person (Sea? I can't remember now) who said it was a bug and gave me a work around. The work around didn't work and despite contacting her/him a few times looking for more fix suggestions I was resoundingly ignored. So perhaps that will help fuel your theory a little more.
  19. Josh Susanto wrote: Naive answer: That might not be all that he sells. OTOH: If the malefactor believes (rightly or wrongly) that he can better compete for animations sales in-world, that could be sufficient incentive to try to disrupt sales on SLM of animations, if not also more generally. There are simple reasons why animations don't sell well on SLM, so one more reason wouldn't be all that noticeable. But preventing anyone else from establishng a solid SLM customer base for animations might be really important in order to keep in-world sales profitable. Maybe it's also just easier for him to mess with SLM sales than with in-world sales, due to which parts of the system he and those he has compromised have access. A more general idea is that he may believe he stands to make more money simply by frustrating SLM customers to the point where they are driven in-world. If that's the case, the possible indication that he was also somehow able to bork in-world search function should provide to LL some pretty good hints as to his possible Linden identity. (Not that I think they care) interesting theory.. so here's some fuel for your fire. My inworld animation shop has rarely appeared in search since they introduced the GSA6 in may last year - even now it rarely seems to appear and my traffic can usually be counted in the double digits... and.. I released an AO on the marketplace a while back and it did remarkably well, rising to page 2 within a few days. Then the sales dried up and it slipped into obscurity. Spooky huh? Do you think it could be related? The first is inexplicable to me (excluding sl parsimony over the GSA6 licence and or general incompetence) and the second I assume is because it dropped down the list for those who sort by age. but I await your explanation.
  20. Lasher Oh wrote: I wish the Labbies and Labbettes would at least tell the general public that they have screwed up I've already had a bunch of irate group members poking my ass with their pitch forks demanding to know why my group is liberating their 1 linden's for group liability ^L^ no chance, they stopped admitting failure years ago. In the past I have put in a ticket and got them to refund me. I even did it once for 1L! At the time I still thought that me complaining might feed back to the developers, most time the 1L issue is because of an error in their rounding calc in the code. These days I know better than to waste my time.
  21. Josh Susanto wrote: Surprise not likely, I'm sure. Malefactor Linden's merchant identity to be narrowed down to merchants selling animations in-world. Easy enough, no? Hmmm I want more information here. Animations don't sell well on the marketplace usually (AOs are a little different) so how does an inworld animator benefit from screwing the marketplace up?
  22. Mac Shoreman wrote: There is no confusion. The Magic Box delivered, the house stands on her parcel. She got it but me or my building partner in this case have not got payment... ... but... As I loged back on here just minutes ago, infront of my eyes, "Delivery Partially Failed" messages start to pop in. The earliest order with same message that I know about is from 7th of september for 800L I never received. These poped up in my order history just minutes ago This makes me worried about how much is REALLY missing? Added: Order sumary tells me that "Delivery Faild" and "Not paid" but customer DID get the item. I'm looking at it now. This has been an issue since SLM went live last year. I seems that the changes that LL have been putting in lately have exacerbated it, on top of merchants becoming more aware of the issue. I suggest you put in a support ticket and get LL to bill the customer for you.
  23. Josh Susanto wrote: I understand. But that's a separate problem that actually could have some value as part of a conspiracy theory, and it sounds like a problem people were reporting yesterday or earlier. I must have missed the memo where you expand your conspiracy theory. It would certainly help me contextualise some of your comments. If the theory is that LL are trying to drive us away because they only want to deal with a few people and their business decisions are based on that then that's not a theory, that's been their policy for years and they've been pretty open about it. If it is something else then feel free to start a new thread so we can have a look. edit. to be fair, they don't really care so much about the driving us away as long as they don't have to deal with us. i.e. we accept what they provide and shut up.
  24. Josh Susanto wrote: Unfortunately, I have a HUGE amount of experience with this, mostly in August. My bet will be on the combined use of the shopping cart with a box on a borked sim. do you have data on what days of the week they failed? could it be the rolling restarts affecting them?
  25. There isn't as LL doesn't provide those kinds of statistics. You'll also find here that a lot of people exaggerate their sales one way or another, depending on the type of response they're looking for from their audience. I don't think that posting your data will help you much as it's unlikely anyone will respond but will give lots of people here an opportunity to be nosey. Like the rest of us you need to use a more heuristic approach and accept that you'll never know for sure.
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